Aggressive coverage of the Economist 2022 Original by Dominique Guillet - translation from french
This year's issue of 'The Economist' [233 ] has the headline: 'The World Ahead 2022', and so I'm going to pick up on the recent, and highly interesting, analysis of the cover of this magazine by David Tellier of Editions Fractales. [ 232] Ricocher and correct the very target... in all memes.
At first glance, the impression conveyed by this cover is one of aggression - a lot of aggression. It's a target with two clearly configured axes, in which sword-shaped syringes fitted with needles are mixed together; a vial of vaccine; an alleged coronavirus with its 'spikes' encircled by a polyhedral network; satellites for spying; microscopes for monitoring; processors for subcutaneous administration; an arrow in the shape of lightning or a zig-zag, etc.... without evoking the faces of two great state torturers.
It's clear that, for the year 2022, the orchestrators of the lobotomisation and neuro-linguistic programming of the Peoples - in other words, the orchestrators of the false pandemic and the vaccine holocaust - have overloaded the cover of the Economist with symbols pointing towards health and trans-human dictatorship: virtual illustrations of coronavirus, microscopes, syringes (white and red), a vial of vaccine (in three doses), telecommunication satellites, processors, chemical formulae - including the formula for bicarbonate.
The formula for bicarbonate (HCO3) is illustrated by 3 red dots, 1 black dot and 1 white dot. So why bicarbonate? No doubt because it is correlated with the pH balance in the human body, and because the pathologies generated by graphene are pathologies of irradiation and oxidation.
What's more, it appears 666 at the heart of the target. Indeed, David, the author of this analysis, rightly points out that:
The presentation of the 3 years, at the heart of the circle, is such that: 2021 + 2022 + 2023 = 6066, i.e. 666 if we remove the zero as a zero value... because the addition of 2021 (5) + 2022 (6) + 2023 (7) gives 18 - i.e. three times 6.
While David evokes 'the Beast' at the heart of the target on the cover of the Economist, I'm going to explain my preferred interpretation of this 666 - my vision as a Gaian Pagan, if I can put it that way - at the end of this essay.
The number 666 symbolises Graphene as the most adulated allotropic form of Carbon today. Graphene is present, but invisible, throughout this cover. It is correlated with virtually all the elements presented.
Graphene is hidden in vaccine vials, and therefore in syringes; Graphene is at the heart of all communication technologies - including satellites and micro-processors; Graphene is present in the new generation of lithium batteries for wind turbines; Graphene is present in the new technologies underpinning crypto-currencies; Graphene is revolutionising optics - including electron microscopes.
And, finally, Graphene is the real CoqueVide/19.
See my essay "The Name of Graphene All Irradiating!" [268]
666, the Empty Hull and the Beast of the Apocalypse
It's well known that, since the start of the CoqueVide/19 collective hysteria, this number 666 has already appeared a number of times, in direct correlation with the CoqueVide special psychological operation - on the pretext of a non-existent... but nonetheless pandemic Sars-CoV-2.
The term "Pandemic" means, quite simply, "the whole people", "all the people", "the entire people". From Greek terms: "πᾶν, pân" and "δῆμος, dễmos" meaning "all" and "people".
For example. Some fundamentalist Christians and observers have pointed out that CORONA = = 66 and when these numbers are put in a column with the 6, of the six letters of this term, we have, effectively, 666, again.
In 2006, the CIA published a report entitled "What will the world be like in 2020", according to which a "respiratory pandemic" (of the H5N1 type) starting in China and spreading across the planet would make it legally impossible for all peoples to travel. This report was prefaced by Alexandre Adler , published by Editions Laffont [134], who declared on the Public Sénat website in March 2020 that: "the term 'CORONA' appears in this text, written as early as 2005. "CORONA is a coded term that was used by epidemiologists in America to name what they considered to be the ultimate pandemic. From pandemic to pandemic, we were going to have a pandemic that was really going to spread over the whole Earth".
Speaking of coded terms, "CORONA" also refers to the first US planetary espionage programme and its "CORONA" photographic satellites - between 1960 and 1972 [178]. [179]
For example. Some fundamentalist Christians and observers have pointed out that exactly 666 days elapsed between the Clade X pandemic simulation on 15 May 2018 - which was organised by Bill Gates' ally, the John Hopkins Center for Health Security [162] - and the WHO's official announcement that humanity was entering a new pandemic called "Covid/19" on 11 March 2020. [ 142]
Incidentally, 11 March 2020 is the ninth anniversary of the pandemic of radioactive contamination generated by the explosion of the Fukushima nuclear reactors - and the subsequent disappearance of their burning uranium cores into the bowels of the Earth.
For example. A correspondent has just alerted me to the fact that the PharMacronie fines - for crimes of disrespecting masks or other masquerades - have as their starting point, before potentials, the fateful figure of 135 euros. In fact, 135 euros plus its inverse gives 135 + 531 = 666.
The same applies to 234 because 234 + 432 = 666. A new way of factoring 666 into 4320 - because 216 is 6X6X6.
Well done. You should have thought of that.... And then decipher it. Psychopaths generally take a vicious pleasure in claiming magical powers just by orchestrating events, decrees, patents, acronyms, etc. surfing on the 666 meme.
For example, Bill Gates, and Microsoft, filed an application for a patent [730], whose No. is US20200097951A1, with the title "Cryptocurrency system using body activity data", on 21 September 2018, and for a second patent [731], whose No. is WO 2020/060606, with the title "Cryptocurrency system using body activity data", on 20 June 2019. The application for the first patent was abandoned. As the title suggests, these are "cyborg" patents relating to a cryptocurrency system connected to data emanating from the physical body of the user - which I assume to be a human being.
With a title like this, WO 2020/060606, that was all it took for Christian Integrists and Traditionalists to jump into the umpteenth '666' trap set for them by the Xenosh.
The "666" trap sometimes emerges when certain psychopaths feel like creating a distraction - in other words, when they distract themselves by sowing feuds and distractions... in order to prevent anyone from investigating their own traces and origins.
The 'cyborg' patents, under the leadership of Bill Gates the eugenicist, are bound to set off alarm bells ringing among the resistance fighters... all the more so as some are pointing to the underlying declarations and intentions that the 'COVID/19' meme in English - the language most obviously used by the orchestrators of the false pandemic - could be intended to convey.
Indeed, "COVID/19" could, very symbolically, stand for "Certificate Of Vaccinal IDentity/AI". Why AI? Because "AI" stands for "Artificial Intelligence" .... and because of 19, as A is the first letter of the alphabet and I the ninth.
In truth, why else would there be a '19' in Cov? When the fake pandemic is, resolutely, an orchestration in the course of 2020... the first phase of which, in China, in December 2019, went unnoticed. Do you have a logical, common-sense answer?
To continue surfing the 666 meme, in correlation with the false 'pandemic', the term 'Pandemic' first appeared in 1666 in the work by the English physician Gideon Harvey (the father), entitled 'Morbus Anglicus, or the Anatomy of Consumptions'.
Is it not surprising, in terms of pandemic synchronicities, that it was also in this year 1666 that Sabbatai Zevi appeared, ex Judaismo, a new Messiah who took his Turk's head for a divine incarnation... and who triggered a new messianic pandemic.
It should also be noted that the term 'Pandemic' emerged at the heart of Maunder's Great Solar Minimum - which lasted from 1618 to 1715 - especially as the decade from 1660 saw the most extreme cold. As a reminder, during this period of the last very long Great Solar Minimum, Europe lost 60% of its population. I refer readers to my essay "2020-2055: A New Cycle of Planetary Pandemics? [244]
Consequently, the highlighting of these numbers - at the heart of the target of the Economist's cover - is bound to strike a chord with certain segments of the population because, at least according to the Christian mythos, 666 is the number attributed to the Beast in the Apocalypse of the psychotic John of Patmos, which was written around the year 95.
All the more so since, according to certain researchers with a more developed imagination, the letters "c, o, v, i and d" placed upside down in Hebrew script correspond to the term "Dybbuk" which evokes possession and vampirisation.[ 889] This is an interesting hypothesis because as CoqueVide/19 is, in fact, Graphene (in all its forms), the etymology of the term Graphene that I mention below is all the more enlightening - in terms of a Trademark... not to say a "TradeMark", i.e. in terms of a "Trademark of possession".
666, Carbon and Graphene
There is another, much more sensible interpretation of the number 666. 666 is, in fact, the number of Carbon: 6 electrons, 6 protons and 6 neutrons - in the periodic table of elements.
Carbon is, fundamentally, the structuring basis of Life and carbon dioxide would be the ancient 'Prana' of the ancients at the heart of the living Atmosphere - in other words, at the heart of the sphere of the Atmos.
So what do EmptyHull, Carbon - in the form of 666 - and vaccines have to do with each other... at the heart of the Economist's 2022 coverage target?
It's very simple. Firstly, Graphene is the allotrope, par excellence, of Carbon for all current technologies... and especially those to come. Graphene is considered to be THE miracle substance.
Breaking News. Graphene appears to be the saviour/precursor of robotic or robotisable humanity, because researchers have just discovered that it has the ability to generate energy - in and of itself. According to them, free graphene exists in a state of constant movement. This movement could form a variable capacitor in an electrical circuit, converting kinetic energy into electrical potential energy that can be extracted by the circuit.
A century after all Nikola Tesla's brilliant - and Mafia-dangerous - work was stolen and covered up, the free energy wolf is coming out of the woodwork... or rather, graphene made from any carbon-based bio-mass.
See my dossier entitled "Is Graphene really an unlimited source of free energy? [289]
Secondly, graphene is most often represented symbolically by three hexagons, i.e. by 3 times 6, by 666.
Why three hexagons for graphene, and not five? Is this a declaration of war on the Peoples of the Earth? And to Mother Earth?
However, this meme of 666 is only partially adapted to graphene from the point of view of form, because three fused hexagons have only 13 faces... and not 18. In terms of substance, however, graphene is undoubtedly a representative of 666 in the periodic table of elements - because it is a form of carbon.
Why three hexagons? Wasn't the invention of this synthetic, carbon-based material in 2004 a direct, simulated attack on Mother - and her creation? After all, graphene is now used in injections, serums, face masks, PCR tests, nasal vaccines, foodstuffs, medication vectors, cosmetics, water purification, and so on and so forth.
Graphene is a two-dimensional material made up of carbon atoms arranged in hexagons - on a single plane, i.e. with a thickness of a tenth of a nanometre - which was isolated and produced synthetically in 2004 from three-dimensional graphite.
Its thickness is one tenth of a nanometre - in other words, one tenth of a millionth of a millimetre .
This cannot be invented. The term "graphene" is derived from the term "graphite" and from the ancient Greek "γράφω/graphô" - which is said to be derived from the PIE "gerbʰ" meaning "to scratch". As for the Greek "graphô", it means to scratch but, also, to draw signs or lines to write, paint, engrave, inscribe or, again, to attack or sue. Graphene oxide is the synthetic mark of the Brand - the magnetising antenna.
It is not the Beast, the Planetary Animal Mother, who is 'branding' human animals - for all are connected to her by the Spark of Life... whether they are aware of it or not. It is the Xenosh who want to 'brand' human animals, the Peoples of the Earth, with a graphene antenna that will turn them into cyborgs connected to the computer network. Isn't this what the demented bio-terrorist, and Transhumanist, Klaus Schwab has announced?... who takes his dreams, and our nightmares, for realities: "What the fourth industrial revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identities."[224]
En Marque, En Marque... towards the Great Final Manlette! [266]
666 and the Planetary Animal Mother
"Apocalypse" means "Revelation" and, in the ancient Greek sense, it means "Unmasking", or "Unveiling" - "ἀποκάλυψις"/"apokálupsis". The term "kalúptō" comes from the Proto Indo European "kel", meaning "to cover"... and which also gave the occult terms, kleptomania, hell, etc.
If 666, in the Apocalypse, represents Carbon, what then do the other numbers cited in the ramblings of John of Patmos represent? In the table of periodic elements, 7 is nitrogen; 12 is magnesium and we can only imagine that 18 (1+8) represents hydrogen and oxygen.
Namely, C+H+O+N+Mg. This takes us to the permanent orgies, at the heart of the Biosphere, of photosynthesis and the chlorophyll production process - C55H72O5N4Mg.
From a magical point of view, and from the point of view of revelation as the lifting of the veil, the number of the Beast is indeed 666 - but in the sense of 3 times 6, in the sense of 18. This is, however, another subject altogether, one that goes beyond the very limited scope of this essay, and those who are very passionate about it are invited to go on a quest into the heart of the adventure of Planetary Tantra - and of the Nexus of Shaktis. [267]
Fundamentalist Christians have not yet understood that "666" (in the sense of 3 times 6) is not the number of Satan, one of their phantasmagorical inventions, but that of the Beast - that is, of the Planetary Animal Mother. Moreover, the globalists who juggle with this number 666, to excite/scare Christian bigots, don't know that they are playing a dangerous game with Planetary Fire.
So when the Banksters announce, through the mouth of one of their lackeys, little PharMacron, that "the Beast of the Event is here, it's coming"... [ 739], perhaps they don't think they've said it so well?
Couldn't the 'Beast' of the Apocalypse be Gaia in all her splendour as the Planetary Animal Mother? Wouldn't the Apocalypse be the Correction of Gaia-Sophia in the process of orgasmic emergence? And who, then, is riding the 'Beast'?
Could it be that the Beast, the Planetary Animal Mother, is in the process of corrective unmasking of all the Zionist, and Neo-Sionist, mortifying deviations from Life - under all guises of Masks and Masquerades?
Moreover, isn't this a form of Apocalypse that can be seen in the final scenes of Cameron's film Avatar - namely a manifestation, a Revelation of the Mother, Eywa, through her power animals... in order to annihilate the psychopaths? [740]
Although I have translated the equivalent of a good fifteen large works by the scholar (and Nagual) John Lash, I have not had time to translate his two audio cycles on the co-opting/pirating of the Divagations of the demented John of Patmos. I have, however, translated one of his essays on the subject, entitled "Gnostic Sabotage in Progress: The Return of Innocence" [666].
John Lash, in fact, has put forward the hypothesis that ancient Initiates - highly expert in human psychology - passing through Patmos, would have completely guided the interpretations, by John of Patmos himself, of the hallucinations from which he constantly suffered. Was this due to the abuse of entheogenic substances that his already fragile psyche could not tolerate?
It is interesting to note that 666 is factored into 4320 because of the cube of 6 - i.e. 6X6X6 = 216, half of 432. 4320 million years, in Hindu cosmogony, represents one day of Brahma - and we are not far from the official number of millions of years attributed to the age of the Earth. If we reason in miles, not kilometres, the diameter of the Moon is 2160 miles - half of 4320. If we reason in miles, again, the velocity of the Earth around the Sun is 66,600 miles per hour.
What's more, 66,600 miles = 108,000 km, 108 being a quarter of 432 - and a number said to be "sacred" in Asian myths and traditions.
At the heart of the cover of L'Economiste, the number 666 symbolises Graphene as the most adulated allotropic form of Carbon today.
The number 666 symbolises Graphene as the most adulated allotropic form of Carbon today. Indeed, graphene is omnipresent in this cover. It's hidden at the heart of the vials, and therefore the syringes, of CoqueVide vaccines - in the form of graphene oxide, carbon nano-tubes, graphene quantum dots, graphene nano-spheres, and so on.
It is clear that the Pandemic Vaccinationists, and other Covidists of all ideological purulences, have placed the false coronaviral pandemic under the high patronage of graphene. Graphene, in its many forms - but above all graphene oxide - is in fact present as a contaminant, and a toxic one, in CoqueVide injections, in anti-flu injections, in face masks, in PCR tests... and, of course, in all transistors and other bio-sensors... under medical pretences.
Graphene is also the material that will revolutionise wind energy. For example, on 10 January 2022, an article was published by the University of Wollongong, Australia, entitled "UOW graphene discovery to fast-track the new energy revolution". The paper describes the discovery of a new form of graphene [260] [261 ] called "Edge Functionalised Graphene". This form of graphene will revolutionise lithium batteries because it is extremely conductive - and easy to process.
Graphene is also the material that will revolutionise crypto-currencies - thanks to graphene blockchains.
"The Graphene blockchain is a revolutionary blockchain architecture that uses sharding technology and the CASPER consensus protocol to process more than 10,000 transactions per second. The architecture has been built using 'Go', a recent computer language. With its ability to support the high-performance execution of full Turing smart contracts, Graphene can enable a greater number of decentralised applications (dApps), business strategies and the creation of customisable shards that are optimised for different use cases while allowing full connectivity between shards. Graphene's application possibilities are endless... No other blockchain is able to compete with Graphene in terms of transaction processing capacity." [263]
Graphene is currently capable of carrying out more than 3,000 transactions per second, compared with around 25 for Ethereum. That's around 190,000 transactions per minute. And it's not in the future, it's now! [264]
Graphene will revolutionise telecommunications - including satellites and micro-processors - because it is the ideal material in terms of heat, conductivity and electricity... as well as hardness.
I refer readers to all the articles translated into French by Mik Andersen, presented in three files on Xochipelli. fr, entitled Traductions Françaises du "Blog C0r0n@ 2 Inspect".
I would also like to point out that graphene is going to be incorporated into construction concrete, ostensibly to strengthen it, but in fact to impregnate all the components of future cities with graphene in order to turn them into "smart cities" - which is an absurd expression. The universal incorporation of graphene into concrete would undoubtedly also make it easier for the waves associated with 5G frequency bands to penetrate any volume of human habitat.
In the same way, graphene is going to revolutionise the world of optics, microscopes, etc.[262] I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that microscope means surveillance, blood analysis, and so on. And on this cover, microscopes are very important. These microscopes could imply that Science (take cover!) - namely the false science of the Pasteurians, virologists and other neo-Darwinists - is there, omnipresent and omnipresent to protect the Peoples... when in fact it is, more often than not, very malevolent.
However, with a little imagination, the microscope (or any other similar technique) also symbolises the universal surveillance system that the World Economic Forum - the little Transhumanist gang led by the demented Klaus Schwab - has just presented, in October 2021, in a video about what they have called a "Covid Passport" [136 ].
The World Economic Forum, which has proclaimed itself to be in control of the world's Tikun Olam - in transhumanist/cyborg graphene-scented fashion - is clearly mistaking its dreams for reality. The acronym of the World Economic Forum is WEF, which spells FEW backwards. And that's their agenda: unbridled depopulation.
According to the Transhumanist Santa Klaus video: "Users will have their blood analysed, by an approved CovidPass laboratory, before receiving a secure health visa QR code via their phone that they can present at airports, borders or public events."The video continues its blah blah by claiming that there is no traceability technology in this passport, and that its use only serves to exclude any infectious people from certain types of activities... which will have been determined by the psychopaths in power.
This is a clear admission on the part of these demented criminals that they have a means of checking the vaccination status of any person by means of a simple blood test.
Since they know that the coronavirus does not exist, all they have to do is check for the presence of graphene in the blood of the person being analysed. No graphene, no QR code and, therefore, no social life.
As a miraculous substance, graphene is considered to be a hundred times faster than silicon: it will therefore replace silicon as the basic material for virtual reality, information technology (which is usually censorious) and so-called 'artificial' intelligence - because there is no genuine intelligence in artificial intelligence, just a pretence.
In fact, and in truth, Artificial Intelligence - abbreviated to AI - should properly be called "Archontic Intelligence". [1055] Graphene will thus become the vector of the Great Archontic Game - whose fundamental objective is to empty the planet of its human presence through the intermediary of its proxies, the Xenosh and their accomplices.
To conclude on the elements making up this Economist cover, the coronavirus spikes are just a virtual invention... because Sars-CoV-2 does not exist. The real Spike is the Graphene Spike, the necro-molecular crown of Graphene resulting from the cyborg-like fusion between the biological and the nano-metallic - and the source of multiple deaths and pathologies.
I refer readers to my essay entitled "The Necro-Molecular Crown of Graphene". [265]

Instead of evoking a Necro-Molecular Crown of Graphene Oxide, I could just as easily have diverged the meme of the Bio-Molecular Crown of Graphene Oxide - extremely well described in numerous scientific publications over the last dozen years - into a Molecular Spike of GrapheneOxide... in other words, into SMOG.
Whether we're talking about nanoparticles of graphene, silver, cobalt, titanium, boron, etc., the necro-molecular crown is, resolutely, a crown of spikes, spicules, points, razor blades that shred blood cells, neuronal cells... and that graft onto them - if they survive...
The MolecularSpike ofGraphene Oxidegenerates a SMOG in the human brain. It scrambles what has been given to every human animal since the dawn of time; it scrambles the fundamental data - both in terms of information and genetics. The MolecularSpike ofGraphene Oxideis a vector of contamination, of parasitation, of vampirisation, towards the metamorphosis - the Great Reinitialisation - of the organic body into an organometallic body... bearing in mind that graphene is a compound that is half-metallic and half-mineral. In many ways, graphene is a chimera.
And lest we forget the portraits of two proven psychopaths, the Bolshevik presidents of the USA and China, it is extremely clear that graphene is also going to be at the heart of a commercial and monopolistic battle. As things stand today, it is China that almost exclusively controls the graphene market - and has done so for a good ten years.
Indeed, it was only recently that James Tour - one of the 5 most renowned chemists and nanotechnologists on the planet, who holds more than 600 patents and who, moreover, is Yahwehist and totally anti-neo-darwinist - developed, at Rice University in Texas, a revolutionary and inexpensive method for instantly metamorphosing any carbon-based bio-mass into graphene [271].
In short, the aim of the demented, eugenicist Globalists, in placing 666 at the heart of their Economist 2022 cover story, is above all to place graphene at the heart of a technological revolution - and, of course, at the heart of the vaccinal genocide that smacks of Empty Hull.
If these Globalists have factored the Beast of the Apocalypse meme into this 666, it's just in passing, to have a bit of fun making fun of fundamentalist Christians.
It is, resolutely, the Graphene that sits, hidden, in the ideological fibres of the Economist's 2022 cover.
But, in truth, these are just threats from the same people - namely Klaus Schwab's criminal gang and the World Economic Forum. What threats? Compulsory state-issued crypto-currencies; toxic vaccinations that alter the DNA of the human organism; widespread macro-surveillance through satellites; widespread micro-surveillance through microscopes; slavery through the integration of micro-processors; pseudo-renewable energies that are energy pits and don't work in extreme weather conditions - which are becoming increasingly common... due to the emergence of a Great Solar Minimum.
Did you see one of the last magnificent eruptions of the Geldingadalur volcano on 15 May 2021? [108] Are the great quantities of sulphur expelled into the Atmosphere by the very intense volcanic activity of recent times being used to epigenetically modify the psyche of the Peoples in order to face up to the ultimate threat of the highly visible Virus?
Which virus? The only pathogenic virus active on planet Earth: the Archontic Virus. And it's quite possible that the Xenosh, and their accomplices, have got their hands on a nano-material, half-metallic, half-mineral, Graphene, all the attributes of which make it the perfect, and optimal, vehicle for Archontic dementia - terminal and lethal dementia.
courtesy of Dominique Guillet, translated from French
Thank You
Outstanding research.
Sophia and Thelion always at work.
would love to hear your take on the mystery drones:) First thing I thought of was the roll out of nanobot control in people to see their emotional response - + fear tactics