Caveat. The hateful, genocidal ideology of the Zaddikim, at the root of Christianity
Dominique Guillet: Zaddikim, a Hebrew term, means "the Best, the Virtuous, the most Perfect, the Supreme".
Translated from French, written by Dominique Guillet - //
Zaddikim, a Hebrew term, means "the Best, the Virtuous, the Most Perfect, the Supreme". This is the name given to a sect of ultra-radical Jews whose beliefs and practices are described in the Dead Sea Scrolls. The term Zaddikim takes its origin from the Hebrew word "Tzaddik".
The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in caves south of Jerusalem in 1947, but the nature and significance of these documents - many of which date from the first century of the Common Era - were obscured from the eyes of the world for almost half a century. In 1991, Herschel Shanks, editor of the Revue Archéologique Biblique, working in close partnership with biblical scholars, broke Vatican control over translations and research of all these Dead Sea Scrolls. This story is told in the book "The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception".Robert Eisenman was the leading scholar whose research into these Scrolls spearheaded this academic breakthrough. In addition, Robert Eisenman redefined the foundations of Biblical studies, in their entirety.
His interpretation of the contents of the Scrolls - and, more importantly, of their authors - totally invalidated all previous theories as to the origins of Christianity.
One of the most widely held beliefs about the religion based on the person of Jesus Christ is that it has somehow descended from ancient Judaism, the tribal religion of the Hebrews dating back to the time of the patriarch Abraham (around 1800 BC). According to the story, Jesus was a reform rabbi teaching, beyond doctrinal Judaism, a morality universally applicable to mankind - rather than to Jews alone as a separate race or as the "Chosen People" - but he wasn't just that. Jesus was also (or so he came to be seen - through Paul's influence) a superhuman or supernatural agent of God's will. Through an unknown metamorphosis - which is made explicit, ad nauseam, by apologists - the avenging Paternal God of the Old Testament was identified with the loving Father in Heaven who sent a supernatural intercessor, his only begotten son, Jesus, to redeem the sins of the world.
This schizophrenic gibberish is the foundation of the redemptive belief of all three Abrahamic religions.
Although orthodox Jews refuse to recognize Jesus as the long-awaited "Messiah" of their pre-Christian faith, and deny the superhuman status attributed to "Jesus Christ", most Christians assume, notwithstanding, that Jesus really is the messianic figure the ancient Jews expected - and they emphasize, therefore, his exceptional status as a deity.
Typical illustration, opposite, of the "bloody heart of Jesus". The message, encoded therein, asserts that a divine being, the Creator's son - due to human sin - passed through the suffering of a redemptive act in order to restore humanity's connection with the paternal god. This powerful religious icon illustrates, and imprints, the ideology of victim-perpetrator collusion on which Abrahamic religions are founded. It transforms suffering into a divine vocation. Sadly, the ancient Hebrews constituted the culture through which this pernicious ideology, not unique to them, was introduced into world history.
Zero Tolerance
Eisenman's written work, complemented by the investigations of other scholars, such as Hugh Schonfield and John Allegro, demonstrates that the rituals, morals and ideology of Christianity emerged not from the main branch of Judaism, but from the beliefs upheld by a sect of ultra-radical Jews, who were violently at odds with their own tradition. Christianity was strictly not a mere outgrowth of the common Judaism that flourished in ancient Palestine - maintaining a peaceful coexistence with the Pagan religion as expressed in a rainbow of local cults and groups. Devout Jews of the pre-Christian era certainly followed rules of ritual and hygiene, but they didn't impose their way of life on non-Jews. And they didn't evangelise. Like Paganism, Palestinian Judaism was intrinsically tolerant, adopting a social philosophy of "live and let live". Scholars such as Martin Hengel in his 1974 work, "Judaism and Hellenism", have demonstrated that Judaism, even in its strictest orthodoxy, coexisted peacefully with the Greco-Oriental Mysteries in ancient Palestine - including the cult centers, where the Gnostics taught and initiated.
As for the Zaddikim, they were anything but tolerant. Their intention was to impose their views on the whole world - or the world be damned then. In fact, this little-known sect introduced into the religious life of mankind the notion of a superhuman standard for human behavior, a standard impossible to achieve in bodily, human terms. Tzaddik, "supreme righteousness", is not just an ideal of virtuous behavior: it is an ignoble demand for conformity to an impossible standard of purity and self-control, an inhuman ideal. The groupuscular sect, living in self-imposed exile in the Dead Sea caves, was infected by the belief that - if they were no better than the rest of mankind - they were, at least, in full knowledge of what was required to be the best, to overcome and surpass the human race, to become tzaddik, pure and virtuous. This ideal was incorporated by Christianity into the character of the human/divine hybrid, Jesus Christ.
Transhumanist ideal
Of course, the entire Jewish world had been awaiting the coming of the Messiah, their racial and religious liberator, since the time of the Babylonian Exile (around 600 BC). The Zaddikim sect, on the other hand, held special concepts regarding the identity of the long-awaited King. According to the secret teachings of the Zaddikite elite, even the Messiah (who was, in fact, two messiahs in one - but that's another story) was not the ultimate model, for there was a power behind the Messiah, and it was this power alone that was the ultimate source of spiritual authority for the Zaddikite elite. The name of this entity was rarely uttered and its operations had been jealously guarded since the time of the first Jewish king, Saul.
However, Saul of Tarsus, who became known as the Apostle Paul, arrogantly revealed the secret teaching he had received in Damascus when he was abducted, brainwashed and converted to the Zaddikite cause, as Robert Eisenman explains - or, at least, as can be deduced from his explanations of the political features of the Dead Sea Scrolls. It is extremely strange that theologians and devotees of the Christian faith should ignore, very studiously, the bizarre revelation of their most esteemed ideologue. The passage is found in Hebrews, chapter 5, when Paul discusses the priesthood authority he hopes to establish through the divine/human hybrid, Christ Jesus.
"Every high priest is taken from among men and is established in favor of men for their dealings with God... Moreover, one does not, on one's own initiative, ascribe to oneself the honor of being high priest: one receives it by being called to it by God, as was the case with Aaron. The same is true of Christ. It was not he who awarded himself, of his own accord, the honor of becoming high priest, but it was God who declared to him:You are my Son; today I make you my child And, in another passage: You shall be a priest forever after the line of Melchizedek". (Hebrews 5: 1-10).
Paul explains that to have a messiah, literally "the anointed one", you must have an anointer. The Hebrew term "messiah" was applied to a Jewish king anointed with consecrated oil, similar to the enthronement of sacred kings throughout the Middle East.
The adoption of sacred kingship rites, by the ancient Hebrews, was an anomaly, an aberration in their religious life - but again, that's another story and I invite you to consult my book The Passion of the Earth.
Christ - coming from the Greek verb "khrio" for "to coat with an anointing, an ointment, an ointment" - is the substitution for "messiah" that was made by Paul. Christ and messiah both mean "the anointed one". But with the passage from Hebrew to Greek, the term acquires a supernatural allure. To put it another way, it is in Paul's Christ that the secret superhuman identity of the Zaddikite messiah is revealed.
Christ is the anointed one, as all Christians know. But who was the consecrator? For someone to be consecrated, there must be another person of a higher spiritual standard - a higher authority who confers the anointing. Consecration is a rite of empowerment, but the transfer of power must emanate from the consecrator, the anointer. The consecrator is the one who confers power on the anointed one, and who thereby receives that power. In a strange revelation, Paul states the obvious: Christ, the Messiah, must receive his power and authority from another: "So it is with Christ. It was not he who attributed to himself, of his own accord, the honor of becoming high priest". Most theologians would argue that it is from the Paternal God, Jehovah, that the power of anointing derives and was symbolically fulfilled through baptism in the Jordan.
But Paul tells a different story. He attributes the power to consecrate (the power to ordain the priesthood) Christ specifically to a secret agent, Melchizedek. This name means the "prince" or "regent" (melchi) of the "Righteous", the Virtuous, the Supreme (tzaddik).
Paul continues his revelation of the secret Zaddikite doctrine by describing, in a specific way, the nature of the anointer, the consecrator, Melchisedech:
"For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham when he returned from the defeat of kings, who blessed him, and to whom Abraham gave the tithe of all, who is first king of righteousness, according to the meaning of his name, then king of Salem, that is, king of peace, who is without father, without mother, without genealogy, who has neither beginning of days nor end of life, but is made like the Son of God, this Melchizedek remains priest forever". (Hebrews 7: 2- 3).
Search where you will, but you'll rarely find a reference to Melchizedek as the spiritual authority behind Christ. Apart from Paul's astonishing revelations, this character is mentioned only a few times in the Bible. In the Old Testament, Melchizedek, accompanied by two other angelic figures, appears to Abraham under the Oaks of Mambre (Genesis 14). This face-to-face encounter has been widely interpreted as a "fourth-dimensional" ET encounter - in Biblical ufology and extraterrestrial-related research. Anyone reading Paul's description of Melchisedech can really wonder about the nature of this identity. A human, or humanoid, entity that is neither born nor dies, has no parents or genetics in human terms, and lives perpetually - that is, enjoying a form of virtual eternity - what on earth is it? Today, we have a term for it, one that begins with a c, as in Christ.
Melchisedech is the secret agent behind the Zaddikite ideology of impossible perfection, which also implies punishment for all those who fall short of the transhumanist ideal or who harm or oppose those who revere this ideal, the faithful who adhere to it for their redemption or liberation from the human condition.
The Transhumanist ideal, the source of what George Steiner called "the blackmail of transcendence", was the inhuman belief system that emerged, not from mainstream Judaism but from the ultra-conservative Zaddikim. (Bluebeard's Castle, quoted in Paul Shepard's "Nature and Madness" on page 58).
Steiner wrote that "the Sinai belief tore the human psyche to its deepest roots" (page 38) but that the Zaddikite ideology of perfection was even far more devastating than the guilt complex induced by the divinely ordained rules of the Code of Moses. "The Zaddikim's (Shepard's) "assignment to perfection" projected a curse over the entire world.
The Transhumanist ideal is the major psychological tool of the dominator mentality (Cf. Terence McKenna and Riane Eisler) operating in the politico-religious alliance of the global power game. It's the complex driving force behind the New World Order's (or so it's called) program of pyramidal domination of human society on a planetary scale.
Melchisedech lurks in the thick shadow of patriarchy and the theocratic scam of the New World Order.

But the Gnostics, who could stand in the darkness while welcoming the Organic Light, were aware of what lurks in the shadows of the human psyche. Among the Mystery Centers of Palestine was the Archontic encampment just below Qumran Khirbet, on the western shore of the Dead Sea (see map in Bentley Layton's "The Gnostic Scriptures"). Gnostic visionaries detected Archons thanks to the paranormal faculties they acquired through their education in the Mysteries. Such was their expertise as parapsychologists.
But as, too, social psychologists, they perceived the infection of extraterrestrial mentality in the doctrines of the Zealots and Zaddikim. They recognized a supernatural, or extra-human, element in the socio-religious paradigm of the Zaddikim - which could be compared to a cult of redemption by ETs and UFOs. Like Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles' Heaven's Gate UFO cult, whose members (including a close friend of the author's) committed group suicide in March 1997, the Dead Sea Zaddikim were also suicidal. Their last entrenchment was eliminated at Masada in the year 73. But the Zaddikite impulse has survived and is currently infecting the whole of humanity with a suicidal mania disguised as religious beliefs - and perverted into a war on terror.
In violation of their sacred vow of anonymity, certain Gnostics publicly revealed themselves and opposed the Judeo-Christian ideology of the Divine Redeemer anointed by Melchisedech. They warned against the "counterfeit spirit" (antimimon) of the Archons "who led Adam astray so that he lost his connection with the Pleroma"(The Apocrypha of John, II, 21). For the Gnostics, "Adam" was the code name for authentic humanitas as much as for our ability to recognize it: to recognize ourselves in terms of human perspective as much as divine. They attributed the virulent, hateful emotions of the Zaddikite fanatics - whose horror is evident from reading the language of the Dead Sea Scrolls - to an insanity generated by Archontic deviance:
"From grief [and the despair that drives human beings to submit to the Archons] came envy, jealousy, distress, trouble and pain, insensitivity, anxiety, weeping and more. [Through the pleasure of the Archons] such wickedness emerges with empty pride and all that it implies. And from the desire [to be something other than human] emanates anger, wrath, bitterness and bitter passions. And from fear [of failing as a human] comes terror, flattery, agony and shame. And these are beneficial things as well as horrible" (The Apocrypha of John, II, 18).
This passage reads like a catalog of the violent, genophobic emotions expressed, page after page, in the Qumranic writings. And it ends with the astute observation that however horrible these feelings may be, they are beneficial to some people. One wonders who?
The beliefs of the Zaddikim present the most intolerant and hateful concepts ever generated by a human mind. Both in language and content, the Dead Sea Scrolls literally seethe with hatred. Passage after passage, these sectarian writings incite religious and racial violence. They are blatant evidence of virulent, genocidal rage. Alternatively, they howl damnation and invoke retribution. They call for the destruction of the world by supernatural powers so that those faithful to the Tzaddik ideal can be "selected" from the masses and saved from the well-deserved damnation of the human race. The Zaddikim can be seen as a cross between the Branch Davidians of Waco and the suicidal cult of Heaven's Gate - accompanied by the worst characteristics of these cults magnified to the power of 10.
And it was this insanity that was the ideological seed of the Christian religion.
The Gnostic spies on the Dead Sea who tried to alert the general population to the dangers of Zaddikite redemptive ideology were silenced. At the same time, the Mystery Schools were targeted for eradication, for "spiritual purification". But in the surviving fragments of Gnostic teachings, the warning couldn't be clearer:
"Others [who claim to know the Mysteries] will change their meanings by perverse means and deceitful words, and they will impose deceitful mysteries. Those who do not know the authentic experience of the Mysteries will speak as if they do, and they will boast that they alone possess the truth... Imbued with arrogance and pedantic pride, they will envy the immortal soul... for the Archons' wish is to appropriate that which they have lacked since the origin of this world [noos, the endowment of divine intelligence], the intellectual mind. And so they join forces with those who are misguided.
Many others, too, who oppose truth and are messengers of error, will impose their wanderings into a system of laws working against the pure knowledge of the heart and, analyzing from their rogue perspective, will believe that good and evil originate in the same source [the Paternal God]. And they will sow a horrible destiny over the whole world." Apocalypse of Peter . 77/79
translated from french, courtesy of Dominique Guillet