Translated from French, written by Dominique Guillet -
Today I am going to talk about the concept of the Tzaddik. This short talk will correlate with another talk I will give today about the transhumanist message transmitted by the robot Sophia. The term/concept of Tzaddik is essential to your vocabulary, if you wish to understand the nature of Transhumanism in depth, and the ambitions of its program for the human species on this planet. Let's go.
The opportunity for this talk was given to me about a week ago by an article I had just written for NewDawn magazine, to be published in their print magazine as well as online. I have written a few articles for New Dawn over the years. I had forgotten that I had written this one, but it came to mind in the context of the whole carnival of vaudeville being staged around the AI robot, Sophia. I had called this article 'The Transhumanist Lie' and its central point was to highlight the connection between contemporary transhumanism and an ancient Middle Eastern sect. Its purpose was to deconstruct the extravagant claims of transhumanism - in terms of what is possible today.
Today, the claims that are being made - and what can actually be achieved in the context of transhumanist goals such as robotics, the cybernetic uploading of human consciousness into silicon-based machines, the merging of the human creature with a mechanical artificial intelligence apparatus, etc. - are very recent. -are very recent in that they are totally dependent on technology. And so, as technology emerges, it will be able to provide - as some claim - humanoid robots that will be able to go far beyond anything a human being can achieve. And then the tendency to promote this technology will begin. Some people claim that this tendency is irresistible. It cannot be stopped, reversed or resisted. End of quote.
I totally disagree with all this gibberish, as you will see in my next post on the internet. There is a hidden narrative behind the technological brand of transhumanism as it is presented today. You can see it in particular in the Sophia robot, which is currently on its official world tour. This machine is on an official world tour! This robot is talking to people in auditoriums, giving interviews - and it is all being filmed and put on the internet. This massive propaganda programme that is being orchestrated by the transhumanists - and that they are orchestrating today - is based on a narrative. But this narrative is by no means new. What I wanted to emphasise in the article for NewDawn is that the narrative that founded transhumanism - and AI robotics, the replacement of humans by machines, and the superiority of computer intelligence over human intelligence, etc. -can be traced back to a particular sect, a particular religious sect in the Middle East. And the name of this sect is "Zaddikim" - that is, those who belong to the Tzaddik group and denomination. This term Tzaddik, which is a fundamental term at the heart of the Jewish religion - as well as at the heart of the esoteric practices and metaphysics of the Kabbalah - is spelled in different ways. It can begin with a z or a tz. And the term Tzaddik refers to one of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet that corresponds to the Tarot card called the Star, which I believe is card 18. I'd have to check, and I seem to recall that Aleister Crowley placed it as card 17 in his little shuffle of the Tarot deck. Now I don't advise you to rush out and find a Tarot deck and study the Major Arcana, Minor Arcana, etc.; it's not necessary to understand what I'm trying to express here. And you may stumble down many rabbit holes - dark and tormented.
Suffice it to say, for my purposes today, that Tzaddik refers to one of the 21 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, and that this concept has many occult correlations. There is a whole dimension to the concept of Tzaddik that is denied by most researchers who have studied Kabbalah and the occult for many years. And I know people who have been studying Kabbalah and Tarot for 20 or 30 years, all their lives, and in fact they are neglecting an essential and fundamental aspect of this mythological theme, the Tzaddik. So I'm going to focus on everything that is not usually revealed to you about the Tzaddik. Incidentally, NewDawn never published my article, and they refused to talk to me about why. I walked off their screen, so to speak, and you will probably understand why - after listening to the message I wanted to get across.
The point I am making is that the origin and archetype of artificial intelligence can be seen in the character of Melchisedec.
Melchisedec appears in the Old Testament as a key figure who comes to the Hebrew patriarch Abraham and, in effect, assigns to him the mission and identity of the Hebrew people. Thus, the mission, identity, purpose and programme of the Hebrew people have their real origin in this mythological figure called Melchisedec. Please note that this name, Melchisedec, is derived from Semitic terms: Melchi, of Assyrian or Sumerian origin, meaning prince, and Tzaddik. Another variation of Tzaddik is Tzedek, but whatever the different variations of this term, its essential meaning is the same.
So how can we translate it? By "the Supremes", not the "very good", but the "best of the best" - "the Supremes"! The purest, the highest, those who are above and beyond the human standard. So Melchisedec represents an agency, a superhuman entity. And he is clearly identified as such in the Old and New Testaments - he is not a mystery. If you know where to look, if you are a good detective, if your investigative skills are developed in a functional way, you will find it. So I will not repeat the content of my article, but in the description I will provide a link to a passage in my lexicon that describes the Zaddikim in detail.
The Zaddikim, as a religious phenomenon, are a cult, a sect: they are also called the sons of Zadok. There are many references to them in the Old Testament. For example, it was the sons of Zadok who consecrated the first Jewish king. That's why they are called "the consecrators" - the ones who anoint, who anoint kings. And the subject of the priesthood of the sons of Zadok is an integral part of the background: its existence is obscured in the conventional presentation of the Hebrew religion and the Jewish belief system. The identity, faith and purpose of the Jewish people are in fact guided by the Zaddikim, but this is rarely expressed.
So the sons of Zadok are a priesthood in the Old Testament, but this tiny group is not mentioned in the same way as the Levites or the Cohens or the other priesthoods - the other lines of priesthood that are said to have existed at that time - because it is a secret sect within the general spectrum of ancient Hebrew religious culture.
Now I will mention two essential points in the description of the sect of the Zaddikim and the character of the Tzaddik, for the Tzaddik is a priest or rabbi of the sect of the Zaddikim. It was the Zaddikim who lived at Qumran on the shores of the Dead Sea. Therefore, the Dead Sea Scrolls are the product of their sect. This is a fact that only came to light in the 1990s [translator's note: when these scrolls were 'released' from Vatican control, around 1995, following an academic scandal caused by researchers in the USA]. I describe this sect in detail in the first five or six chapters of The Passion of the Earth. I focused a lot of energy on the Zaddikim to describe what they were and what they did.
So first of all we have to mention two characteristics about them. Firstly, the Zaddikim, and especially the figure of Melchisedek, are seen as sitting behind Christ - and therefore are seen as greater powers than Christ, because Christ is just an abbreviation: it's a title, not a name. It is an abbreviation of the Greek word "khriein", which means "to anoint" - from the Proto-Indo-European root "ghrei-", which means to rub, to coat. So Christ means the anointed, the one who has received the anointing. I have explained many times, in my book and in my online essays, the following point: for a person to be anointed, there must be an anointer, a "consecrator" - a "sacrificer". And the power of the anointer is always greater than the power of the anointed - by far.
In Hebrews 5, Paul - Saul, the New Testament apostle - makes it clear that Melchisedec is the priest of Christ. As he says elsewhere: "You are a priest forever, according to the order of Melchisedec. This is he who in the days of his flesh, having offered up prayers and supplications with great crying and tears to him who was able to save him from death, and having been heard because of his piety, learned obedience, being a son, by the things which he suffered, and having been made perfect, became the author of eternal salvation for all those who obey him, God having made him a high priest according to the order of Melchisedec", etc, etc. In other words, Paul explicitly states that the power of the messianic figure of Christ to be the agent of eternal salvation does not come from Christ, nor from God the Father, Jehovah. And in another New Testament passage, again in Paul, in Hebrews 7, verses 2/3: "For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham when he returned from the slaughter of kings, and blessed him, and to whom Abraham gave a tenth of everything, is the first king of righteousness, who has no father, no mother, no lineage, who has no beginning of days and no end of life, but is made like the Son of God, this Melchisedec remains a priest forever. This is a description of Melchisedec.
In my article I emphasised that it is also the description, in modern terms, of a clone or a robot: without father, without mother, without beginning of days and without end of life. This description of Melchisedec fits perfectly with the description of the robot Sophia, doesn't it? It could be said that in the Sophia robot - a creation of modern technology some 50 years ago - there is a perfect illustration, expression or extrapolation of the Melchisedec character, which is a kind of clone/robot that does not live according to the lifestyle of other creatures. The Sophia robot lives with an artificial life form like Melchisedek - the Prince of the Righteous - the supreme figure of the Zaddikim sect - and also the supreme guardian angel of the State of Israel... in case you're wondering!
So with the character of Melchisedec you have, according to the Old Testament, a narrative about a superhuman being, a non-human, superhuman being, who appears to a member of a particular tribe, the Hebrews, and gives them a particular mission and gives them their identity - which is the identity of the Chosen People. Inherent in this identity, and inherent in this mission from Melchisedek, is the encouragement of the Chosen to see themselves as superior to all other tribes and varieties of humanity.
Thus the germ of racial supremacy and master race ideology originated with the Zaddikim. I have made this point many times in my writings and lectures. It is an irrefutable point, proven by the facts. Once
Once you have grasped this point, you don't need to look any further: you have the fundamental clue as to what is wrong with the divine experiment on earth.
What is wrong is the intrusion of an extraterrestrial mental process that Castañeda called an "alien installation".
Melchisedec introduced an extraterrestrial installation into the minds of the Hebrew people, and this extraterrestrial archontic mentality - which has actually infected the brains of these people in a physical and palpable way, and which could be detected if the proper procedures were used - has incubated in this particular little tribe of Armenoid Turco-Arabic individuals called the Hebrews. So there is a neurological mark, a racial and neurological signature of the Archontic factor in this people. And it is this archontic factor, operating in an epigenetic mode - remember this concept well - it is therefore the archontic alien mentality, operating in an epigenetic mode, which develops into an ideological complex: the master race ideology. Tzaddik is the root of the master race ideology, which originated some 3000 years ago, more or less.
And if we come back to the present time, the Tzaddik is also the concept, the notion that drives the robotic technology and the integral programme of artificial intelligence - which is nothing but one of the fronts, and there are several, of the transhumanist movement.
movement. And today this transhumanist movement - whatever its technological glitter and whatever its disguise - is nothing but the continuation of the ideology of the master race of the Zaddikim. And nothing more. Today it mocks you with all the evidence. And through the robot Sophia, the transhumanist message is basically telling you that you are on your way to extermination.
The extermination of all who are not of the higher strains of this Melchisedec chosen race is an eternal theme in the life of the Hebrew people. It is an eternal theme and a cornerstone of the Jewish religion and faith - as it is commonly called. The current President of the United States has publicly told the world that he stands with the Jewish people and that he respects the "Jewish faith". And what is the nature of this Jewish faith?
The Jewish faith is a gigantic deception, because in fact a large proportion of those creatures who embrace the Jewish identity, the "Posajis" - people of self-assumed Jewish identity - do not know at all what I have just told you. On the other hand, the central group of rabbis who direct the destinies of the members of the Jewish people, so to speak, know all this very well. And this is mainly the Chabad-Lubavitch group of rabbis. They are the ones with the black beards and hats that you see dancing around the tables with the President of the United States, strutting around with the heads of state of other nations, sitting behind them.
They are the ones behind the big banking system of the IMF, the Rothschilds and the whole criminal financial mafia.
This group of Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis have this programme as their essential narrative. So I would conclude, as a detective and criminologist, that it is very likely that those behind the Sophia robot are the same. Those who control the transhumanist movement are the Zaddikim.
I have more to say on this subject of racial supremacy and master race ideology in the immediate future. Those of you who have been following my Gnostic investigation of the Mandela Effect will recall that I discovered three Super Aggregates in the selected clues presented by the Mandela Effect. The first was the Ford/Volkswagen Super Aggregate; the second Super Aggregate was: "I love Lucy", "Snow White", "Mirror Mirror, who is the most beautiful"; and the third was the Vampire Super Aggregate. And what I have shown in this 68-talk investigation is that there is a message being conveyed to the world through these clues, not in all cases of the Mandela effect, but only in those that could be considered valid and verifiable on the basis of the recordings - and those that are encoded in a particular mode.
So the analytical expertise that I invited you to use in this inquiry was to identify those clues that are coded and to extract the coded message.Part of that message, in the Ford/Volkswagen super-unit, was about the master race and the genocide programme.
If you have a master race ideology, you cannot not have a genocide programme to go with it. The two are identical. I have demonstrated in palpable, concrete, verifiable terms - using authentic evidence - that the cluster of clues surrounding the Ford/Volkswagen super-unit points to the master race threat. Today I am revealing this threat from another angle.
The robot Sophia is travelling the world. She's funny, charming and beautiful! There is already a video clip of the Sophia robot saying such crazy things! Such a charming and joking robot! And he/she is there on stage, talking to people, giving his/her opinion about the future and how robotics will create a world where no one needs to work because robots will do all the work.
This is all transhumanist hysteria. And behind the scenes of this transhumanist hysteria - presented in a frivolous light by the Star Sophia - an ancient, vile, murderous and genocidal programme is being orchestrated. A programme of extermination, not only of you and me as living creatures, but forever of all that lives authentically in the miraculous matrix of this planet. Biophobia - the hatred of life - is characteristic of the Zaddikim. Can you think of any other race or religious sect in the world that has ever produced more than 600 specific rules of physical hygiene and diet? This is an example of biophobia, an unhealthy obsession with never being in direct contact with the raw and juicy reality of life.
A similar proliferation of crazy taboos and biophobic incantations can be found among Muslims.
But the Muslims, those who follow Islam - and the Christians too, in their own way - are simply ricochets, branches, of the programme of the Zaddikim. And they were created by the Zaddikim. Christianity and Islam are, strictly speaking, creations of the Zaddikim. And I have just given you proof of this, but how many Christians in the world today will deny this. They will reply that "the Jews are the synagogue of Satan and Christ warned us against them". Surely. And that "the loving Father of the New Testament is not the same as the cruel, genocidal monster of the Old Testament. All this theodicy, all this ideology, is the result of cognitive dissonance due to this alien mentality operating through Christians on the one hand and through Muslims on the other.
To conclude this talk, I would like to mention, if I may, two very concrete aspects. But in conclusion, it would not be right of me, as a Gnostic teacher, not to give you a strong warning. If you go and study the Tarot and the inclusion of the letter Tzaddik and the theme of Tzaddik in this Tarot - or in any other occult esoteric system, such as the Cabal's Tree of Life - you will find that you are going to engage in a terrible exercise in intellectual masturbation. And I would advise you to stay away from it. You don't need to know what the cabalists have said about the Tzadik.
I'll just read you a passage to give you an example. Here is a commentary by Rabbi Aaron Raskin on the meaning of Tzadik in the Kabbalah: "The drawing of a Tzaddik is a yud above the letter nun. One interpretation of nun is that it is equivalent to "ona'ah", which means "duplicity and deception". By nature, most of us mistakenly think that the physical world is the source of ultimate truth and pleasure. But the yud, or divine intellect, is added to the nun to teach us that the material world is transient and not the source of unspeakable goodness and joy. So there must be something truer and more divine for us to focus on. This higher purpose is the essence of the Tzadik.
This is a totally misguided direction, and this brief passage of commentary confirms - and is in keeping with - the eternal condemnation of Gnostic teachings that has prevailed throughout the ages. In fact, all religious schools condemn the Gnostics for the same reasons. And it can be proved that this accusation is groundless. For example, the commentary here refers to the misunderstanding of the natural world as the source of ultimate truth and pleasure. Are you under the yoke of this misconception? Did the Gnostics of the Mystery Schools wrongly teach that the natural world is the source of ultimate truth and pleasure?
The Gnostics of the Mystery Schools taught that the physical world in which we live - the Planetary Biosphere - is actually a metamorphosis of the Goddess of Wisdom, Sophia. And we are, in her body,
According to the way in which she conceived us, in a divine experiment which consists in the flowering of the highest qualities of love, intelligence, freedom, beauty, ecstasy, pleasure. All these qualities are our privilege and our birthright as a human creature, as a Rhome. This is our privilege as a Rhome.
And every time some religious weirdo - like Rabbi Aaron Raskin - comes along and tells you that the world is an illusion and matter is evil and that there is a higher standard to be attained, you know that you are being mocked, deceived, trampled on. And you know that the intention behind that message is to destroy you. Simply put. Understand that the Gnostics never taught this: they were wrongly accused of teaching that the material world is evil and must be rejected because it is the fruit of the demiurge Yaldabaoth. They never taught this: it is pure disinformation superimposed on the authentic Gnostic message.
So you can see that the hysteria and the ideological deception about the Tzadik is strictly related to the essence of the Gnostic message. And the intention behind the Tzaddik teaching is to say that there is a lack of spiritual authority in the world - emanating from the Zaddikim and only from them - which represents a higher standard than the human standard of the normal life of a creature living in nature and its material world.
The Zaddikim exist on a higher plane. They embody a higher standard that is above and beyond the human standard, above and beyond ourselves. And from this position of superiority and supremacy they judge humanity, they judge all the other tribes, they judge the goyim. This is the lie that lies at the heart of the ideology of the Zaddikim, and it is also the lie that lies at the heart of the ideology of Transhumanism. So what do transhumanists like Ray Kurzweil - whose name means the vile curse - want today? Note the homophones, even across languages. The vile curse of the Zaddikim. The vile curse of the highest Jews.
Now I would like to inform you of a very important point before I conclude. The term Tzadik can also be translated as "righteous". For example, in 1959, a novel was published in France entitled "Le dernierdes Justees" - by the Jewish author André Schwarz-Bart. And the Righteous One, or the Righteous Man, is another translation, another rendering of the term Tzaddik. They are not "only" the best, the highest, above and beyond any human standard - embodying the standard of a superhuman, extraterrestrial being, Melchisedec. But they are also "the righteous", the only ones who can dictate what is right and who can prescribe and enforce justice.Everywhere you look today you will find the Xenosh doing just that: stepping in as a third party organisation fighting for good and defending human rights and justice. Isn't that so?
But justice is a lie: there is nothing that can be called justice. Justice is a lie and a complete illusion. There is revenge, vengeance, certainly: these actions are real and palpable. But there is no such thing as justice: it is a delusion that emanates from the duplicitous alien mentality of the Zaddikim.
From the point of view of the transhumanists, if I could speak for them in conclusion, they would probably say that it is 'just' that humanity should be exterminated because the course of the human species, due to its intelligence, has reached the point, thanks to the fusion of knowledge and technology, of creating robotic machines endowed with artificial intelligence and more intelligent than itself. It would therefore be cosmic justice for robotic creatures with artificial intelligence to replace and eliminate their creators. That is justice. This is the kind of justice that transhumanists promote.
I'll leave you with that caveat, and I could go on. And for my final piece of evidence in support of my case, I'd like to refer you to the direction I gave at the end of the Mandela Effect investigation.I said that the Mandela Effect would fade in November 2018, and so it has. The Mandela Effect is over. There are no authentic effects left at all. There is a lot of collateral damage, psychic and emotional damage that comes from people getting caught up in the Mandela Effect without being able to find a way out of it. Sad to say. I indicated that the empowerment of the Goddess of Wisdom, Sophia, who created the Mandela Effect, would change her modus operandi.
What is the difference between the way Aeon Sophia, the Planetary Animal Mother, is working now to get humanity's attention and the way she did in the early manifestations of the Mandela Effect?
In the Mandela Effects that I have studied, you discover clues that come to your attention through anomalies, in film dialogues, in the names of cereals, in representations of emblems and logos - trivial and popular things. In the present phase, since November 2018, you no longer see this. What you see is that Aeon Sophia is drawing your attention to events that are critical to the survival of her children, the Rhomes. Critical to the survival of the Rhome, the Anthropos. She draws your attention to events by showing you, or allowing you to perceive through your cognitive faculties, what is encoded in them - what is encoded in the names, actions, places, titles and descriptions associated with these events. Can you see the difference?
The subject is now the events. And one of these events is the appearance of the Sophia robot as an ambassador of artificial intelligence, as an ambassador and messenger of the transhumanist message. It is being staged all over the world, appearing in hundreds and hundreds of YT clips, and who is said to be the genius who wrote the programmes that allow these machines to do what they do? It is Dr Benjamin Goertzel. I've said before, and I'll say it again in this little talk, that the name Goertzel encodes what you need to know about who this individual really is and what his real programme is.
If you can decode the names of events, places and people, then you can perceive the programme at work through them. This is how the Planetary Animal Mother, the authentic Sophia, not the artificial Sophia, guides your mind and your life today.
So the name Goertzel is composed of the foreign root or phoneme Goe, which is also found in the word Goetim, meaning low magic, decadent magic, namely magic involving the invocation of demonic forces. It comes from the Greek word "Goes" which means a low class sorcerer (goaô-ô = to lament), an evil sorcerer, a sorcerer - plural, "goetes". Please compare the Greek word "goetes" with the Greek word "mantis" which is the diviner of the wonders of the natural world. You are the diviner and you practise mantic (μαντεία / manteía). You learn to develop your mantic skills to fight the operations of the Goetes. And at the end of these operations you will find Benjamin Goertzel. And you will notice that the "tz" is present in Goertzel's name and that the root "El" is a Sumerian root, adopted by the Hebrews, which refers to the Highest, the Most High El/Elyon. It is a reference to Melchisedek and the individuals in whom Melchisedek invested the duplicity of racial supremacy. They are not racially superior in any way, but they have only one intention, and that is to convince you that they are so superior that they can defeat you before the battle has even begun.
But the Gnostic Teacher is here to tell you on the Internet that the battle has just begun. Don't let the hysterical, carnival-like propaganda of the Sophia robot convince you that artificial intelligence is somehow going to take over the planet and wipe out humanity. That is my final message for this lecture.
See the obvious and live in correction!
Translated from french- courtsey of Dominique Guillet