The collective Neo-Darwinist Hallucination
.... in the Eye of the Gaian (de)selection Cyclone... For the Pleasure of the Survival of the Peoples
Original in French // Dominique Guillets Substack //
Foreword: This Canto covers 67 pages, in large format, and it is advisable not to hurry - especially when others are hurrying. The Neo-Darwinist sect is in the process of a devolving collapse, not random, like other Zionist and Neo-Sionist sects. And the collateral damage, induced by this collapse, will rain down, onto the social fabric, like snow in this solar minimum. Times are changing: Es el Paso!
(copyright free - for tablets / readers / printing - translation from French - courtesy of Dominique Guillet1)
This material is life changing, to say the least (note of Telestai Substack)
The Explosion of Intelligent Design in the Laboratories of Molecular Biology under Microscopic Illumination
Could I venture to sing that we are in the middle of a Cambrian Explosion of Explorations of Sophianic Immanence and Gaian Emanation? The subject, indeed, is not to ask the question of the Origin of the Species: it is to put oneself on the way of the Quest of the Species as Origin, as Emanation and as Emergence of an irreducible complexity. And very often of an irreducible complexity and refractory to the Darwinist Evolution - "refractory" as our ancestors the Gauls, a term meaning "rebellious and disobedient".
What is the improbability ratio accompanying - since before the dawn of time, if not since a plethora of Universes - the spontaneous and random emergence of a small, stable and functional protein, composed of only 150 elements when each element can be selected, by the Chance of Necessity, among a spectrum of 20 strictly different amino acids?
How many Universes would the bean necrosis virus need in order for the actual physical manifestation of its replication - through the network of its eight genetic segments distributed in various cells - to have the right to exist in terms of statistical probabilities? What infinity of Universes would this same bean necrosis virus need in order for the genomic formula (the ratio) of the emergence of its eight different genetic fragments to be always relatively stable within the same plant species? And what is more, so that this genomic formula can totally metamorphose according to the plant species that it viroses?
Neo-Darwinism is, thus, nailed with stupor to the crossroads of molecular biology and electron microscopy. The Explosion, or Awakening, of Intelligent Design is, to a large extent, the fruit of laboratory research - research carried out, notwithstanding, from entities of Life emanating from the Living Biosphere. The Intelligent Design is neither a belief, nor a concept: it is an elaborated practice and which can prove for some, it is true, laborious. It is, quite simply, the practice of perceiving that the Biosphere is Living, Beautiful and Complex because it is Intentional. I can only advise the reading of Goethe, his quest, his path and his instructions, as to the sensitive perception.
The term "laboratory" comes from the Latin "labor". As well as the term "elaboration" which means "to get out of the plough": ex/laborare - knowing that "plough/labour" is a term used for "work" in general, for the work of the soil in agriculture, for the work of the woman in childbirth, etc. "Labor" means "pain, illness, suffering, eclipse...", in Latin, which comes from the PIE "lap, lep" - which means "to hang limply" and which gave, also, "lip, labial". As for the term "work", it comes from "trepalium", in Latin, which means "three-legged (torture) instrument".
It is a whole program of genocide, and sadness to the soul, which is, thus, inscribed in our language, and in our DNA, of every day, and whose origin goes back to the ancient curse of Yahweh/Yaldabaoth with regard to humanity which should survive and give birth in pain - according to the "divine" texts transmitted by demented bearded ones. This labor being in punishment of the fact that the Serpent entrusted to Humanity the vector of the Telluric Wisdom, namely, the entheogenic vectors to its own Wisdom - that of Humanity and that of the Serpent.
And they are the same because "Intelligence" was not cosmically "pro/visioned" and "pre/visioned" to emanate from "non-Intelligence".
It is the gradualism of consciousness as it is the neo-Darwinist gradualism of evolution by saltations and random mutations - or as it is the gradualism in the State of Emergency Dictatorship towards the ultimate and total protection of our liberties: they are powerful vectors of cognitive dissonance.
The Yahweist vision of History is, therefore, very far from the one that Erasmus Darwin proposed of the Biosphere in which he perceived a gigantic and permanent Gaian orgasm. Erasmus Darwin was an animist scientific genius and the grandfather of Charles Darwin. The latter failed, miserably, the Gaian genes of his grandfather when he invented his new Religion of Evolution by random, improbable and random selections and mutations - without hurrying, over hundreds of millions and over billions of years. The fabricated universe of the Darwinists, and of the Neo-Darwinists, is populated by an infinite, and infinitesimally improbable, myriad of miraculous biological Big Bangs on which they infinitely stumble - for lack of ancestors, for lack of intermediary fossils and, above all, for infinite lack of linear Time.
And these are, literally, Explosions of Life - Cambrian Explosion, Turtle Explosion, Angiosperm Explosion, Trilobite Explosion, Syrinx Explosion, etc. - which are miraculous but in the sense of Emergence and Sophianic Animism.
Neo-Darwinist Evolution, because of its inescapable Necessity, has been sacrificed on the Cross of Random Mutations (spades and spades and colegrams) since the dawn of Time - for which it has an inexhaustible thirst. Neo-Darwinist Evolution has a great appetite for Time: it brews hundreds of millions of years like the Stock Exchange brews hundreds of millions of dollars - in a virtual mode.
Due to the Innate and Ineluctable Necessity of Evolution - Charles Darwin enthroned, thus, his "Ideology of Selection", non participative, by invoking of the Capricious , Rare, Improbable, Selecting and Transforming Chance .
But today, just as the Temple of the Mother of the Son of Yaldabaoth burned down in Paris, the Temple of Neo-Darwinism is in the midst of a de-selection combustion under the impact of an overdose of regenerative oxygen emanating from the scientific sphere in the midst of turbulence and mutations - generated by a very powerful Gaian cyclone of Atmospheric Correction.
Implosion of the Neo-Darwinism Balloon of Enchantment
It is past mid-May and the summer solstice is coming, at the bend of the June full moon! In my garden, the ganjas - emerging from spontaneous seedlings resulting from improbable crossings - are already beautiful and in search of generating storms, and other neuronal symphonies, within these human animals which refused to let themselves be gangrened by the gangue of mental, and organic- chemical curse, of biocidal Zionism. On the other hand, to the rage and despair of the Global Warmers, Corsica has just been covered with an improbable coat of snow, while yaks are dying under the weight of the Himalayan snow, and a good part of the world's agriculture is succumbing to the atmospheric improbabilities of a planetary cooling cycle - which may last for a few centuries of food turbulence... once it has been set in motion....
... but, don't panic, according to the ancient rhetoric of Greenpeace and its accomplices, it would only be bad weather: it would be very cold because it is excessively hot.And when it is very hot, it is because the atmosphere is burning - theCO2Atmospheric
Holocaust syndrome. For the record, if not for atmospheric memory, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, that European - and EuroPagan - genius, wrote two essays on the shape of clouds and meteorology, back in 1820/1822. As for Edward the Dane - who was director of the Scientific and Technical Office of Maritime Fisheries - he published his work, "The Rhythms of Climate in the History of the Earth and Humanity", in 1950. [9]
Anthropogenic global warming" is a gigantic farce, and a trademark of Neo-Sionism, which is going to end very badly [10]: the Global Warmers - and other Caniculs and Eco-Thermists - are criminals who have embezzled trillions of dollars, over the last twenty years, while half of humanity is without sanitation and tens of thousands of children die of hunger, and malaria, every day
In China, it is not the snow that is currently causing the inexorable agony of 600 million pigs: it is their immune system that no longer deals with influenza viruses of all kinds emerging in vivo - or in laboratories... And in France, it is still snowing yellow on the boulevards and traffic circles, while Castaner is raining down his civilizing grenades
The neo-Darwinist paradigm of agriculture and breeding, imposed on peasants for more than a century, remains totally impotent in the face of all these biospheric phenomena with catastrophic food consequences - and which, moreover, do not respect the official borders... As for social neo-Darwinism, that is to say the Zionist ideology of manipulation and domination of the Peoples, it shows its total impotence, in France, in front of the Yellow Vests Movement, by a rare repressive power of weapons of war which kill and mutilate...
On the pure and hard "scientific" level, the balloon (from the Proto Indo European root "bod", which also gave "boudin") of Neo-Darwinism - which has controlled, for a century and a half, almost the entire academic, medical, agronomic, pharmaceutical, media, editorial and other systems - is imploding, before our eyes. It is, at present, pierced by a multitude of darts, poisoned with the nectar of "Intelligent Design", which are fired by biologists, chemists, embryologists, etc., and Nobels... who rebel against the established dogma, against the lying matrix that has suckled them, made them ugly and, very often, lobotomized and educated them - namely, against the fabricating, and pernicious, ideology of Neo-Darwinism.
The most freshly toxic darts, with respect to this scam of bewitchment, are books published, in the spring of 2019 - by Michael Behe and Marcos Eberlin - that leave few alternatives to the sectarian dogmatists of this outdated ideology of social selection: namely, to jump ship, claiming seasickness - which is, more often than not, an irredeemable syndrome of Mother's sickness; or to set themselves on fire, in self-combust (out of despair that Mother Earth will not cooperate with the staggering elucidations of their pathologically scarred brains); or to spread insults, invectives, persecutions, threats, blackmail, exclusions, excommunications, excommunications - which constitute their norms of accusatory inversion - while waiting for the cyclonic whirlwinds of the Real to recycle them, if at all, in the dustbins of their own history of falsifications.
Darwin's Lost: Crisis of Evolutive Faith among the strongest and best-adapted Neo-Darwinists, affected by an overdose of phantasmagorical, sterile and pernicious imagination Under the cover of a conception of living organisms that would be the fruit of "natural" selection - by random and successive mutations of a primordial cell, blah, blah, blah, over billions of years - neo- Darwinism is, in fact, an ideology of "artificial" human selection (with ricochets in the sphere of domesticated animals) on the genetic, medical, social, etc. level.
And what are the hidden objectives of this non- participatory and extremely eugenic selection?
As Wikipedia is the privileged organ of the neo- Darwinists - for the lobotomization of the Peoples - it is only necessary to consult their own page on "neo-Darwinism" to glean some faridondaines disguising their ideology of lies and genocides - with the aim of world social control. Wikipedia also calls neo-Darwinism: "the synthetic theory of evolution", "the neo-Darwinian synthesis" and "the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution". From the very first sentence, the propaganda is going fast and furious: "The synthetic theory of evolution is the theory of evolution currently accepted by the scientific community".
The Gilets Jaunes are in the street to tear their daily pittance from the crooked hands of the Macrons, and other banksters barons - and are not, all of them, conscious that the supremacist ideology of neo-darwinism is at the origin of their miseries. As for the Wikipeditors, they do not speak English, in their great majority lobotomized, or are too ignorant - and especially in extreme deficit of imagination - to go beyond the second line of an article written by Michael Behe, Michael Denton, Marcos Eberlin, Stephen Meyer, or any other decent scientist proving the ineluctability of "Intelligent Design"...
Regarding Darwinism, and all its neo-avatars, Fakipedia is lying, as so often, because the vast majority of the "scientific community" - who are asking questions - never adhered (in the sense of a true understanding) or deserted or is in the process of discreetly deserting... because the reprisals are raging.
Even if Darwinism were accepted by a majority of scientists, it would only prove that it is a process of collective hallucination in the Darwinist mode - and one only has to remember the historical episode of Plate Tectonics. But it is not - or it is no longer - accepted. Today, we can even listen to scientists talking about the disappearance of a part of the Indian subcontinent, 60 million years ago, and, sometimes, the sinking of entire continents - and they don't talk about the recent Lemuria. So, with all their biodiversity, fossils...?
Moreover, what we now call the Darwinian theory of evolution was not really a theory in Charles Darwin's own eyes. The German botanist Robert Johann Caspary (1818-1887) - who was Professor of Botany at the University of Königsberg and Director of the Bonn Herbarium - interviewed Charles Darwin on May 27, 1866, and asked him whether he considered the evolution he envisaged to be a hypothesis or a theory: "It was important for me to hear, from his own lips, whether he regarded his doctrine of the evolution of species as a hypothesis or as a fact. I asked him if he thought he had ever discovered a species for which it could be established, through the facts, that it was descended from another. He replied firmly that he had not. I then asked him if he considered his doctrine to be only a hypothesis and his decisive answer was in the affirmative."
When Lynn Margulis, in the 1960s, presented her theory on endosymbiogenesis - challenging the neo- Darwinist dogma of single evolution by random mutations - she was ridiculed by the sect, and 15 "scientific" journals refused to publish her thesis. It was finally published in the Journal of Theoretical Biology in 1967.
Lynn Margulis was right against all the neo- Darwinists of the world, graduated, certified, doctoralized, indoctrinated, with a good nose and a very good blocked imagination.
For proof, let us listen to Alain Bussard (1917 - 2010)- as early as 1996: "I have always had some reservations about the Darwinian expression of the explanation of antibody biosynthesis by clonal selection. I still have not understood how a mouse prepared in advance (within 50 days of maturation) all the antibodies necessary to respond to all the millions of types of antigens, some of which have not yet been synthesized and which only reside in the imagination of one or more chemists! Or, expressed in another way, how the 108 competent cells of the spleen of a mouse can make the1012 types [of antibodies] that combinatorial analysis [...] allows!"Alain Bussard was the director of the International Journal of Immunochemistry, as well as the director of the Department of Immunology of the Institut Pasteur. He thus worked directly, and squarely, with Jacques Monod, the Hasardist.
As proof, among other delectations, more than a thousand scientists have just signed their "Scientific Dissension of Darwinism" [4] including the very famous James Tour, author of 680 publications and owner of 120 patents, and one of the eminent researchers in organic chemistry - considered, by Thomson and Reuters, in 2014, as one of the most influential scientists in the world. [5]
It is true, however, that it makes one shudder with horror and rage when James Tour, this very eminent chemist, at the end of a very eminent lecture on organic chemistry... invokes his idol Yahweh! Another great humorist: the Planet Earth as a Gift of Yaldabaoth who redeems it, subsequently, by the Gift of his Only Son, Jesus, a God Given and Supplicated on the Cross.
The "tree of life" of Neo-Darwinism - with its miraculous emergences, its intentional mutations without really being so, its full innate functionality due to the pressure of selection, etc., etc. - is like the "tree of death" in the form of a cross of Christianity: namely, a total fabrication. And it could be conceived in this way - as science fiction to be appreciated according to the criteria proper to this imaginary domain - if this fabrication did not conceal its authentic and real foundations and objectives, those of Zionism, and of the subsequent Neo-Sionism: racial supremacy, genocide, extra- terrestrial ideology, etc.
The proof is the meeting [30] held in Cambridge, in early April 2019, on the theme of "Evolution Evolving: Process, Mechanism and Theory", during which some of the best biologists in the world gathered to try to find solutions to the insurmountable problems inherent in the modern and synthetic theory of evolution.
By approaching the forbidden, and taboo, meme of Intelligent Design only in the backstage of the University's intestinal liberation - free of microphones?
This is evidenced by the creation, by dissident scientists, of this website entitled, "The Third Way. Evolution in the Era of Genomic and Epigenomics", which states its motivation as follows: "The vast majority of people believe that there are only two alternative ways to explain the origins of biological diversity. The first is creationism, which depends on the intervention of a divine creator. This is clearly an unscientific position because it introduces an arbitrary supernatural force into the evolutionary process. The second alternative, commonly accepted, is Neo-Darwinism, which is clearly a naturalistic science but ignores most contemporary molecular discoveries and invokes a spectrum of unvalidated assumptions about the accidental nature of hereditary variation. Neo-Darwinism ignores fundamental rapid evolutionary processes such as symbiogenesis, horizontal DNA transfer, the impact of mobile DNAelements , and epigenetic metamorphoses. Moreover, some Neo-Darwinists have elevated Natural Selection to a unique creative force that solves all the thorny evolutionary problems without any real empirical basis. Thus, many scientists today see the need for a more comprehensive and thorough exploration of all aspects of the evolutionary process. [46] Translation by Xochi.
There is indeed a third way not mentioned, by the authors of this site, and it is the Unique Historical Channel to the Pleroma, to the heart of our Living Galaxy and to the heart of the Ribosomal Galaxy of the Living. It is the Sophianic and Gaian Animism.
As evidence, the meeting of the prestigious Royal Society of the United Kingdom in November 2016 on the theme of "New trends in evolutionary biology: biological, philosophical and social science perspectives" [29] which was organized to address a growing number of inconsistencies within the official theory in Biology - as well as to address the dizzying, and growing, chasm that exists between the presentation of neo-Darwinist theory to the general and academic public, on the one hand, and the inescapable contagious slingshot behind the scenes of Applied Biology, and in tune with Reality, on the other. The eminent Austrian evolutionary biologist, Gerd Müller, in his introductory speech, exposed several "explanatory deficits" of the "modern evolutionary synthesis" and more particularly the unresolved issues involving phenotypic complexity (the origin of eyes, ears, etc.), phenotypic innovation (i.e., the origin of new forms throughout the history of Life) as well as transitional modes (i.e., the issue of missing links in the fossil record).
As a proof, [6] according to Michael Behe, a good third of biologists are, to say the least, very sceptical about the capacity of neo-Darwinism to account for the extreme complexity of Life.
"When one decides to consider Darwinism as a hypothesis, as to the biochemical sphere of life, rather than as a certainty, it takes about ten minutes to conclude that it is radically inadequate. It takes, perhaps, another ten minutes to realize that the molecular foundation of life was intended. And it is, indeed, for this very reason that Anaxagoras, Galen and William Paley came to the same conclusion about the visible levels of biology (although, depending on advances in science and philosophy, the argument today is, therefore, much more circumstantial and nuanced than in their versions): the signature of intelligent activity lies in the assembly of disparate parts in order to perform a function. The molecular parts of the cell are elegantly assembled to perform many secondary missions that must harmonize together in the service of the more holistic function of forming life. As we will see in this book, no undirected or unintelligent process-not Darwin's mechanism, nor any other-can account for this fact." Michael Behe. "Darwin Devolves." Pages 8 and 9. Translation by Xochi. Emphasis added by the author.
This is beautifully said. And besides, who knows if Anaxagoras and Galen, like many other Initiates, Philosophers and Teachers of this era, did not have access, in addition - through the entheogenic sacraments - to the direct perception of that biology which is invisible to the unaided eye. For this is exactly what the ayahuasqueros of the Amazonian forest say, for example, that they are able to perceive the bio-molecular level. See Jeremy Narby's book, "The Cosmic Serpent".
Thus, during the 2019 Meeting, "New trends in evolutionary biology: biological, philosophical and social science perspectives", organizer Denis Noble the discoverer of the heartbeat more than half a century ago and a proponent of Intelligent Design - replied to one of his fierce opponents (on the subject of the bacterial flagellum): "It's not about the data. Everyone agrees on the data. It's a question of perspective. I have a vision that you don't have and that allows me to perceive things that you can't see". Johann Wolfgang von Goethe could not have said it better. It is all a question of paradigm - or vision, or perspective - and the neo-Darwinist one is not going to serve as a parachute in the final and lethal fall - underway, so far so good...
Gerd Müller, in his 2003 book "On the Origin of Organismal Form" writes: "Although the neo- Darwinist paradigm still represents the central explanatory framework of evolution as presented in academic textbooks... it does not present a theory of generativity. This is frankly academic and anti-
Darwinist blather. And by the way, generative generating or generative generating? Generative as a process or generative as a source?
But, perhaps the Process and the Source are one? In the Dreamtime of the Australian Aborigines, the Dreamer and the Dream are one. The Omega Point of the Jesuit paleontologist and dissident, Teilhard de Chardin, was right under his feet, in the heart of his fossils, and in the heart of his own cells - already all evolved.
The Revenge of Lynn Margulis
The late Lynn Margulis (1938-2011), one of the most brilliant gems of authentic and "living" biology of the last century - who died suddenly, and in very good health, at the age of 73 - joyfully hated the neo- Darwinist sect: she must be exulting from the bottom of the Gaian soup she so much revered. She wrote - in 1990, in the magazine "American Zoologist" - that "... from a Gaian perspective, neo- Darwinism will eventually be seen as aminor 20th century religious sect withinthe purulent religious and confessional movement of Anglo-Saxon biology... and for this reason neo-Darwinists can only despise and destroy the Gaian autopoietic vision".
Lynn Margulis is one of my heroines, for many years, because she dared: on all modes "dare win". Bom Shakti! Lynn, come back soon because the neo- darwinist psychopaths are in a panic of fear... that will trigger humanitarian catastrophes. A panic of fear that she already observed, in 1990: "the neo-
Darwinists are wallowing in their erroneous interpretation of Darwin, a zoological, capitalist, competitive and cost-benefit obsessed interpretation... neo-Darwinism, which insists on this, [the slow evolution by accumulation of mutations through natural selection] is scared to death".
Once she was asked if she was not tired of being considered controversial and she answered: "I don't consider my ideas to be controversial but correct". Today, Lynn Margulis is still right: she is "correct" against all the neo-Darwinist losers.
Today, Lynn Margulis could be rotting in Castaner's jails for confirmed hate speech... Just like Voltaire? One of his 1998 essays was entitled: "Perfection in the Throwing of Grenades". Against whom? Hello Manu, this is Zuckie, we've found a hater talking about: launch the Avia/Sion Abuses.
Lynn Margulis, from a very young age, was the very brilliant conceptor and elaborator, if not the discoverer, of endosymbiogenesis and, all her life, she pleaded for cooperation, mutualism, symbiosis, synergy... This woman was a perpetual nightmare for all neo-Darwinist males.
Thus, the recent Eurovision promotional clip from an Israeli television station [11 ] stated, in all ingenuity, that not all Jews are greedy... which is self-evident and proven by Lynn Margulis - if proof were needed. So is my friend Mushroom who has dedicated his life, and his genius for agricultural genetic improvement and innovation, to creating nutritious vegetable varieties for the enjoyment of the Public Domain. It is very beautiful.
Symbolically speaking, it is also "striking" that the Euro-vision is, this year, in Israel. A precursor to the establishment of the World Court in Jerusalem?
"I wish to improve the food production system, namely to improve its function and encourage longevity. The development of a laboratory for analysis, many features of cell physiology and function, would be a valuable contribution to the health of Gaia. The fourth version of the Phylogenetic Group of Angiosperms is now online and I will go in search of temperate zone grexes to overturn the monopoly of appropriation on food plants, vegetables, flowers, medicinal plants, tubers. Today, for example, I have a brassica grex (a multi- kale) in front of the kitchen window..... Mushroom.
Translation by Xochi.
In fact, my friend Mushroom has been creating and innovating genetic assemblies for decades, just like our genius ally, Maurice Chaudière, who can graft, just for fun, a tomato plant, a sweet pepper plant and an eggplant plant onto a tomato tree, Cyphomandra betacea, to produce ratatouille on one plant.
Mushroom wants to set up a new farm and laboratory in Oregon, so he has decided to offer his 1400 paintings for sale - http:/ some of which are featured in this book.
Endosymbiogenesis is, thus, the emergence of life by synergy and integration. Endo/symbio/genesis. An "endosymbiont" is an organism that lives inside another. This is how all our cells, eukaryotic organisms, are born from a mutualism of entities that decided, one day, to share a piece of the road... for a few billion years. It is beautiful!
"For more than a billion years, the only life on this planet consisted of bacterial cells which, lacking a nucleus, are called prokaryotes. They all seem very similar and, from an anthropocentric point of view, boring. However, bacteria are the source of reproduction, photosynthesis, movement - in fact, of all the interesting features of life except, perhaps, the vocal faculty! They are still with us in great diversity and numbers. They still rule the Earth. At some point, a new and more complex type of cell emerged on the scene, the eukaryotic cell, of which plants and animals are composed. These cells contain certain organelles including nuclei.
Eukaryotic cells - with a nucleus - are the building blocks of all the major familiar life forms. How did this evolutionary revolution emerge? How did eukaryotic cells emerge? Probably, at first, by an invasion of predators. It may have started with one kind of bacterium wriggling into another - in search of food, of course. But some invasions metamorphosed into truces; previously ferocious associations became benevolent. When these putative invaders, swimming bacteria, took up residence in their lazy hosts, the communion of forces resulted in a new whole that was, in effect, far greater than the sum of its parts: faster swimmers evolved that were able to move large numbers of genes. Lynn Margulis. In "Gaia is a tough bitch!" Translation and Emphasis by Xochi.
Lynn Margulis was also the very genial designer of the Gaia hypothesis and theory, with James Lovelock. For the record, Lovelock (now 99 years old) was also one of the hotties of the great "anthropogenic global warming" circus but, since 2011, he has left the arena (under the pretext of having used the wrong conjurer's hat as any good scientist can do), and the reins of this perilous exercise of media prestidigitation, because of too blatant discrepancies between the Atmospheric Reality and the mafia-like robotic projections of the IPCC, Greenpeace... and all the other mafia organizations in the pay of Soros and other Banksters: the NGOs, the Neo- Genocidal Organizations, the imperial civil society so vile, animated by young wankers - in the sense of young scions etiolated and badly starred by Zion - in the Juan Branco or Cyril Dion mode.
George Soros, the "socialist", has just created a new Institute with his "capitalist" accomplices, the Koch brothers, whose objective is to put an end to all the wars in the world... In reality, in the image of the UN, in order to make last - under new pacific appearances - its program of systematic and programmed destruction of humanity. Its Institute is called "The Quincy Institute" and its logo is the Chinese term for vitality, vital energy, etc., namely "Qi". [ 132] A new demonstration of cognitive dissonance on the part of this "socialist" arch- criminal.
Lynn Margulis, in 2001, wrote the preface to the book "The Ice Chronicles: The Quest to Understand Global Climate Change" - a chronicle of atmospheric events over the past 100,000 years, based on the analysis of ice cores. In this preface, Lynn Margulis evokes the great problem of human memory for all that concerns the seasons, atmospheric cycles, temperature changes, etc. This is, moreover, what a team of researchers from the University of California has just proved in 2019, highlighting that human beings have a very short atmospheric memory: the actual atmospheric weather of the last two to eight years becomes, very quickly, their modulating "norm".
In fact, according to the same study, three-quarters of human beings, in a disaster situation, desperately cling to their notion of "normalcy" - which is, quite frankly, hostile to their individual survival potential or that of the survival of the human species. Humanity has been so bathed, by the Authorities, in an atmosphere of virtual, phantasmagorical and deceptive fears (in the sense of being based on their falsified 3D reality: Division, Domination and Duplicity) that they have blinded themselves to the perception of what should be scaring the hell out of them for their survival.
This erosion of the memory of atmospheric time is, in fact, related to the inexorable shrinking of the capacity, or degree, or amplitude, of "attention" of human beings in the Western world, which for many according to numerous studies carried out in recent times - is reduced to very little time. In one of the Vedic Wisdom Treatises, the "Nirvana Tantra", it is stated that the end of the Kali Yuga will be concomitant with an amplitude of attention reduced to a few minutes for the majority of humanity. This is today, or tomorrow, and this syndrome is greatly exacerbated by the epidemic of orchestrated, hyper- surveilled virtual non-communication through very expensive, and very quickly outdated, personal and virtually personalized spy robots.
Lynn Margulis, in this work of "Chronicles of Ice", denounced "the hysteria and hyperbole that are the stock-in-trade of this rigged international issue of political trickery" . She was also guilty of many other crimes of lèse-Authorités: she openly denounced the official governmental version of September 11, 2001, she even participated in a film on the theory of the controlled demolition of the towers and, moreover, she had the extreme audacity to question the nature, and the very existence, of AIDS/HIV...
Lynn Margulis would be labeled today, as I am, as a conspiracy theorist, a paranoid, a conspiracy theorist... The term "conspiracy" means "breathing together". I prefer to breathe the joy of life, the enthusiasm, the homage to Beauty, just like Lynn: we are co-breathers of the Mother's Magic Force.
Only one of her twenty scientific works is translated into French - namely, "L'Univers Bactériel", co- authored with her son Dorion Sagan - one of the two children she had from her first marriage to the famous cosmologist Carl Sagan. In fact, the French publishing sector - in the pay of the Zionist military- industrial complex and, therefore, at the mercy and under the control of the neo-Darwinists - blocked the publication of her works because of their arrogation and questioning of the 3D ideology of neo-Darwinism: Division, Domination and Duplicity.
The discovery of endosymbiogenesis by dissenter Lynn Margulis... in all mutualisms
When one analyzes the French page of Wikipedia, "dedicated", according to the established term, to this genius woman that was Lynn Margulis, one becomes aware of the ignominy of this organ of disinformation, and intoxication, whose fundamental intention is to "desacralize" the innovative work of this authentic biologist - in the sense of taking away all her power, "sak" in Sanskrit.
"She is known for having presented, in the 1960s, her endosymbiotic theory which proposes that eukaryotic cells would be the result of a series of symbiotic associations with different prokaryotes."
One can only observe the use of the conditional tense at Wikipedia France, while thirty years earlier, the eminent neo-Darwinist and Harvard biologist, Ernst Mayr, declared: "Lynn Margulis' contribution to our understanding of symbiotic factors was of enormous importance. [3]
Today, here is what a public organization, the CNRS, says [12 ] in the introduction to an article dealing not with whether these prokaryotic bacteria were really ingested 1.5 billion years ago, but with the processes by which they were ingested - and this, in complete immunity: "Since mitochondria and chloroplasts are semi-autonomous structures with their own genetic makeup, in 1970 the American microbiologist Lynn Margulis postulated that they had arisen in the course of evolution, after the ingestion - also known as endocytosis - of certain free bacteria by other prokaryotic single-cell organisms. Free bacteria initially endowed with the capacity of respiration (for the mitochondria) or photosynthesis (for the chloroplast). This endocytosis of the chloroplasts, which has been dated to 1.5 billion years ago, seems to be later than that of the mitochondria. These "ingested" bacteria would then have been maintained in their hosts thanks to the establishment of a mutual cooperation beneficial to both. We speak then of symbiosis: the bacteria would have provided the host cell with its energetic process; which, in return, would have provided protection and nutrients necessary for its functioning. This theory of endosymbiosis is now accepted by the majority of biologists... "
One can admire, in passing, the use of formulations that try to exorcise the fact that, frankly, this endosymbiogenesis constitutes a very deep thorn in the side of neo-Darwinists. And what about the minority of biologists who do not accept this "theory"? Will they soon move to another planet?
In fact, Lynn Margulis is strictly unknown in France - to the general public, at least - because of the relentlessness of neo-Darwinism against her, even though she was so brilliant that - despite what the System considers to be "little end-of-life quirks" - she was voted, in the USA, as one of the twenty most important scientists of the end of the century. This list included only two women, because according to the patriarchal postulates, it is not "natural" (in the sense of culturally Zionized), and therefore, very rare and circumstantial, that a woman scientist can be Nobelized...
. ..a story of Telluric genes, presumably, which protects the Woman, much more ferociously than the Man, from the impact of the extraterrestrial virus of Zionism, transmitted by Yahweh/Yaldabaoth, and from the temptation of neo-Darwinist Nobelization - a form of neo-Yahvinist ennoblement, for the intimates, and other Tzaddiks, sitting at the heart of the genocidal plot of racial supremacy.
Indeed, Lynn Margulis rejected Judaism as well as neo-Darwinism. She wrote: "I have been a critic of mathematical neo-Darwinism for years; it has never made much sense to me. We are told that random mutations - the majority of which are proven to be deleterious - are the primary cause of evolutionary transformation. I remember waking up one morning with a revelation, an epiphany: I am not a neo- Darwinist! This reminded me of an earlier experience in which I realized that I was not a Jewish humanist.
Her Jewish surname, Alexander, suited her very well, for throughout her life she opposed the neo- Darwinist patriarchal supremacist ideology with courage and great determination, calling on men, the real, authentic males, to stand up - and stay up. "Alexander" means, in Greek, "protector of men." Lynn Margulis invited men, the males, to stop thinking of themselves as pierced rugs trampled underfoot, daily, by a patriarchal gang of bankers and other mafia eugenicists. Where are the Authentic Men today?
"Symbiosis has nothing to do with cost/benefit. The "cost/benefit" crowd has perverted science with derogatory economic analogies. The dispute is not about modern symbioses, i.e. the living together of disparate organisms, but about whether "symbiogenesis" - a long-term symbiosis inducing new forms of life - has occurred in the past and whether it continues to occur in the present. It is the importance of endosymbiogenesis, as a major source of evolutionary metamorphosis, that is at the heart of the debate. I argue that symbiogenesis is the result of a long-term communion of life - a shared life, particularly involving microbial organisms - and that this constitutes the major evolutionary innovation within all lineages of large non-bacterial organisms." Lynn Margulis. In "Gaia is a Tough Bitch". Translation and Emphasis by Xochi.
Today, biologists, worthy of this appellation, can only integrate the inescapable reality of endosymbiogenesis and when they persist in their neo-darwinist obsession... it is because of their belly scare. This is the case, for example, of Duur Aanen and Paul Eggleton - in their study, published in December 2017, "Symbiogenesis: beyond Endosymbiotic Theory?":
Which are proven cases of researchers totally disconnected from the real Organism trying, desperately, to patch up the tattered fabric of neo- Darwinism because they have finally concluded, as for endosymbiogenesis, conclusions that had already been concluded a century ago in Russia... while continuing to exclude them from their psyche shaped by the ambient collective hallucination
"Symbiogenesis, literally "the emergence of life synergy," refers to the crucial role of symbiosis in major evolutionary innovations. The term is generally reserved for the major transition to eukaryotes, and to photosynthetic plants and algae, by endosymbiosis. However, in some eukaryotic lineages, the endosymbionts were subsequently lost demonstrating that symbiosis can trigger a major evolutionary innovation, even when the symbionts are subsequently lost. This leads to the intriguing possibility that symbiosis may have played a role in other major evolutionary innovations - even when all extant representatives of such groups do not exhibit this symbiotic association... We conclude, therefore, that symbiogenesis is more broadly applicable than just to the endosymbiotic origin of eukaryotes and photosynthetic eukaryotes and may be a useful concept for recognizing the important role of symbiosis for evolutionary innovation. However, we do not accept Lynn Margulis' view that symbiogenesis will lead to the abandonment of the neo-Darwinist paradigm because this function of symbiogenesis can be perfectly well integrated into existing theory." [13] Translation by Xochi.
Is it so complicated to understand that it is the rejection of neo-Darwinism that allowed Lynn Margulis to discover endosymbiogenesis and that it is, therefore, very futile to try to reintegrate this inescapable foundation of Gaian biology within a paradigm that is intrinsically antinomic to it? Neo- Darwinism cannot itself be the subject of an endosymbiogenesis for the simple reason that it is biocidal, mortifying, in short, opposed to Life.
Neo-Darwinism is an ideology of social selection, racial supremacy and genocide, which originated from eugenic brains. Neo-Darwinism cannot be an endosymbiont because it is concretely and conceptually - namely by definition of the psychopathic brains that made it - an exo/anti/biont.
Neo-Darwinism is defined by the production of concepts, or substances, exogenous and hostile to Life. This is, in fact, the same definition that can be applied to Zionism, which emanated from an extraterrestrial virus called Yahweh/Jehovah - Yaldabaoth, for those who know it well. This being said with all due respect to the viruses of which our physical body is composed of ten times more than cells.
The point is not to "Darwinize Gaia", as some obsessed people claim [14]:
the point is to de/select neo-Darwinism, namely to "de/Darwinize human society".
The intention is, in fact, and in truth, to de/Sionize human society. For Life.
Charles Darwin, Son and Cousins, at the origin of "Scientific Eugenics
In order to authentically deconstruct a phenomenon, one must be able to trace it back to its origin.
According to Wikipedia, "neo-Darwinism is an extension of Charles Darwin's original theory, which still ignored the mechanisms of heredity that Mendel had worked on". And Wikipedia goes on to tell its story, all made up of bits and pieces, on the recipe of the neo-Darwinist pudding: a bowl of Mendel's laws, a big ladle of natural selection, a batch of population genetics - with a pinch of epigenetics that would be a "complement" of natural selection - to arrive at the "synthetic theory of evolution". A theory that was so named by the arch-eugenic biologist Julian Huxley, in 1942.
Wikipedia's ability to jump from the evolutionary paradigm, by random mutations, to the evolutionary paradigm, by epigenetics, pretending to integrate it, like a cherry, on the neo-darwinist pudding, is almost as miraculous as the emergence, by chance, according to their dogma, of the first eukaryotic cell. This is not unlike the ability of Christians to flit from Yahweh, the bloodthirsty, to the father of Jesus, the God of love - with the same frivolities: a little incense, a little Latin, some whining, some gymnastics (standing, sitting, kneeling, etc.) and a lot of bloody crosses - and that's it. This is called the glorification of suffering, and torment, in the name of redemptive love. All is well in terms of cognitive dissonance?
Julian Huxley (1887-1975), a very virulent and self- proclaimed eugenicist, is the grandson of Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895) who was known as "Darwin's Bulldog" - and who was also a very notorious and early eugenicist. It is in this alliance between the Huxley, Darwin, Galton families and the Rothschild bankers, and other mafia robber barons, that lies the germ of neo-Darwinism which is, basically, an ideology of eugenic selection based on the population theories of Thomas Malthus (1766- 1834) - as well as on his fad of "survival of the fittest" - and on the economic and financial elucubrations, aimed at the predation of the People, of the economist John Law (1671-1729).
The eugenicist psychopath Julian Huxley is also the brother of Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), the famous anti-militarist novelist and author of about fifty books, including "The Best of All Worlds" and especially "The Doors of Perception" - in which he recounts his entheogenic experiences with LSD and Mescaline. Aldous Huxley crossed the threshold, by the way, at the age of 70, in full intentional communion with LSD. The paths of merit (in the etymological sense of destiny), within the Gaian Lottery, are sometimes impenetrable!
When Charles Darwin (1809-1882) came on the scene with his "Origin of Species", it was the godsend that the psychopathic banksters had been waiting for, because they had been looking for a modern myth, an ideology, that could replace the failing religions - in their objective of social control - and that could base their claims of control, and authority, over the rest of the planet. They concocted, therefore, a myth for the benefit of their own prosperity and supremacy: the myth of the Darwinist survival of the strongest and best adapted.
Eugenics does not date back to the Englishmen Darwin, Huxley and Galton. It is enough to look at the history of Greece: for example, the writings of Plato or the traditions of ancient Sparta. [ 16] But State eugenics, Greek style, could not be imposed on the Western world, at the turn of the last century, with a single offensive, and especially in its former guise. It was the State eugenics that got rid of Socrates.
Scientific neo-Darwinism allowed the Rockefeller Foundation - the initiator of eugenics in the Western world - to pass the first eugenic practices in some states of the USA as early as 1905. [ 15] Indiana was the first state to pass sterilization laws in 1907, followed by California. By 1917, 15 states had already passed eugenics laws aimed at sterilizing populations defined as highly prone to degenerate human society, including, of course, the Native American Peoples - who are still the subject of wide- ranging eugenics today. In 1950, there were 33 states in the USA that had sterilization programs in place.
Between 1907 and 1937, laws were passed in the USA, Estonia, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Finland and Sweden allowing sterilization of Native Americans, criminals, epileptics, mental patients, idiots and sometimes alcoholics and drug addicts. England did not pass such laws, despite the fact that three of its prime ministers had been very convinced eugenicists - Arthur Balfour, Arthur Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill.
Eugenics progressed very rapidly in the USA thanks to the creation of the "American Eugenics Society", created in 1922 by John D. Rockefeller, the initiator of the Rockefeller Foundation.
Francis Galton, the founder of what became the Eugenics Education Society of England - and who is considered the father of Eugenics - was a direct cousin of Charles Darwin. And it was another prominent eugenicist, Leonard Darwin, Charles Darwin's own son, who organized the First International Eugenics Congress in London in 1912. It was attended by 400 distinguished guests including Winston Churchill, Lord Alverstone and Lord Balfour, Paul Doumer, Professor Yves Delages, etc. - as well as a string of ambassadors.
Leonard Darwin and another eugenicist, Ronald Fisher (1890-1962) - author of "The Genetical Theory of Natural Selection" - campaigned nationally in England to pass a first law allowing "voluntary sterilization" of the less well off (genetically speaking) and a second law allowing to increase the financial allowances to the large families of the bourgeoisie and allowing to totally suppress these same allowances to the large families of the less well off (economically speaking) in order to discourage them from producing more children - and thus to purge all that the Eugenicists considered to be the most important, totally, these same allowances to the large families of the less well off (economically speaking) in order to discourage them from producing more children - and to purge, thus, all that the Eugenists considered as waste of the human society. This proposed law was presented at the Second International Congress of Eugenics in New York in 1921, which was attended by Henry Fairfield Osborn and Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone.
Leonard Darwin was unable to attend the Third International Eugenics Congress in New York in 1932 because he was 88 years old, but he sent a report, presented by eugenicist Ronald Fisher, announcing the end of civilization if drastic eugenic measures were not adopted. [ 21] It was at this congress that the Swiss-German psychiatrist Ernst Rüdin was appointed president of the International Eugenics Society.
If we pay attention to what Adrian Desmond and James Moore, the arch-Darwinist authors of "Darwin: The Life of a Tormented Evolutionist" (1994), say: "Social Darwinism is often regarded as something alien, an ugly concretion subsequently added to the pure Darwinian corpus and tarnishing the image of Charles Darwin . Nevertheless, his books of notes make it clear that competition, free markets, imperialism, racial extermination and sexual inferiority were part of the equation from the beginning: the objective of "Darwinism" has always been to explain human society. Underlining by Xochi.
Can it be more clearly expressed that Charles Darwin had contracted the alien, and psychopathic, virus of racial supremacy? Charles Darwin was a eugenicist. In Charles's case, it would seem that this virus is not familial, but acquired, or else transmitted in the previous generation, since his grandfather Erasmus Darwin seems to have been totally immune to it.
Indeed, "his grandfather Erasmus Darwin, had presented, a generation before his, a much more convincing vision of Gaian symbiosis and natural selection, if one wishes to use such an expression. This vision was deeply rooted in the recognition of the erotic aspect of natural processes. There is, thus, much eroticism in the writings of Erasmus Darwin and we can find the seeds of the theory, for which Charles Darwin is renowned, in a purer form, and in a form more in harmony with the Gaian vision, in the work of his grandfather who was an amazing genius and universal mind, an inventor of various instruments, in short, a brilliant person well worth studying." John Lamb Lash.
From the Deuteronomy of the Bible to the Scientific Eugenics of Neo-Darwinism
According to Francis Galton, Eugenics is "the science of genetic improvement which is by no means restricted to questions of judicious mating , but which, particularly in the case of man, takes into account all influences which tend, however remote , togive the best adapted races and bloodlines a better chance of prevailingover all those which are less adapted thanthey might otherwise have enjoyed". (Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development, page 25). Translation and underlining by Xochi.
Francis Galton obviously does not take the easy way out: he advocates the elimination of inferior races and bloodlines. And who decides - and according to what criteria - that certain races and bloodlines are better suited than others? Obviously, the Eugenics neo-Darwinists themselves! This borders on the Chosen People syndrome! One would think one was immersed in the purest genocidal ("domination of the Nations") and biocidal ("under every green tree") eugenics as laid down in Deuteronomy - the first written work of the Holy Bible in the seventh century BC:
"The Lord your God will bless you as he has said to you; you shall lend to many nations, and you shall not borrow; you shall rule over many nations, and they shall not rule over you." Deuteronomy. 15:6 "And you shall destroy all the places where their gods serve in the nations which you possess, on the high mountains, on the hills, and under every green tree." Deuteronomy 12:2-3.
For the record, the Eternal is another monotheistic denomination for Yahweh, aka Jehovah, Yaldabaoth the Demented, Samael the Blind, Ahriman and then, Allah, the Father of the little Jesus, God, the Lord, the boss of Melchisedec, etc...
Christians do not specify where the Eternal One dwells in the Infinite Universe of galaxies - of which a few tens of billions have already been spotted by the Hubble Telescope. They are already at a loss to explain the extremely delicate passage from the bloodthirsty and demented Yahweh (of the Old Testament) to the loving God, the cuddly father of Jesus (of the New Testament) - who denies the first. To distract from this, they even invented the Holy Trinity. A Trinity that later became Quaternary, because they had to add, a few centuries later, the non-maculated Jewish Virgin: another popular diversion in order to pretend to give some virginity to their genocidal soup, with an ingenuous virgin who was impregnated by extraterrestrial insemination - of the Son of Yaldabaoth himself - by the Archon Gaby who was making a round in Judea.
A Christian can be a neo-Darwinist, during the week, at work, and vice versa. Could we even consider the Jewish Virgin Mary as the lucky subject of a form of natural selection, in a neo-Darwinist mode, by random mutation, which allowed the non-Jewish race to generate the long-awaited Messiah in a parthenocarpic mode? Nothing is mythically simple because, in any case, Jesus was not the Messiah that the Judaizers expected. Jesus was awaited by the Christians who did not know it - because they did not yet exist. Paul of Damascus had not yet invented them! These were great times.
From a hardcore neo-Darwinist point of view, the conception of the unsmeared, alien Son of Yaldabaoth by the Jewish Virgin is no more improbable than the rest of the Biosphere.
According to this ideology - which is pragmatically logical - the entire Living Biosphere originated from a primordial cell, billions of years ago, which evolved through random, diverse and haphazard mechanisms, to metamorphose into this treasure trove of biodiversity. It takes a Saturnian lead of Time but it is so beautiful!
Time and a first small miracle: this is the secret of the Big-Bangist ideology - a cosmological avatar of the Neo-Darwinist ideology. When the Big-Bangers are given a first small miracle (and no one can go and verify what really happened 14 or 15 billion years ago), i.e. the All emerging from the almost Nothing - in the form of a hyper-concentrated atom-germ - they can give rise to a bigger miracle: a Universe in infinite expansion/evolution. According to the neo- darwinist ideology, the Big Bang would constitute, thus, the random mutation of a germ-atom (among trillions of trillions of germ-atoms within the Multiverse) metamorphosing into an expandable and infinitely evolving universe.
Time and a small miracle - that of the emergence of the first eukaryotic cell - is the secret, the deal- breaker, of the ideology of the neo-Darwinists. They are very greedy for Time because, first of all, time is money... follow my lead. Secondly, because their ideology is based on the following axiom. If one gives - or lends, even without interest - Time enough time, contingencies that are a priori improbable can then acquire, over millions or even billions of years, an ever increasing probability to such an extent that it is their non-manifestation, rather than their manifestation, that becomes highly improbable. Is this clear?
Is the probability of this improbability clear because Time will eventually give in to the demands of random and haphazard mutations, of the neo- Darwinists, following the pressure of Evolutionary Selection? Consequently, any fervent neo-Darwinist can only marvel at the gigantic permanent and random miracle that he himself constitutes, since the miraculous emergence of the first eukaryotic cell. A neo-darwinist is, thus, the fruit of a very distant and very improbable improbability which finally obliged Chance to give him the favors of an incarnation on Earth. Isn't that very nice and kind of Random?
The Conceivers of Neo-Darwinism were all Eugenicists
According to Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913), who is credited with co-founding the Theory of Evolution with Charles Darwin and championing the cause of women, it was necessary for women to have free choice in their marriages in order to benefit natural selection "with the intention of purifying society of non-adapted people. Thus, in her book "From Eve to Evolution: Darwin, Science, and Women's Rights in Gilded Age America", Kimberly Hamlin clearly states that Alfred Russel Wallace's conceptions of women's free choice of marriage "were based on his adherence to eugenics ideology", even though he did not actually advocate coercive state eugenics (page 142).
We are, then, at the turn of the 20th century and the co-founder of the Theory of Evolution, Alfred Russel Wallace, is, just like Charles Darwin and his son Leonard Darwin, a eugenicist but a "soft" eugenicist who is not inclined towards State Eugenics.
We are, today, in 2019 and the Social Darwinism practiced by the gang of Macron, Philippe and Castaner is a State Eugenics. The Social Darwinism practiced by Israel towards Palestine is a State Eugenics. The Social Darwinism, on vaccinal and over-vaccinal mode practiced by the State, towards the People of France, is a State Eugenics. Etc, etc, ad nauseam.
To return to Weakypedia's definition of the "synthetic theory of evolution" [17 ] as a pudding of "natural selection", "Mendelian genetics" and "population genetics" (in the service of the survival of the strongest and the best adapted). Who were the geneticists who made this recipe from the Theory of Evolution of Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace?
It was Ronald Fisher and Julian Huxley, the eugenicists already mentioned above. It was Wilhelm Johannsen, the inventor of the "pure lines" in 1903 - which made possible one of the greatest scams of modern agronomy, the F1 hybrids - who was a moderate eugenicist. It was Sewall Green Wright who was an avowed eugenicist. It was the biologist Charles Davenport who was the leader of the Eugenics Movement in the USA. It was the famous biologist and geneticist Theodosius Dobzhansky - who wrote the preface to "The Future of Human Heredity", the book of the hardcore eugenicist, Frederick Henry Osborn. It was the very famous Ernst Mayr who promoted, rather, "positive eugenics" - that is, the encouragement of the reproduction of individuals with genetic traits that are more beneficial than others to human society (in a letter to Francis Crick). [ 19] It was John Burdon Haldane who was a convinced eugenicist - but of social-Judeo-Bolshevik tendency, i.e. advocating eugenic sterilization in order to liberate the proletariat... Is everything okay?
This was also the proposal of the eugenicist writers of this same "socialist and proletarian" movement, such as H G Wells, Karl Pearson and George Bernard Shaw. In fact, and of course, "Marxism" is steeped in Eugenics because the secular Rabbi Karl Marx was genetically programmed by Zionism and the alien virus of Yahweh/Yaldabaoth. In Lenin's Bolshevik Russia, the Academy of Sciences included a Bureau of Eugenics. From 1925 to 1929, this commission was called "Biuro po Genetike i Uvgenike." There was also a commission for eugenics in the Communist Academy, its competitor at that time.
It is true that many orthodox Marxist thinkers, especially Soviets, adhered to the strict rule, from the division of Zionist territories, that Marxism begins where Darwinism ends - namely, biology, namely, genetics... namely, Eugenics.
Notwithstanding, the prominent Marxist theorist, and German Jew, Karl Kautsky, (1854-1938) was a militant eugenicist and close to Wilhelm Schallmayer, considered the father of German Eugenics. Karl Kautsky was sometimes presented as the best Marxist theoretician since Engels. He is also the author of the book "Are the Jews a Race? [20]. It's true that some people ask this, sometimes secretly... because Big Tzaddik is listening to you.
He was not the only prominent Jewish eugenicist. The German Richard Goldschmidt, (1878-1958) among others, was a strong advocate of eugenic sterilization legislation until April 1933 - when he was dismissed from his position at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute fur Biology in Berlin. The British Harold Laski (1893-1950), the prominent Marxist thinker, was another. The German Elias Auerbach (1882-1971) was another. The list is too long to go into - male in essence but sometimes punctuated by female figures, such as the "Jewish anarchist" Emma Goldman.
Too long to decline, especially since Eugenics is inscribed in the heart of Judaism, and therefore in the heart of all its Zionist avatars.
Julian Huxley, the grandson of Darwin's Bulldog and the most prominent eugenicist of the last century, was also the first director of UNESCO! Why should they bother? Aren't they at home? In 1961, at the Congress "Man and his Future" - organized by the Ciba Foundation, which later became the Novartis/Syngenta Foundation - he gave the introductory speech to 27 scientists, all of them men as usual, who were supposed to give their insights to the rest of the Goyim on ethics in relation to the technologies of Eugenics. [ 18] The following eugenicists also participated: Francis Crick, the supposed co-discoverer of DNA (which was discovered, in fact, by a woman, Rosalind Franklin); Hermann Joseph Muller, the radiation geneticist; Alan Sterling Parkes, a pioneer of ovarian transplantation; Peter Medawar, the father of transplantation; etc. Francis Crick even proposed to establish a new tax on the production of children, namely a new tax whose main bearer would be the Proletariat.
For the record, the term "Proletariat" refers to that class of human animals who "own" nothing in life except their children. From the Latin "Proles" meaning offspring. And it is necessary to specify that the children of the proletariat are totally under state control through education, vaccinations, and so on.
The most decisive Foundations in the promotion of the Eugenics movement were the Rockefeller, Ford, Milbank Memorial Fund, Ciba/Novartis and Gulbenkian Foundations. It was the Rockefeller Foundation that first financed research on functional genetic chimeras - later called "genetically modified organisms" - in the 1940s. It was these same Foundations that fomented the so-called Green Revolution in India and the rest of the Third World.
The Green Revolution is only a neo-Darwinization, in a chemical-biocidal way, of the organic and food- producing agriculture of the poorest countries of the planet.
At this 1961 congress, "Man and his Future", the eugenicist criminals also talked about what therapies would be available in the near future of thousands of years. It should be noted that this fateful year of 1961 saw, on a global level, the creation or initiation, by the Zionists, of UPOV (captive seed market), of the OECD, of the pseudo Green Revolution, of the Codex Alimentarius (in December 1961 created by the FAO and the WHO), of the Alliance for Progress, of the reorganization of the GNIS (in France), etc, etc.
Julian Huxley had to wriggle all his life to present his mad eugenics as "humanism". This is especially true since authentic history - not the falsified history of commissioned books - makes it abundantly clear that Europe has been in a nightmare of "wars of liberation" since the advent of the Darwinist ideology and its avatars in 1859. These "wars of liberation", orchestrated by Zionism, are the Franco-German war of 1870/1871; the war against the three hundred Peoples of Russia initiated by the Judeo-Bolshevik coup d'état, in 1917; the two Great World Slaughters of 1914/1918 and 1939/1945; the war in Kosovo promoted by the green Zionist Daniel Cohn-Bendit; etc, etc.
So did his Zionist Green buddy, Alan Lipietz, who promoted, alongside the Hungarian Dwarf, the strictly total destruction - and still ongoing - of Libya to free its people from the grip of the Guide Muammar Gaddafi - who had made it the richest country in Africa after driving out the French and
Italian colonialists. Alan Lipietz, by the way, called me a "supporter of dictators" when in March 2011, just after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, I published my statement, "The Coalition of Psychopathic Clowns", to denounce this Zionist attack, under the aegis of BH Levy, against the people of Libya. This country has been attacked, annihilated and butchered just like Tito's Yugoslavia. For what reasons? Where are the 1700 tons of gold from the Libyan Treasury stolen in the spring of 2011? In England, in the City of London?
The Zionists, allegedly ecologists, Alan Lipietz and Daniel Cohn-Bendit - alias Dany Croquette in the LGBT (and anti-transphobic) textbooks of the EduCastration Sinister Blanquer - have respectively supported, very widely, the use of depleted uranium bombs in both Kosovo and Libya.
All is well in terms of cognitive dissonance? Who has had the courage to examine, on the internet, the photographs of the children who were born in all these countries devastated by the "Western Alliance" with depleted uranium bombs - made in France? And distributed graciously with the support of the Greens and other zecologists of Europe-Ecologie, a den of defectors of everything, of nothing and of good for nothing.
These are the same people who are going to parade at the Grand Théâtre des Illusionnistes in Brussels - to install Industrial Bio (plundered from the bio- mass and extracted from the blood of the Third World) in the school canteens - where children are lobotomized by the National EduCastration. And to save the Holy Climate from the Temptation of Carbon Sin! All is well?
It is, moreover, the canicul-béni and ecolo-thermist prophet, Yannick Jadot, one of the recent saviors of the Macronie, with his great accomplice Cohn- Bendit - "Elections: Cocoon Traps! - who declared on October 14, 2009 [56]: "Sarkozy makes the planet warm up by 4°C.... Beyond the speeches, the French positions are in fact dangerous. They would lead to a global warming of more than 4°C, causing an unbearable humanitarian catastrophe." [55] And as Cohn-Bendit said, in April 2019, reported by the Journal LibéronSion, "in 2009, we were not talking about Sarkozy, we were talking about Europe and Ecology." Is everything okay?
Meanwhile, Yannick Jadot is playing the clown to entertain the gallery and even proposes to set up a heat wave vacation... to save the Atmosphere from the Holocaust. Yannick Jadot as high priest of the Atmoscaust, this new card is coming soon?
Were the designers of Neo-Darwinism, then, all convinced eugenicists? In fact, it is very difficult to find some who were not, especially among geneticists. Why then?
Because Darwinism and Neo-Darwinism constitute an ideology of racial supremacy and genocide. All you have to do is add to them the extraterrestrial virus of the claim to supra-humanity to obtain Zionism.
Is it natural, and is it the fruit of natural selection by random mutations, that the hierarchies of all the sects of the three ideological and monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) as well as the hierarchies of the three secular and quasi- religious ideologies (Marxism, Neo-Darwinism and Communitarianism) are under the absolute, or quasi-absolute, control of males, that is to say, males? And preferably very bearded males in the case of the Abrahamic monotheistic religions.
Is the Woman so organically and tellurically protected - by the Mother - that she is rarely found in the arch-criminal and psychopathic hierarchies at the origin of all the pernicious and genocidal ideologies stemming from Zionism? Is it a problem of beard deficit? Or is it because intrinsically, as the very Christian Saint Augustine affirmed, the Woman is only a genetically and sexually inferior being, to be replaced in the rank of the canine, and unworthy to sit among the Authorities?
Where are the women among the Tzaddik, if not hidden, in closets, double-locked? According to the majority of the ideologies stemming from Zionism, the Woman constitutes a favorite subject/object - a privileged prey - of intra-specific predation. Or a pretext for more predation, as manifested in the creation of the Feminist Movement by the Rockefeller Foundation and other Zionist offices. As the dissident John Lennon sang: "Woman is the Nigger of the World".
But, also, as another poet sang: "The first Man was a Woman". In Gaia's biological vision, men are mutated women! Could it be that Gaia perceives herself, through the Woman Vector, through the Lens of her Lunar Woman: her "Biological Glasses"? As for the Man Vector, wouldn't it be, then, the Human - the Anthropos, the anthropine species - seen through Gaia's Objective.
It is not unimportant, moreover - in photography or in cinematography - that the term "lens" is used as a technological vector targeted towards a photographic purpose, towards an "objective". The same is true of Gaia-Sophia, the Planetary Animal Mother: she is the Objective, the Purpose, the Photographer... and even the Photography.
Intra-specific Predation at the Heart of Neo- Darwinism
The genesis of the expression "survival of the fittest" is attributed to another great thinker of the Theory of Evolution, Herbert Spencer, (1820-1903), the very popular English philosopher, who used it, in 1864, in his book "Principles ofBiology". Charles Darwin used it in his fifth edition of "The Origin of Species".
Herbert Spencer is sometimes considered the father of Social Darwinism, but in fact he was a Lamarckian, fiercely anti-imperialist - and strictly not a eugenicist - and probably somewhat anarchist in his refusal to let the State intervene.
"Survival of the fittest" is a tautology from a biological point of view. As my friend Mushroom so rightly states, "we are all ecological refugees".
Therefore, those who have survived vaccinations, educastration, poisoned food, nuclear radiation, religions, state persecutions, etc., is it by "progressive" adaptation, or by the "recessive" resurgence of ancient genes, or by a sudden mutation, or by laziness, or by the grace of the little Jesus in the crib - or by a good number in Gaia's Lottery?
"The ideology of dominance of the most adapted and survival of the most adapted is a scam; globalist predators only use it to legitimize their own domination of society. There is absolutely no equivalent of their behavior in Nature. In fact, Thomas Henry Huxley adopted Darwin's ethological observations, propelled them, modelled them, perverted and distorted them; he extrapolated and falsified them to make the ideology of a system based on a kind of master race. And the dominators of this system would be the financial masters and the governmental and economic authorities that control the world today. The dominators needed an ideology because no movement can flourish in human society on a large scale unless there is a myth, or an ideology, attached to it that fires the human imagination. So they invented a myth for their own benefit called the Darwinian survival of the fittest. John Lamb Lash.
In terms of human society, if we assume that the human animal has been created mutualistic - like everything else in the Biosphere - then anything that is not adapted to, or opposed to, mutualism should be strictly repressed - for the survival of the human species. The Hunt for Predators is on.
The Eugenicist Neo-Darwinists, and all the criminal psychopaths who occupy positions of authority, should be prevented from harming - not to say strictly eliminated - from the human sphere because they are handicapped: they are unsuited to human mutualist life. And they are, at present, leading the human species towards the most integral genocide. What shall we do?
In fact, neo-Darwinists advocate "the survival of the strongest and best adapted" to a social system... whose rules they themselves invented.
What are these rules, then? They are only one, which can be expressed in a few words: "the competition and the struggle that imply the survival and the subsequent domination of the strongest and the best adapted".
It is like Democracy (Demos/Cratos) which has never existed because it is never in the Power of the People. Indeed, those who, supposedly at the service of the People, have invented the rules - the Zionists - have omitted the Transparency in order to be able to manipulate the popular masses on their mode, in 3 D, of collective hallucinations: Domination, Division and Duplicity. The Screens of Virtuality - in all aspects - are never very transparent about their authentic motivations.
Elections: Cocoon Traps! Today, the asocial networks and the modern instruments of the dictatorship of "thought", such as Fakebook and Google, have taken over the lobotomization of the People, and their mental manipulation, in order to comfort and arouse their desire to continue to vote... for the same criminals, of all political purulences, who have been misleading them for decades and for centuries. And this, while continuing to vilify Russia. The asocial networks plunge the individual into a social lethargy concomitant to the media exacerbation of his vanities and his ego, by interposed screen. The human animal contemplates himself, blissful, all day long, in the mirror of his virtual screen, IPhone, iPad, and tablets of all kinds, making a clean sweep of conviviality. This is Democracy for Cocoons: the "Cocoon of Self" syndrome. Elections: Cocoon Traps!
This is how the thinker of the Zionist Plague, BH Lévy, conceives democracy according to the Tzaddik: when the People vote badly (i.e. "populist") one should not take into account their "undemocratic" vote. And when the "cocoons of self" of the Goyim are lobotomized to the point, it is only necessary to boil them to make a light fabric, malleable at will, floating with the winds of the State diktats.
Have we noticed how the term "People" has been tarnished and depreciated by populist, popular, celebrity press, pop, etc. derivatives? But perhaps it was always depreciated? Indeed, it comes from "populus" in Latin which gave the verb "populor" meaning "to depopulate"! Namely to genocide?
Wouldn't it be a disturbing etymology when one knows the Zionist propensity to genocide, to exterminate, to vaccinate, to poison, to irradiate human animals of all ethnicities.
Thomas Henri Huxley, Darwin's Bulldog, wrote around 1850: "Life is a permanent open struggle and, beyond the temporary and limited relaxation of the family, the Hobbesian war of each against all is the normal state of existence".
And John Lash comments, thus, on this completely insane statement "This is a clear statement, then, that conflict, and the war of all against all, is the normal state of existence. This is of course an error, and a lie, because if this were the normal state of existence in Nature, Nature would collapse into utter chaos. If this were the normal state of existence in human nature, no civilization would be possible."
The existential hallucinations of the manic- depressive Thomas Henry Huxley are not unlike the ideology of the Zaddikim as expressed in the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered at Qumran, near Jerusalem, in 1947 - particularly in the "War Scroll" and the "Messianic Apocalypse". These Scrolls were concealed by the Vatican until 1997, because they expose the instructions and practices of the Zaddikim - the Tzaddik, the Supremes - stolen by Paul of Damascus, in order to create his "Christian" religion - which appeals to the pseudo-historical Jesus only as an epiphenomenon on the bangs of his "Epitreries to the Christians".
"Reeking of hatred and vengeance, like toxic ammonia fumes, The War Scroll is a bizarre blend of mystical panoramic vision and military maneuvering recital. It describes battlefield tactics in the final confrontation between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness. One of the first seven texts found at Qumran, this manuscript was originally identified by scholars at the same time that the United Nations voted to create the State of Israel in November 1947. The symbolism of this coincidence was not lost on those who lived through this dramatic moment, both in Israel and around the world." John Lamb Lash.
Thomas Henry Huxley was a sick man, a cripple of the joy of living and of mutualism. He was demented and, not to mention genetically inherited, the Huxley family is known for its strong inclination towards eugenics, mental illness and suicide.
The philosopher and writer, Aldous Huxley, seems to have escaped this family syndrome because "the Gates of Perception" were opened to him - by the Gaian grace of entheogenic substances.
The whole human planet is under the yoke of degenerate Authorities, namely human animals in terminal phase of mental pathology, dementia, mutualism handicap - and lies. Their biggest lie, their strongest blow of shell - which has metamorphosed, subsequently, into a very strong Coup d'Etat of Abuse - is, for 150 years, the putting of the Peoples under the spell of the concept of "the struggle of all against all and the concomitant survival of the most adapted and the strongest".
This is the essence of Neo-Darwinism: it is Intra- Species Predation.It is a stunt that has generated an endless plethora of collateral damage in the human social sphere - as well as in all the Life Sciences.
The deception of the neo-Darwinists was the prestidigitation effect of presenting "intra-specific predation" within humanity as a "natural" law... when the only natural law that exists in the Biosphere, as far as predation is concerned, is "inter-specific predation". There is no such thing as "intraspecific predation" in the Gaian Biosphere - except for very rare exceptions resulting from stressful or other situations. The ethical-cultural justification of this type of predation, within the human community, does not come from the Biosphere but, directly, from the pathologically damaged brain of its designers, and orchestrators, in the human society: namely the psychopaths and other sociopaths, the orchestrators of Social Evil.
There is, in fact, an ethico-humanist justification, of this type of intra-specific predation, emanating from our survival DNA, thus from the Gaian Biosphere... but it is another problematic which exceeds the framework of this very moderate Canto. The Hunt for Predators is, however, definitely on.
"Question: What is the prey, selected by Nature, of the human species? Answer: We are the only animal that can chase any other species, but we have no naturally selected prey. What do I mean by "Nature's selected prey"? In all the kingdoms of Nature, animals, insects, reptiles and birds, we can immediately observe that every creature (a Siberian tiger, a robin, a cobra...) has its selected prey. With the exception of the human species, there is no animal species that hunts, without distinction, other creatures. The Siberian tiger eats certain animals within the limits of its territory, just like the cobra in the depths of the jungle or the scorpion in the desert. Gaia provides the prey within the limits of each creature's specific habitat: she matches a prey with a predator. A tiger can attack and devour a human being, but this is an anomaly. An asp, or a scorpion, can sting and kill a human being. However, humans are not the prey of scorpions or asps. A condor or a pelican will dive for some prey, and in some extremely rare cases will attack a newborn child, but this is an anomaly, an exception to the narrowly defined limits of predation.
... Only the human animal has the latitude to hunt any creature, be it ants or whales or even microscopic entities such as amoebas. The ability to attack any other creature is one of Gaia's exceptional dispositions regarding her problematic species: indeed, humanity has no naturally selected prey. Because of the ability of human beings to adapt to any environment, from the Arctic to the Sahara, they can search for prey in vast territories. They can hunt the animals that live in any environment they explore. No other animal can do this.
Another feature of the unique - but not superior - status of the human species with respect to the prey/predator relationship is to be noted. In the case of all other creatures, the prey is hunted to be eaten. Gaia sets up instinctive programs, encoded in specific prey/predator connections, so that predators can survive with the guarantee of other species devoted to their sustenance. The lion/gazelle connection, for example. In terms of numbers, the gazelle population far exceeds the lion population. Lions are guaranteed a quota, an allocated portion, of the gazelle population provided they maintain their hunting expertise at its optimum level. The adjustments to these connections (lion/gazelle, lion/zebra, lion/shacal) are worked out, with delicacy and precision, by Gaia. These connections can also be called pacts, alliances, because they imply an inter-specific contract with precise limits binding the two parties. There is much to learn about how these connections, or alliances, are balanced, namely how Gaia evaluates the respective chances.
Exceptionally, human predators enjoy the latitude not only to hunt any prey they choose but, more importantly, to hunt for pleasure, without satisfying a need for food. They hunt for sport, for play, or to satisfy their lust for killing. It is often claimed that humans are at the top of the food chain. This is an unwarranted and arrogant assumption. If humans do occupy this position, they do so at their own risk, because of the danger of violating the balance of Nature posed by such a presumption. Throughout history, and increasingly in modern times, humans have behaved like unbridled predators who kill for pleasure, without respect for the prey and without need for the food that the prey can offer. In North America, Native Americans honored the buffalo as a sacred animal that sustained their lives in many ways: offering food from its flesh and organs (preserved for the warrior-shamans of the hunt), providing clothing from its hide, and procuring its horns and bones for practical and ritual uses. Every part of the animal was put to good use. The prey/predator connection between humans and bison was deeply rooted in Native American cultural and spiritual life.
But when the white Europeans arrived in America, they slaughtered the buffalo herds en masse, leaving their corpses to rot on the plains. Men shot these animals from trains, just for the fun of the kill." John Lash. Translation by Xochi.
Neo-Darwinism is a collective hallucination that allows the Zionist Authorities -who are demented males- to remain in control, in domination and in power, by invoking the fact that they are the strongest and the best adapted to a social system of "struggle of all against all", of individualistic survival and non-mutualism, whose rules they themselves have instituted -with their great friends and accomplices, the Banksters. It is likely that, soon, any questioning of neo-Darwinism will be qualified as anti-Semitism - for whoever wants to drown his Yellow Vest accuses him of being in Rages.
"We have been mistakenly led to believe that because there are apparently brutal behaviors between prey and predator in Nature (Nature interpreted as beaks and nails, the lion's dripping lips, the horde of lions pouncing on the body of a wild beast that has been captured during a hunt...), and because so many similar examples occur in Nature, that the same kind of laws must be at work in human society and, what is more, must be innate to human nature.), and because there are so many similar examples in Nature, that the same kind of laws must be at work in human society and, what is more, must be innate to human nature. But let us take the time to examine the malicious rigging in this assertion. Those who impose this claim take an example of behavior that certainly exists in Nature but only in inter-specific predation and apply it to human behavior as if this type of behavior worked in intra-specific predation. And this is absolutely and completely wrong.
First, as I have pointed out before, and we will continue to emphasize this in our discussion of Gaian ethics, examples of intraspecies predation in Nature are extremely rare and only occur in situations of great disorder or stress. So while we may see some species in Nature hunting other species, we do not see them hunting members of their own species. However, when we look at our lives, as human animals, as an exceptional case in the Gaian symbiosis - but not as a superior case - we can see a different story. Is it not so? We see that some human beings prey on other human beings. This is a case of intra-specific predation. And we see who the individuals are who have concocted this fraudulent ideology of domination: they are obviously bankers, lawyers and scientists driven by an ego of incredible blind arrogance. What we see them doing is asserting that they possess the right to make us their prey because of natural laws correlated with prey-predator relationships in the non-human world. This is an absolutely blatant and stinking lie and is as much a criminal act as any other crime that has ever been committed. It is a criminal act to teach this and it is a criminal act to perpetrate this lie in the consciousness of human beings." [133] [134][135 ] John Lash. Translation by Xochi.
In terms of applied psychopathy and sociopathy, one can only tip one's hat to the Zionist criminal authorities who have dared such an apotheosis of "cognitive dissonance". Indeed, they have imposed, for 150 years, in the whole field they then called "scientific", a non-existent natural law - the "struggle of all against all" with the survival of the strongest, the most intelligent, the most egoistic, the most individualistic and the best adapted - as the basic foundation of the social, economic and financial fabric, within the lands of Europa… whose Peoples have been, for 2000 years, bruised, persecuted, pierced, bewitched by the syndrome of the Jewish Voodoo Doll, the Bloody Jesus on the Cross, the Sacrificial Supplicant, the Cosmic Looser, the great loser before the Eternal, the one whom the whole Universe abandoned: Eli Eli lama Sabachthani...
It's very mustardy, we must concede, as this heightened cognitive dissonance is still being intoxicated in the war against the human mind.
But this intoxicating mustard, in the salad of cognitive dissonance, borders on the gas of trench warfare when the Zionist Criminal Authorities play cat and mouse, with the popular masses, by proposing "class struggle", a trademark of the secular Tzaddik and Rabbi Karl Marx, as an antidote as a brother enemy - to the neo-darwinist domination of the strongest and best adapted - the "capitalists". These are the psychic programming clichés lavishly lavished on the France of the Bottom so that it remains there - which, until the advent of the Yellow Vests, still pretended to believe in a change by voting sometimes to the right of the left and sometimes to the left of the right.
It is surely no coincidence that Karl Marx's "Manifesto" was published at exactly the same time as Darwin's "Origin of Species". From the point of view of the Tzaddik - the Righteous, the Supreme - it is surely no coincidence either that the main organization of the Labor Movement was called, in the 1840s/1850s, the "League of the Righteous", "Bund der Gerechten".It became the "Communist League" in 1847 when it merged with the Communist Committee of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
In the Europe of the end of the century, it is necessary to wait for the Russian anarchist Prince, Pierre Kropotkin, (1842-1921) for a dissident and strong voice to be heard, rejecting completely the ethological and sociological insanity of Darwin, Huxley and other Galtons. Pierre Kropotkin lived as a political refugee in Switzerland for 41 years.
Throughout his life he was hunted down, spied upon, imprisoned by various factions of criminal political authorities - in France, Switzerland, Russia, etc.
When he returned to his native Russia in 1917, it was with great sadness that he saw the dictatorship of the Judeo-Bolshevik state being established during the last years of his life. His funeral, in 1921, was the occasion of the last anarchist demonstration authorized by the Judeo-Bolshevik dictatorship - because of mutualist incompatibilities.
Ethology is the study of animal behavior. This term derives from the Greek word "ethos", meaning "habitual place", and which, by extension, has meant "morals, habits" and then "morals". This association clearly highlights the inescapable connection between ethical behavior in the human animal sphere and animal mores in the Biosphere of Mother Earth.
Peter Kropotkin - who in his youth explored many remote regions of Russia and northern Europe - wrote one of his works "Mutual aid, a factor of evolution" [22] around 1890/1896 (which was published in 1902).
"I could not accept this opinion, because I was convinced that to admit a ruthless war for life, within every species, and to see in this war a condition of progress, was to advance not only an assertion without proof, but not even having the support of direct observation.... The importance of the factor of mutual aid "if only its generality could be demonstrated" did not escape Goethe's keen naturalist genius . When Eckermann told Goethe one day - it was in 1827 - that two wren chicks that had escaped were found the next day in a nest of robins (Rothkehlchen), who were feeding these chicks together with their own chicks, Goethe's interest was aroused by this story. He saw in it a confirmation of his pantheistic conceptions, and said: "If it were true that this fact of feeding a stranger occurred in all of Nature and had the character of a general law - many enigmas would be solved." Emphasis added by Xochi.
Intelligent Design to the Rescue of Monotheisms
In 1996, the US biochemist Michael Behe published his first book rejecting the claims of neo-Darwinism, "Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to
Evolution". This first book by Behe, promoting "Intelligent Design", was the only work translated into French in this fatal series for the neo-Darwinist sect - under the title "La Boite Noire de Darwin", by the Presses de la Renaissance, a Christian publishing house. Moreover, so as not to upset anyone who was right or "just", and so as not to make anyone jealous - and above all so as not to throw too much water into the pool of the neo- Darwinists - the Presses de la Renaissance published, as "compensation", Kenneth Miller's book "In Search of Darwin's God: Against Creationism and the New Atheism, the book that reconciles faith and evolution".
The book that reconciles Darwin and the Cosmic Looser, Jesus the Supplicant, against the (creationist) worshippers of the creator god Yaldabaoth, the father of Jesus. Neo-Darwinism fits into all the racks carrying the various rakes of the Zionist culture which rakes in a universal mode: Marxists, Christians (non-creationists), Communitarians, Muslims (non-creationists), etc.
It was very courageous on the part of the Presses de la Renaissance to dare to publish - so early and before the Mother Storm - this first work of Michael Behe but it should also be pointed out that all the recent works of biologists and biochemists, which emphasize the Intelligent Design, are "bread and butter" for all the "asses" of Christian, Judaic or any other Yahweist confession, who would be somewhat Creationists - or, simply allergic to the neo-darwinist ideology affirming that the Living is the product of random and leapfrog Randomness.
"Darwin's Black Box" has not been republished in France. However, the excellent post-face of the book by Professor Jean-Michel Olivereau - a neurobiologist and honorary professor at the University of Paris-Descartes - is online for the pleasure of all anti-Darwinists. [76]
One can thus appreciate the recent (early May 2019) and humorous essay by Jewish intellectual, David Hillel Gelernter - artist and professor of computer science at Yale University and the Shalem Center in Jerusalem - entitled "Giving up Darwin" [24]
It is not very easy, in Judeo-Christo-Islamic-Laic France - and under the governance of the CRIF - to shake the coconut tree of the eugenicist neo- darwinists but when the coconuts will finally come off - because they are too spoiled - the screen of grotesque and hypocritical fabrications of this sect will burst into millions of bursts of laughter and bursts of academic palms...
As David Gelernter attacks the neo-Darwinist creed with large doses of coherent questioning, not to say with large blows of mathematical and statistical bulldozer, the ripostes were not long in coming from all the henchmen of the neo-Darwinist sect - including the aggressive biologist, Jerry Allen Coyne, in charge of its public relations [25] . and of its modest relations because the neo- darwinism does not have of cease to afflict the naked and orgiastic body of the Goddess of grotesque ideologies in order to desacralize it.
These responses, most of the time, as already mentioned, are characterized rather by a lack of elegance - and stabs - as well as a poignant lack of scientific counter-arguments worthy of the name - namely "just" based on the Real.
It does not make sense to call an anti-Darwinist a Yahwehist when a host of monotheists, from all walks of life, have adhered in good faith to interpretations of the neo-Darwinist social dominance ideology - for a plethora of decades.
Proof by the aforementioned Kenneth Miller attempting to reconcile Darwin and the Jewish Voodoo Doll. Proof by Teilhard de Chardin who, if he remained somewhat Lamarckian to apprehend the anthropine species, was totally neo-darwinist to appreciate the rest of the Biosphere.
Here is one of David Gelernter's mathematical demonstrations - for which he is called a Yahwehist by the atheistic neo-Darwinist biologist Coyne:
"Imagine a protein with 150 elements like a chain of 20 beads - each bead being chosen from 20 different types. Attention: only certain chains will be functional. Only certain combinations of beads will result in the formation of stable, useful and properly shapedproteins . So how difficult is it to build a functional and properly shaped protein? Can you mix a handful of amino acids and assume that you will get something interesting? Or do you have to choose each element of the chain with great care? It is, in fact, very difficult to choose the right beads.
... If we start with 150 links of "gibberish", what are our chances of mutating a path to a new useful form of protein? We can, basically, ask this same question in an easier mode: what are the chances that a random sequence of 150 bonds could generate such a protein? Nonsense mutations are essentially random. Mutations are random. Transform, in a random mode, a random sequence and you get another random sequence. So close your eyes, make 150 random choices from your box of twenty types of beads, and string them in the order you choose.
What are your chances of generating a new protein?
It is easy to see that the total number of possiblesequences is immense. It is easy to understand (although non-chemists must take their colleagues' word for it) that the subset of useful sequences - sequences that generate actual, functional proteins - is, by comparison, tiny. But we need to know how huge and tiny. The total count of possible chains with 150 links is ^20150. In other words, a lot. This is roughly equivalent to ^10195 and there are only ^1080 atoms in the universe... In other words, huge is so big and tiny is so small that neo- Darwinist evolution is - to this day - a dead loss.[26] Xochi's translation.
David Gelernter, in this essay, "Giving up Darwin", echoes, in particular, the work, discoveries and books of biologist Stephen Meyer [27 ] - the author of "Darwin's Doubt", in 2013, and "Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design", in 2010: "Intelligent Design, as Meyer lays it out, never makes use of religious arguments, draws no religious conclusions, and makes no reference in any way to religion " - as well as from biologist Douglas Axe - the author of "Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life Is Designed", in 2016.
In 2010, Dominic Halsmer, professor and university dean - and signatory of the Manifesto "Scientific Dissension of Darwinism" [4] - had published, with his colleagues, an article entitled, "The Coherence of an Engineered World", in which he asserts that the Universe is Intentional because it is scientifically and mathematically understandable:
"Human-made systems are characterized by stability, predictability, reliability, transparency, controllability, efficiency, and (ideally) optimality. These characteristics are, also, prevalent within all natural systems constituting the cosmos. However, their level of engineering seems to be far beyond, or transcend, current human capabilities. Nevertheless, there is a curious adequacy between the comprehensibility of the universe and the capacity of humanity to understand it. This adequacy, not made explicit, is a prerequisite for all sorts of reverse engineering activities to be even remotely successful. And yet, humanity seems to be guided forward by a potential wisdom, almost in an instructional mode, by the mysteries of nature that are continually available for our elucidation. Indeed, the Universe is so easily and ferociously reverse engineered that one can make a compelling argument that it was apparently designed, in the first place ,with mankind in mind. [116] In The Coherence of an Engineered World. Translation and underlining by Xochi.
Dominic Halsmer is a scientist professing intelligent design... and he is deeply Christian. He has, in fact, "forgotten", through his Christo-centric contamination, that what he imputes to the Yahweh system may simply be much more earthly. According to the cosmology of Instructor John Lash, it is true that Sophia seeded the Anthropos - at the heart of the Trapezium in the Constellation of Orion - and that, therefore, the Galactic Powers are intended, in part, for the human animal. Notwithstanding, the fact remains that our strain of Anthropos is presently incarnated on this Planet Earth in a very beautiful Biospheric case welcoming Life and welcoming, also, an animal vector capable of explaining this Life or at least of auscultating it - and of paying it homage. Namely, an intentional adequacy between the comprehensibility of the Life on Earth and the capacity of the human animal to understand it.
The "potential wisdom that guides humanity forward" is the Wisdom of Sophia, of Gaia-Sophia, whose body is the Biosphere and whose level of engineering is, indeed, far beyond the capabilities of the human animal. And it is, frankly, an outrageous euphemism to dare to say so.
In this article, Dominic Halsmer also presents Water, the Water of Life, as a feature of the Universe proving intentional engineering in its friendliness and abilities to foment and sustain Life.
"The remarkable properties of water are many. Its very high specific heat maintains relatively stable temperatures in both oceans and organisms. As a liquid, its thermal conductivity is four times greater than that of any other common liquid and this is what allows cells to distribute heat efficiently. On the other hand, ice has a low thermal activity, which makes it a good heat shield at high altitudes. A latent heat of fusion, only surpassed by that of ammonia, tends to keep water in a liquid form and creates a natural thermostat at 0°C. Similarly, the highest latent heat of vaporization of any substance more than five times the energy required to heat
the same amount of water from 0°C to 100°C - allows water vapor to store vast amounts of heat in the atmosphere. This very high latent heat of vaporization is also biologically vital because at or above body temperature, the only way for a human being to dissipate heat is to sweat it out.
The remarkable properties of water are definitely not only thermal. A high vapor pressure allows the air to hold more moisture, thus inducing precipitation. The large surface tension of water is necessary for a good capillary activity for large plants and it allows the soil to contain more water. The low viscosity of the water allows the blood to circulate through small capillaries. An anomaly, which is well documented, is the ability of water to spread out in a solid state, which keeps ice on the surface of the oceans rather than accumulating on the bottom. Perhaps the most essential characteristic of water is its unrivaled ability to dissolve, which allows it to transport large quantities of minerals to immobile organisms and also to contain all the components of blood. It is also only slightly reactive, which prevents it from reacting in a harmful way when it dissolves substances. Recent research has revealed how water acts as an effective lubricant in many biological systems - from snails to human digestion. By itself, water is not very effective in this role, but it works well with certain additives, such as glycoproteins.
Together, these capabilities make water an ideal carrier for life. Literally every property of water is adapted to support life. It is no wonder that water is the first contingency in the quest for extraterrestrial intelligence.
All of these capabilities are contained in a simple molecule of only three atoms. One of the most difficult tasks for an engineer is to design according to a set of multiple criteria ...Satisfying all these criteria in a simple structure is an engineering marvel. Moreover, the process of design is very profound because many features would necessarily change if one altered fundamental physical properties such as the strong nuclear force or the size of the electron. In The Coherence of an Engineered World. Translation and underlining by Xochi.
Dominic Halsmer has just published, in June 2019, a new book, entitled "Hacking the Cosmos: How Reverse Engineering Uncovers Organization, Ingenuity and the Care of a Maker", which exposes the evidence of Intelligent Design in biology and cosmology. He analyzes the Universe in terms of "affordance", an English neologism, created by the specialist of visual perception, James Jerome Gibson (1904-1979) to evoke the complementarity between the animal and its environment.
According to Halsmer, the affordances in the Universe are such that atoms enable the creation of molecules; that simple molecules like water andCO2 enable the existence of more complex molecules like proteins and lipids; that these complex molecules enable the creation of cells, and so on.
Halsmer explains that these affordances are structured to foment and sustain a living environment and that, from both a microscopic and macroscopic perspective, all of this is quite evident of an Intent, an Intelligent and Ingenious Design.
Indeed, our cosmos offers us life but also the discovery of its functioning.
It should be noted, by the way, that it is disturbing that all the most fascinating works, and the most detailed and coherent, as to the highlighting of the Intelligent and Ingenious Design, are written and published by Christians or Yahweists. It is as if the Neo-Darwinists, in the know, were preparing their future cartridges - of virtual and lobotomizing ink - by putting back a warmed-up sauce in monotheistic mode. It is, no doubt, the same, in all the so-called Weinstein, Epstein, etc. affairs, which are far too purging within the System for it not to have been modulated by the said System. It is as if the Deep Power of the USA was, in spite of itself - due to the impact of a more global Correction that escapes it - in the process of eliminating the most publicly corrupt elements in its seraglio ... in order to try to give the change, once again, and keep all the Powers.
The Blues of the Neo-Darwinists:
A Cambrian Explosion more and more Explosive
Could I venture to sing, once again, that the subject is not to ask the question of the Origin of the Cambrian Explosion - namely, the ancestors or links in deficit of fossils because in default of existence - but rather to put oneself on the path of the Quest of the Cambrian Explosion as Origin, as Emanation and as Emergence of an irreducible complexity.
We are at the heart of the irreducible complexity of the Biosphere - at the exponential power of Gaia.
There is no artificer and no explosive: the Cambrian Explosion is the artificer and the explosive. The Cambrian Explosion is also the Artifice - which comes from the Latin words "ars" and "facio", meaning "to make art". The Cambrian Explosion is an alchemical work: Gaia is both the Alchemist and the Alchemy.
The Biosphere is thus, authentically, a work of art and this all the more so since the root PIE, "ar", as well as the meanings of the term "ars, artis", in Latin, clearly emphasize the notion of "combining, assembling". The Gaia Biosphere is, in fact, an apotheosis of endosymbiogenesis.
If one accepts to believe that everything is constant in the Universe - and that Time has any palpable existence - the Cambrian Explosion would be, then, about 540/530 million years ago - in the past. In a handful of millions of years, two tens to evolve, considering the supposed existence of the Earth of some 4540 million years - that is, for comparison, the equivalent of the size of a rugby ball on a field of the same name - it is the great upheaval on Earth.
The Cambrian Explosion was so named by the British geologistAdam Sedgwick, (1785-1873), who named it after the name of "Cambria" - "Cymru", the name of Wales in Welsh, the region of Great Britain where fossils from this "Cambrian" period are most evident."Cymru" evokes, in Celtic language, the fraternity, the mutualism. It is propitious and symbolic that such an Explosion of Gaian Life should be so Celtically named - on a mode of sharing and mutual aid. This Cambrian Explosion is, in fact, enough to explode the paradigm of neo-Darwinist evolution based on egoism, the struggle of all against all and the survival of the strongest and best adapted.
Indeed, the Cambrian Explosion "sees" the appearance, very suddenly, of almost all the major phyla of metazoans - the multicellular, eukaryotic and heterotrophic animals, i.e. feeding on organic matter drawn from the outside - as well as a very considerable diversity of species of all kinds of animals, plants, bacteria...)
But the Cambrian Explosion is far too sudden and explosive to accommodate Charles Darwin's fundamental theory of the Origin of Species and Evolution. So what do the neo-Darwinists do?
Because they have a demanding, pressing and unquenchable need for time, for Eternal Time, because random mutations cannot be sudden: they risk, otherwise, to arouse suspicions of miraculous emanation. The neo-Darwinists cough, sneeze, circle their legs and call their mother. Their guru, Charles Darwin, was already in the throes of metaphysical anguish - Darwin's Doubt - because he knew full well that fossils were failing him - because they did not exist.
The neo-Darwinists may well make jokes to the geological strata to make them give up their evolutionary secrets...but no!
When he sent a copy of his book "The Origin of Species" to the Swiss-French paleontologist Louis Agassiz (1807-1873), then a professor at Harvard in Boston, he had no idea (or perhaps a little) that
Agassiz would dismiss his theory as pure nonsense (gibberish, because of the enormous extent of knowledge about Cambrian fossils - or at least, in this case, about the lack of Pre-Cambrian fossils to validate Darwin's theory. Louis Agassiz was a world expert in glaciology and today he would be considered a "climate denier" if he dared to mention the progression and recession of the glaciers according to the ice ages, the last of which ended 12,600 years ago, when the comet returned - and the sea level rose several tens of meters causing a wave, not to say a flood, of "climate refugees" all over the planet.
At that time, the neo-genocidal and militaristic organization, Avaaz, of the House of Soros, was not yet cracking down - with great pseudo-militant flights of clicks, clicks, and participatory financing - to save the Planet from the fateful furnace and to welcome, in Europe, millions of "climate refugees" fleeing the liberating bombs with depleted uranium of the Western Alliance - in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, Syria, etc.
Anxiety and other Neo-Darwinist Palpitations with Trilobites
The Cambrian Explosion is all the more explosive because a new spring 2019 study, "Trilobite evolutionary rates constrain the duration of the Cambrian explosion," [50] highlights that in the case of Trilobites, it really was a mega-explosion. And all of Darwinia is in turmoil. The report of Paterson,
Edgecombe, and Lee - a team from Harvard University, at the heart of the bewitchment - must, at times, resort to twisted grammatical formulas to try to hide what is no longer concealable: the misery of neo-Darwinist ideology in severe deficit of Fossils and Time: "Fast amplitudes of time, during the early Cambrian Era, have been used to explain rapid emergence providing support for a more literal reading of the fossil record".
In the clear language of verbs in the active and subject tenses, and without the use of the passive tense, this simply means that neo-Darwinists explain the rapid emergence of animal species during the Cambrian Explosion by accelerating the speed of random mutations, and thus accelerating evolution. This is only half the fun for them, because this acceleration ruins their evolution by gradualism. The Cambrian Emergence was, thus, fast because the speed of mutations, during the Cambrian Evolution, was fast - a euphemism because it had to go out of control and pass the sound barrier. No sweat!
And if this acceleration of the evolution is not an ultimate chimera resulting from their twisted brain, could they, therefore, explain to us how, and why, the speed of Evolution became normal again, according to them, at the end of the Cambrian Era? Namely, on the mode of supposed Phanerozoic slowness. This is just one of thousands of questions that have not been answered by the neo-Darwinists, who are evading the fact that these dissident questions are not asked within the right frame of reference, that of scientific neo-Darwinism. Any arrogation of the neo- Darwinist church is considered to be conspiracy theorizing or other conspiracism.
"The original, and abrupt, appearance of a multitude of animal fossils, in rocks of the early Cambrian Era - Terreneuvian Series and Series 2, i.e., from about 541 to 509 million years ago - illustrates one of the most significant evolutionary events in Earth history
This sudden explosion of diversity and abundance within themajority of eumetazoan phyla (particularly bilaterally symmetric) over a relatively short geological time span - and clearly deficient in Precambrian precursors - poses a conundrum when attempting to reconcile the fossil record with the authentic speed of earlier animal evolution." [50] Translation and Emphasis by Xochi.
This is science fiction that costs the taxpayers a lot of money. Is it necessary to comment that the "authentic" speed, of previous animal evolution, is nothing more than another chimera of their unbridled and pathologically mutated imagination. There is no enigma - except that of understanding how mankind, in its near totality, has fallen into the throes of this collective hallucination that is Neo- Darwinism. And the enigma disappears as soon as one begins to describe its origins.
Harvard researchers studied 107 Trilobite species, representing most of the Cambrian Families, and compared 115 traits. The earliest Trilobites in their chart are already complex, functional, operational - in short, fully evolved, as soon as they emerge in the early Cambrian Era. But not evolved from known ancestors - those of theEdiacaranFauna, from the Avalon Explosion, because it disappeared without leaving any trace of descendants.
Wikipedia, about this Fauna, calls, also, for "enigmas": " The Ediacaran fauna (formerly known as the Vendian fauna) consists ofenigmatic leaf- or tube-shaped fossil organisms dating to the Ediacaran (-635 to -541 Ma) ... The Ediacaran fauna developed during an event called the Avalon Explosion 575 Ma ago after the Earth had emerged from a long period of glaciation during the Cryogenian...It seems, therefore, that this particular fauna disappeared, for some as yet unknown reason, without having descendants. " .
Indeed, if between the Avallon Explosion and the Cambrian Explosion, there is no evolutionary transition because the Trilobites have no ancestors and the Ediacarans have no descendants... Gaia does not facilitate, really, the work of illusionists of the neo-darwinists. Darwinia is a spontaneous firework display... without fuel and by the grace of the Most Holy Evolution.
The Harvard researchers present their study as follows: "Trilobites are often considered a prime example for understanding the Cambrian Explosion of animal life because of their unsurpassed diversity and abundance .These biomineralized arthropods appear abruptly, in the fossil record, endowed with established diversity, phylogenetic disparity, and provincialism, at the beginning of Series 2 of the Cambrian Era(∼521Ma), suggesting a prolonged but enigmatic [cryptic] earlier history extending, potentially, during the Pre-Cambrian Era.
Nevertheless, recent analyses indicate high rates of genomic and phenotypic evolution with respect to arthropods during the early Cambrian Era- shortening, therefore, the phylogenetic trigger.
Moreover, comparatively little research has been devoted to understanding the duration of the Cambrian Explosion - following whichnormal Phanerozoic evolutionary rates were established. We test these hypotheses by applying Bayesian inference methods to a large Trilobite data set. We demonstrate that Trilobites have a Cambrian origin as validated by the fossil record and molecular clocks .Surprisingly, they show consistent rates of evolution throughout the Cambrian Period in all aspects of the preserved phenotype: continuous, meristic morphological traits .Our data, therefore, provide robust and consistent evidence highlighting that by the time of the beginning of the typical Cambrian fossil record,(∼521Ma), the Cambrian Explosion was largely complete. This point suggests thata marine, modern-style biosphere rapidly emerged during the late Ediacaran and early Cambrian(∼20million years ago) and this period was followed by a large-scale evolutionary stasis for the remainder of the Cambrian Era." [50 ] Translation and Emphasis by Xochi.
This study is yet another farce that attempts to get around the inescapable fact of the abrupt emergence(∼519Ma) of Trilobites - and, what's more, without ancestors - that does not suggest "a prolonged but cryptic prior history" at all for the simple reason that it never existed and that researchers know this for a fact - and in a non- cryptic mode. And in an attempt to save Darwin and Darwinia from its famous "Dilemma", the duration of the Cambrian Explosion is fixed at about twenty million years while the speeds of Evolution, of the various Eras, are labelled as "normal" and "non- normal", according to the colic and other ideological stases of the neo-Darwinists.
As the authors say: it is about an "authentically brief evolutionary explosion"! You amaze me, my friend: all the planetary animal life present today, as for its great branches, comes from this evolutionary trifle of a few million years out of the 4540 million that Gaia had in stock - which constitutes, moreover, a very long eternity with regard to the perception, by the human animal, of its Time.
One would even be tempted to imagine, given the very short duration of the Cambrian episode, that Gaia took a good blow of evolutionary fever and that the Biosphere must have abounded in exuberance and other extravagances - during this overloaded period. And that, perhaps, the Company of the Pleroma, in the heart of the Galaxy, sent her some support during this period of abundance and generosity of emergences.
The discourse of the authors of this study is replete with terms evoking the emergence, innovation, novelty, growth, restructuring, style of phyla of animals ... as if all this were self-evident, intrinsic - due to the pressure of selection for evolution:
"While debate continues as to the authentic origins of animal phyla, our data, along with the geochemical, physical, and residual fossil records of the Ediacaran and Cambrian, indicate that a modern-style marine biosphere was fully established by the Series 2 and was followed by large-scale evolutionary stasis throughout the rest of the Cambrian Era . Given the apparent paucity of eumetazoan representatives unequivocally during the Ediacaran, it appears that many members of crown and trunk groups, from most phyla with bilaterality ,emerged and diversified over a period of about 20 million years. From these new body matrices, there is evidence of endemic convergence in various forms of biomineralization andother anatomical innovations that allowed animals to develop increased mobility and ways of sensing their environment. Notwithstanding the uneven Terreneuvian fossil record, it is clear that a new style of ecological network - including increased food webs and concomitant nutrient recycling in addition to complex above and below substrate levels that promoted the redesign of the marine ecosystem - emerged rapidly during this interval. [50] Translation and Emphasis by Xochi.
My translation is quite accurate. Many scientists are sometimes experts at relating true facts, and sometimes even at correlating them for the clever ones, but they are especially expert at wrapping them in a huge veil of semantic elucubrations in order to continue to throw smoke and mirrors in the eyes of the uninformed public with the sole aim of continuing to glean their subsidies - that is to say, their daily pittance as slaves of a neo-Darwinist system which holds them by the purse and which holds humanity by the purse
Six years after the publication of Stephen Meyer's book "Darwin's Doubt", [51] this new study from Harvard University does not provide a concrete and coherent answer to the question posed by Stephen Meyer in his book "Darwin's Doubt".
Neo-Darwinists are not only confronted with the nightmare of the Cambrian Explosion and the Avallon Explosion, but also with the Turtle Explosion, for example, some 200 million years ago. And as Gilbert Scott, an expert turtle biologist, asks: "How can a metamorphosis in gene expression - in terms of number, placement and timing - lead to the creation of more than 50 bone formations that no other vertebrate possesses? Gilbert Scott is in search of the origin of the turtle shell, namely in search of "the solution to the question of how an innovative anatomical structure can evolve so rapidly in the fossil record" . [31] Translation and underlining by Xochi.
These seem to be very good questions and, as all the political mops talk about, which do not answer them, I thank you for asking them. Water Turtles and Land Turtles arrived, one day, like that, without hurry and without warning: they saw light on Planet Earth and they dived for a little walk - all shells unfolded!
They emerged into the Biosphere, fully evolved, with a very ingenious shell covered with keratin.And as the dissenting entomologists Viktor Stepanovich Grebennikov (1927-2001) and Philip Serna Callahan (1923-2017) said, there is more to keratin than the eye can see.
Richard Lewontin, a Marxist geneticist, said: "It is not that the methods and institutions of science in any way compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world; it is, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of inquiry and a spectrum of concepts which generate material explanations - however counterintuitive and misleading they may appear to the uninitiated
.Moreover, this materialism is absolute because we cannot allow the Divine Foot to cross the threshold".
To the Divine Foot... or the Gaian Dream!
In the spring of 2000, when Chinese paleontologist Jun-Yuan Chen - an expert on the Cambrian Explosion and the fossils found in the Maotianshan Shale in Chengjiang village, China - gave a talk in Seattle and was asked if he had any problems with his dissent from neo-Darwinism, he laughed and said, "In China, we can criticize Darwin but not the government. In the United States, you can criticize the government but not Darwin.
Let us admire in passing the anaesthetizing verbiage of Wikipedia: "The Maotianshan shales, which are situated in time halfway between the Ediacara fauna and the Burgess shales, have made it possible to specify the concept of a Cambrian explosion, during which very many very different animal forms seem to have appeared in an interval of time of disconcerting brevity.
These shales "have clarified the concept of the Cambrian Explosion", that is, they have increased Darwin's Doubt and the Neo-Darwinist's Nightmare all the more so because "the time interval" involved is "disconcerting".The Cambrian Explosion is frighteningly very Disturbing as the humorist said about the Towers of Cognitive Dissonance - on 911 mode.
This is the Blues of the Neo-Darwinists: the Cambrian Explosion is becoming, lately, more and more Explosive, in nature, as to its emergence without stamped "origins" conforming to the dogma and even as to its intrinsic absence of "origins". And more and more explosive for the dominant ideology which is in the process of collapse, in the process of ethical collapse under the weight of its own lies, fabrications, deceptions, falsifications, duperies, dissimulations, diversions, detractions, etc.
And the plethora of recent new discoveries, concerning the wonderful and enchanting world of birds, seems to indicate that this world was also a pattern of explosions or, even, an explosion of various very intentional and circumstantial patterns in all forms, shades and colors of plumage and antlers - and in all fusional modes with their Sea of Atmosphere and with their Mother of Biosphere
The Explosion of Birds in the Early Cenozoic
According to the 1998 study entitled "Evolutionary explosions and the phylogenetic fuse" [106]: "A literal reading of the fossil record indicates that the early Cambrian (545 million years ago) and the early Cenozoic (65 million years ago) were characterized by periods of enormous acceleration of morphological evolution marking, respectively, the emergence of the animal phyla and the emergence of the orders of birds and mammals .
These are commonly referred to as "diversity explosions," i.e., a mega-emergence of families, genera, and species over such short periods of time that neo-Darwinists describe this evolution as being accelerated. Any question as to the motive, or the motor, of this very considerable acceleration of random and indiscriminate species spread is nowadays considered - artificially illuminated by neo-Darwinist falsification - to be null and void.
What's more, as a speech promoting "evolutionary hatred" and therefore liable to jurisdiction for crimes of "evolutionary negationism", at least according to the DeHontology of the Decoders of the ImMonde - the obligatory mops of the mops, pre-selected, democratically elected.
A study published by Science, in December 2014, entitled "Whole-genome analyses resolve early branches in the tree of life of modern birds" [108] presented the results of an international team, of about 130 scientists, who sequenced the genomes of 48 bird species representing the major branches of modern birds. According to the University of Sydney paper, "Professor Simon Ho's research confirmed that some of the earliest lineages of modern birds emerged about 100 million years ago but that nearly all modern bird groups diversified during a small window of less than 10 million years, just after the dinosaurs were wiped out by an asteroid" [107].
It is not the enigma of the origin of the Syrinx in the Birds that will cheer them up.
The Origin of the Syrinx in Birds: the Pan Flute?
The syrinx is an organ, at the bottom of the trachea of birds, which allows them to express themselves, to vocalize - to sing. The French term is derived from the Latin "syrinx" (meaning reed, tunnel, cavity - hence the French terms "seringue" and "syringes") itself derived from the ancient Greek "σῦριγξ" (meaning reed, tunnel). In these three languages, syrinx also means "the Pan Flute". Hell, what a surprise!
Indeed, in Greek mythology, Syrinx - a chaste nymph in the wake of Artemis, the Goddess of the Pagans and the Mother of Witches [34] - to escape Pan's pressing requests, implored the help of the river nymphs who transformed her into a reed. Pan then cut some reeds to make his Pan Flute. As he could not sow the Historical Channel of Femininity with his exalted bamboo, in order to spread his vital and telluric organic exuberance, he sowed the Living Atmosphere with another channel, musical.
So then. Who teaches the chicks the song of their species? The mother of the chicks, or the father? And who taught the song of the species to the mother of the chicks... and to the first mother bird of the said species? Pan with his flute, maybe?
Every gardener is well aware that a vegetable garden with birds is a much more productive and fertile garden. Why is that? Because the songs of the 10,000 species of birds on the planet - at least the 4,000 species of the singing group - constitute, in their entirety, the Pan Flute, animating, generating and regenerating. And it is these songs that sow the whole Living Atmosphere of our Mother Earth.
Here are some passages, under translations and underlining by Xochi, from a study entitled "The evolution of the syrinx: An acoustic theory" - by US doctors in biology, anatomy, statistics, computer science, but above all crooks - in neo-darwinist mode. It is a publication tinged with unconfessed randomness, with a translation as literal as possible so as not to be accused of tendentious interpretations. It is a scientific thesis, from February 2019, presenting an acoustic theory as to the evolution of the syrinx. "The present study highlights vocal capacity as an importantselection force that may have played a role in the evolution of the syrinx as a vocal organ . The precise timing of the transition from larynx to syrinx in the theropod clade is unknown during the period before 66/69 million years ago . Until new fossil data clarify this issue, the results of the present study allow some speculation as to a possible scenario and, consequently, as to the chronology of syrinx evolution." [32] [33]
The oldest fossilized syrinx discovered dates from the period when dinosaurs simply vanished - 66 million years ago following the impact of a very large extraterrestrial bolide, probably in the Yucatan. The dinosaurs were around for a very long time because they arrived 250 million years ago, and it was probably the impact of another large bolide that gave them a "selective advantage" - as the neo- Darwinist Selectors say - 232 million years ago, during the Carnian Rainy Period. It is, in fact, from this period that dinosaurs settled on the whole planet - in the growing and concomitant company of lizards, turtles, reptiles and many mammals. In beautiful company. [37]
In fact, in such beautiful company that - contrary to all that the books, professors and lecturers affirm - we have just found a beautiful beast that is a kind of mixture between a turtle and a rhinoceros: a dicynodont named Lisowicia bojani. And size, 9 tons, 5 meters long and there were probably larger because the fossil discovered does not show a growth stop in the bones. [ 138] And this discovery upsets, once again, the received ideas (by whom, by the way?), as to the prevalence of very small mammals during the uncontested reign of the Dinosaurs, because this dicynodont dates from the end of the Triassic (240 - 200 million years). This makes a mess. And as all scientists agree, covertly or overtly, it only adds to the mystery of the gigantism of these animals at that time.
The operational neo-Darwinist syntax in this study is, to say the least, loose, if not entirely fabricative.
What would be the definition, according to the authors, of a "force of selection"? Can it be measured, precisely, as the force of electromagnetism? And why is this "force of selection" not tending towards the creation of a syrinx in all other animal groups - if it has such a privileged status of "force of selection"?
It is not easy to find a sketch of syrinx on the Web. The Academy of Nantes presents a very clear one with a magnificent presentation on the song of canaries. [38]
The authors ingenuously state that this was not the case because the anatomy of the other clades did not "lend itself" to it: indeed, "... the avian trachea is accoustically longer than that of mammals, non- avian reptiles and amphibians. "Accoustically longer" means that the length of the trachea is nearly a quarter of the wavelength of the fundamental frequency of the sound source. The first ancestral bird with a syrinx probably produced a low fundamental frequency that covered only a small frequency spectrum . The ancestral syrinx probably did not have intrinsic muscles so we assume that it resembled that of an ostrich, enu or cassowary. Substantial frequency modulation probably emerged only after the tension of the vibratory tissue could be adjusted by muscle control." [32]
The point of this neo-Darwinist mumbo-jumbo is that the cult will have to wait a long time - "probably" Eternity, in fact, but that's the time segment that best suits their evolutionary elucidations - before discovering fossils that never existed. This mumbo- jumbo invokes unknowns, potentialities, scenarios, speculations... and a "selection force" that is not intentional but since it is a "force", well, it "forced" the theropods to mutate from a larynx to a syrinx - without any trace of this transition being found.
Should we play it to you on the Pan Flute, the transition, or on another more hidden mode?
Here is another passage from the same study: "This initial investigation of potential selective advantages of syringe positioning of the sound source also highlights the fact thatthe evolutionary origin of innovation can be addressed with specific hypothesis testing for selective scenarios .Our data show that a likely selective advantage of syringe positioning is increased efficiency.The ability to generate loud sounds is important for long-distance acoustic communication as well as in the context of courtship and territorial defense .Thus, both natural, and sexual, selection forces may have contributed to the evolution of the avian syrinx. It remains to be determined to what degree [of manifestation] an early syrinx may have coexisted with a laryngeal sound source." [32]
It is not a matter of shooting the breeze, but of drawing coherent conclusions about the notorious incoherence that is intrinsic to the verbiage of neo- Darwinism and all its "fakirs", "newsfakers" and other liars.
The above passage is a solid web of cognitive dissonance. The equation would be thus: Syrix = natural selection + sexual selection + hypothetical larynx. Moreover, what is, by Chance - if not by Necessity - the difference between a "natural selection force" and a "sexual selection force"?
Indeed, some would be inclined to imagine that Sexuality is frankly an expression of Nature. Others, like Erasmus Darwin, even go so far as to imagine that Nature is, fundamentally, a permanent apotheosis of Orgiastic Forces at work.
Neo-Darwinism is a great theater of military operations for social and academic lobotomization. Everything is based on Propaganda. Media Neo- Darwinism constitutes, in fact, "an evolutionary scenario" which is written and corrected, haphazardly and daily, by teams of fakirs, in laboratories or in publishing houses, or on the internet, subsidized by the State, by multinationals, by foundations, etc., etc. And this, in order to hide the misery of their ideology, in order to hide what they pretend to hide in geological strata: namely, missing fossils because they have never existed except in their pathological pretensions aimed at publicity and duplicity.
Neo-Darwinism is also a great theater of special psychological operations (psy-ops) in the sphere of Life Sciences - with many spillovers into physics, geophysics, cosmophysics, etc. Scientific Neo- Darwinism constitutes, in fact, "an evolutionary scenario". For example, in the case of the theropod study, given that the syrinx exists and given that it is efficient and functional - there are about 4,000 species of songbirds, currently, each with its own "specific" song - the results proposed by its authors "allow some speculation as to a possible scenario" concerning the emergence of the syrinx.
This is indeed a collective hallucination endorsing perpetually circular reasoning: the syrinx evolved because a "selection force", or a combination of selective forces, forced it to evolve. In short, the syrinx evolved because it evolved. However, the objective of the study was indeed to shed light on its origin, the source of its emergence:
"Our approach has addressed the origin of the syrinx as opposed to its diversification. It is, therefore, imperative to assume a simple sound source rather than the diverse morphologies found in birds of our time. Once the relocation of the sound source emerged in an asyet unknown ancestor of birds, subsequent diversification may have explored different avenues to increase vocal intensity, such as a dual sound source, different interactions with the upper vocal tract, etc. The different mechanisms of interactions suggest a potential - albeit speculative - scenario for the origin of the syringe sound source in birds." [32]
One can note in passing that a "diversification can have explored"... Is the diversification, in itself, a vector subject of intentions? One can also note "Once the relocation of the sound source had emerged...". But that is the big and only question: where did it emerge and when? And the rest of the paragraph is the same: pure nonsense. Why is that?
Because the neo-Darwinist verbiage is stuffed with unconfessed "teleological". The fear of God... which is, in fact, the fear of Gaia, the fear of Nature, the fear of the Mother, the fear of the Feminine, the fear of the Historical Channel, the fear of Orgasmic Fusion, the fear of Conjugation and the fear of the loss of the ego...
During this Time, Gaia conjugates and syntaxes her Biosphere outside the parameters of linear Time - serenely, in her Dreamtime.
This is how I take care, scrupulously, to translate faithfully the "conjugation tenses" of the authors, because one of the fundamental tricks of the neo- Darwinists is to scramble the Eggs of Time in order to make people forget the primordial question of the primordial emergence of the Egg or of the Bird.
My grandson, Nayan, asked me this question yesterday and I told him that existentially, physically, it could only be the Bird. Moreover, from an archetypal point of view, it is much easier to distinguish a Nightingale from a Blue Jay, at first sight or at first song, than to distinguish the eggs of a Nightingale from those of a Blue Jay. It is quite possible that the eggs of certain species of birds have, moreover, according to certain patent researchers, the capacity to emit specific sounds, just as for the Turtles, but that remains an epiphenomenon because of the modes of human perception - at least such as they are commonly shared - that the Biosphere conferred us. It is, in fact, quite possible that some human animals have the ability to listen to the eggs of birds - or turtles.
And here is another small paragraph from the same study/study, below, and it is not relentless: it is an exposition of neo-Darwinist "reasoning" (with all due respect to Reason) attempting to exorcise one of Darwin's Nightmares: the emergence of the syrinx, "ex nihilo", in birds. In the case of the synthetic evolutionary rhetoric of the neo-Darwinists, and the emergence of entities or organs that appear to be all evolved, according to the fossil record, and of which no "intermediate" ancestral form can be found- the expression "ex nihilo" can, just as well, be replaced by the expression "ex Darwinia". It may be noted in passing, also, that the notion of the (always sterile) search for (non-existent) intermediaries tends to imply, for the collective unconscious, that these intermediaries exist or have existed!!!
"Ex Darwinia" thus characterizes any entity of the Biosphere which would be the fruit of an evolution on neo-Darwinist mode: namely, the fruit (sometimes orphaned because without ancestors recognized by the so vile State) of a blind and non-intentional evolution operating by random mutations over an inexhaustible Time. This ideology is, truly, the fruit of an orphan brain, the fruit of an orphan human species - or at least one that believes itself to be an orphan because it has, really, disconnected itself from its origins, from its source, from Mother Earth.
The human brain remains an organic telluric brain but it has been infected by an extraterrestrial virus, that of Yaldabaoth.
The subject is not to inquire as to the origin of clades, as to the origin of species, as to the origin of the spontaneous emergence of a new organ, etc., the subject is to contemplate the clades, the species, the organic innovations - the entirety of the Biosphere - as Origin, as Emergence, as Emanation
This is the existential, and very physical, problem of a large part of the human animals with virile minds: they forget to imagine that they are characters in a Dream that is not their own: this is the Dreamtime of the Australian Aborigines. Animism is not the conception that the world is alive: it is the authentic perception that the world is alive. It is the Dreaming of the Planetary Animal Mother.
As for Sophianic Animism, it is not a conception of co-evolution with the Mother: it is a practice of it - magical-ritual.
"The modeling as well as the experiments conducted within this study are, deliberately, a test of a small, limited set of parameters rather than a physical replica of an avian vocal organ, endowed with all its complexity. While this minimalist approach can likely inform as to a potential selective advantage for the transition in source localization, it does not include a comprehensive test of alternative selective scenarios, nor does it explore other likely adaptations for increased efficiency in existing bird species. Therefore, future research should test whether the dramatic efficiency advantage of a syringe position is maintained for various syrinx matrices (design) or whether other variables emerge as primary targets of selection .The morphology of the syrinx shows remarkable diversity, including features such asa multiple sound source, such as a matrix (design) of multiple vocal cord levels , or such as metamorphoses in vocal tract movement and matrix (design). All these parameters affect efficiency and we do not know how they are influenced by exchanges between vocal efficiency and these other acoustic features. Nonetheless, our approach presents a first test and lays the groundwork for testing additional hypotheses correlated with the origin and diversification of the syrinx.
In the above passage, among other extravagances, the term "design" is used three times. This term can be translated into French as intention, drawing, matrix, structure, pattern, etc. It is amusing to note this abundant use of this terminology, because neo- Darwinists are the great enemies of "Intelligent Design". The neo-Darwinists are scared to death because it is so easy for the human imagination to wake up to the fact that a design needs a Designer, that a matrix needs a Mother, that an intention needs an intentional Intentioner.
Let's be good and close our eyes to the fabrication that the syrinx is the product of circumstantial and blind evolution, blah, blah, blah... But what about the specific song of each species? And what about the song specific - sometimes and sometimes always - to individuals within the species? Is all this also the product of a circumstantial, haphazard, blind and random evolution according to the circumstantial, haphazard, blind and random evolution of the muscles of the syrinx, of the tympanic membranes, of the cartilages, of the pessulus, of the regulation of breathing and of a big handful of neurons dopamine addicted?
Could the song of the canary, for example, be the product of pure chance? Katia Lehongre has studied this song and published her thesis, from 2007, entitled "Auditory properties of neurons in a structure specialized in song production in the canary: coding of individual vocalizations". And it is simply disturbing and fascinating... as a neo- Darwinian fruit of Randomness and Necessity of Selective Force.
"An in-depth analysis of inter- and intra-individual variations in the fine acoustic parameters that characterize songs, as well as phonology (repertoire of syllables) and syntax (order of syllables in songs) was performed. This analysis (known as discriminant factor analysis or DFA) showed that it was possible to distinguish individuals on the basis of their songs.
On a set of 31 birds studied (K. Lehongre - 2007), it was found that 195 syllables were differentiated, each individual possessing only about 20 types of these syllables (16% of the 20 types of syllables in the repertoire are unique to the bird, the remaining 84% are sung by at least one other individual).
The individual signature of the canary song would be based on the sequence of syllables, since all 5- syllable sequences are unique to the bird and some occur frequently. Thus, songs composed of more than 5 syllables are unique to the bird that produces it, which means that most songs are individual.
This study also allowed us to better understand the structure of canary songs, which seems to be based on a double balance. The first is established between a strong inter-individual variability (cf. note) of the sequences which would make it possible to mark the individuality of the birds and a sharing of the repertoires which would make it possible to mark the belonging of the individual to a species or a group . The second is established between an important intra-individual variability in the composition of the songs, which would make it possible to increase the richness of the information to be transmitted during the communication, and a redundancy of the sequences which could rather allow an optimization of the transmission of the message. note: a strong intraspecific and interindividual diversity exists in many species in which the notion of dialect is evoked (e.g. starlings)." Katia Lehongre - 2007.
At this point of our presentation, may I ask the question of the difference between, on the one hand, the above-mentioned allegedly scientific passages of the study on the origin of the syrinx and, on the other hand, the song of a canary such as it is magnificently declined by Katia Lehongre? The song of the canary is composed and structured according to a design, with an intention: it carries a meaning, a message. And if, in canaries, "most songs are individual", this means that each canary, which vocalizes, does so because it has something individual to sing in addition to something specific to its species. As for the above thesis on the origin of the syrinx, it is an incoherent sequence of concepts, suppositions, probabilities whose only intention is to continue to lead the popular masses into the collective hallucination of neo-Darwinism - while continuing to receive gigantic subsidies for bogus studies to expose the results that their Banksters masters ask them to produce.
Namely, the validation of the theory of slow and random evolution and the survival of the strongest and best adapted. The strongest and best adapted being, of course, themselves, the banksters and other Zionists - and their mafia-like squads of mercenaries, state stooges and proxies of all kinds.
On the level of improbabilities that one can invoke, and imagine, the song of the serins calls upon a minimal register of 195 syllables whose arrangement, the structuring, differs according to the intention of the vocal message and according to the individualized function of the bearer of the message, the vocalizer. Katia Lehongre evokes a strong inter-individual variability of the sequences as well as an important intra-individual variability.
One would be inclined to compare this situation to that of a protein composed of 150 elements (from a diversity of 20 amino acids) and of which only certain arrangements are stable and functional.
One can only ask a subsequent question: what is the origin of this selective pressure such that a canary possesses a song differentiated from that of its congeners while testifying, itself, of an enormous register according to its intentions? Is there a courageous neo-Darwinist in the room?
In order not to give the impression of having "selected", for the origin of the syrinx, a team of laboratory wankers very protected from the impact of the Real in sterilized underground premises 50 meters deep in the depths of Utah, I went to investigate on the Web.
Another study has just, thus, been presented in California, in spring 2019, by Michael B. Habib - from the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles. It is entitled "New perspectives on the origins of the unique vocal tract of birds". Here are some very notable and enlightening passages - under translations and underlining by Xochi. Right from the abstract, this paleontologist plunges his readership into the collective hallucination of neo-Darwinism - in a circular mode, and round and round little Patagonian: "... the avian syrinx is positioned at the base of the trachea and the bronchial branching to the lungs. It may be that this position makes the syrinx inherently more efficient, which may have been critical in the origin of this anatomical feature." [ 39] Translation and underlining by Xochi.
In fact, blind Selection, by random mutations - in the course of a Time that never ends - seems to have a penchant for "efficiency". Could we not ask the same question as for the song of the mother of the chicks? Is the inclination towards "efficiency" that characterizes Blind Selection - according to the seductive ideology of the neo-Darwinists - intrinsic or innate to it? If not, would Selection have been instructed to behave in this way?
The intention of Michael B. Habib, an "expert in paleontology", is clearly to emphasize that if the syrinx has emerged in this precise and allegedly unusual position for vertebrates, it is undoubtedly because of increased efficiency. This is very commendable but one wonders how much such vain coquetries can cost the human community.
"Vocalization constitutes a complex behavior that involves a diverse range of anatomical structures. Most vertebrates use a larynx as the primary structure for the development and control of vocalized sounds. However, birds use a unique structure, called a syrinx, for the development of their vocalizations. The larynx, in birds, retains its function as a respiratory valve protecting the airways but lacks vocal cords capable of emitting sounds.
The syrinx is a complex structure that may have many more muscles than any larynx, however complex. The syrinx is a remarkable anatomical feature for many reasons. Unlike all other vertebrate vocal organs ,the syrinx is not derived from a known valve precursor. The larynx appears to have been a fully functional sound-producing organ when it was replaced by the syrinx. As a result, there was probably anextended periodof overlap between two functional sound-producing organs that were associated with the origin of the syrinx .This type of prolonged functional assembly is rare for new organs." Translation and Emphasis by Xochi.
Rare or non-existent? It is a pleasure from the beginning to the end of the dissertation. Where, on the Planet, exist, or have existed, organisms with two organs with similar functions, for the trifle of a few million years, waiting for the first one (the larynx, in this case) fully functional to give way to the second one (the syrinx, in this case) which is supposed to be much more efficient but of which we know no ancestor? This is pure Science Fiction, in the original sense of the word.
So, "who" could have conceived, at a precise moment of the evolution of the Biosphere, that it was high time to put an end to this "experimentation" of larynx in solo, in Vertebrates, and to pass to a larynx-syrinx duo in birds?
"The origins of the syrinx are not well understood. Many features that have long been considered unique to birds, particularly those concerning flight with feathered wings, have been found in groups of dinosaurs that do not belong to pure avian lineages. The origins of avian flight wereprobably chaotic with multiple fully or partially avian dinosaur lineages existing throughout the second half of the Mesozoic Era - with living birds representing the last living lineage of this experiment. Translation and underlining by Xochi.
It is to be noted, without surprise, that this learned paleontologist evokes an "experimentation" in progress. Without naming "what" would be in supervision - the said experimentation. He then puts forward the hypothesis of the probable chaotic origins of bird flight. "Chaotic" in the sense of completely disordered or "chaotic" in the sense of the chaos theory as irreducible complexity?
Two researchers at the Niels Bohr Institute of the University of Copenhagen have just discovered a new way in which the cells of the body regulate themselves: namely, through chaos. [ 65] [67 ] This research, as well as some others, [68 ] is also innovative in the sense that it proves that chaos is a fundamental characteristic of the dynamics that drive the irreducible complexity inherent in all living entities. Thus, Rasmussen et al. proved that it is chaotic dynamics that regulate the transition between sleep and wakefulness. [66]
And, of course, these chaotic dynamics are programmed to act, thus, within the Gaian Biosphere- in a chaotic mode! It is Beautiful.
In fact, researchers have come to believe that the ability to fly in dinosaurs emerged on several occasions - at least four times according to their fossil findings.
Any person who has tried to fly - outside of his sleeping or waking dreams - by throwing himself off a cliff, knows very well the difference between "knowing how to fly", namely "flying", and "not flying". A human animal can only be situated inside or outside this collective hallucination that constitutes the Selective Neo-Darwinism. As they are, at present, overtaken by the Real, the neo-Darwinists are in a fatal and inexorable plunge towards the bottom of the abyss of their pretensions and their vanities. So far so good, so far so good... Endgame. Next. Just like what they consider to be "evolutionary byways".
Could it be, too, that the faculty of flight has no ancestral origin, strictly speaking? Couldn't we ask ourselves the question of the nature of its origin... every time a chick launches itself and flies? The origin of flight is, perhaps, no more significant than the origin of the atmosphere - whose nature of flow is such that the bird flies. At every second of its life, it is, in fact, primordially, the Atmosphere that is the source, the origin of the bird's flight.
The recent discovery ofAmbopteryx longibrachium, a small, non-avian dinosaur gliding/flighting from tree to tree with bat-like wings - in China 163 million years ago - further undermines the evolutionary theory of flight in birds. [ 57] Dr. Min Wang, of the National Academy of Sciences, writes: "These fossils prove that near the origin of flight, dinosaurs closely related to birds experimented with a variety of winged structures . This new discovery will undoubtedly add fuel to the fire of those who claim that birds did not descend from terrestrial dinosaurs but from flying pterosaurs - including the anurognathids.
One can appreciate the turn of phrase: it would be "dinosaurs experimenting with a diversity of winged structures". For neo-Darwinists, there is no real alternative to name what cannot be named, since Evolution is blind, unintentional and unintended. As one neo-Darwinist commentator - a professional one, to be sure - says: "the discovery of a new bat- winged dinosaur shows that these ancient animals were perpetual innovators in the ability to fly".
And if they were such perpetual innovators, what about an animal social culture, an animal technology? Like termites? Like dolphins? How can neo-Darwinism integrate and explain the incredibly complex and diversified linguistic repertoire specific to each dolphin species, but especially specific to each dolphin itself?
On the deck of our wooden house in the middle of the Oregon forests, hummingbirds are so blindly intelligent that they come to me - namely, flying 40 cm from my face - to warn me that there is no more sugar water in their bottles, or that it has gone bad. It's beautiful.
Following primates, birds and even spiders, it is the turn of honey bees to have been trained to handle arithmetic: "This deployment of numerical expertise requires bees to acquire long-term rules and active short-term memory . Given that honeybees and humans are separated by more than 400 million years of evolution, our findings suggest that advanced numerical cognition may be more accessible to non-human animals than previously considered." [58] Translation and Emphasis by Xochi.
So, if we "believe" the neo-darwinist ideology, the faculty of addition and subtraction was already present more than 400 million years ago in a common ancestor of bees and humans. And what about the dinosaurs, then?
The nightmare of the neo-Darwinists is that the only syrinx fossils are two and a half million years old, with the exception of one fossil, of the species Vegavis iaai, dated at 66/69 million years old, which is considered by some to be that of a "primitive" syrinx - whatever the validity of this concept and, perhaps, even the validity of this fossil discovery.
According to the study, "Fossil evidence of the avian vocal organ from the Mesozoic," published in 2016, by Julia Clarke et all: "The new data demonstrating the fossilization potential of the avian vocal organ begs [beg for] the glaring question of why these remains have not been found in other dinosaurs. The absence of other Mesozoic tracheobronchial remains, as well as the poor mineralization condition in other Archosaurian taxa lacking a syrinx, may indicate that a complex syrinx was a late emerging feature in the evolution of birds, long after the innovations in flight and respiration. [33] Translation and underlining by Xochi.
The use of the verb "to beg for" by the authors is very telling of this begging that seems implicit in any publication of authentic results: the researchers, endowed with a grain of common sense, beg for recognition. They "beg" their hierarchies and their financiers, who are subservient to the neo-Darwinist sect, to wake up to the authentic reality of the Real, namely of "Intelligent Design " - that is, of the Wisdom of Gaia-Sophia for the intimate.
Michaël Habib practices euphemism, with a great deal of stagnant water, as to the origins of the syrinx which are not only "not well understood", but in fact are strictly and completely unknown. One really has to be a PhD in neo-Darwinist metaphysics to be able to apprehend the unknown - in saeculae saeculorum.
And speaking of unknowns, could we dare to imagine that researchers from aseptic laboratories, or from dusty museums, are trying to demonstrate that, frankly, Blind Selection, through random mutations, has completely erred and that such a protein, such an organ, such an organism, such an animal entity, such a botanical genus, such a clade, such a biotope, or such an ecosystem, is strictly pure nonsense that should never have been manifested, on Planet Earth? Because it is not functional...
Could one dare to imagine that these highly patent researchers in meta/physical neo-Darwinism - the black belts of the religious sect - would stop inquiring into the nature of Reality, as to its origins, in order to plunge, body and soul, into the reality of Nature, as Origin, as Source. It is, indeed, pathetically true that most neo-Darwinist experts, with a PhD, seem to be genetically programmed to function, very virtually, in "High Flow Claims" mode. Programmed by whom?
Like the ancient baker who plunges his hands into the heart of the bakery, could we advise biologists and other neo-Darwinist paleontologists to plunge their physical bodies into the heart of the Real of Living and Emanating Nature, i.e. to use their physical bodies - of which their minds are also a part, for the record - as measuring instruments, as sensitive and sensual antennae for listening to the Real? As a morning Dewdrop knows how to taste the nectars of wisdom of the last visible crescent moon- before the new cycle of the Dakinis stirs up the household and the great Carousel of the starry Zodiac.
"Biologists, in particular, need to be in direct sensory communication with the living things they study and about which they write. Reconstruction of evolutionary history through fossils, i.e., paleontology, is a valid approach, in my opinion, but paleontologists need to work, simultaneously, with organisms representing modern counterparts and with "neontologists," i.e., biologists. Lynn Margulis.
Could one imagine Neo-Darwinism being declared, by the Peoples' Courts, as a terrorist sect disseminating false toxic science with the aim of genocide and racial supremacy? Neo-Darwinism is a rotten fruit, a non-functional chimera, an abnormal hybrid, a non-operational and therefore mortifying mutation (because not adapted to survival) of the human mind's capacity for innovation and imagination. Our human mind has been infected by the extraterrestrial virus of deception, illusion, grandiosity and duplicity - of which Virtual Reality constitutes the most lethal apotheosis. A deadly apotheosis that will be boosted to the power of 100 by the imposition of 5G technology, the most lethal technology ever invented by man - according to some scientists that neo-Darwinists certainly consider to be conspiracy theorists, enemies of Progress... The most lethal and dangerous, also, for the freedom of human animals on this planet who will become 100 times more supervised than before by the Authorities - who want us so much good, according to their genocidal hymn.
Let's stop shooting the paleo pianist, Habib, and consult one more study for good measure. It's titled "Identity and novelty in the avian syrinx," published in spring 2018, and it aims to integrate developmental biology, paleontology, and vocal physiology in an attempt to elucidate the unknown origin of the syrinx. From the study's introduction, the PhD attendants lay their cards on the table:
"In contrast to the laryngeal cartilages that support the vocal cords in other vertebrates, we find no evidence that the individual cartilage rings, which anchor the vocal membranes in the syrinx, possess any homology to specific elements belonging to outgroups. Furthermore, unlike the vocal organs of all other Vertebrates, the syrinx is not derived from a known valve precursor and its origin involves a transition from an evolutionary "tympanum" in the airway, the junction of the trachea and bronchi, to a target for innovative selection regimes .We find that the syrinx falls intoan unusual category of novel structures: those possessing consistent functional assembly/overlap with the structures they replace. It may be that the syrinx, like other evolutionary innovations in sensory and signaling modalities, may more commonly involve structural transformations that contribute to or modify an existing function, rather than structural transformations that generate new functions." [40] Translation and underlining by Xochi.
The team of Evan P. Kingsley, et all., then declines the deficit of homologies of which here are some:
"The larynx and syrinx do not appear to be homologous, on any structural level, and there is no evidence of historical continuity between these two organs; and they are co-present in the same organism in different anatomical positions."
"As potential serial homologues, on a structural level, the syrinx and larynx are strictly devoid of even superficial similarity criteria as to their components..."
"Attempts to discover homologies between individual syrinx cartilage elements within birds themselves have proven largely fruitless." [41]
"The presence of these muscles [Musculus tracheolateralis and Musculus sternotrachealis] along with the laryngeal muscles confirms the absence of homologies between the muscles controlling laryngeal vocalization production and those controlling syrinx vocalization production. Within the outer groups, namely in the groups lacking a syrinx, no muscle extends to the tracheobronchial junction."
"The syrinx appears to be unique among the vocal organs of Tetrapods in that no vibratory or valve-like membranes are known to exist in the tracheobronchial junction of any Tetrapod before the syrinx emerges. Moreover, in the only recorded examples of syrinx loss in birds, the labia, and tympanic membranes, in the airways are also lost.
This suggests that such structures have no function in regular avian respiration. Translation by Xochi.
The article then goes on to speculate and speculate, all of which are in dire need of subsequent hypotheses - themselves in dire need of subsidies from philanthropic organizations or "interested "multinational pharmaceutical companies. All this seems to be quite clear: the syrinx emerged from nowhere, from Darwinia, with no known ancestor and no homologies with anything in other groups as far as laryngeal structures are concerned.
To rebound on the use, by the first study analyzed above, of a past tense conjugation for a suppositional event: "Once the relocation of the sound source had emerged" and as a summary to be drawn from all these studies an unknown Therapod ancestor would have evolved, through an unknown number of phases, transitions or mutations, to metamorphose into a bird with a fully developed syrinx, as if emerging from nowhere, in an optimal positioning for a highly diversified vocal faculty and playing double duty with the anterior larynx - already fully functional.
And this vocal faculty is not only very diversified but it very often fills us with a song of enchantment by the Grace of the Blind Selection which endowed thousands of species of birds with a neuronal program allowing, thus, to each individual, to express itself on an extremely rich mode: namely, to express itself on a specific mode (specific to its species), on a clan mode (specific to its group) and on an individual mode (specific to its psyche).
Blind Selection seems to have a bat sonar that allows it to see through on the first try. Any sane person intuitively recognizes neo-Darwinism as a preposterous fabrication - if not a genocidal ideology.
Collective hallucination, in neo-Darwinist mode, is a form of Toxoplasmosis on a collective scale: a small gang of psychopaths plays cat and mouse with the Peoples of the human species whose minds are so strongly impacted by the extraterrestrial virus - by which this criminal gang has contaminated them - that these Peoples behave in a totally suicidal manner.
One must dive into the heart of the Chemistry of Life, into the heart of the Beauty and Irreducible Complexity of the Gaian Biosphere to become aware of the gigantic force of inertia of neo-Darwinism which - under the pretext of a theory of evolution - characterizes and founds this immense collective hallucination, stagnant and non-evolving, which currently has a hold on a very large part of the human species.
Forecasting: How the Chemistry of Life Reveals a Programming and an Intention
The title of Marcos Eberlin's first book is not one of uncertainty: "Foresight: How the Chemistry of Life Reveals Planning and Purpose" from Discovery Institute Press. Marcos Eberlin openly shoots his arrows against the neo-Darwinist church, while announcing, in all transparency, the palette of colors proper to his rainbow of perceptions: intelligent design. Marcos Eberlin is a renowned chemist, the Brazilian star of the Academy of Sciences and the founder/director, for a quarter of a century, of the Thomson Mass Spectrometry Laboratory at the University of Campinas in Brazil.
This book is praised by three Nobel Prize winners in Physics, Chemistry and Medicine - John B. Gurdon (2012), Gerhard Ertl (2007) and Brian D. Josephson (1973) - who rebel against the sect. Gerhard Ertl even calls for "humility" - a concept that has been debased by the Christocentric soup that is so expert in humiliations: "Whether one accepts Eberlin's approach or not, it is abundantly clear that Nature still conceals many secrets that are beyond our rational understanding and require humility.
"Still... beyond our rational comprehension", because soon within reach? Or because never, ever, within our "reach" by the modus operandi of human reason - or so-called reason? Or only, then, within the reach of those who do not whine with a lot of "humility" but who practice it, this "humility", by going to see the other side of the Veil. By going "to see" if the Biosphere is "Really" the random and haphazard fruit of the evolution of a primordial cell by blind and successive mutations over Time. The terms "humility", "humiliation", "human", "humus", "man", etc., come from the term "humus", in Latin, for "earth, soil".
Biologists will find in the heart of the cell what shamans have discovered for ages: a functional Beauty, foreseen, programmed, predicted - and in a permanent epigenetic evolution within the stasis of its "specific" archetype informed in, and of, the Gaian Biosphere. Namely, a functional Beauty emanating from the Biosphere and immanent to the Biosphere. A Biosphere which is, at the same time, Generating and Generating. A Biosphere which is, at the same time, Emergence and Process, and which is, at the same time, Source and Evolution.
Marcos Eberlin reviews powerful and pressing indicators, on various scales, macro and micro - bacteria, cells, plants, birds, etc - pointing ineluctably to Intelligent Design. Namely, highlighting that the Evolution of Life "demonstrates" not blind trial and error but "foresight, intention, design, purpose" of Intelligence and Ingenuity in the emergence of wonders of biological and chemical complexity. Marcos Eberlin proves that Life has put in place solutions in anticipation of difficulties to be overcome. He demonstrates that non-intelligent processes, in neo-Darwinist mode, do not possess the capacity, the complexity to account for such feats of genetic engineering. Nor, moreover, do alternative evolutionary theories and proposals such as Erwin Lazlo's Multiverse; such as Neutral Molecular Evolution introduced by Motoo Kimura, in 1968, and the US Jack Lester King and Thomas Hughes Jukes, in 1969; such as Evolutionary Developmental Biology; such as Stephen Jay Gould's PunctuatedEquilibrium, etc.
The Punctuated Equilibrium, by the neo-Darwinist Stephen Jay Gould - another Noah staggering on his evolutionary tightrope waiting to drown in the Flood of devolutional Darwinism - is a total failure in its attempt to explain the absence of transitional fossils by hypothesizing geologically rapid appearances.
This hypothesis faces the same nightmare as conventional neo-Darwinism, namely the lack of Time, but even more dramatically.
"It is often said that one solution brings with it two other problems and a cell membrane shield is no exception. A simple shield could protect the interior of the cell from deadly invaders, but such a barrier would also prevent cellular nutrients from entering the heart of the cell and cellular waste from leaving. Small, neutral molecules could pass through the membrane as opposed to larger, electrically charged biomolecules. A simple shield would be the recipe for a quick and certain death. In order for the original cells to survive and reproduce, something more sophisticated was needed. Selective channels through the membranes of these early cells had to be put in place from the beginning. Cells today present themselves with such thresholds: they are specialized protein channels used to carry many fundamental molecules and ions. How was this selective transport of both neutral molecules and charged ions orchestrated? The theory of evolution requires a gradual and successive process of small mutations sifted by natural selection - what is commonly referred to as "survival of the fittest".
However, a gradual evolutionary process, over many generations, seems to have no chance of constructing such wonders since, apparently, only a few generations of a cell, and even only one generation, can occur before these channels can emerge and function. No channels means no cell life. The key question is, therefore, how did the first cells acquire the proper membranes and co-evolve the necessary protein channels to overcome the permeability problem? Some convinced evolutionists have admitted that this is a major difficulty. As Sheref Mansy and colleagues put it in the journal Nature: "The intense barrier function of membranes has complicated our understanding of the origin of cellular life." In "Foresight: How the Chemistry of Life Reveals Planning and Purpose".Translation and Emphasis by Xochi.
Marcos Eberlin argues that only Intelligent Design can "explain" the emergence of the double-walled cell membrane, flexible, stable and resistant, which is able to protect the cell from oxygen, to promote its stability in an acidic aqueous environment, to promote its perception and modulation of temperature and pH, and to metamorphose its chemical composition in order to manage its multiple functions while adapting to the chemical and physical transformations of the environment.
"If you were to solicit this demanding, multi-faceted task from the most technologically advanced engineering companies in the world, their most expert engineers would either laugh in your face or run screaming into the night. The technology required is far beyond our most advanced human knowledge. And for the record, it'snot enough to do two or three things correctly that this membrane does - or even 99% of what it does. That would not be enough. It's all or die! A vulnerable cell, waiting for an improvement - on the mode of Darwinian gradualism process - would be promptly attacked by a myriad of enemies and would die, without ever reproducing, not giving the time, to the evolution, to finish its work, down the road". Ibidem. Translation and underlines of Xochi.
Speaking of cellular hygiene and integrity, in addition to the newly discovered vortex in the dandelion seed papus (see much more below), a study has just been published, very recently, in the July 10, 2019 Nature Journal on the discovery of a new vortex flow created by cells of the protozoan Spirostomum ambiguum. This study is entitled "Collective intercellular communication through ultra-fast hydrodynamic trigger waves".
According to Arnold Mathijssen: "There are many modes of communication in biology, but this is a new type of inter-cellular signal transmission that we are trying to understand . It is possible that this mode of exchange is more universal than we have described, so far, and that it is the communication vector used by many types of organisms."
According to the Science Daily extension article, "without touching and without electrical or chemical signals, individual Spirostomum ambiguum cells can coordinate their ultra-fast contractions so intimately that groups of Spirostomum appear to contract simultaneously - a response to predators that allows them to release paralyzing toxins, in sync." Xochi translation. [169][170]
What is the speed of contraction of Spirostomum ambiguum? It is 5 milli/second and, for comparison, the human eye blinks in 100 to 400 milli/second.
The researchers of this team discovered that in addition to this relatively fast speed, the cells of Spirostomum ambiguum communicated by means of aerodynamic flows, vortexes... - the vortex propagating from one cell to the other, at the same speed as the individual contraction, but giving, however, the illusion of a contraction of all the cells, in synchrony, for the human eye. It is very beautiful, especially since the Irreducible Complexity of the Spirostomum ambiguum is such that the cells, at the time of the contraction, endure 14 times the force of gravity.
Neo-Darwinism in Full Devolution
In his 1996 book, "Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution", Michael Behe argues against the Darwinist claim that the highly elaborate mechanism of the cell developed, evolved, step by step, archaic, by natural selections and random mutations. He exposes his concept of "irreducible complexity" - which he had presented, in 1993, at a congress on Intelligent Design, in California. A system of irreducible complexity is thus functional only when all its components are present. In his work, he presented examples that have now become well known, such as the bacterial flagellum, the blood coagulation process, the immune system...
He defines it as follows: "By irreducible complexity, I mean a single system composed of several parts - which interact in harmony and contribute to the basic functioning - and which ceases to function, as a system, as soon as any of its parts is removed. A system of irreducible complexity cannot be produced directly (i.e. by continuously improving the initial function that continues to work by the same mechanism) by successive slight modifications of a precursor system because any precursor of a system of irreducible complexity that is missing an element is, by definition, non-functional. A system of irreducible biological complexity would represent a powerful challenge to Darwinian evolution." "Darwin's Black Box." Page 39. Translation by Xochi.
For Michael Behe, the question arises as to how a system such as the molecular machinery can emerge if it is only functional when all its components are fully present. Indeed, its irreducible complexity means that it cannot evolve each of its parts, one by one, and assemble them, all together, by a wave of a magic wand, each in its proper place. Such a system cannot evolve gradually and without guidance: it is still devoid of function. As Darwinian Evolution has no Intent, a non-functional protein can only be the subject of mutations while waiting, patiently, for all its parts to evolve to their optimum.
In conclusion, the emergence of a new system, of irreducible complexity, is only possible if it has multi-functional proteins able to assemble, in harmonious synergy, so that this new congregation can develop a new function.
In his second book, "The Edge of Evolution: The Search for the Limits of Darwinism", published in 2007, Michael Behe argues that while Darwinian evolution can operate within the species, i.e. intra- species, it is limited in its ability to generate diversity beyond the species. According to Behe, Darwinian evolution exists but is more capable of messing with the molecular machinery, i.e. existing and functional metabolic pathways, than creating new ones.
Remember that the concept of species is the only one that makes sense (if at all) in the physical world, the world of the Organic Reality of the Planetary Animal Mother. When we go back up the tree, there is no Real manifestation, no physical planetary incarnation at the levels of Genres, Tribes, Families, Orders, etc.
"If the vast majority of protein/protein interactions remain beyond the margin of evolution, then it is reasonable to visualize the entire cell as a well- programmed, holistically integrated, non-random factory, as the President of the National Academy of Sciences, Bruce Alberts, has suggested. This conclusion is not, therefore, a "God-mouth" argument. Non-randomness is not a rare property of extra-complex characteristics of the cell. Rather, the cellular basis of life, in its entirety, is pervaded by nonrandomness. Pages 146/147. Translation by Xochi.
Here are two facts that the theory of population genetics cannot contradict and therefore cannot be opposed, according to Behe:
"When the development of some particular adaptive biochemical trait requires more than one specific mutation in the genome of an organism, and when the intervening mutations are deleterious (and even, to a lesser extent, when they are neutral), then the probability of multiple mutations emerging, in a random fashion, in a population and co-existing in a particular individual, so as to confer adaptation, will be extremely low in contrast with situations requiring a single mutation. Moreover, this decreasing probability means either that a much larger population size of organisms would be required, on average, to generate the multiple mutations in the same time frame as for a single mutation; or that for the same population size, a multiple mutation trait would require many more generations to emerge in contrast to a single mutation trait. Translation by Xochi.
I felt it was important to translate the following very long passages by Michael Behe because they deal with a key example in his book, namely the resistance of Plasmodium falciparum with respect to the various synthetic substances used to allegedly obliterate this malaria vector - under the aegis of the WHO, the Vatican of Malaria. And this is all the more important as it rebounds on the various articles I have written on this subject - and present in this book - while rebounding, also, on the Campaign launched, in 2018, by the Kokopelli Association, "For the Liberation of Medicinal Plants" [61][62 ] whose first dynamic focuses on Artemisia annua to fight against malaria and cancer.
Here's how, in July 2014, Michael Behe presents a medical discovery validating one of his deductions, in his 2007 book, but not elucidated then.
"A recent study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, confirms a fundamental deduction I made, in 2007, concluding that "the minimum required for low chloroquine transfer two mutations."
Let me set the scene. Darwinian theory proposes that the incredibly complex cellular machinery evolved from excruciatingly tiny steps through natural selection acting on random mutations. I argued against this theory in my 1996 book, Darwin's Black Box, by asserting that much of the molecular machinery was, like a mouse trap, irreducibly complex; that it could not have been developed gradually; that it required, therefore, intelligent design. Some Darwinists countered with petulant scenarios, imagining complicated systems formed by magic wands. As vague as these anecdotes were, they often possessed a veneer of plausibility that provided a good excuse for naysayers not to look too deeply into them. In order for the case against Darwinism to evolve, I thought it had to move beyond descriptive arguments (which are too often twisted because they are woven with speciousness) to quantitative arguments (which call for numerical answers that can be tested). Thus, as far as possible, hard numbers had to be correlated with the probabilities of events that Darwinists blithely demand from unassisted Nature. This was the objective of my book "The Edge of Evolution".
One of the major points of the book is that if evolution must skip even a tiny phase in order to reach a beneficial state (i.e., if even a single intermediate phase - within a long and inexorably circumstantial evolutionary path - is detrimental or non-beneficial), then the probability of reaching that state decreases exponentially. After declining an important medical example (see below), I argued that the evolution of many protein-protein interactions would fall into the category of leapfrogging, that multi-protein complexes in the cell are beyond the reach of Darwinian evolution, and that Intelligent Design remains at the deep core of life.
However, at the time, the main concrete example of the book - the need for multiple specific transformations in a particular malarial protein (called PfCRT) in order to develop resistance to chloroquine - was an inference, not yet an experimentally confirmed phenomenon. It was a really excellent deduction, but it was obvious from the fact that resistance to chloroquine occurs extremely less frequently than with other chemicals. For example, resistance to the antimalarial drug, atovaquone, develops spontaneously in one-third of patients, but with chloroquine, in one in one billion patients. About the PfCRT gene, I wrote, "since two particular amino acid transformations (out of a total of four to eight transformations) occur in almost all of these cases [of in vivo chloroquine resistance], it may be that they are both required for the primary activity by which the protein confers resistance." The result would be that "the probability of a particular [malarial] cell having the few necessary modifications would be much lower than in the case of atovaquone resistance, where a single amino acid transformation is sufficient. This factor seems to be the secret of why chloroquine was an effective remedy for decades. But, nevertheless, this deduction had not been validated in the laboratory.
It has now been achieved thanks to Summers et al. in 2014. It took them years of work to achieve these results because they had to painstakingly develop a proper assay system by which the malarial protein could be both efficiently deployed and carefully observed for its relevant activity - namely, the ability to pump chloroquine across a cell membrane to remove the parasite's remedy. Using sophisticated experimental techniques, they artificially mutated the protein in all the modes used in nature, in addition to modes that produced previously undiscovered intermediates. One of their conclusions was that, indeed, a minimum of two specific mutations are required for the protein to be able to expel chloroquine. [63]. Translation by Xochi.
Summers' work, and that of other research teams, subsequently allowed Michael Behe to prove, statistically speaking, that the processes of Darwinian evolution could not explain the mutations in Plasmodium falciparum.
"Any particular biochemical adaptive trait requiring the same mutational complexity as that needed for chloroquine resistance in malaria has extremely low probabilities of emerging, by Darwinian processes, and becoming fixed in the population of any class of large animals (such as mammals) because of much smaller population magnitudes and because of longer generational timescales compared to those of malaria. By "same mutational complexity" I mean the need for 2 or 3 mutations where at least one phase consists of intermediates that are deleterious plus a modest selection coefficient of, say, 1 in103 to104. These factors will take us to a ratio of about 1020. Moreover, any adaptive biological feature requiring a mutational pathway of twice this complexity (i.e., 4 to 6 mutations with deleterious intermediates) is unlikely to emerge during the lifetime of the universe." [64 ] Translation by Xochi.
The first conclusion that can be drawn from all this research, from a strictly sanitary point of view, is that Plasmodium falciparum is extremely ingenious in its ability to adapt instantly to its environment - proof of this, among other things, is its very great ability to resist chemical or synthetic drugs. As Karen P. Day has very precisely demonstrated, every child has its own Plasmodium falciparum :
"The objective of this research is to discover the magnitude of the diversity of malaria parasites infecting children in an African village. DNA sequencing shows that these parasites show a very high variability in the genes encoding the surface envelope. In fact, each child's malaria is characterized by a different set of these genes.This research highlights, through computational methods, the fundamental point that the emergence of this diversity is not random but structured to enhance the parasite's chances of evading host immunity and must be taken into account if malaria control programs are to be successful."[99][100 ] Xochi's translation.
And these control programs are such a failure that the authorities are playing with chimeric mosquitoes [101 ] [102 ] or chimeric fungi - such as Metarhizium pinghaense, which has been genetically modified with the venom of the highly venomous Australian spider, Hadronyche versuta, to kill mosquitoes carrying the parasite. [ 103] While waiting for the universal vaccine that the Vatican of Malaria dreams of...
The second conclusion that seems to be necessary, based on Karen Day's research, and on the inability of chemical remedies to eliminate the parasite, is to promote the use of preventive and curative medicinal plants, such as Artemisia annua, Artemisia afra, Ocimum canum,Ocimum gratissimum, etc, etc, which have accompanied human animals in tropical areas for tens of thousands of years - if not hundreds of thousands or millions of years - in their ability to survive in the company of mosquitoes and malaria-carrying parasites.
In his third book, "Darwin Devolves," published in the spring of 2019, Michael Behe pulverizes the fundamental claim of evolutionary theory that random mutations, and natural selection, would drive life toward ever greater complexity. In fact, he asserts, flatly, the opposite!
"The firm conclusion I have come to, over the past decades, is this: despite occasional questions and obstacles along the way, the more science progresses, the deeper into the heart of life intelligent design can be perceived... Although chance impacts superficial aspects of biology, the most recent evidence confirms that life is the intentional work of a mind and that this intentional work extends much deeper into the heart of life than could previously be discovered. "Darwin Devolves." Xochi's translation.
Even before the book was published, lest it be too highly praised, it was severely attacked by the foolish censors of the neo-Darwinist sect, including the biologist Jerry Coyne [69 ], who lamented that this book was the biological equivalent of the Flat Earth concept. Moreover, this concept of the Flat Earth is strongly haloed by a vast orchestration of cognitive dissonance and historical falsifications - set up by the Authorities in control of the dissipative propaganda.
"So far, we have discerned three red flags that emerge in our common experience: 1/ the frequent, and gratuitous, attribution of elegant, complex, and unelucidated biology to (presumed Darwinian) "Evolution"; 2/ the imposition of a "united front" by scientists asserting their Darwinist claims on the public; and 3/ the fact that biological research on topics such as contemporary human nutrition faces refractory problems. The first two alerts speak to the social pressure that is often used to promote
Darwinist conclusions far beyond what the scientific data provide." "Darwin Devolves. Translation and Emphasis by Xochi.
Jerry Coyne even recently attacked Stephen Meyer - the author of "Darwin's Doubt" and "Signature in the Cell" - in the mode of religious comedy: "Seriously, if God wants us to accept him, why doesn't he come down to Earth and perform some irrefutable miracles that can be observed, photographed, etc.? [77 ] This is a sample of Neo-Darwinism in all its pathetic lack of scientific, rational, logical, and sane argument. Jerry Coyne has also just attacked the famous and young Ben Shapiro ("The Ben Shapiro Show") who has praised "Signature in the Cell" and who therefore pours, totally, into intelligent design. [78]
"It is extremely ironic to realize that...Darwinian evolution proceeds primarily by damaging or breaking genes and that sometimes this promotes survival - even though it may seem counterintuitive. In other words, this mechanism is powerfully devolving. It promotes the rapid loss of genetic information. Laboratory experiments, in vivo studies and theoretical research all point strongly to the following result: through natural selection and random mutations, evolution is self-limiting. That is, the same factors that promote diversity at the simplest levels of biology actively block it at more complex levels. Darwin's mechanism works, primarily, by squandering genetic information for short-term benefit. "Darwin Devolves". Translation and underlining by Xochi.
In fact, according to Michael Behe, it's give and take in the short term and give and take in the long term as far as most random mutations are concerned - which would be the engine of all Darwinist evolution according to the dogma. This is all the more interesting since the term "mutation" comes from the Latin "movere", for "to move", which comes from the Proto-Indo-European "mei-th" meaning "to exchange". This PIE root would also be the origin of the terms "mutual" and "mutualism".
It is Beautiful: a non-mutualist mutation would be, thus, doomed to evolutionary failure! Because it is not Intelligent, that is to say not Ingenious, that is to say not Intentional?
One can only advise, by chance, neo-Darwinists, supposedly obsessed with the Quest for Origin, to look into etymology - the origin of terms. It is often very enlightening... especially when the term has a meaning diametrically opposed to that of its origins.
"This book deals with a very essential and inescapable subject regarding the problem of Darwinism versus intelligent design. It demonstrates not only that Darwin's mechanisms are incapable of elaborating complex structures - and this capacity was in doubt from the very moment Darwin proposed his theory - but it also demonstrates that Darwin's mechanisms actively degrade complex structures and that, in many circumstances, this degradation is beneficial to the survival of an organism. Thus, it promotes the survival of a species and it cannot explain where the elegant complexity of life emanated from." Michael Behe. Translation by Xochi.
In this book, "Darwin Devolves", Michael Behe demonstrates, on the level of macro-organisms, his "First Rule of Adaptive Evolution", which he had already presented in 2010 on the level of micro- organisms. [73]
"Adaptive evolution can induce the loss, gain or transformation of function in a species; it is, therefore, of primary interest to determine whether one of these modes is dominant in the evolutionary process under particular circumstances. Since the mutation is manifested at the molecular level, it is necessary to examine the molecular transformations induced by the mutation in question in order to understand whether this or that adaptation is more appropriately evaluated as a gain, loss or modification of function. This assessment was not previously possible, but has become possible due to advances in molecular biology in the second half of the last century. In this paper, I review the molecular transformations that cause certain adaptations with a particular emphasis on evolutionary experiments with microbial organisms over the last four decades. I demonstrate that by far the most common adaptive metamorphoses seen in these examples are induced by the loss or modification of a pre- existing molecular function. I then argue for possible reasons for the prominence of such mutations. Michael Behe. In The Quarterly Review of Biology 85: Pages 419 to 445. Translation by Xochi.
This First Rule of Adaptive Evolution states that "any gene whose loss will induce an increase in reproductive amplitude must be broken or disabled".
In this book, the author describes "Wonders of the Biosphere": jumping insects equipped with gears [70], bacteria that elaborate internal magnets from toxic materials [71], particular cells of the eyes that work like fiber optic cables synchronized with specific light frequencies, etc, etc: la Vie.... [72]
Antennarius striatus, the striated frogfish, [83] swallows its prey at a speed of1/6000thof a second. As for the ant Odontomachus bauri, it is the Kung Fu of the animal world: it closes its jaws at a speed so fast that it may seem highly improbable, namely 0.13 milli-seconds. To date, it is the fastest animal strike observed [84 ] with a speed ranging from 130 to 230 km per hour. Winks from the Blind Evolution? Or gifts, donations, endowments, presents from Gaia, Mother Earth? It is a good omen, moreover, to have recourse to this ancient meaning of "presents" to evoke the gifts of Mother Earth - in her Eternal Present, the Dreamtime.
It would seem that in Gaia's Great Lottery, species function - "functionally" - from the moment they emerge. They respond "present" to the call as soon as they emerge. It is beautiful!
The Cichlid Explosion
Here is an appreciative commentary on Michael Behe's latest book, by Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig - a proponent of intelligent design - who was a geneticist at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research in Cologne, Germany, and is the author of "The Evolution of the Long-Necked Giraffe" [out of print but free online] [74]:
"On a number of topics, evolutionists have for over a century recycled, in a senseless fashion, supposedly indisputable "evidence" against any design for the origins of life in any form. Behe critically examines these "proofs" that are held up as unassailable verification and validation of Darwinism. These proofs not only leave much to be desired, but some are revealed as presenting strong evidence for the strictly opposite conclusion, namely in favor of Ingenious Design. Among the latter, we can mention the inverted retina of the eye, the Galapagos finches, the tangaras, the fruit flies, the Cichlid fish, etc.
As for the evolution of the systematic categories in question (finches, for example, and others), I strongly urge you to consult Behe's book.
Incidentally, I must admit that I am fascinated that he came to almost the same conclusions as I did. (See my German book "Species Concepts, Evolution and Creation"). As far as the eye is concerned - as I have written [75 ] and as Michael Behe confirms - Darwinian theory substitutes pretence for reasoning.
In affirming this, Michael Behe's analyses are astonishing and absolutely convincing.
In addition to intriguing comments about Lenski's famous investigations of bacteria, you will also find profound contributions to Multiverse theory, Complexity theory, self-organization theory, developmental biology (evo-devo), ecological niche heredity, developmental plasticity, natural genetic engineering, splicing, major transitions in evolution, game theory, and much more." Translation by Xochi.
In his book, Michael Behe analyzes the problem of Cichlids, whose explosion of diversity in Lake Victoria (in the space of 15,000 years) is presented by neo-Darwinism as one of the most spectacular examples of Darwinist evolution. He draws the same conclusions as in the rest of the book, namely, very strictly contrary to that of the sect:
"Just as with Darwin's Finches, if the classification categories were represented as the eight digits of a sum totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars, the evolution of Cichlids in the Great Lakes of Africa would be confined to the penny column on the right. Compared to the immense range of life, this is only what evolutionary transformation represents.
... It is interesting to note that the Cichlids of Lake Victoria have evolved over the last 15,000 years or so - the time the lake has existed since it was last filled . However, Lake Malawi is over a million years old and Lake Tanganyika is about 10 million years old. Despite the huge differences in age, the three lakes have roughly the same number of Cichlid species. Moreover, the lineages-which evolved independently of each other in each lake-often look intimately similar and thus testify, clearly, to a limited spectrum of available variation that, apparently, can emerge very quickly and, just as quickly, stagnate." "Darwin Devolves. Translation by Xochi.
The Cichlidae family is very well known to aquarium lovers, freshwater fishes, which try to survive in megacities, in the middle of their own existential aquarium, out of water - except for floods, not included in the insurance contracts. With this family of freshwater fish, which are a few centimeters to two meters long, neo-Darwinism is confronted with a problem of very bad timing - like the BBC announcing the fall of a tower, in September 2001, before it had fallen - because this family is currently found in the great lakes of Africa, Central and South America, India and Madagascar. And just like the World Trade Center's Cognitive Dissonance Tower Syndrome, it would seem that the Cichlid Fishes have manifested themselves at the bottom of the Great Lakes... falling from Heaven or some other Evolving Force unwilling to be named.
Indeed, all these continents broke away from the super-continent Gondwana, 120 million years ago. On the other hand, the Cichlidae Family would have "emerged", the proof by DNA, 65 million years ago - and maybe even much less. Therefore, anyone with a functional mind can ask themselves the question of the simultaneous presence of the same Family in the freshwater lakes of several continents. Would some Cichlids have crossed the salty oceans - by swimming? And then, to reach freshwater lakes? What about the out-of-water spaces - not adapted to the fish mode - and which surround, very often, these lakes...? The neo-Darwinists always have the pretext of bouncing off the rivers that often flow and flow... but as much as the salty winds of the oceans take them away, their bouillabaisse has a declining rating due to the cultured broths of discoveries, in the last twenty years, of molecular biology and organic chemistry.
With the Cichlidae family, neo-Darwinism lies, miserably, in its incompetence. Indeed, this family - which includes between 2000 and 3000 species - is very present in the great African Lakes: Lake Victoria, Lake Malawi and Lake Tanganyika. The populations of Cichlidae date back to 15,000 years ago, 1 million years ago and 10 million years ago respectively. These populations are divided, respectively, into 500 species, 500 to 800 species and 250 species. [ 79] [81] Thus, when Deokjin Joo et al. in their 2013 study entitled "Identification of Cichlid Fishes from Lake Malawi Using Computer Vision" stated: "The Great Lakes of Africa, including Victoria, Malawi and Tanganyika, are large reservoirs of fish species in the Cichlidae Family. Within these lakes, evolution has formed, approximately, from 1450 to 1750 different species of Cichlidae through rapid speciation", [80 ] the questions that any sensible person - that is, using their senses - has the privilege of asking the neo-Darwinists are, therefore, the following... in all their naive beauty.
Can neo-Darwinism allow itself to speak of "rapid speciation" in the case of the 250 species of Lake Tanganyika following 10 million years of "evolution and adaptive speciation"? Especially since this lake is only 350 kilometers away, as the crow flies, from Lake Malawi which has at least twice as many species, with only 1 million years of existence?
Therefore, can neo-Darwinists try to explain why the speed of blind evolution, or evolutionary and adaptive speciation, varies from one lake to another? Especially since Lake Victoria has "generated/evolved" twice as many species as Lake Tanganyika... in a handful of 15,000 years!
Especially since, according to the same authors, about Lake Malawi: "The explosion of radiation evolution of the fishes of the Family Cichlidae has generated an astonishing number of haplochromine species, estimated at about 500/800, with a surprising degree of diversity not only in colors, and line structures, but also in body and jaw shape" .[80] Translation and underlining by Xochi.
The few underlined terms are part of the same type of strong verbiage used by neo-Darwinists to evoke the Syrinx Explosion in birds, the Turtle Explosion, the Trilobite Explosion, the Avallon Explosion, the Cambrian Explosion, the Angiosperm Explosion, the Bird Explosion, the Whale Explosion, etc., etc.
Since the beginning of July 2019, we even have the formalization of a new "Ocean Life Explosion" dated at 170 million years ago. A team from the University of Plymouth has just published their work, in the journal Nature Geoscience: using reconstructions of past water temperature and composition, the authors estimated the proportion of aragonite and calcite forming inorganically in the oceans during 85 geological phases encompassing 500 million years. They then made comparisons with the mineral composition of fossilized marine organisms. They discovered a considerable diversification of oceanic life through the abundant and generous emergence of calcifying planktonic organisms that, in a generous and abundant manner, disseminated calcium carbonate - from the shores to the deepest parts of the oceans. [141]
It is beautiful and well thought out. Have you seen electron microscopy photos of calcified plankton? [ 141] It is thrilling.
In order not to appear indolent, I went to investigate the difference between an adaptive evolution and a diffusive evolution. And I was immediately invited by G to the following study, which confirmed my intuitions that the neo-Darwinists, self-proclaimed scientists, constitute, by some caprice of the Evolutionary Force, a terribly deleterious Zionist mutation of the human species.
What are we going to do at this fateful moment of Human Evolution that has generated a Zionist
Explosion of this scale? Its origin, on the other hand, is very well documented and the ramifications of its Tree of Death are so numerous that the decontamination of the Biosphere (including our human DNA) is a matter of ecological urgency and existential survival, in fact, the same matter - and the same matter/consciousness.
"Adaptive radiation-in the sense of adaptive diffusion-constitutes the emergence of a diversity of ecological roles and adaptations, role-specific, within a lineage. Recently, some researchers have begun to use the term "adaptive radiation", or "diffusion", as a synonym for " explosive species diversification " . This essay - "Adaptive radiation versus 'radiation' and 'explosive diversification': why conceptual distinctions are fundamental to understanding evolution" [82 ] - aims to clarify the distinctions between these concepts and the correlated ideas of geographic speciation, sexual selection, key innovations, key landscapes and ecological keys. Several examples are given to demonstrate that adaptive radiation and explosive diversification are not the same phenomenon.
Therefore, the focus onexplosive diversification, and on the analysis of phylogenetic topology, ignores much of therich biology associated with adaptive radiation with the risk of generating confusion about the nature of the evolutionary forces driving species diversification. Some "radiation" involves bursts of geographic speciation, or sexual selection, rather than adaptive diversification; some adaptive radiation has little or no influence on speciation-or even a negative impact . Many classic examples of "adaptive radiation" appear to involve influences driven partly by geographic speciation, the dispersal abilities of species, and the nature of extrinsic dispersal barriers; partly by sexual selection; and partly by "adaptive radiation" in the classic sense, including the origin of traits and the invasion of adaptive areas that result in a decrease in diversification ratios but an overall increase in diversity . Translation and underlining by Xochi.
All this must cost a lot of so-called public money - follow my gaze. Is this understandable for the France of the Bottom - the one that tries to save in the stockings under the mattress? It is true that my ancestors did not have the leisure to inculcate in me the respect of the PhD - and in some Latin American countries, which were trying to give me the Doctor, I always specified that I was a PhippieD, a Doctor de Nada. I define myself, thus, as a polybath: I am inclined to bathe in the Biospheric Ocean and I write, in blood mode, swimming and imagining myself as a bird flowing along the streams - without gain, just to play.
The above paragraph brandishes the Explosion in turns of phrases. And what is the nature of the explosive? Today, such an explosive essay would be immediately censored for potential hate speech on the Internet. We are in June 2019 and it is the generalized offensive on the Web to eliminate all dissidences. Fakebook has even just deleted the account of Natural News in California (promoting natural medicines and fighting against vaccinations) which had three million followers. The very famous website of the Naturopathic Doctor (and anti- vaccinist) Mercola has lost, on some medical topics, up to 99% of its traffic due to a change in the algorithms at Google.
Here is a phantasmagorical sample, in the sense of the demented imagination, of the circularity of neo- Darwinism, in all its unbridled splendor, which mixes concepts, Evolutionary Forces, influences, wealth, impulses, bursts and explosions, diffusions, radiations... to never approach the essential subject, the subject at the heart of the subjects: the Origin of the Species and the Origin of the Origin, namely the Origin of the Generation.
An origin that, if we listen to the neo-Darwinist elucidations, always seems to emerge ex nihilo, by the force of the Holy Evolution, and as the Dzog Chen would say, in order not to dissipate, it is not enough to diffuse, it is still necessary to generate, a little, before.
Let us assume that there were primitive and unique ancestors of the Cichlids - that is, the Adams of the Family, so to speak, according to their mythology. It would not seem that any neo-Darwinist has had the audacity, to date, to propose that Cichlids were descended from flying fishes of the same bird species spread over all continents.
Would the Cichlids have fallen from the sky, 65 million years ago, in all the lakes of the continents of Africa, America, Asia and Madagascar - by miracle? Or by answering the call of the Cichlid Vortex? Or would they have "emerged" ex nihilo - and simultaneously on all continents? And by this I mean, of course, "emerged" in a neo-Darwinist mode - and in a repetitive way - that is to say, under the pressure of Natural Selection from any branching on the Tree of Life sprouting from the primordial cell emerged (mysteriously) on Earth.
None of these proposals really make sense. Doesn't it? The situation is extremely serious. What are we going to do? Would these multicolored freshwater fish have fallen from the sky, 65 million years ago, answering the call of the Cichlid Vortex?
The Dandelion Seed Flies Away at the Call of its Vortex
The seeds of the dandelion, Taraxacum officinale, as they whirl around, light, carried by air flows, a few meters or over very long distances, exert a definite fascination for the human animal - who tells himself, intuitively, that Nature "is, frankly, well thought out." In the fall of 2018, a team of researchers from the University of Edinburgh have just published the results of their study, "A separated vortex ring underlies the flight of the dandelion." [ 49] This study highlights the unconscious reason for this fascination. The dandelion seed is literally sucked upwards by a vortex which is created by the movement of air passing through its egret (a small heron, etymologically) - which is also called a pappus.
The pappus of the Dandelion is composed, approximately, of a hundred bristles, of filaments. According to the researchers of this team, the quantity of filaments cannot deviate too much from this average because, otherwise, the vortex ring cannot be formed and the seed cannot fly away.
This type of vortex was strictly unknown before, and this is how the team of researchers from the University of Edinburgh presents the objective of their research:
"Anemochorous plants have evolved ingenious ways of making their seeds fly away. The common dandelion employs a cluster of egrets (pappus) as a drive vector that promotes standing in the open.
This passive flight mechanism is highly efficient and allows seed dispersal over considerable distances; notwithstanding, the physics underlying this pappus- modulated flight remains unexplained. In this study, we observed the flow surrounding the dandelion seeds and discovered an extraordinary type of vortex. This vortex is a ring of recirculating fluid that is unstuck due to the flow through the pappus. We hypothesized that the circular, disk-shaped geometry and the porosity of the pappus are the fundamental structural features generating the formation of a detached ring vortex. This level of porosity was evaluated using microfabricated disks, and a disk of similar porosity was found to recapitulate the flow behavior of the pappus. The porosity of the Dandelion pappus appears to be precisely tuned to stabilize the vortex while maximizing the aerodynamic load and, simultaneously, minimizing material contingencies. The discovery of this detached ring vortex proves the existence of a new class of fluid behavior around bodies immersed in a fluid that can ground locomotion, weight reduction, and particle retention in both biological and man-made structures." Translation and Emphasis by Xochi.
According to the commentary on the video posted by Nature, [47 ] "One day, perhaps, human technologies could be designed to fly as efficiently as the grandiose dandelion seed."
The subtitle of the popularization article in the journal Nature [48 ] is resolutely Goethean and Sophianic in its vision of the world: "The flight of a seed shows how much the appreciation of the wonders of the Universe can be initiated by a new perception of everyday life". One would be inclined to imagine that the scientific community is somewhat stunned by this discovery in view of the dithyrambic adjectives used. Jeremy Kahn, in the journal Nature writes: "An impossible method never before discovered in Nature".
The comments presented on the Nature article are similar [48]:
"The key lies not in the bristles of the pappus but in the spaces between them. When projected onto a disc, the set of bristles occupies less than 10% of the space below the pappus while generating, nevertheless, a traction four times greater than that which would be generated by a solid disc of the same radius. This study demonstrates that the airflow driven by each silk interacts with the air pockets supported by its neighbors , creating maximum traction in exchange for minimal mass expenditure. The porosity of the pappus - a measure of the proportion of air it allows to pass - determines the shape and nature of this low pressure vortex.
All falling objects, from feathers to cannonballs, create turbulence as they pass. But this requires a rare combination of size, mass, shape, and crucially, porosity, in order for the pappus to generate this ring vortex . Size is, also, particularly, important because, from the perspective of an entity as small as a pappus, air is substantially viscous. At such a scale, a parachute made of a bunch of bristles is just as effective as the lift plane found in larger seeds dispersing from larger plants - such as the winged seeds of maples. Similarly, tiny insects do not fly with strong wings but swim through the air using paddles, or blades, made of bristles.
This is an example ofhow evolution can generate solutions to the most complex problems - such as seed dispersal .There are many unknown entities smaller than atoms and larger than galaxies, or billions of years into the future. But there are secrets held by entities we take for granted - entities on a human or near-human scale - that seem all the more precious . Heaven, even, in a wild flower. Translation and underlining by Xochi.
Neo-Darwinism is a few billion years late... at the protein pump
Where will the neo-Darwinists of the magazine Nature, who are now calling for the Celestial, New Age version, stop? A little more time and this genial Evolution will be qualified as quasi-divine - at least, that's the status that some neo-Darwinists seem to be giving it today.
Generative Evolution, because it is generative, therefore possesses the ability to generate ingenious solutions to very complex problems - or problems considered very complex by certain biologists because, for Mother Earth, what really is Complexity? That's a good question.
As for "entities larger than the Galaxies"... have the neo-Darwinists of the Nature Magazine discovered a class of galaxophagous cosmic bacteria? The shamans and the Instructors of yesteryear have never spoken of it, in the memory of Anthropos. On the other hand, the Initiates of that time must have perceived this extraordinary vortex quality present in the dandelion to convey its seed because, in certain languages, its name evokes "the breath" - thus in Russian, in Polish, in Italian, in German...
This is how the Dandelion seeds fly away in a "parachute" - in fact, in a bunch of filaments, of silks without a veil fabric - into Gaia's Atmosphere: by answering the call of their Vortex. This is, perhaps, also the mission of all the souls of human animals: to answer the call of their Vortex, at least those souls that are still alive and have not fallen into the syndrome of the living dead, hiding under the parachute of their virtual screen to protect themselves from the Organic Real.
Such as Richard Dawkins - one of the gurus of the neo-darloosers advocating the selfish gene - who wrote, in his book "The Blind Watchmaker": "Biology is the study of complex objects that give the appearance of having been conceived for a specific purpose". Let us recall that, unlike the works of the brilliant Lynn Margulis, all the works of the neo- Darwinist Richard Dawkins have been translated into French - in exchange for great services rendered to the neo-Darwinist Mafia in its situation of self- proclaimed Authority.
Thus, in the vision of guru Richard Dawkins, the ring vortex generated by the Dandelion pappus - the result of a "rare assemblage of size, mass, shape, and crucially, porosity" - gives the extraordinary appearance of having been conceived with the aim of making the achene fly away - but it is only an appearance. According to Dawkins, it is illusory to perceive an intention: this vortex accompanying the dandelion achene is only an accident of course and it persists in the Biosphere only because its impact makes it more probable than less probable.
This is undoubtedly the case with Richard Dawkins himself: a casualty who perseveres in the neo- darwinist mainstream because his impact makes the fabrication of their sectarian - and backward - ideology much more likely. The works of the neo- darwinist Richard Dawkins have the same flavor as the breakfast of my neighbor's dog.
Indeed, Lynn Margulis commented: "I work in evolutionary biology but with cells and microorganisms. Richard Dawkins, John Maynard Smith, George Williams, Richard Lewontin, Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould all come from the zoological tradition. I take it that, to quote our colleague Simon Robson, they are all dealing with a data set that is three billion years out of date. [She later realized that it was four]. Eldredge and Gould, and their many colleagues, are prone to codifying an incredible ignorance of the heart of the real action of evolution insofar as they limit the field of interest to animals - including, of course, humans... They ignore bacteria, protists, fungi and plants . They take a short and interesting chapter from the book of evolution and extrapolate it to the complete encyclopedia of life. Biased and limited in their perspective, they are not so much in error as in ignorance. And what are they ignorant of? Of chemistry, basically, becausethe language of chemistry is the language of evolutionary biology - and most of them are ignorant of chemistry.
Neo-Darwinism is an attempt to reconcile Mendelian genetics - which asserts that organisms do not change with time - with Darwinism, which asserts the opposite.Itis a reasoning that merges, in a mathematical way, two erroneous currents of thought - and that is the beginning of the end .The neo-Darwinist formalism uses arithmetic and algebra that are inappropriate for biology. The language of life is not ordinary arithmetic and algebra; it is chemistry that is the language of life.
Neo-Darwinist practitioners lack adequate knowledge in, for example, microbiology, cell biology, organic chemistry, molecular biology, and cytoplasmic genetics. They avoid biochemical cytology and microbial ecology. In "Gaia is a Tough Bitch". Translation and underlining by Xochi.
How is it that neo-Darwinism continues to contaminate the minds of the population, both academic and non-academic, when it is based on total fabrications? First of all, by the force of habit, and therefore of inertia, which is such that the drowsy and lobotomized individual responds to the call of the Vortex of the Future by going backwards in order to better, and never, jump... instead of being engulfed in it "body and soul". This is an ancient way of speaking because the animal is necessarily a body in soul by their common etymology, soul, animus, anima, animated. Moreover, the term "soul" is not related, far from it, to the fateful term, "amen", of submission to the Cross, and to the Authorities, which comes from the Hebrew "emouna" for "faith".
Neo-Darwinism has been infiltrated, hammered, imposed, injected into a population that is so manipulable through educastration, TV/brainwashing programs, popular scientific soup magazines, etc., etc.
It is only necessary to analyze the bewitchment of crowds of young people, and of less young people, who will go to shout in the streets to save the Climate and who will even go to vote "useful" for the greens of gray, the gang of Jadot, Rivasi, Cohn- Bendit, all crypto or macro-macronists, all arch and hyper-vaccinalists - because it is an act of civic- mindedness to make itself vaccinated! So whine the Greens: "Yes to Vaccinations, no to Lobbies". Even Rivasi swallows her anti-vaccination teeth and slumps on the carpet. The Vaccine is sacred for the CRIF... so it is sacred for the Industry and the State. A seat in the European Parliament is worth a few concessions to Genocide and the Secret War against all Ethnos - a war led by the Tzaddik.
Amen, Amen, Jadot. Bring more vaccinations to save the people from the evil capitalist polluters! Yannick Jadot, after having worked for Green Pest and after having climbed the steps of the parasitic scoundrels in the Parliament of European Mediocrity - who speak, parliament, pitch and simply lie - is preparing to abjure even homeopathy in order to get an ejector seat in the Ministry of Medical Genocide. [ 60] To replace Agnès Buzyn? It is true that she is very busy, busy within the pharmaceutical industry.
When will an alliance between Jadot/Cohn Bendit's Greens and the Biocoop Network be formed for a consumer and eco-citizen launch of organic, fair trade and sustainable vaccines? Genocidal vaccines, surely, but totally free of gluten, genetic chimeras, quinoa from Bolivia and, of course, vaccines certified bios of bios by the certifying mafia in the pay of Veritas or Eco Certes! In the meantime, Yannick Jadot plays the clown to entertain the crowds and even proposes to set up a heat wave vacation...
Then, frankly, in view of the media pressure that the slaves of the consumer society undergo to always work more in order to consume more; in view of the financial pressure that some families undergo just to feed their children with food-poisons, even if they are not very expensive; in view of the pressure of chemical straitjacket with which the State accompanies the population with force vaccines, antibiotics and other deadly medications... is it any wonder that nobody, really, has the time to go and check if the whole Biosphere is the result of a primordial cell bickered, over a few billion years, by a force of Evolution which would try, over the course of many random and haphazard mutations, to shape blind matter in the heart of Nature so that it would have a meaning, that is to say a function...
... a sense, at least, for the one who has the privilege to study the random evolution thanks to a brain which would be the fruit of the said random evolution within the said blind Nature. A neo- Darwinist, in the vision he has of himself, as the randomness of Nature, literally sees himself as a bacterium (perhaps deposited by a comet) which accidentally and thanks to an accumulation of random mutations, during the copying of its DNA, has evolved into a human animal. Does it make sense that such organized complexity can be generated by random mutations?
"A complete human genome consists of two sets of, each, 3 billion letters. In addition to the multiple forms of genetic information - tangled, linear and language-like - the genome is full of countless folds and twists, like a computer program. There are genes that regulate genes that regulate other genes. There are genes that sense environmental changes and instruct other genes to respond by setting in motion complex cascades of events that can then respond to environmental cues . Some genes actively reorganize themselves or modify or methylate other gene sequences - basically transforming portions of the instruction manual!
John Sanford in "Genetic Entropy". Translation and underlining by Xochi.
In June 2019, a (neo-Darwinist) team from Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, published the results of their research hypothesizing that the most primitive DNA molecules appeared at the same time- i.e. 4 billion years ago - as the most primitive RNA molecules and, therefore, 400 million years earlier than previously estimated. [ 109][110]
"How did the first building blocks of life form on the early Earth? To date,only partially satisfactory answers are available. However, one thing is clear: the process of biological evolution, which gave rise to the diversity of life on our planet, must have been preceded by a phase of chemical evolution . During this "pre-biotic" phase, the first polymeric molecules capable of storing information were assembled, in a random fashion, from organic precursors available on the primitive Earth . Subsequently, the most efficient replicators evolved into the informational macromolecular nucleic acids - DNA and RNA - that became the foundation of all life on our planet." Translation and Emphasis by Xochi.
It is frankly disturbing and a tad hilarious - and surely completely unsatisfying - to discover that RNA and DNA "emerged", in a "random" way, "from available organic precursors" which allowed "polymeric molecules" to "emerge" and "evolve" - in all complexity.Neo-Darwinists have an emergent mind and a vocabulary - and comets help, they have a very disturbed imagination... Neo-Darwinism is, in fact, a pernicious and viscerally depressing ideology, based on ex-nihilo emergences and on lucky evolutions.
Whoever gets involved, with a few seeds of indigenous common sense, in the study of the complex nature and function of cells, proteins and amino acids, viruses and bacteria, DNA, RNA, genes and chromosomes... realizes, right away, that neo- Darwinism is a collective hallucination. Did I repeat myself?
Whoever gets involved, with a few seeds of Indigenous common sense, also becomes aware, very quickly, that Yahwehist monotheism, under its various so-called religious mutations peddled by demented bearded men (Torah, little Jesus, Allah) is a collective hallucination which impacts a few billion individuals, on all continents, and which, obviously, is still relatively operational thanks to a faulty wiring in the human psyche from which psychopaths, great experts in crowd manipulation and social evil, know, quite pertinently, how to profit.
Teleonomy to the Rescue of Depressed Evolution
The big problem with neo-Darwinists is when they let themselves go "naturally", in their speeches and in their writings: it flirts, then, ingenuously with poetry, allegories, exclamatory turns of phrase, dithyrambic expressions; it teases Intelligent Design (but from afar, from the end of the neurons); it pitches resolutely towards the "meta/physics" that angers them so much...
... as if the program, the matrix, the design, the intention, within Life, could be something other than physical.
So, in order not to sink into the "teleological" - a term created by the philosopher Christian Wolff in 1728, and derived from the Greek terms "telos", for "objective, finality" and "logos" for "discourse" - neo- Darwinism invented, even, the notion of "teleonomics". This term comes from the Greek terms "telos", for "objective, finality" and "nomia" for "law, custom".
Indeed, Colin Pittendrigh (1918-1996) - a biologist and the father of chronobiology, i.e. the study of biological clocks, circadian rhythms - is also known for his heroic contribution to the philosophy of biology when he introduced, in 1958, the term "teleonomy" in order to distinguish "the appearance of design" in biological evolution, according to the neo-Darwinist ideology, from any teleology.
This requires a rare combination of size, mass, shape, and crucially, porosity, so that the Dandelion pappus can generate a ring vortex.
"The ancient confusion of biologists would be eliminated if all systems with purposes were described by some other term, e.g., 'teleonomic', to emphasize that the recognition and description of a purpose does not imply an adherence to Aristotelian teleology as an effective causal principle." Behavior and Evolution. 1958. Pages 393-394.
Fakypedia describes teleonomy as "roughly designating the scientific concept of finality". As for teleology, it is described as "the study of finality" and again as "the doctrine aiming at explaining phenomena by the intervention of a final, necessary and intentional cause".
Teleonomy as a "crude scientific concept of purpose" means, quite simply, teleonomy as a "neo/neo-darwinist concept of purpose" since for Fakypedia, there is no scientific redemption outside of Darwinist dogma. His page on "teleonomy" is a masterpiece of self-validating, circular gobbledygook, which even manages to incorporate a dash of epigenetics into the pudding. [52]
It is time to declare Wikipedia a terrorist organization: namely, one that sows terror and dissonance in the Human Mind.
The term "teleonomy" was adopted by the eminent biologist, Ernst Mayr, in 1965, but according to his own definition: "It would seem appropriate to restrict the term teleonomy strictly to systems operating on the basis of a coded information program.
Teleonomy, in biology, refers to "the apparent intention in organisms and in their characteristics" as Julian Huxley wrote." Cause and Effect in Biology. In D. Lerner (Ed.), Cause and Effect. Page 42. It was adopted, also, by the Italian neo-Darwinist biologist, Giuseppe Montalenti (1904-1990) - as a substitute for the concept of finalism which, he said, very sincerely, "cannot be denied in biological matters".
The term "teleonomy" was then used in 1971 by Jacques Monod (1910-1976) in his seminal work - and philosophical farce in the form of a pudding stuffed with biological cherry pits - "Le Hasard et la Nécessité" (Chance and Necessity) without mentioning Colin Pittendrigh or Ernst Mayr. According to this very fervent neo-Darwinist that Monod was:
"Invariance necessarily precedes teleonomy.Or, to be more explicit, the Darwinian idea that the appearance, the evolution, the progressive refinement of more and more intensely teleonomic structures are due to disturbances occurring in a structure already possessing the property of invariance, capable consequently of "conserving chance" and thus of subjecting its effects to the play of natural selection " . Page 37.
"All other conceptions that have been explicitly proposed to account for the strangeness of living beings, or that are implicitly wrapped up in religious ideologies as in most great philosophical systems, assume the opposite hypothesis: namely, that invariance is protected, ontogeny guided, evolution directed by an initial teleonomic principle, of which all phenomena would be manifestations." Page 38.
Who said that living things are strange. Isn't it strange? In any case, it is not strange that the French Editions, in the hands of the military- industrial complex, only publish such pathetic works coming from an arch-linear, egotistical, pessimistic, manic-depressive and Camusian brain.... and above all, never, ever, the works of Lynn Margulis overflowing with fun, enthusiasm, joie de vivre, sensuality, innovation, mutualism and homage to the irreducible Beauty, Complexity and Power of Life!
It is amusing that Fakypedia gives as the etymology of "teleonomy": "From the ancient Greek τέλειος, telios ("completed") and νόμος, nomos ("law")." - because, indeed, "teleios" comes from "telos", the goal. But isn't the message clear to neo-Darwinists in the perpetual anxiety of confronting life forms that have emerged all evolved - such as Trilobites, such as Turtles, such as Whales, etc? Teleonomy is the law of completion! Neo-Darwinism loses at every turn, and on all fronts, and is currently in the process of a stock market collapse under the weight of its own "currency" manipulations.
As Lynn Margulis also predicted, the neo-Darwinists are scared to death, but moreover, they are losers who are losing the battle and the war. Neo- Darwinism is just a small hysterical sect, a relic of the biologic-religious obscurantism of the last century.
The "teleonomic" thesis of the neo-Darwinist ideology, in evolutionary crisis, has recently been reproposed to the evolutionary auction, of the salesmen of rotten fish, by a study from Jonathan Bartlett of the Blyth Institute in Oklahoma and entitled "Evolutionary Teleonomy as a Unifying Principle for the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis" and published in the BIO-Complexity Journal. [53]. And very soundly analyzed by the embryologist, Ann Gauger, of the Discovery Institute. [54]
"In order to alleviate this situation, Pittendrigh and later Mayr suggested using the term teleonomy, instead of teleology, to describe this kind of intentional behavior. Mayr suggested that we can use this term teleonomy to refer to something that operates according to an intention, according to a purpose, because of a program... Namely, insofar as organisms operate according to their genetic programming, 'purpose' may simply refer to the actions of the program underlying the organism." Translation by Xochi.
Is it necessary to repeat ourselves and to add that, in this neo-Darwinist vision, genetic programming - and therefore a genetic program - is just the result of random Selection and does not require a programming vector - or a programmer. It would be a genetic programming that would have been acquired by the pressure of Selection during Evolution.
The flirtation with the concept of "teleonomy" allows scientists under the banner of the neo-neo-darwinist system known as "Extended Evolutionary Synthesis" to incorporate other modes of genetic, and non- genetic, inheritance available for evolutionary action such as sexual selection, epigenetics, ecological niche inheritance and developmental biology.
In truth, the Pressure of the Gaian De/Selection is such, in view of the harmful, toxic and deadly ideology of neo-Darwinism, that this Church of Random Selection tries to launch many councils, conciliations and conciliations in order to gain Time- when even Eternity is completely lacking, upstream, to validate and base their insane elucubrations.
According to Jonathan Bartlett: "Shapiro, Caporal and Noble [three of the main proponents of the Extended and Synthetic Theory of Evolution] demonstrate that many systems within organisms can control the evolution of specific genes. These systems of evolvability are encoded by the genome, targeted by gene products, and they generate effects that benefit the evolution of offspring. In every respect, they correspond to the concept of Evolutionary Teleonomy... And it is quite clear that Evolutionary Teleonomy plays a central and unifying role in almost every aspect of the Extended and Synthetic Theory of Evolution... Recent developments in Evolutionary Theory over the last few decades testify to the need to place Evolutionary Teleonomy back at the heart of evolutionary thinking." Translation by Xochi.
It is clear that the plethora of new biological discoveries that, overnight, are overturning many of the existing theories on evolution and the origin of Life, are putting neo-Darwinism in great disarray.
The new technologies of molecular biology confront neo-Darwinism with the Organic Reality. And it is not Evolutionary Teleonomy that will be able to help bail out the Neo-Darwinist Titanic that is sinking before our eyes. When it will be definitively sunk, in the ocean of its turpitudes and exactions, the shock wave of this devolution, by annihilation, will generate an immense social tsunami because neo-Darwinism controls all the wheels of the Western society. And who will ride the crest of the Tsunami?
The same question arises, moreover, for the Apocalypse and the collapse of Christianity in progress: who is riding the Beast, the Planetary Animal Mother?
Because the Beast is beautiful and of an irreducible complexity and very refractory to the linear.
The Beast is Beautiful and of an increasingly Irreducible Complexity
A cytoplasmic calcium-fueled internet
Marcos Eberlin, when he published his book, "Foresight: How the Chemistry of Life Reveals Planning and Purpose," in the spring of 2019, was unaware of the most recent study announcing the discovery of a cytoplasmic internet - "a cell-wide- web" - by the University of Edinburgh, which revolutionizes the understanding of how instructions are routed within a cell. This discovery, in effect, invalidates the prevailing assumption that such information is transmitted through frequencies that define signals. According to Professor Mark Evans, and his team, the signals/information are, in fact, transmitted by calcium ions (of the formula Ca2+) over nano-distances.
This new study is published in the journal Nature Communications, at the end of May 2019,and is entitled "The cell-wide web coordinates cellular processes by directing site-specific Ca2+flux across cytoplasmic nanocourses" [43] [44]. It highlights that cells in the human body are wired like electronic chips carrying signals. However, unlike fixed circuit consoles, cells have the ability to rewire their communication networks in order to modify their behavior - for example, when they enter a growth phase. [45]
Who gave the cells the ability to rewire their communication networks?
Researchers at this university have discovered that information within cells is carried by a network of nanocables, or nanotubes, that transmit information signals over minute distances through the movement of calcium ionsCa2+. When these signals penetrate to the core of the cell nucleus, they instruct very small structural metamorphoses that are then expressed following the activation of specific genes.
This is how the orchestration of cellular activities or functions takes place. The nucleus of the cell is at the heart of this cytoplasmic internet whose nano- parcourses (of less than 400 nano-meters) are demarcated by the sarcoplasmic reticule junctions and the calcium pumps. Moreover, this cellular internet is self-reconfigurable, at will, according to the information received and transmitted by the cell nucleus.
Professor Mark Evans, from the University of Edinburgh, said: "We have found that cellular function is coordinated by a network of nanotubes that are similar to the carbon nanotubes found in a computer microprocessor . The most amazing fact is the great flexibility of this circuit because this cellular internet can, quickly, reconfigure itself in order to transmit different instructions on a mode that is determined by the information received and relayed by the core. This is a feat that no man-made microprocessor; or circuit console, is currently capable of achieving." Translation and Underlining by Xochi.
This is exactly what Marcos Eberlin says when he describes the marvel that is the cell membrane. And if all this is the fruit of random and blind chance, it is Magic Chance!
Marcos Eberlin says that when Life faces a threshold, an obstacle, a fork in the road, etc., the solution must be quick and it must be so quick that it is in fact instantaneous - otherwise Life becomes non-life, instantly.
Thus, every second of its Life, a cell, an organ, an organism is confronted with choices, with decision- making as to which way to go - in order to survive, immediately, in the Present.
Sandra Cortijo, from the University of Cambridge, has developed a gene expression atlas of "noisy" genes of genetically identicalArabidopsis thaliana plants by performing RNA sequencing every two hours for 24 hours to analyze the variability of their 15,646 individual genes: "We observed that 9% of the genes (i.e., 1,358 individual genes) were found to be highly variable at least once during the 24 hour period . We found that these highly variable genes fall into two categories influenced by the diurnal cycle: genes with more variable activity during the night or genes with more variable activity during the day. [140] Translation by Xochi.
And today, what, then, is the Living Biosphere, in its entirety, facing due to the destructive mania of a handful of demented psychopaths? And what will be its corrective solution to put an end to a deleterious, criminal, psychopathic and genocidal mutation of a part of the human species that has de/generated and is de/humanized? And which, obviously, puts in supreme danger all the rest of Humanity, therefore the Biosphere - the two being strictly inseparable. A bottle in the sea: survival messages of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans to its progeny
On June 6, 2019, a team from Tel Aviv published a study in the journal Cell entitled "Neuronal Small RNAs Control Behavior Transgenerationally" [86 ], which is very innovative and fascinating in that it answers, in a strictly affirmative way, the question of whether characteristics acquired during the life of the organism can be transmitted to subsequent generations. These researchers have shown that there is a mechanism, based on RNA, which is such that neuronal reactions, in response to environmental inputs, are inscribed in the form of heritable information that will impact the behavior of the offspring of the nematodes that are the subjects of this experiment - namely, nematodes of the species Caenorhabditis elegans, which are widely used in biology because of their panic fear of all the heavy metals in the soil. Nematodes of the species Caenorhabditis elegans have also been used in radiation biology (in the sense of diffusion of radioactivity) for decades. [ 87] [88 ]
These nematodes have a panic fear of heavy metals which are, however, considered harmless, and even beneficial, by all the psychopaths of the National Academy of Medicine - in fact, the National Academy of Genocide. The proof is in the spreading of sewage sludge in the agricultural fields of France. By the way, what is the percentage of "forgotten and misplaced" plastics in the soils of French agriculture? The same question is asked, unfortunately, for food and feed.
As for radioactivity - another great source of oxidation and cancer of soils and human tissues - the recent article in the ImMonde on radioactive waste is worth its weight in peanuts. The ImMonde headlines, "The slow poison of 'forgotten' radioactive waste contaminating French soils". [ 89] "In France, 200 million cubic meters of long-lived waste have no management channel. Only 1.6 million cubic meters are managed by Andra. The ImMonde, June 11, 2019.
France has "forgotten" its radioactive waste! At least the ones that are not necessary for the making of depleted uranium bombs that France and the French Army dumped, free of charge, on the civilian populations of Libya, and elsewhere, to free them from oppression. Under the "oppression" of Guide Muammar Gaddafi, Libya was a peaceful country and the richest in Africa. It is now a "liberated" country but ruined and in permanent civil war. Sarkozy, the author of the crime, is still on the run while Assange is being tortured - at the hands of the Jewstice. Is everything ok?
This means that an RNA mechanism in the neurons regulates, modulates, impacts the genes of the germ cells in order to control the behavior of future generations. This means that the neurons of this species of nematode communicate with its germ cells on the theme of survival and adaptability. It means, therefore, that the memory of the nematode, correlated to an environmental response phenomenon, is transmitted genetically to the subsequent generation. This is beautiful.
Responses to environmental stimuli involve decision making. This means that decision making is genetically transmitted to the offspring of nematodes. Is the same true for mammals? And what does the neo-Darwinist sect think about this new discovery of chaotic programming (decision making) impacting the genetics of future generations? It would seem that Biology, supposedly made explicit, supremely, by the Dogma of Random Evolution, is presently in the process of defusing the social spell of Neo-Darwinism - of making it devolve, once and for all.
Another Revenge by Lynn Margulis: A Memoir on Viral Mode
And it is all the more Beautiful when it turns out that memory formation seems to be facilitated by similar mechanisms to viral infections according to two studies published in the same Cell Journal in 2018
[90] [91]. Let's listen to the researchers, Jason Shepherd and Cédric Feschotte, whose interview, by Alexandra Gros and Antoine Besnard (who are both PhDs in neuroscience) is published on Peppe Ganga's blog, "Aux Frontières du Cerveau" [92] - a blog presented on the CNRS website which is a public service sometimes at the service of the Public.
"It had previously been established that Arc was derived from a gene (Gag-like) that resembles the one encoded by retroviruses and that is also found in a group of endogenous mobile genetic elements called retrotransposons, which are actually very common in vertebrate genomes. Indeed, half of the human genome is composed of retrotransposons!
Our phylogenetic analyses have established that the Arc gene we are studying in rodents originated about 350 million years ago in the common ancestor of terrestrial vertebrates (tetrapods). Thus, we have been able to identify a direct homologue of Arc in amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, but not in fish. On the other hand, it is in the latter (zebrafish, carp, coelacanth) that we have identified the retrotransposons most directly related to Arc and which belong to the "Gypsy" group.It thus appears that the Arc gene descends from a lineage of Gypsy-type retrotransposons that roamed in the common ancestor of tetrapods." Cédric Feschotte.
It is always a pleasure to read the so-called rational prose, but, nevertheless, in "emergence" mode, of modern scientists - who do what they can to survive in a putrid pool of cognitive dissonance imposed by the neo-darwinist social gangrene. The Arc (Activity- regulated cytoskeleton) gene was, therefore, "born" about 350 million years ago: it heard music from the Gypsy-like tribes of retrotransposons that roamed the genome of the common ancestor of Tetrapods.
And he was then incarnated in this lineage of Gypsy retrotransposons - perhaps for the love of sensual music - to go and tell viral stories in the Neuronal Galaxies.
"Arc represents only the tip of an iceberg of sequences derived from mobile and parasitic genetic elements (viruses, transposons). These elements are both very diverse, with sophisticated biochemical capabilities, and are extremely widespread in genomes. Our findings and those of many laboratories reveal that these sequences of wandering origins represent an important reservoir for the formation of genetic and cellular innovations during evolution. Arc adds to a rapidly growing list of examples of molecular systems born from the ashes of these parasitic elements scattered in genomes and which are often ignored by traditional studies but constitute a powerful evolutionary tool." Cédric Feschotte.
It's just too adorable: "these sequences of wandering origins represent an important reservoir for the formation of genetic and cellular innovations during evolution". Who would doubt it, frankly? Science Baby! In fact, the Arc gene and the dArc gene (not to be confused with the Holy Holocaust of the same name) are part of a Guild of Wandering Genes: they are the Troubadours and Troubadouresses of the Neural Galaxies and they wander around, in capsid carriages, to disseminate their messenger RNA Memory Cantos, from neuron to neuron. They are the Carriers of the Memory. It is very beautiful.
This is all the more beautiful because the term "memory" comes from the Latin "memor" which is related to the Sanskrit terms "smarti" for memory and "smara" for love. These terms are derived from the PIE "s-mer" for "to remember and care for". This root is found in the English verb "to mourn". The Ancients understood very well that Memory and Love are very intimately correlated. Moreover, in the time of the Troubadours of the Orgiastic Love, "love from afar" - sailing on the memories of the beloved and adored one - was, sometimes, of good tone for lack of technological means adequate to the subjective shortening of the geographical space.
"While we think of viral infections as a source of harm, these episodes of infection also provide new evolutionary substrates for creating new genes that ultimately become beneficial to the organism. The study presented here reflects how curiosity-inspired basic research can lead to important discoveries.
Indeed, while it is widely accepted that neurons communicate via chemical or electrical signals, the direct transfer of genetic material from neuron to neuron via extracellular vesicles had never been described before. Thus, a chance encounter between a virus and our distant ancestors about 350 million years ago may have paved the way for certain cognitive processes and could also inspire tomorrow's gene therapy approaches." Jason Shepherd.
I sent a little mail to Peppe Ganga, telling him that I was Pepe Ganja, to ask him if he still believed in the Holy Evolutive Neo-Darwinist Church, or if he was just pretending (for the subsidies) but he never answered me. Who needs, by the way, "tomorrow's gene therapy". The only "gene therapy" that makes sense is the one that will neutralize psychopaths - tomorrow, preferably and forever. But never with both hands, so as not to contaminate the aura.
Peppe Ganga considers me, without a doubt, an extraterrestrial bard... coming directly from Andromeda to sing my Xochi Cantos which are very often, it is true, in spontaneous flow - that is to say non-linear.
The Bean Necrosis Virus Plays Genetic Billiards!
A viral memory! We are in the heart of endosymbiogenesis! Lynn Margulis can exult, again, from the depths of the Great Gaian Memory. And she can exult, all the more, because the genetically "incredible" and fascinating work of Stéphane Blanc [160], from CIRAD in France, has shown that a certain virus really does not play by the rules - at least what the stubborn neo-Darwinists consider to be rules - their rules. This is the Faba Bean Necrotic Stunt Virus (FBNSV, for those in the know), a multipartite plant virus that induces pathologies that are not very pleasing to legumes - such as the faba bean, Vicia faba.
According to INRA: "Researchers from INRA, CIRAD and CNRS have shown that the different constituent segments of the genome of a so-called multipartite virus can exist in distinct cells of the target organism and work together to cause an infection
This novel result goes against the founding paradigm in virology, which considers that the entire genome of a virus enters and replicates within a single cell, then moves to another cell where it replicates again, and so on to develop the infection . This viral multi-cellular life style, shown for the first time, could exist for other viral systems .This work therefore opens up important research perspectives in virology." [159 ] Emphasis added by Xochi.
Lynn Margulis might even have choked with laughter at the reaction of the confirmed neo-Darwinist, Siobain Duffy, of Rutgers University, to the discovery that this bean necrosis virus reproduces through eight different genetic segments, each coiled in its own capsule, which reproduce in different cells: "This is a revolutionary discovery for virology . Once again,viruses prove that they have had the evolutionary time to try any strategy, even those that are difficult for a biologist to imagine.
It is clear that if an average biologist cannot even imagine it, it is because he suffers from an imagination deficit with respect to Blind and Random Evolution - or with respect to its Intender. The imagination deficit is, by the way, a kind of pleonasm of the concept of neo-Darwinism.
These multipartite viruses, discovered around 1940, are thought to comprise about 35-40% of the species of known viral families. [ 167] According to Stéphane Blanc, since these viruses prefer to settle in plants and fungi, no one really pays attention to them.
Have you noticed that those who brag that they are going to save the climate from the anthropic furnace, with carbon dioxide, always use the pretext of poor animals suffering calorific martyrdom or prey to an inexorable quest for "climate refuges": polar bears, penguins, bees, bumblebees, butterflies, finches, owls, etc. - and even a young autistic woman, from the media circus, who is manipulated by criminals without a soul! The only thing missing is the Marlene, coming in with her frigid women because they are too much affected by the leapfrog temperatures of "climate change"... Beh! Beh!
Zionism is genociding the entire Biosphere and the psychopaths, through the Neo-Genocidal Organizations - the clones of the House of Soros - are blaming carbon dioxide, wind, tide, air temperature, cyclones, sea temperature.... And, probably soon, the Octopuses, Octopuses and other Octopidae that don't have the evolutionary heuristic to embody the neo-Darwinist, ex-absurdo, evidences as to the marine evolution such as it should evolve according to the Dogma of the Evolution.
Only two multiparty viruses have been found in animal organisms: in a moth and in a mosquito. [ 161] Stéphane Blanc states that FBNSV should never have evolved - "evolved", in the sense of "existing" - because of its eight independently encapsulated genetic segments. This is why he and his colleagues have been keeping quiet for six years, in order to verify that this statistical impossibility, from an existential point of view, would have been embodied on this planet, against all probabilities. Without even mentioning the super feat of "irreducible complexity" of existence, for a virus to reproduce itself thanks to eight genetic segments which are disseminated in various cells and which must find each other, in all mutualism, at the time of copying, as good students, their lines... I replicate, you replicate, we replicate... And how does the network reconstitute itself to stick to the copy? "Simply" (do I have to explain it all to you?), because the proteins created by the eight genetic segments move between the cells: for example, the protein that creates the capsid will slip, in a friendly way, into the cell where the DNA replication segment is located, in order to send its greetings and sing its genetic ballads.
And that's it. This may seem irreducibly complex, and it surely is, but only seen from one side of the spyglass. For Gaia, complexity is her Dream, no more and no less.
Indeed, in Life, proteins travel between cells (there are many Biological Troubadours, in living organisms, because everything is "a question", or "a quest", of information, of singing, of transmission, of passing of orders) and, sometimes, on very long distances (from the roots to the meristems of the plants)[163][164] and some researchers think that multipartite viruses use these protein highways - again in all mutualism, because it seems that expensive tolls are not of genetic "rigor" - as they have just proved it in Tobacco plants of the Nicotiana benthamiana species. [ 165] Mind you: all this is the fruit of Blind Evolution. Is there a convinced neo-Darwinist in the room to explain all these "mysteries" to us?
Indeed, as early as 2012, the Royal Society published a study, by Jaime Iranzo and Susanna Manrubia, entitled "Evolutionary dynamics of genome segmentation in multipartite viruses", which calculated that beyond three or four segmentations, replication/reproduction of a multipartite virus borders on strict statistical impossibility. [ 162]. Thus, with its eight segmentations, FBNSV is strictly entitled to no statistical viral existence - except under the condition of multiplying the Universes to the x power. FBNSV should never have evolved and, if it has persisted in doing so, it is against the most elementary rules, in Darwinist mode, of Evolution itself.
This is why, in fact, it never evolved: it simply emanated, like everything else in the Biosphere.
By the way, the terms "exist", "existential", etc, come from the Latin ex/sistere for "to come out of, to manifest". The Latin verb "sistere" means "to stand" which comes from the Greek "sto" for, also, "to stand". These terms have their origin in the PIE term "steh", in Sanskrit "sthā", terms that mean, also, "to stand". This is why the Initiates and Instructors of ancient times were called Telestes/Telestai. This term, in Greek, means "the one who stands upright and is intentional". From the Greek "telos/τέλος" for "intention, purpose, etc." The Greek Mysteries were, thus, presented in the sanctuary of the Telesterion.
The nature of the Telesterion varied according to the extent of initiation into the Sophianic Mysteries. The Initiates of old were already instructors of Intelligent and Ingenious Design, namely, instructors of Sophianic Intent - the Dreamtime of the Planetary
Animal Mother - and instructors of her Genetic Engineering. A Genetic Engineering that is much easier to perceive by lifting the Veil of Isis - the authentic Isis and not the recent jihadist abomination, created and still financed by the criminals of the Western Alliance.
The evocation of "standing up" is highly fascinating insofar as, from an "existential" point of view, hundreds of millions of slaves (billions, in fact) crawl, permanently, in front of the religious, political, electoral, financial, legal, military, media "Authorities" - which do not possess, purely and simply, any Natural Authority and which are purulent of a maximum moral indecency. As for the fact that these hundreds of millions of slaves (these billions) could embody "existential intentions"... who is trying to insinuate, in our minds, the pretense of imagining that slaves would have the freedom to evolve, or even to imagine, such existential intentions?
Zionism has transformed the entirety of human society into a society of consumer slaves who are consumed by their own consumerist obsession and who are free and bled (and even exempted, officially, for their own safety) of authentic existential intentions - that is, of intentions and purposes in conscious, sensitive and sensual co-evolution with the Source of their human animal existence. Where are the authentic males? Where are the warriors whose mission is to protect the human ethnos of planet Earth from the invader, from the alien virus?
"Brave, reckless, mocking, brutal - this is how Wisdom wants us: she is a woman and she never loves anyone but a warrior." Nietzsche. Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
But this is not the end of the "irreducible complexity" of the multipartition of the FBNSV virus and, there, you have to hold on to the railing: you are on a transparent footbridge over the Grand Canyon, which has been digging itself out of ancestral stone for hundreds of millions of years, and this can be vertiginous, in all aspects.
What is going to make a lot of neurotic and necrotic "scientists" dizzy, very soon, is when they will wake up from their collective hallucination and "realize" - that is, integrate as facts of Reality - that neo- Darwinism lies, without Life, 2000 meters deep, at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. The religious and sectarian Grand Canon of the Darwinist, neo- Darwinist and neo-neo-Darwinist ideology has lived and is currently dying in the depths of its terrors of the generative and generating Gaian Telluric. A Telluric, also, of a very great generosity of irreducible diversity and complexity.
Indeed, according to what Stéphane Blanc then mentions, this multipartition is, truly, a symphonic musical score of irreducible complexities playing on multiple registers - a form of highly energetic genetic samba. His team has shown [166] that, when a plant is infected by the virus, the frequency of emergence of each genetic segment is predictable because it is relatively constant. This is already beautiful. But it becomes even more beautiful because this constant proportion, of manifestation of the eight different genetic segments, is modulated according to the plant species contaminated by the virus. Stéphane Blanc calls these genetic ratios "genomic formulas". This is very beautiful.
Bravo Youth of France, and of the colonized islands, and take example on the dissident, par excellence, of the Biological dissidence: Lynn Margulis, who was not controversial but, just, mentally decolonized and correct - that is to say out of the error - and who was not afraid to be astonished, to be ecstatic, to be under the spell, to be subjugated by the Beauty and the Force - of which the Force of the Intention.
If we take the human body as an example, given that we are in close proximity, is it not subjugating to discover that a human animal, by order of magnitude, is just a huge viral, cellular and bacterial soup with about 380 trillion viruses, 50 trillion cells and 38 trillion bacteria? That's beautiful and represents a certain amount of repetitive work on the part of all these organic components of the human body - components that turn out to be arch- functional (when not attacked) and highly conscious but of which we are, fortunately, totally unaware as to their existence, functioning - and, above all, as to their free-will, i.e., as to their capacity to make decisions. [168]
Free will" in bacteria, cells, viruses, ribosomes, introns, proteins, exons, yeast, etc? And why not in electrons? And we are not talking about quantum falsifications, let's stay serious. So, did I risk being denounced, by the Masked Courgette "in charge" of Fakebook, to the BIBI (Brigades d'Intervention Brise-Irréductibles)? Hello Manu, this is Zuckie, your sweety junkie who tweets you ... we found one, send the Brigades!
The Flagelle: A Fertile Kick for Ingenious Design
For the record, and to conclude with this enthusiastic virophile, according to one of Lynn Margulis's theories, which has not been validated yet, flagella (undulipodia) and cilia, the internal circulation system of eukaryotic cells, are the result of a symbiotic fusion of cells with bacteria, of the spirochete type (such as Borrelia, Leptospira, Treponema). This theory is liberally exposed in his book - not translated into French and out of print in English - "Symbiosis in Cell Evolution" (1981). This theory had already been formulated, in its premises, in 1924, by the Russian botanist and biologist, Boris Mikhailovich Kozo-Polyansky (1890-1957), one of the designers of the theory of endosymbiogenesis.
"Two theories as to the origin of microtubule systems exist in the cell biology literature. According to the direct lineage theory - or endogenous compartmentalization theory - microtubules differentiated within photosynthetic organisms during the evolution of the mitotic apparatus of red algae from cyanobacteria. They later organized themselves into flagella or undulipodium. According to this endogenous theory, the nucleus and the evolution of mitosis preceded the emergence of flagella. This chapter explores, in detail and only, the alternative and exogenous theory: the origin of flagella and cilia from spirochetes. Autonomous spirochetes, which already possessed microtubules within their protoplasmic cylinders, became surface symbionts on the predecessors of the nucleocytoplasm. Eventually, the spirochetes integrated into bacterial hosts that became the first eukaryotic cells, the protists. The ancient spirochete genome thus gave rise to undulipodia, centrioles, kinetochores, and other micro-tubular manifestations of this original genome. Lynn Margulis. "Symbiosis in Cell Evolution". Page 274.
Translation by Xochi.
With the flagellum, Lynn Margulis knew she was on to something new and fertile. Indeed, the flagellum is another of the nightmares of the neo-Darwinists and since Michael Behe made it famous, in 1996, in his book "Darwin's Black Box," by taking it as an inescapable example of the Irreducible Complexity of Life on Earth, the latter have launched a huge counter-offensive to try to prove that this marvel of complexity is only the fruit of Chance.
But all these attempts border on self-flagellation, among the neo-Darwinists, because the recent discoveries, of these last twenty years, prove that the Flagelle is, authentically, the fruit of a very Intelligent and excessively Ingenious Randomness.
In the spring of 2019, 11 researchers published the results of their studies highlighting that in situations of hunger or stress, some bacteria, such as Gamma Proteobacteria, eject their flagella to survive and limit energy expenditure - plugging the gap.
"Faced with hunger, bacteria must minimize their energy expenditure. In this study, we describe our unexpected findings showing that some bacteria take the drastic step of ejecting their flagella in response to nutritional deficiency. Bacteria continuously assemble their flagella - uncorrelated to the flagella of eukaryotic cells - like helices whose rotation is driven by rotary motors embedded in the cell. Continuous assembly and rotation can consume up to 3% of a bacterium's energy. Using cryo- electron tomography - a technique that provides high definition 3D images of bacteria - we were surprised to discover partial flagellar motors in bacterial cells that were rare when nutrients were abundant but became common when nutrients were scarce. A series of clues led us to hypothesize that these structures were relics of the motors from which the flagellum had been ejected - which we confirmed using a genetic approach.Curiously, the flagellar relics - which would otherwise be open doors through which the contents of the bacterial periplasm could spill out - were plugged with an unidentified protein, presumably as a conservation measure. We speculate that flagellar ejection saves the bacterium the cost of continually assembling and rotating its flagellum, and is a desperate attempt to survive. Our work provides a striking example of how evolution arrives at a functional, though not intuitive, solution. [94] Translation and underlining by Xochi.
All of this is very interesting... including the conclusion of the authors, by the way, who take their hat off to Darwinist evolution... which "arrives at a functional, though not intuitive, solution". You amaze me, my friend! As the comedian Bobby la Pointe used to sing: "the mother of fishes, she is very nice". What is fascinating about the concept of Blind Darwinian Evolution is its complacency in always arriving at a fertile, user-friendly, sustainable... and instantaneous solution!
"Ejection is, thus, a drastic but potentially necessarysurvival mechanism for those daughter cells that inherit the burden of poles with developed but old and unaltered flagella... We suggest that flagellar ejection constitutes a mechanism whose purpose is to reduce the number of flagella on a cell pole. Not only do active flagella require energy to generate torque, but flagellar assembly is a constant process and a constant drain on cellular energy. A drastic reduction in the number of flagella, by ejection, would thus be an effective measure of energy conservation." [94 ] Translation and Emphasis by Xochi.
This is a perfect example of Michael Behe's First Rule of Adaptive Evolution, which states that "any gene whose loss will induce an increase in the amplitude of reproduction must be broken or disabled". Or induce an increase in the amplitude of adaptability, i.e. survival. The bacterium makes the decision to get rid of its engine when the boat is in danger of capsizing and it seals the breach. It's beautiful.
"In particular, an additional density was added in the relict structure to plug the ring opening of the poles, namely the position previously occupied by the trans-periplasmic rod.Comparison of the average flagellar and relic subtomograms confirmed that this density was, without doubt, an additional protein absent from the intact flagellar motors... We conclude that the plugging is a protein - not yet identified - that plugs the pole ring opening concomitantly with flagellar ejection to prevent periplasmic leakage ... The alternative strategy, to prevent periplasmic leakage, would be to disassemble the entire relic structure and reseal the outer membrane - which would require the evolution of a complex machinery for the proteolysis of all components. Evolution is a tinkerer, and sealing the breach is a considerably more trivial solution than orchestrating a disassembly, especially given that retaining the sealed relic structures is very unlikely to harm the cell. [94] Translation and underlining by Xochi.
The point here is clear: it is much more likely, more probable, more organic, that an organism will make a drastic and instantaneous decision - that is, right now, in Real Present Time - in order to survive rather than waiting for the Saint Glin Glin, in the Calendar of Tinkering Evolution, and the "orchestrated disassembly" of its flagellum. As for the Random and Tinkering Evolution, it would have needed how many billions of Universes before being able to produce a flagellum engine composed of hundreds of parts, each of which must have been functional in a row - because the Darwinist Evolution does not foresee, in its paradigm, the particular evolution of each component while waiting for all the components to have evolved. According to Darwinist Evolution, there are no half measures and a characteristic that is not fully developed does not represent any selective advantage.
To repeat what Marcos Eberlin says: when Life faces a threshold, an obstacle, a fork in the road, etc., the solution must be quick and it must be so quick that it is in fact instantaneous - otherwise Life becomes non-life, instantly.
When Michael Behe published "Darwin's Black Box" in 1996, and even when the Discovery Institute presented its magnificent DVD documentary "Unlocking the Mystery of Life" [96], the illustrations at the time were relatively crude compared to the latestcryo-electron microscopy photographs- which allow researchers to make groundbreaking new discoveries that only confirm Intelligent Design in the design of this flagellar engine that spins at 100,000 rpm. The recent discovery of flagellar ejection is one of the latest discoveries concerning this marvel of the Biosphere - one that turns conventional wisdom on its head.
In 2017, the first study was published by Howard Berg, the flagellum specialist at Harvard University
[95] who once declared that the flagellum constitutes "the most efficient machine in the universe".
"The bacterial flagellar motor is a rotating molecular motor responsible for swimming, swarming, and chemotaxis in many bacterial species. It generates torque through interactions between a 50 nm diameter rotor and multiple stator units. We have invalidated the previously prevalent understanding of how the stator units interact with each other by demonstrating that the motor speed is dependent on the number of stator units even at very high velocities when the torque drops to near zero."[95]
Researchers previously thought that the speed of the motor was not influenced by the number of stators.
The Explosion of Angiosperms during the Cretaceous
Charles Darwin described the origin of flowers as an "abominable mystery" and as a "most embarrassing phenomenon". Today, according to botanists, there are between 250,000 and 350,000 species of flowering plants on the planet Earth and no one knows how many species of flowering plants were generated in the Biosphere before disappearing, since the mysterious emergence of the Angiosperms.
At Gaia, extinction is the rule. Should we laugh or cry about it? Nevertheless, some species last for millions of years, for tens of millions of years. And what about bacteria: for billions of years?
For example, the botanical species Ginkgo biloba, which for 270 million years has not deemed it necessary to evolve, is a medicinal species to be prescribed, as a matter of great urgency, to all neo- darwinists because it treats memory loss, cognitive pathologies... and senile dementia.
The Australian biologist Michael Denton, 75 years old, who is very well known in the intelligent design movement, has written several books since 1985 in order to deactivate, in its entirety, the neo-Darwinist farce. Here is what he says about the mysterious origin of Angiosperms:
"The absence of any form of transition correlating Angiosperms with a putative ancestral clade, as well as the absence of any plausible functionalist narrative explaining the mode of emergence of the archetypal morphological matrix (the Bauplan) of Angiosperms, is only the beginning of the challenge posed, to Darwinian conceptions, by such a magnificently diverse plant group . Since the Angiosperms emerged about 140 million years ago, they have diversified into a vast number of subgroups comprising about 250,000 species. And as Michael Sanderson reminds us, it is not just the origin of Angiosperms that is an abominable mystery: "A number of much later clades of Angiosperms could be interpreted as mini- abominations: that is, they have only poor fossil records, as a base, and innovations characterized by uncertain transitional forms among correlated taxa."
One need only look at one of the most comprehensive recent publications in this area - namely Louis Ronse De Craene's "Floral Diagrams", a book containing several hundred floral formulae and diagrams for all the major groups of Angiosperms - to realize that the Angiosperm domain is characterized by a sum of discontinuities crying out for internal structuralist explanations that go far beyond gradualist functionalism. Ronse De Craene's book highlights the fact that Angiosperms, as much as insects or other major groups, can be classified into a hierarchy of increasingly inclusive groups within which the diversity of each group is modulated by a single underlying archetypal morphological matrix. What makes Angiosperms so special is the extraordinary "merism" that characterizes the archetypal morphological matrices of Angiosperm subclades perhaps even more intensely than for any other group of organisms. As Ronse De Craene explains:
"Merism," or meosity, refers to the number of parts per whorl in the flower (usually based on petals or perianth as referents). Meosity is either indefinite or, much more commonly, trimeric [each of its whorls has three parts at the base] or dimeric [each of its whorls has two parts at the base] (basal angiosperms, basal dicots, and monocots) or pentameric [each of its whorls has five parts at the base] or tetrameric [each of its whorls has four parts at the base] (the higher dicots). Meiosity is another parameter affecting the Bauplan of flowers in addition to symmetry and phyllotaxis... Trimeric flowers... are widespread in the basic Angiosperms and monocots. A derivation from a spiral conditionis the most plausible interpretation as to their origin... Dimerism emerged repeatedly by loss of a sector in each of the whorls of a trimeric flower, sometimes resembling a tetrameric flower. The origins of pentamerism are not well understood although pentameric flowers are found in the majority of angiosperms... It is postulated that the origins of pentamerism are a derivation from trimeric flowers (by amalgamation of two whorls)... or from spiral flowers."
The above passage, as well as the accompanying diagram (Figure 8-1), illustrate the fundamental challenge posed to Darwinian gradualism by the Angiosperm universe. It is not that one structure cannot plausibly be derived from another (via the process of descent with modification); the problem is that deriving one structure from another involves meristic metamorphoses by saltation that are completely foreign to the domain of gradualist functionalism. It may well bethat each "meristic metamorphosis" that persisted after its emergence served some functional purpose (even if the specific purpose is difficult to identify) but the primary causation of the actual emergence of a new meristic structure could hardly be imputed to gradualist functionalism." "Still a Theory in Crisis" (pages 147/150). Translation by Xochi.
Darwin wrote to the Swiss naturalist Hoswald Heer in 1875: "The sudden emergence of so many Dicotyledons... seems to me to be a most embarrassing phenomenon to all who believe in any form of evolution, and especially to those who believe in an extremely gradual evolution. Until very recently, the origin of Angiosperms was supposed to be 140 million years old, but new discoveries now put them at 174 million years old - which allows gradualist evolutionary neo-Darwinists to gloat... while waiting to ask themselves the question, which is still as primordial as ever, of the origin of Angiosperm species and the nature of the Cretaceous Explosion of these Angiosperms.
Indeed, a species named Nanjinganthus dendrostyla was recently discovered in a Xiangshan Formation in the Nanjing region of China. [ 104 ] As Xin Wang - from the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology - the lead author of this study puts it: "The origin of Angiosperms has long been a 'headache' for many botanists... Our discovery has advanced the field of botany and will lead to a better understanding of Angiosperms, which in turn will allow for better use and management of our planet's plant resources". Insects and Flowers: the Great Loves
A "headache" for many botanists except those who have understood that Nature is Living and Intended. This discovery, in China, has pushed back the origin of Angiosperms to 174 million years, but the mystery of their emergence is still very much alive. The simple-minded neo-Darwinists, who advocate co- evolution with insects as the engine of emergence, are, in truth, great devotees of virtual virtuous circles. According to these rabid neo-Darwinists - and this is more of a pain in the ass than a toothache - the emergence and evolution of Angiosperms can be explained by insect pressure.
Insects would have emerged on Planet Earth about 480 million years ago, at the beginning of the Ordovician, at the same time as the first land plants about 450 million years ago, at the end of the Ordovician.
The appearance of the Angiosperms would be, thus, due to a change of diet resolutely required by the Class of Insects which wanted to crunch perfumed, colored, tasty and sensual flower - in short, which wished a paleobotanical diet a little more diversified than of the tree fern, which gives the green complexion, or of the giant horsetail or of the first Conifers Gymnosperms.
And if we are to believe recent studies concerning carnivorous plants, they would have "evolved at least six times, independently" [105 ] - "independently" in the sense of each one in its corner of Biospheric Paradise according to the author... - in five different orders of Angiosperms.
Perhaps under the insistent pressure of insect species that wanted to be eaten... as a form of self- selection pressure directed towards the digestive system of carnivorous plants. By pure compassion of Judeo-Christian sacrifice?
Even though he had already sunk into a Christo- centric soup very much warmed by the blood of Golgotha, an Austrian poet, in 1924, thought that flowers could smell the perfume of stars. He also affirmed that he had perceived that the Flower is an Insect attached to the earth and that the Insect is a Flower released by the atmosphere. This is why they understand each other so well.
Insects and plants understand each other so much that their intimate lives are also harmoniously intertwined: a French team from INRA, under the guidance of the Mexican biologist Alberto Prado, has just published the state of their findings that pollinators participate in the prosperity and elaboration of the microbiome of seeds. [148] Alberto Prado has also published a recent study showing that certain levels of pesticides, or pesticide cocktails, can be non-lethal to bees... and even prolong their lives as their pollination function and mission declines sharply during their sickly and disabled incarnation. [ 147] Bravo Alberto.
"The assembly of the seed microbiome involves certain early bacterial colonizers of seeds that are transmitted from the maternal plant either through the vascular system or via the stigma. The seed microbiome is thus made up of microbes that are recruited not only from the vascular tissues but also from the flower. Flowers are known to constitute a nexus of bacterial transmission between plants and insects. Such an insect-floral exchange evokes the potential for insect-transmitted bacteria to colonize the ovule and subsequently the seed - thus passing into the next generation plant. [148] Translation by Xochi.
Is it, in fact, the bacteria that colonize the ovum or the ovum that domesticates the bacteria to its future seed?
The intimate relationship between flowering plants and insects is thus not driven by "selection pressures" but by love, beauty, nutrition, sharing of bacteria, synergy, mutualism... and pollination, of course. How can neo-Darwinism explain that flowers "hear/perceive" the passage of bees and react, as a result, by modifying their nectariferous production capacity?
Indeed, a team of researchers from Tel Aviv University studied the behavior of 650 Oenothera flowers (Oenothera drummondii) and proved (in the lab and in vivo) that the wave generated by the flight of bees in the vicinity (or by artificially induced low frequencies) induced an increase in nectar of the order of 20% in the following three minutes
"Can plants hear? That is, can they perceive and respond to the sounds invited by the air? In our study, we demonstrate that Oenothera drummondii flowers, when exposed to a recording of bee flight sounds, or to sound signals of similar frequencies, produced sweeter nectar within three minutes, thus potentially increasing their chances of cross- pollination. We found that the flowers vibrated in a mechanical mode in response to these tones, suggesting a plausible mechanism by which the flower serves as an auditory sensory organ for the plant .The vibration and nectar increase responses were frequency correlated: flowers did not respond to high frequency sounds, only to pollinator sounds... Finally, our results suggest that plants may also be impacted by other sounds, including anthropogenic sounds. [137] Translation and underlining by Xochi.
Anthropogenic sounds... You betcha, buddy! In my anthropogenic garden in Southern Oregon, I sing to the drum to my cannabis plants - which have reseeded naturally and are already two meters tall in early July - and thank them well for inviting themselves, and emanating, and explain to them that I am growing them for therapy - and mine first. And the first therapy is to cultivate them, at least to accompany them... let's not be pretentious. At a friend's house, I was able to admire volunteer ganjas that were four square meters in size with half a dozen stems of 7/8 cm in diameter - blooming until early December. No, this is not a sardine story in the port of Marseille, it's a Canebière story. Cannabis is a world unto itself but, when mismanaged or poorly digested, it is prone, unfortunately, to generate a self-coating syndrome. Our garden of desert atmosphere transits, thus, on an old gold mine: it is necessary to water, daily, for the Life. And when it is 42°C in the shade (a bit cool because we are at 500 meters of altitude) which is normal during the summer for this region, nobody calls the Sheriff or the firemen because they are too busy putting out hundreds of forest fires - many of them criminally started.
Moreover, some of the great devastating fires (such as the Camp Fire in Paradise) in California last year were resolutely provoked, assisted and criminally multiplied by the same energies that destroyed the 7 Towers of the World Trade Center in September 2001 in New York. These energies are called DEW - "Directed Energy Weapons" - or "Nikola Tesla Free Energy". It is basically the same type of energy used in 5G and riot vehicles in the USA. Indeed, it's not very natural for fire winds to be fast enough to burn the equivalent of a soccer field in a single minute and liquefy car engines in place.
Have you seen a liquefied car engine in a forest fire? I invite all the disbelievers to study the HAARP issue... and especially to be motivated against the 5G technology that will destroy the whole human society. One of our friends lived in Paradise, California: his ranch burned down in one minute and he only had time to put his dogs in his car and flee in the middle of such a furnace (he filmed his escape) that he survived, by the grace of Gaia. The car following him was not so lucky: it imploded - like many vehicles trapped in very slow lanes on burning canyon roads.
Last year, in the fall, North Central California was the most polluted region in the world: the forests were burning and when the flames burned the entire cities and their contents - made in China - it was industrial China that was burning!
Last year, during the summer, Southern Oregon was at one point the most polluted area in the US - because of the fires. The year before, we were only a few miles from the evacuation zone. And this year?
Surprise, surprise. What is certain is that when the forests of Southern Oregon go up in flames, Poison Ivy also burns and the atmosphere is toxic. And the ubiquitous cannabis also burns and the atmosphere becomes "potentially" euphoric or depressing - depending on the strains of cannabis, the method of agriculture (toxic, reasoned, perma, organic...) and the doses... and the psychic state of the human animals. Who are often quite depressed.
But then, can flowers also smell the smells that pass by? In fact, yes, as a team from the University of Tokyo (under the aegis of Professor Kazushige Touhara) has just proved, very recently, after 18 years of patient research, by explaining, even, the modalities - namely the molecular basis of odor detection in flowers. Plants do not smell with a nose but, directly, with their genes.
This team of researchers exposed tobacco cells, as well as 4-week-old tobacco seedlings, to various volatile organic compounds and found that these odorant molecules altered gene expression by binding to other molecules - called transcriptional co-repressors - whose function is to turn genes on or off.
According to Professor Kazushige Touhara, "Humans have about 400 olfactory receptors and elephants have about 2000, the maximum in animals.
Nevertheless, based on the number of genetic transcription factors in plants, it may be that plants are able to detect many more odors than animals... Plants cannot move and, of course, they respond more slowly than animals. But if plants can prepare for an environmental change within a day, it must probably be pretty fast for them." [139 ] Xochi's translation.
Kazushige Touhara likes to imagine that his findings could influence agriculture: farmers could, for example, spread odors instead of tinkering with genetic chimeras and using pesticides, he says.
This is very commendable, indeed, on the part of this kind professor, but the purpose of Toxic Agricultural Chemistry, and chimerical, is not to make agriculture prosper: it is to enrich the criminal multinationals and to poison Humanity and the Biosphere - a "universal" genocide and biocide.
By the way, the innovative mushroom genius in the USA, Paul Stamets, has been saying the same thing for a plethora of years. When a house is infested with such and such a species of termites, the adoption of a species of fungus will simply invite them to move out within two days.
This is the same type of motivation behind the work of the Institute for Food Sustainability at the University of Sheffield. One of their teams recently published their findings on the process of plant respiration in the journal Nature Communications. [142]
According to Professor Andrew Fleming: "Until now, how plants develop their complex air channel structures had remained surprisingly mysterious to plant scientists. This major discovery demonstrates that the movement of air, within leaves, shapes their internal workings - which has implications for our thinking about plant evolution." [143 ] Translation and Emphasis by Xochi.
According to Marjorie Lundgren of Lancaster University, in partnership: "Scientists have long believed that stomatal and airspace development are coordinated within the leaf. However, we were not really sure who was driving the other. Our study was thus initiated on a "chicken and egg" type question. Using a sequence of experiments involving X-ray analysis of CT images, our partner teams answered these questions by studying various botanical species with very different leaf structures. We have shown that stomatal development initiates the expansion of aeration spaces, but we have gone further to prove that stomata do, in fact, need to exchange gases in order to allow the expansion of these aerial spaces. This paints a much more interesting story, correlated with physiology." [143 ] Translation and Emphasis by Xochi.
All this is very well thought: Carbon Dioxide is Life, and it must circulate. The motorcycle and motive of all exuberant vegetal growth is to let off gas, to dope oneself with Carbon Dioxide! In spite of Jadot and Dion, the climatic ramblers - whose level of media insolations is proportional to the current hold of the solar minimum on the Atmosphere - the more the plants carburize with Carbon Dioxide, the more they elaborate carbonaceous matter.A new study has just proven that astronauts and submariners function just as well, if not better, with 5000 or even 15 000 ppm ofCO2 - the norm being 600 ppm. [ 171] [172] Science Baby!
Rome began to fall apart when the normal, natural atmospheric warming cycle, initiated around the turn of the era, faded into a normal, natural cooling cycle- resulting in a much diminished ability to generate carbonaceous plant biomass to feed the legions. It was then that the Christian Plague replaced the Roman Empire in total decline of intoxication, famine and psychopathy. As for the Vikings, they took over northern Europe at the turn of the millennium, crossed the Atlantic and went as far as Arizona. That's when Greenland was green!
This does not tell us, really, which of the stomata or the air canal, in the leaf, evolved first to elaborate the second. But, in the plant, which emerged first, the ovary or the ovule? In Costa Rica, there is (or was) a plethora of orchid bees, and often an orchid species is pollinated by only one species of bee.
Who emerged first, the orchid or the green bee?
This is not a big deal because, as Marjorie says, it all "paints a much more interesting story". The Biosphere is, indeed, a magnificent fresco that doesn't work at all as the cult freaks claim.
Pollination of flowers: Pollen Tubes are Teleguided by Ovules
And there is another abominable mystery in the world of Angiosperms that is far more poignant than the lack of ancestors because it is ubiquitous in our daily lives if we wish to pay attention to it: it is that of one of the most elaborate cycles of reproduction in Nature, namely the pollination of flowers. Michael Denton, in his book, explores the pathways of floral pollination, in particular the elaborate pathway of the pollen tube emerging from the pollen grain - to induce a double fertilization, unique to Angiosperms - which is so pregnant with complexity that if the description of this process had not been fully declined, it would simply be very difficult to imagine. Michael Denton asserts that this arrangement, which he calls "baroque" because of its extreme complexity, could never have been induced by selection and random mutations.
In the case of the so-called domesticated maize, whose ancestor is strictly non-existent unless one pretends to look for it in the genus Teosinte of the Poaceae family, when the pollen grain lands at the end of a 20 cm long silk (a stigma that is in fact receptive along its entire length) and when this silk is attached to an ovule located at the very beginning of the ear, this means that the pollen tube can grow to 30 or even 40/45 cm in length for the varieties with very long panouilles. It is beautiful.
And it is all the more beautiful that the pollen grain and the ovum "communicate" through peptides emitted and received. A gift of the Evolution without Goal.
The end of the pollen tube contains two so-called "sperm cells" which are necessary to fertilize the ovule and to develop the endosperm, the future source of nutrition for the germinated seedling. How does the pollen tube find its target? By trial and error? Studies from 2016, and subsequent, published in the journal Nature and the journal Nature Communications, report very recent discoveries of the signaling and chemotropic processes by which the ovule and pollen grain enter into communication: "In flowering plants, the female gametophyte secretes chemoattractant peptides guiding the pollen tube in its development toward the ovule so that it can introduce the immobile sperm." These attractants are cysteine-rich proteins called LURE. [111][112][113 ] [114][115]
So it's quite an adventure. When a corn pollen grain (to use our example above) lands on a silk, it is immediately spotted by the ovarian mother house - which may contain several hundred eggs - which reacts, accordingly, by producing a small decoy protein to attract and guide the pollen tube to its preferred target, the egg at the end of the silk. When fertilization is successful, the ovule develops into what is called a corn kernel - a kernel that is the seed. Some varieties of corn have cobs that can hold about 500 kernels, so 500 ovules fertilized by 500 pollen grains landing on 500 silks and generating 500 pollen tubes. This is very beautiful.
"It is clearly established that pollen-specific, receptor-like protein kinases can regulate pollen tube growth. These proteins typically have three domains: an outer domain that interacts with extracellular signaling molecules; a membrane- managing domain; and a cytoplasmic domain that catalyzes the transfer of phosphate groups to target molecules - including cellular responses to input signals ...The arsenal of signaling molecules in plants is immense - and, in particular, the transmitter peptide molecules and RLK protein kinases .It will not be a surprise to discover more such attractant-receptor pairs. Current research, as well as our knowledge of other growth-regulating molecules interacting with pollen tubes, prior to their encounter with ovulatory attractants, brings us closer to a full understanding of a process that is vital for plant reproduction. Translation and underlining by Xochi.
The pollen receptors, listening to ovarian signals, are thus characterized by an irreducible triple complexity. And they are plethoric! Congratulations. And bravo to the researchers who have just discovered and explained this triple complexity.
They are more and more experts in declining, analyzing, dissecting the biological processes... and always as much unable to bring the least clue as for the origin of these processes whose amplitude is qualified, by these researchers, "of arsenal of molecules".
This irreducible complexity, in terms of pollination and fruiting, does not stop there, moreover, in certain species - almost 40% of Angiosperms - which are, moreover, self-sterile. In the case of certain domesticated self-incompatible species, self-sterility can be located either at the level of the plant (sunflower, corn, chicory of the intybus species, cauliflower, etc), or at the level of the floret within the umbel (this is the case of the Apiaceae such as carrot, dill, etc)
For example, in the case of the sunflower, Helianthus annuus, the vast majority of varieties are self-sterile. This means that a single sunflower plant in a garden - or a sunflower plant isolated under a bubble of tulle - will not be able to produce seeds: it must receive pollen from another sunflower plant in order to be fertilized. Botanists have noticed, however, that some sunflowers - in desperation - modulate their genetics and morphology in order to self-pollinate when they "realize" that no fertility orgasm would be induced by pollinators carrying "foreign" pollen. This is very beautiful.
I think that the term consciousness is not superfluous in this case - as it is for the entire Biosphere, in fact - and I invite anyone who is reluctant to accept this terminology... to propose a better one.
In plants of self-sterile species, "Nature has invented" (as the popular science writers ingenuously tell us) a mechanism that allows them to recognize their own pollen in order to distance themselves from it... emotionally and to avoid what the scientists pompously call "genetic depression".
This is what many scientists are, in fact, genetic depressives. They have lost all taste for Life and are the most severely suffering victims of the linear mind syndrome potentiated by an extraterrestrial hubris. It is true that many neo-Darwinist scientists are part of the "seraglio", by viral DNA or by ideology, and do not derail from their genocidal obsessions and malice disguised as pseudo-scientific balloons.
Dolphins and Whales Sing and Dance in the Big Blue!
In 1983 and 1985, researchers Roger and Katerine Payne were the first to highlight cycles of "cultural revolutions" in humpback whales in Bermuda and Hawaii in various books, including a 643-page book entitled "Communication and Behavior Of Whales"
and a second entitled "Large scale changes over 19 years in songs of humpback whales in Bermuda". [119]
"163 humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) songs recorded near Bermuda during April and May of 13 years, between 1957 and 1975, were analyzed as a continuous sound spectrogram and compared. In the samples from each year, all the whales sang basically the same song. However, this song evolved progressively, and conspicuously, over time so that songs separated by a few years were very different in content. All the songs showed basic structural similarities so that it is possible to define a form of song that characterizes them for many years. Here we present some of the basic characteristics of song form and consider the nature and magnitude of changes in its content as a function of time. An analysis of songs sung by groups of whales demonstrates that normal songs are maintained even when the whales are close enough, a priori, to hear each other. Such analyses highlight individual and inter-individual variability, but neither reaches the level of variation exhibited by songs from consecutive years. We do not understand the meaning of such a change in songs. We know of no other non-human animal that exhibits such intense irreversible metamorphoses in the unfolding structure of an entire population as a process of theirnormal behavior. [119] Translation and underlining by Xochi.
It is likely that Charles Darwin would have evolved, inwardly, abominable doubts as to the foundations of his "hypothesis" of Blind Evolution, by random mutations and salations, if such acoustic and computer technologies had existed in his time - namely allowing the analysis of the individual, societal and specific musical structures of passerines, dolphins, whales and other animal species allegedly devoid of "culture".
In 2011, the first study was conducted by Ellen Garland et al - entitled "Dynamic Horizontal Cultural Transmission of Humpback Whale Song at the Ocean Basin Scale" - observing, and analyzing, the dynamic, and cyclical cultural metamorphoses of Humpback Whales manifesting in multiple populations, at the scale of an oceanic area, namely the central and western South Pacific region.
" Males of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) possess highly stereotyped, cyclic, and progressively evolving sexual vocalizations, or "songs" that operate in a mode of sexual selection (through mating attraction and/or male social sorting. All males within a population conform to the current version of the song type and similarities may exist among songs of populations within the same ocean basin.
... By studying multiple populations over an 11-year period covering the central and western South Pacific region, we analyzed the horizontal and cyclical cultural transmission of multiple song types at the population level. During the mating season (July-October), this region, which extends from Australia to French Polynesia, contains several humpback whale groups that are genetically distinct although exchanges exist at very low amplitude. The groups are thus considered either as separate populations or as populations forming a meta- population.
Eleven different song types were recorded in this region from 1998 to 2008. Eight different song types moved eastward, four of which extended entirely into the region from eastern Australia to French Polynesia. Only one type of song was recorded moving in the western direction (from French Polynesia to the Cook Islands." [127] Translation by Xochi.
Here is what was published, also in 2017, by the University of St Andrews in its study entitled "Song hybridization events during revolutionary song change provide insights into cultural transmission in humpback whales":
"Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) possess multiple, independently evolving cultural traditions that include: feeding and mating site fidelity under maternal guidance [121], socially acquired foraging strategies [122], and song displays that are subject to cultural evolution and revolution
[122]. Humpback whale song is one of the most elaborate acoustic expressions in the animal kingdom. Song is generated only by adult males
[124] and is therefore considered a product of sexual selection ,although the details of how it functions as a signal are still very controversial [125]
Singing is organized in a hierarchy of "units": single sounds are called "units"; a sequence of units is grouped into a "phrase"; phrases are repeated to form a "theme"; and a number of different themes are usually sung in a pre-determined order to build up the "song" [126]. To move from one theme to another, a single "transition phrase" is sometimes sung whose content participates in the preceding and following themes .Different versions of the vocalization (containing different themes) are called "song types". Within each population, there is usually a strong conformity to a single song type at a given time. However, this song is constantly modified and all males must continually incorporate these alterations in order to maintain the observed conformity. This slow, gradual metamorphosis is a process of cultural evolution through which subtle changes are manifested over time on a population scale .
Populations within an ocean basin sing similar songs, but similarity depends on both temporal and geographic distances, as changes in song transmission can take many years within a region. In the central and western areas of the South Pacific, song is also the subject of intense "cultural revolutions" wherebythe song type of a neighboring population is rapidly adopted by all males of an adjacent population.We have previously described the rapid, regular, and repeated horizontal transmission of multiple song types generating multiple song revolutions throughout the central and western South Pacific . Among non-human animal populations ,this is a very rare, potentially unique, example of population-wide horizontal cultural transmission in which behavioral variants are transmitted rapidly and repeatedly .However, little is known about the vocal and sequential learning mechanisms governing this extraordinary cultural phenomenon.
According to the neo-Darwinist rant, Blind and Random Evolution has genetically programmed Humpback Whales to constantly - and collectively - change their songs. "Collectively" means that all whales must learn the new song content from each other.
Question: do the new songs "emerge", or "emanate", from the Whale population as a group-soul or are they transmitted by more innovative male leaders, or instructors? Whatever the answer, it is a huge nightmare for the cult. So is the entirety of "this extraordinary cultural phenomenon".
And obviously, with the Humpback Whales, and their vocalized "transitional phrases" between cultural revolutions, the neo-Darwinists have, finally, discovered "evolutionary transitional phases" that they have been desperately looking for, in their Blind Evolution, since 1860 (the famous missing links!).
But these "evolutionary transition phases", in Whales, are cultural, acquired and non-linear... i.e. co- evolutionary.
The neo-Darwinists have a "holy horror" of co- evolution because their banker masters have taught them that this concept - and this potentially magical practice - can lead Humanity into Ways, and Voices, Sophianic and Gaian - that do not walk and sound in harmony with their program of integral social control of Humanity under Sail. And not the Sails of the ships freed by the fractal turbulences in the Oceans of Life, but the Sails of the monotheistic Bewitchment. It is only time for the human species, if it wishes to survive, to raise the Veil of Isis. The Humpback Whales are a huge Darwin's Nightmare: their only song of Bassoon makes explode the Bastion of Zion!
According to the recently published November 2018 study by Jenny Allen of the University of Queensland in Australia, "Cultural revolutions reduce complexity in the songs of humpback whales," the songs of all humpback whales in eastern Australia evolve by constantly borrowing from the humpback whales of western Australia-which are obviously very sharing and mutualistic humpbacks. And when their songs have become highly complex, over the years they are replaced by much simpler ones and the cycle is restarted. It is frankly very beautiful.
"Most manifestations of non-human culture emanate from acquired vocal deployments such as the vocal dialects and song parades of birds and cetaceans.
While many passerine species use song complexity to assess male fitness, the role of complexity in the song of humpback whales, Megaptera novaeangliae, is uncertain due to a population-wide conformity to a single song structure. In addition to the fact that songs are gradually changed each year, the eastern Australian population also changes its songs in cycles of cultural "revolutions" lasting a few years .
These revolutions involve the learning of vast amounts of new material introduced from the Western Australian population .We examined two song structure factors, complexity and entropy, in the eastern Australian population for 13 consecutive years. The objective of these factors was to identify the role of complexity and information in humpback whales. Complexity was quantified at two hierarchical levels: the full sequence of individual sound "units" and the stereotypical assemblages of units constituting a "theme". Complexity increased over time as the songs evolved, but decreased at the time of the revolutions. No correlation between complexity and entropy estimates can suggest that changes in complexity may represent an embellishment of song that allows males to distinguish themselves from a population-wide conformity. The consistent reduction in complexity, during song revolutions, suggests a potential limit in the capacity for social learning of new material in humpback whales." [117] Translation and Emphasis by Xochi.
He is an ethnos, or self-declared ethnos, who claims to be above the mass of simian human cattle directly derived from the chimpanzee, according to Darwinian dogma, and who claims to be directly descended from the apple of Yahweh's eye - in "person", in the etymological sense of the term. But Yahweh is none other than Yaldabaoth, the Demented Archon, also called Samael - Samael the Blind, lying in his illusions and his cosmic pretensions. This ethnos - or ideology - is more or less contaminated by the extraterrestrial virus according to its members and their degree of blindness and, of course, according to their degree of insanity and psychopathy. The most psychopathic of them own or control (directly or through proxies) the vast majority of banks, multinationals, international institutions, political parties, trade unions, foundations, NGOs, etc., etc., and, basically, they are the creators of monotheistic religions - which are still very actively functioning social control systems for a few billion zombified individuals.
One of the missions and prerogatives of the males of this "ethnos", largely degenerated in the human animal sense of the term, is to inseminate, as much as possible, human females and in particular White females. Indeed, the ethnos and White peoples, in their entirety, constitute one of their privileged targets, for a plethora of centuries, and are programmed for total destruction because they represent a danger of enlightenment and instruction and, therefore, a danger of elimination of their bewitchment - and of its bewitchers, perhaps also... Witness the programmed destruction of Europe, for centuries and centuries, by multiple wars: military wars, civil wars, agricultural wars, scientific wars, nuclear wars, pharmaceutical wars, media wars, education wars, vaccination wars, energy wars, etc, ad nauseam. In short, the War on the Life of Europe, the War on the Life of the Peoples and Ethnos of Europe.
Hardcore neo-Darwinists are obsessed with sexual selection because neo-Darwinism is a home-made fabrication, or home-made falsification, elaborated by those who believe themselves to be alien and above the human species, the Xenosh, the inventors of genocidal Zionism. And we have noted above that some neo-Darwinists even make a distinction between "sexual selection" and "natural selection".
Neo-Darwinists are fervent "selectors". And one would be inclined to wonder whether it is not high time to give them a dose of their convictions. And a dose of their toxic De/selection medicine?
To rebound on the humpback whales, many studies, for a few decades, have been carried out on the "morals" of the humpback whales - a term derived from the Latin "mos", whose first meaning is "desire, will" - and on their "horizontal cultural transmission". Horizontal cultural transmission" is a magnificent expression describing a magnificent situation... which must send a chill down the spine of the sect's adherents.
Is there a courageous, yes suicidal, neo-Darwinist in the room to explain to us the emergence, by random mutations, of "horizontal cultural transmission" in humpback whales? Or in all the other animal species that practice it. Because it is indeed a practice... and not an unvalidated hypothesis.
The few studies above, of which some extracts are presented in translation, highlight very well that for some experts, cetaceans, enough is enough, and very much packed, of the pressure of the hardcore neo-Darwinists as to the ineluctability of the "pressure of sexual selection" in order to explain any "cultural" behavior or any other joyful and exuberant expression and manifestation of feathers, horns, colors, etc., in the animal species.
This is the case for Jenny Allen who states bluntly: "No correlation between complexity and entropy estimates can suggest that changes in complexity may represent an embellishment of song that allows males to distinguish themselves from a population- wide conformity.
In fact, as early as 1994, Moreno, et al. stated that: "Humpback whale song has been described as a display of male courtship seeking to attract or select a female; however, few observations of direct interaction between singers and females have been reported. [ 128] Moreno was referring to the research of Tyack in 1981 and Mobley in 1988.
According to Mobley, "the Alaskan data suggest that feeding vocalizations are generated by a female; the Hawaiian data suggest that social vocalizations are generated by a male...Song does not serve as an attractor for females but may, nevertheless, serve as a basis for their choice."[129]
In 2013, Herman et al. in their study entitled "Humpback whale song: who sings?", state that "...we observed that singers varied in length, from 10.7 meters to 13.6 meters, with 15% of sizes indicative ofprobable sexual immaturity. We interpret this expanded male participation as a courtship aggregation and the asynchronous chorus of songs as a manifestation of derived mutualism .The participation of many singers produces a higher signal that may attract more females to the singing area . Sexually mature males may take advantage of this for access to more females. Sexually immature males may gain delayed benefits through increased opportunities to learn and practice acoustic, behavioral, and social skills, as well as wintering area conventions, which they can usefully apply in subsequent years. 131] Xochi's translation and emphasis.
If we try to get to the heart of the matter, these authors claim that sexually immature males sing with other mature males out of sympathy... and out of the lure of the deferred profit they might make in later years. A bit like a bank? Humpback Whale mutualism would thus be a "derivative" with, sometimes, "deferred profits".
As Lynn Margulis already denounced, the sect sometimes expresses itself with a banker's language- which makes sense, given their background... The above paragraph is, by the way, described as a conventional flirtation process with a plethora of "can". (Its author "may" himself?) It is, indeed, unwise to mention mutualism, which is taboo among neo-Darwinists (especially when one wants to continue to glean subsidies...) and the authors of this study seem to have lightened their ideological bent by a semantic derivation.
The Genetic Garbage can is only more beautiful!
What neo-Darwinism does not understand, in the genome, it calls a "trash can". This is neither very well-bred, nor poetic, but if neo-Darwinists were well-bred -in the atmosphere, this gives the privilege of the vision of the eagle- and poets, they would not be neo-Darwinists...
In May 2019, a team of scientists for the first time published a study, in the journal Nature Genetics, proving the indisputable relationship between autism and mutations (in 1790 autistic individuals) in that part of the genome that neo-Darwinists have called "junk DNA."
According to Olga Troyanskaya: "This study is the first clear demonstration of non-coding, non- inherited mutations inducing complex human dysfunction or pathology... Today, about 98% of the genome is, generally speaking, rejected. Our work allows you to imagine how we can work with this 98%" [151 ] [152].
According to the Simons Foundation, which is supporting the project: "Non-coding mutations in many children with autism have altered gene regulation, according to the results suggested by the analyses. Moreover, these results also suggest that the mutations affect gene expression in the brain and in genes that are already correlated with autism, such as genes responsible for neural development and migration... The analyses calculated the ramifications of gene mutations in parts of the genome that do not encode proteins, regions that are often mischaracterized as "junk" DNA. The number of autism cases correlated with noncoding mutations was comparable to the number of cases correlated with protein-coding mutations that disable a gene function." [151] [152]
And, by the way, what is the origin of the mutations, both coding and non-coding, affecting the human genome? For example, in the specific case of the autism epidemic. In the USA, during the last five years, autism has increased by 80% - and this is an official figure, so it is always very out of step with the truth of the prevalent health catastrophe - in all aspects and well beyond autism. The first great culprit is, of course, the Pharmaceutical Vaccine Industry. "Obviously", because of the toxic content of their medications, vaccinations, chimeric abominations, mercury and tutti quanti... and because of their underlying intention, namely the genocide of the human species.
Around 2010/2012, I was insulted, during my Kokopelli Communiqués, when I talked about decriminalizing cannabis and stated that iatrogenic pathologies as well as iatrogenic colateral damage, were the first cause of death in the USA. "Iatrogenic" means "caused by medicine" - and of course the deadly modern medicine, whose objectives generally go hand in hand with those of the pharmaceutical mafia.
Today I am pleased to refer readers interested in this phenomenon to the essay written by Stephen Harod Buhner - whom I consider to be the most sensitive, intelligent, humorous, shamanic, expert and Gaian herbalist in the USA. His essay "The True Extent of Iatrogenic Diseases" [153] clearly points out that the most minimal figure would be around 760,000 deaths per year in the USA - thus, at the top of the obituary list and with a much greater amplitude than that of cardiovascular pathologies or cancers.
I invite all those who would not like the truth of these figures to move to another planet more complacent about their pretensions and blindness. Indeed, these figures are surely still very far from reality because, according to the second part of Buhner's essay, the situation of the hidden side of medicine, i.e. its indirect iatrogenic impacts, are by far more insidious and catastrophic than the declared pathologies and the direct and known collateral damage. This is not an understatement - and it is only the beginning of an immense crisis in the making.
And what is the situation of the iatrogenic sanitary catastrophe in France: surely worse because the French have been considerably more vaccinated than the US citizens: vaccination is the first front line of the Genocidal Mafia, in France - the proof by Macron and his recent vaccinalist diktats. As for the global sanitary situation in France, it is much worse than in the USA, given the small size of this territory, leader of toxic agriculture in Europe and leader of the nuclear industry in the world.
By the way, do the radioactive dumps "forgotten by France" also remove - in a passive way - the radioactive waste of our less technologically advanced neighbors? It is easy to assume that the "forgetting by France" of the radioactive dumps is an integral part of the genocide program of the populations of France and Europe. What will Yannick Jadot do when he becomes Minister of radioactive waste? Join the CRIIRAD of his accomplice Rivasi? In order to continue to pretend to be: a grey face of green and a macro-crisis of worms in the apple of discord held out... by the Macronists and all the other Macaroni confounded - to the gruger of his soapy voice.
And still in the garbage file of the sect's trimming of non-functional, non-coding DNA, the "introns" have entered the scene - recently. As the promoters of Intelligent Design had predicted (from the Greek "pro/gnosis" meaning to know in advance), it turns out that the garbage can exists only in the ideology, and in the very bruised brains, of the neo-Darwinists. The "introns" were on the scene, but the neo- Darwinists had not seen them... because the introns constitute the scene itself, by half!
And as the Pagan poet and great worshipper of the Yoni sang, "everything is good with Her, there is nothing to throw away", who understood very well that the Mother does not do random or superfluous things. The human animal's appreciation of the exquisiteness and complexity of Gaian Precision is a profound source of the sensual pleasure of Life - in our co-evolution with the Source of this Infinite Life.
Introns are segments of genes, which do not code for proteins, present in eukaryotic cells. In 2007, Norman Johnson wrote in "Darwinian Detectives": "The sum total of introns in humans constitutes 20% of the DNA, more than 10 times the percentage that codes for DNA . On page 179, he did not think he was saying that well - and too little. Moreover, also according to the journal Nature: "In yeast, as well as in other organisms, introns have been considered the disposable by-product of exon ligation because of their rapid degradation following splicing." [156] And, the same echo is found, in 2008, in Science Daily Magazine: "Introns are commonly considered to be "junk" DNA sequences, found in the middle of gene sequences, which, after being elaborated into RNA, are excised, simply, into the nucleus, before the RNA messenger is transported to the cytoplasm and translated into a protein." [157]
Indeed, since their discovery in 1977, they were considered, by the neo-darwinist ideology, as genetic garbage, that is to say genetic debris abandoned - at random in the wastelands and other genetic banlieux - by the capricious Evolution, in the course of millions of years...
... an Evolution too eager to go forward or too eager to select or, perhaps, too exhausted to have generated so much diversity for more than four billion years - and, what is more, in a random and hazardous way! It is not very "wizardly" to understand that this mutational and evolutionary mode - at the whim of introns, exons, ribosomes and all the genetic sauce adorning this voluptuous immensity of planetary, chaotic and fractal bacterial soup - requires all the more permanent and attentive supervision! Evolution would thus be a Great Witch! Who leaves herself to be desired, somewhat, as for the cleaning, ad hoc, of her genetic dustbins, but who, nonetheless, leads her menagerie, without sparing, not to say with a magic wand...
However, for the last ten years, intronic sequences have been, progressively, inducted "according to" the merit they deserve. For example, in 2015, Florent Hubé and Claire Francastel... who are experts in "epigenetics and cell fate": that's beautiful! And the title of the article seems to transpire that they don't expect much funding from the neo-Darwinists anymore: "When garbage generates molecular diversity". So what is going on in France? It seems that there is a correction in the air. Are Florent and Claire part of the rabid, dissident herd, rutting in the purulent backstage of the foundations of non-existent democracy - the Neo- Darwinist Selection?
Yannick Jadot, when he will be the Minister of Forgotten Radioactive Dumps, could even, in a great burst of cognitive dissonance, aiming at media misdirection, somewhat mutate this logo: "When the radioactive garbage, forgotten by "France", generates molecular necro-diversity".... And what about the missiles forgotten by "France" in Libya? If they also contain depleted uranium, they could even fall under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Forgotten Radioactive Wastes!
In any case, the Greens were in league with Sarkozy to annihilate (liberate) Libya. Isn't it Jadot... that this is part of the ecological recycling? When you are going to drop depleted uranium bombs on civilian populations to liberate them - to liberate them from their non-infederation to the Muslim Brotherhood - you must not leave bombs lying around that could fall into non-humanitarian hands. And what about the French colonels captured, one day, by the Syrian Army - on its territory? Is "France" officially at war with Libya or Syria?
By the way, what is the difference between a dictatorship and a Western democracy in terms of freedoms in the vision of representative democracy - for example, the vision of the ignoble BH Lévy?
Western democracy allows citizens the freedom to pretend, or to delude themselves, that they live in a democracy. That's all and that's enough, isn't it? "Elections: Cocoon Traps!!!"
... write in their study "Mammalian Introns: When the Junk Generates Molecular Diversity" [158]:
"Being eliminated to allow the formation of messenger RNA, introns - which are intrinsically non-coding - have long been relegated to the notorious 'junk DNA' drawer. Nevertheless, against all odds, a high amplitude of sequence conservation among homologous introns in closely correlated species suggests functional constraints on intronic sequences over evolutionary time. Numerous studies have now contributed to the growing body of evidence that introns can be assigned a wide range of biological functions... Introns account for almost half of the human genome, yet the vast majority of them are removed from eukaryotic transcripts through RNA splicing.
Nevertheless, introns are characterized by key elements and functions that are increasingly worthy of attention. At the DNA level, introns constitute genomic segments that can harbor independent transcription units for coding and non-coding RNAs, whose transcription can interfere with that of the host gene, as well as regulatory elements that can influence even gene expression and splicing.
Depending on the perspective of the RNA, some introns may be subject to alternative splicing. Intron retention seems to confer some plasticity to the nature of the protein produced, to its distribution in a given cell type and to the timing of its translation . Intron retention can also serve as an activator to generate coding or non-coding RNAs from the same transcription unit .Conversely, the direct involvement of intron splicing has been validated in the production of small regulatory RNAs. Therefore, intron splicing also seems to confer plasticity to the type of RNA elaborated from a genetic locus (coding, non-coding, short or long) . We have analyzed these aspects in order to increase our understanding of the mechanisms that control the fate of introns and that could prove to be vectors of regulation of genomic information and, therefore, of cellular fate. [158] Translation and underlining by Xochi.
Against all odds. Isn't this how the Planetary Animal Mother plays? Introns are very functional and very plastic... in their considerable spectrum of biological functions. By plasticity, do we mean the evocation of potential decision making?
And if it is necessary, the last articles, published by the magazine Nature, will strike some final fatal blows to the neo-darwinist paradigm of genetic dustbins forgotten by an Evolution always too oppressed by the lack of Time.
Just like the France of the Electric Fairy - EDF, Areva/Urino and other mafiosi - always in too much of a hurry to get ahead of the genocide... and to cavort downstream - as for the genocidal oblivion of its radioactive waste! Do you have to wrap it up with a honeyed or electrifying speech - in Macronist mode, in Green mode, in France Insoumise mode, or, again, in Judeo-Lepenist mutation mode - or is it to swallow immediately and by force? Wouldn't it be a state of emergency?
In the January 2019 issue of Nature [154], a team from the University of Sherbrooke in Canada, under the guidance of Sherif Abou Elela, presents their study entitled "Introns are mediators of cell response to starvation."
"The protein-coding sequences of most eukaryotic genes are interrupted by introns, intervening but non-coding sequences whose exclusion is necessary through the splicing process. The compact genome of the yeast species Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains only 295 introns that are located in 280 genes. Only nine yeast genes contain more than one intron and most introns are less than 500
nucleotides long. In this study, we present what is, to our knowledge, the first comprehensive collection of yeast strains each characterized by the deletion of a specific intron. The analyses of this collection provide a clear validation of the global functions of introns - which may explain their conservation during evolution, regardless of the function or expression of the intron's host gene .Genetic,
phenotypic, and transcriptomic analyses of intron deletion (Δi) strains indicate that introns promote growth under starvation conditions by promoting repression of ribosomal protein genes that are downstream of TORC1-PKA pathways. Our work reveals a paradigm of nutrition sensitivity, and adaptation to static growth, that involves introns as promoters of gene repression under starvation." [154
] Translation and Underlining by Xochi.
So, all this could perhaps be complex and tedious but the conclusion is beautiful because let's not forget that the paradigm evoked is supposed to be an integral part of a more encompassing paradigm... which would be that of Blind Evolution on Darwinist mode. "A paradigm of sensitivity to nutrition, and adaptation to static growth, which involves introns as promoters of genetic repression in the event of starvation". This is all very nice, but it would seem that these two "paradigms" are a tad antinomic.
Especially since the author goes on to state, "The entirety of these data propose a paradigm of intron functions whose presence contributes to cell growth completely independent of their host gene function." [154]
The same issue of Nature, of January 2019, plays the card of the arch-functional and redeeming introns by presenting a second study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, under the aegis of biologist David Bartel, an expert in RNA, [155 ] which presents identical results, namely that Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells were
genetically manipulated, by CRISR technology, in order to exclude 34 specific introns, thus considerably decreasing their growth capacity when nutritional resources were parsimonious.
Obviously, these introns, once impromptu and promoted to the dustbin of evolution, turn out to be a gold mine when it comes to sustenance, without pretending, when the cell cries for food.
As early as 2003, in an article in Scientific American, geneticist John Mattick, highly critical of the junk DNA concept, did not mince words, as did Lynn Margulis, and wrote: "I think this will become a classic story of orthodoxy derailing objective analysis of the facts, in this case for a quarter century. It may be that the failure to recognize the full implications of this - in particular the possibility that non-coding intervening sequences can transmit parallel information in the form of RNA molecules - is proving to be one of the greatest blunders in the history of molecular biology . Itis clear that what has been damned as garbage, because it was not understood, may turn out to be the very foundation of human complexity. In "Challenging the Dogma: the Hidden Layer of Non-Protein Coding RNAs in Complex Organisms." Pages 930/939. Translation and underlining by Xochi.
The first man was a woman
Since the advent of their sect, the neo-Darwinists have been desperately trying to persuade the whole of humanity that it is descended from apes,
chimpanzees and other gorillas and that, in fact, there is little difference, in the great transit of the Earth, between our genetic baggage and that of the "drosophila" - the friend of the dew. And to persuade her, gently, that our genetic luggage would be very cluttered with all kinds of garbage... because Evolution would have only benefited from a handful of millions of years to get the human out of the monkey - as if by chance - and would simply not have had the Time to clean up and recycle the waste of our DNA. And to persuade her, therefore, that Transhumanism - a trademark of Neo-Sionism - will settle, forever, in the human animal, all the imperfections, small and big, left by Mother Nature...
All humanity would thus descend from the ape, with the exception, according to certain enraged Tzaddik, of a chosen ethnos - theirs - which would have emerged directly from the apple of Yahweh/Yaldabaoth without passing through the simian station. Hence the divine right of the Tzaddik to domesticate the Goyim, to control them, to select them, to mutate them, to de-racialize them, to universalize them - in short to correct them. And in super-bref, to complete in the human animal what Blind Evolution would not have had time to do.
Neo-Darwinism is, thus, a great Neo-Sionist enterprise of humanitarian correction aiming at arranging the human genome so that it is more vaccinated, more religious, more hardworking, more obedient, more respectful of the Authorities: Tikun Olam.
At the risk of repetition, the last twenty years of molecular biology have nullified all the preposterous claims of the neo-Darwinists - what some would call antics if it were not a complete disrespect to the many simian animal races. Even if there are only a few percent differences between the human and chimpanzee genomes, that still represents millions of base pairs that would have been subject to indiscriminate mutations and random selections.
But there is much more - and much more to come - as this recent Canadian study entitled "Similarity regression predicts evolution of transcription factor sequence specificity" demonstrates. [149]
In May 2019, fresh from the test tubes, a Toronto team (from the Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular Research) has just published their findings of a few dozen genes that were previously thought to have identical function in multiple planetary animal species, but are in fact strictly unique to the human species.
"Similarity regression quantifies, intrinsically, the evolution of the transcription factor motif and highlights that previous claims of near complete conservation of motifs between Human and Drosophila are just inflated: almost half of the motifs present in one of these two species are absent from the other due to considerable divergence in theso-
called zinc finger C2H22 proteins.We conclude that diversification, in DNA-binding motifs, is ubiquitous and provides a new tool, and a new resource, for studying transcription factor diversity and gene regulation in eukaryotic organisms." [149 ] Translation and Emphasis by Xochi.
At the end of the presentation, the researchers of the Toronto team discreetly warn their colleagues that the evolutionary suppositions of yesteryear are just that, suppositions... And it would seem, recently, that the assumptions of the Neo-Darwinist supplicants are being metamorphosed, very rapidly, and universally, into untenable sub-positions in the tract of societal digestion that is being expelled under the impact of the medicinal, liberating, destabilizing and regenerating suppositories of Ingenious Design - which is presently and inexorably infiltrating all the workings of human society. Under the guidance of the Gaian Correction of Sophianic Wisdom.
Isn't the title of the announcement article in Science News [150 ] very evocative? "Scientists uncover a treasure trove of genes that could hold the key to the human evolutionary process". This borders on an alchemical discovery!
For the record, and for repetition, the term "trove", in English, for treasure, is derived from "tropos" in Greek, meaning trick, manner, etc. Tropos is the root of the terms "trope" (in rhetoric), "to find" but also "trouvère", "troubadour", "troubadouresse", etc. In Latin, "tropare" means to compose, to compose a poem, to invent, to discover...
Authentic modern Biologists - those who have never succumbed to the neo-Darwinist collective hallucination or who have freed themselves from it - are, truly, Troubadours discovering Biological Treasures that they transmit to the rest of the human animals. Treasures of knowledge and Biological intuitions - correlated to Life - that allow those who have the chance, and/or the desire, to get out of their blind beliefs about blind and random Evolution... and to pay tribute to the Beauty, Intelligence and Functional Power of the Intended!
One would, at times, be inclined to imagine that the neo-Darwinists do not dare to imagine that "Chance" is a form of disguise with which they would have dressed up "Intelligent Design". Who is playing with words? Darwinism is to entropic Black Hole cosmology what Intelligent and Ingenious Design is to Pleromic Fertility cosmology. The first picture of Galactic Black Hole is like the glittering garment of scientific neo-Darwinism: the king is naked. [ 145]
And Charles is dethroned, not to say "over born", as it could be considered, thus, the fate of all psychopaths and the weight they put on Life - to annihilate it. Do you know, by the way, Wal Thornhill's work on the Electric Universe? His site "Thunderbolts" [144] is, Sophianically, a must - and many texts are already translated into French.
Let the true scientists, such as Wal Thornhill, have the privilege and pleasure of attempting to move the Veil. Let the poets - and the mystics, the silent ones- have the privilege and the pleasure of the games and the songs of words that can move the Veil - and move the Sails of Co-Evolution with Mother Earth's Nave. Can we still imagine that it is Mother Earth who impels the entire solar system, who guides it, who cuddles it... towards the heart of the Galaxy?
Xochi. July 13, 2019.
"At the root of time, at the emergence of space, an inexhaustible source of white darkness remains, spreading and dissipating. In its expansion, a vortex opens and closes on itself, moving in coherence. It is the portal of the Origin, the hollowed-out form that changes into all forms but remains unchanged forever: a round shape of smoke with an ocean of plasma at its heart and a membrane that envelops it, like a distant shore where the ocean dries up, wave after wave whose murmurs are lost in the serenity of eternity. It is from this vortex that Lila awakens, the divine game, the exchange of forms and nothingness. Lila is the ecstasy that springs up at every moment of Becoming. It is the expression of the founding and absolute love of the Origin that embraces everything.
In the accomplishment of all things, the Generators do nothing more than contemplate the One. This rite of contemplation alters the form into a smoke ring that becomes other than what it is. The primordial form metamorphoses into many figures and these figures become events. In an infinite slowness, it plays to modify itself in a diversity of spiral variations: lenticular, striped, jagged, elliptic, elongated, irregular. This is how galaxies emerge and drift in all directions in space, like smoke in weightlessness, but nevertheless charged with a mysterious mass. Each galaxy is a vortex of plasma, coal black, with sources of life light in its heart. One galaxy, among billions, is home to a myriad of worlds including a familiar planet, Earth. This galaxy that hosts it is a lenticular spiral with four arms, the world of Atum.
The vibration, this time, makes the world of Atum resonate. This is the galaxy in which the strain of Terran humanity will emerge, its destiny mysteriously linked to one of the deities of the hidden heart, Amun. The singularity will burst forth like a whirlpool in the core whose magma, churned into opal torrents, will turn the carousel to the distant eddies of two billion sparkling stars.
To the eyes of the initiates of yesteryear, the Galaxy appears like a jellyfish, an immense sea jelly, a vast flotilla drifting in the night ocean. The jellyfish sails driven by a slow pulse. From the mass of gel embedded in the heart of its dome, a cluster of tentacles unfolds, stretching in trails through the vast immensities of space and time. Captured in its tentacles are the seeds of worlds that the jellyfish will sustain as it swims beneath the placid dome of Eternity. Absorbed in Lila, the jellyfish composes its tentacles in a slow whirling dervish-like motion. The massive, glittering spinning tendrils align and gather on one plane. The coiling and swirling motion of the core envelops them in a harmony of spiraling arms, the four limbs of the World of Atum. The dome of the medusa becomes the central bulge, one-tenth the diameter of the surrounding limbs. For the initiated seers of yesteryear, the medusa is the mothering and secret cohesion of the starry carousel.
In the heart of the Galaxy dwells immortal life, the gush of the Generators, and in the spiral arms mortal life will venture forth in many creatures, great and small. But first the habitats must be prepared.
The conditions must be ripe, the arrangements harmonious. Globular clusters of tens of thousands of pinpoint suns, open clusters laden with nurseries of blue-white stars, raging orange giants, swirling white dwarfs, torn sails of stellar vapor, restless clouds of interstellar dust, and hairy trails of throbbing comets decorate the spiral arms; but the decoration is not always the welcoming home. The World of Atum is prodigious with nebulae scattered around the spiral merry-go-round. The four constellated arms float erratically with foggy mottles like the immense spots of a colored expiration. In the nebulae, in the molecular clouds, are coiled the living animations projected by the Generators. The nebulous vapors are sublime, perfumed canvases where the nucleic codes are hung in trembling strings, the matrices of the life in becoming. From time to time, the nebulae propel fiery suns on wild rides and the planets bound to their suns will offer shelter to creatures great and small.
The vast jellyfish perceived by human eyes: this lenticular cell made up of two hundred billion stars
and in calculation. Around a star nestled in the third arm of the Galaxy, starting from the heart, turns the home planet, the Earth. Gaia remains there, not by cosmic edict.By anomaly, the effect of its impetuous passion...".
John Lamb Lash[146].
translated from French, courtesy of Dominique Guillet
Who am I? Xochi, aka Dominique Guillet, founder in 1999, of “Association Kokopelli”, in France, which has the biggest offer of Open-Pollinated and Heirloom Organic Seeds in the world. Not a rumor but just a fact: 10 years of struggle in the European Courts of Injustice against Monsanto and the whole seed-mafia… and we are still alive.
I am 70 years old, I raised 5 children with, strictly, no vaccines and I have no patience with the psychopaths and other perpetrators of the Social Evil. And that is why, also, I have the immense pleasure to be the French translator of the Nagual John Lash – “Sophianic School of Arts and Sciences” with my website “Magie Tantrique Gaïenne”.
My main blog is
Here are, on this Substack, my few recent publications, in English, about the fake pandemics, induced by the non-existent Sars-CoV-2, and about the vaccine genocide induced by jabs stuffed with nano-particles and nano-technologies. Mostly graphene. Why? Because Graphene constitutes THE link: from blood to the virtual space through 5G.
The Sars-CoV-2’s Spike is a huge PsyOps… not to say a huge SpikOps. Wake up!
I do not know if I wrote 2500 or 3000 pages, in French, for the past 3 years. What matters, anyways, is the Transmission of this precious intel for the People to awake and to act together. PANDEMIA meaning All the People, Pan/Demos in Greek. may suffice for a strict basic translation, from the French, of all my technical essays – and still, not really, but well. As to my Cantos… do not count on… as my writing mode is not conventional. It is my immense privilege, and pleasure, not to be traducible by a robot!
I am writing under influence and, nowadays, the Muses and Dakinis are very fierce and angry. Why? Because the alert is Biological. Would you awake… once for good?