The subterfuge of the extraterrestrials
"The gods: who are they and who are they not?" by Dominique Guillet
The subterfuge of the aliens. The gods: who are they and who are they not?
Written by Dominique Guillet - // // translated with deepl.
During a recent interview (6 February 2006) with George Noory on Coast to Coast AM, a listener asked me a crucial question that I was unable to answer properly due to the nature of the interview.
During a recent interview (6 February 2006) with George Noory on Coast to Coast AM, a listener asked me an important question that I could not answer properly because of the nature of the programme. When answering questions on complex mythological topics, it is sometimes necessary to structure the answers carefully, but radio interviews do not offer that latitude. In this short essay, I will try to rephrase my answer
Who are the gods?
The listener asked me if the identification of the Sumerian Annunaki with the Archons of Gnostic cosmology could be applied to other deities in other cultures, such as Greek and Norse mythology. This is a good question, and it is absolutely essential if we are to get clear and precise perspectives on the problem of extraterrestrials, visitors, ancient astronauts, "gods in flying saucers", etc.
I use three simple classifications for the various gods described in mythology and ancient texts (the Sumerian cuneiform tablets, the Bible, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nag Hammadi Codex, etc.) and for the entities described in alien encounters and UFO sightings.
The first classification is purely psychological. Some "deities" are not autonomous entities, independent of us, but projections of natural and intra-psychic processes. I call such "deities" psychodivinities because they manifest themselves through our psyche. Even though they represent forces operating in nature, the fact remains that the "gods of nature" are also intra-psychic, because everything that happens in the natural world also influences and permeates the human psyche.
In Norse myth, for example, Otan/Wodin is a shamanic deity or deified shaman who represents the power of higher perception and the gift of divination. These are abilities that are embodied, or personified if you prefer, in the character of Odin.
The faculties that Odin possesses are paranormal: they are therefore "divine" both in the sense of being beyond the human norm and in the sense of resembling faculties that could be imagined in superhuman beings. However, they are intra-psychic faculties that are entirely within our evolutionary potentialities.
Now consider the god of nature, Osiris, who was central to Egyptian religion. He personified the processes of death and regeneration in nature, at the cellular level (thus a "grain god"), in parallel with other processes in the human psyche. As a "god of death and resurrection", Osiris is not completely beyond human reality. Psychogods are interactive within the realm of our sensory and mental experience. They are, in a sense, extensions and reflections of ourselves and other sentient beings.
Norse mythology describes the celestial conflict between two generations of "gods", the Vanir and the Aesir. The Aesir represent a class of "gods" of superhuman and cosmic stature. They are not psycho deities but cosmo deities, divine forces at work throughout the cosmos. They create and maintain the manifested worlds without manifesting themselves. Of course, they can also access the human psyche and penetrate our consciousness. They can go wherever they want!
The Gnostics taught that the authentic Cosmic Gods, the Pleromic Gods or Aeons, do not invade or subjugate us. They have excellent limitations. They do not take human form. They are not of this world, but they are not completely inaccessible to this world.
The Cosmo-Deities are the founding and shaping forces of the manifest worlds, while the Psycho-Deities represent our capacities to experience all that is manifest. In Gnostic terms, the Cosmic Deities are the Aeons, the Pleromic Gods or Generators as I like to call them. Pleroma means 'abundance'. In astronomical terms, the Pleroma of the Aeons is the Galactic Heart. The introductory episodes of the Gaia Mythos are an attempt to describe the nature and activity of the Aeons. (I use poetry-prose for this purpose, delicate as it may be, because a literal description would be inadequate).
Between these two classes of "gods" lies a third group, an ambiguous class of beings who are partly psychic and partly cosmic. In anthropological studies and in comparative mythology they are called the tricksters, "the deceivers". The indigenous traditions of the Americas are full of tricksters who interact with Native Americans, usually in a playful way. There is a wide range of these "trickster" beings who do no harm and show no intent to harm. Their tricks of mischief are for fun or often an opportunity to teach people about survival, adaptation and sometimes even self-knowledge. Many Deceivers take the form of animals such as rabbits, foxes, crows, coyotes and so on.
These shape-shifting beings are as much a part of the planetary habitat as we are. They are the animistic and psychic powers of this world, close to the "power animals" recognised by all indigenous peoples as allies of the human species. The fairies and "little people" of Celtic folklore also belong to this class.
Indigenous wisdom teaches that we cannot fully know what it means to be know what it means to be human unless we are humble enough to take instruction from non-humans. Other deceivers include the spirits of various species of mushrooms and psychoactive plants. The niños or hongitos, the "little ones" of Maria Sabinas, for example. Or the trolls seen in DMT experiments, as reported by Terence McKenna and others.
There is, however, a particular strain of deceptive entity that behaves differently. It deliberately presents itself as a Cosmic Deity, i.e. as having divine status. This entity deceives us by pretending to be what it is not. Most deceivers do not act in this way, as can be seen by studying indigenous traditions. They may change form, they may tell beautiful stories, and they may play a variety of mischievous tricks, but they do not pretend to be cosmic gods. Those who do pretend to be cosmic gods, our creators and so on, could be called 'deceptive gods'. But that's a tricky term! We can call them "deceptive gods" not because they are real gods, but because they can be mistaken for real gods.
These deceivers cannot be identified with the animistic type of deceiver, nor are they psychic deities. They can be identified by their strategies of deception, their attempts to be seen as true cosmic gods. In short, they are impostors trying to imitate the Cosmic Gods. I propose to call them pseudo-gods or pseudo-divinities. They are the Archons described in the Gnostic treatises.
Sophia and the Demiurge
The supreme pseudo-god is Jehovah/Yahweh, the Father God of the Bible. This being is the ruler of the Archons, or chief of the Archons (protarchon).
Jehovah is a divine god who claims to be an aeon, a generator. When the Gnostics explained this distinction, they faced violent opposition and were sometimes murdered by the followers of the pseudo-god.
Much violence has been perpetrated on this planet Earth to protect the biblical pseudo-god from exposure. In fact, Jehovah's programme encourages and endorses this violence, as any right-minded person can see by reading a few pages of the Old Testament. The pseudo-god must protect his identity and perpetuate his deception. To do this, he persuades his human followers to fight on his behalf. This impostor god is extremely jealous and malicious. This explains why the three major religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), whose members accept the pseudo-god as their creator, are shaped by an agenda of violence, aggression and domination. We live on a planet where hundreds of millions of people are trapped by the deception of a pseudo-divinity. This was the Gnostic warning to humanity.
Some writers on Biblical Ufology - see my essay on the 9 Alien Contact Theories - have pointed out that Jehovah acts as a murderous psychotic. Christian O'Brien ("The Genius of the Few") is particularly
in his psychological portrait of the biblical Father God, and A. D. Horn ("Humanity's ExtraTerrestrial Origins") states flatly that "Jehovah is a lizard", i.e. a reptilian predator. Horn does not cite Gnostic sources, but this is exactly what can be found in the Nag Hammadi Codex. The "Apocrypha of John" (CNH, II,1) and other cosmological texts use the draconic term for Jehovah or the Demiurge, as this pseudo-god is also called. The name given to this entity in the Mysteries was Yaldabaoth. One of the rough translations is 'generator of the horde, generator of the swarm'.
Let us now emphasise an important distinction: I cannot say whether there are malevolent deceiver gods throughout the cosmos, operating in different worlds. The Gnostic writings that have survived do not mention this kind of phenomenon.
The Gnostic cosmology is specific to the conditions of our solar system and of life on Earth.
The seers of the ancient pagan mysteries observed that archontic beings are present in the solar system, but they are not indigenous to the Earth as we are.
They are literally an alien species and strictly non-terrestrial. As such they can only come and go in the Earth's atmosphere, irregularly, for short stays. In order for them to remain on Earth, special conditions would have to be established, such as when humans establish a base on the Moon or in the depths of the ocean. Archontic deceptors cannot live in the biosphere in the same way that we cannot live on other planets in the solar system, such as Mars, Jupiter and Neptune.
The Gnostics taught that the Earth does not belong to the solar system, but is trapped within it. As Lovelock and Margulis' Gaia theory asserts, the Earth differs from the rest of the planets in the extraordinary balance of its atmosphere, which provides not only a habitable space for life forms, but also an interactive medium in which life can evolve, adapt and innovate. This is the miracle of life on Earth, of which the human species is a part, as an open experiment supervised by the cosmic gods, the Aeons.
The Earth is a special case (as the Gaia theory states) because it is the embodiment of a cosmic entity, the Aeon Sophia, whose name means wisdom. On this planet we see wisdom incarnate, living, evolving, conscious, and we are part of it. Sophia is one of the cosmic deities of the galaxy in which we live. She emerged from the heart of the galaxy, the pleroma, to immerse herself in a planetary body.
This situation is unique to our world. Mythologically it is called the Fall of Sophia. For us, Sophia is the only Aeon, or cosmic deity, who is directly and sensually present. We live in her skin. Our Cosmic Mother is the Aeon Sophia, whom we now call Gaia.
But Sophia is also the mother of the Archons, the pseudo-deluders who want us to think of them as Aeons. Gnostic mythology (discussed in detail on the Metahistory website and in my book, The Passion of the Earth teaches that before Sophia metamorphosed into Earth, she caused a kind of splash in the realms of elemental matter (quantum foam), which produced a bizarre species of inorganic (silica-based) elements: the Archons. These beings began to build a world for themselves, namely the planetary system excluding Earth, which is the body of Sophia and which was formed a little later. The Archons are so called, from the Greek archai, "before, first", because they and their world were formed before the metamorphosis of Sophia into the Earth.
It's a very big picture, of course. I don't expect it to be digested in one bite. But it is remarkable that the seers of the ancient mysteries were able to establish this scenario. Let's face it: you either believe it or you don't. Personally, I believe that this scenario is reliable and can be put to the test of reality. It explains the origin of the archontic aliens, both reptilian and of the embryonic or foetal type (the Greys with large heads and insect eyes), as no other theory can. The value of the Gnostic scenario of the Demiurge and his horde is that it gives us a framework for distinguishing between the various types of non-human entities and for recognising a predatory type of god-deceiver.
I cannot say that there is only one predatory ET species in our galaxy - I know there are many stories.
- But the brutal fact is that one predatory species is enough to endanger our evolution. In line with Gnostic teachings, I believe that the Archons pose the most immediate and serious threat to humanity.
The dementia of the gods
Now, just a few words on Gnostic cosmology, and then I will return to the question that motivated this brief essay.
I often say that the Gnostic seers of the Mysteries possessed paranormal abilities such as lucid dreaming, remote vision, clairaudience and clairvoyance. If this is true, then they were able to observe the Archontic pseudo-gods and discern their ways. Indeed, a fifth of the texts in the Nag Hammadi Codex concern the origins, motivations, strategies and actions of the Archons. What these seers were able to determine about the predatory gods may be crucial to human survival. I would like to highlight one aspect of their "dia-gnostic" alien intrusion: Yaldabaoth not only claims to be the Supreme Creator God, but is himself convinced of it. The leader of the Archons is a victim of a God complex! Not only is he trying to deceive us, but he has deceived himself.
The pseudo-god is delirious and his delirium infects all those who follow him - this is the shocking message of the ancient mysteries.
The Gnostic assertion of God's madness is certainly one of the most astonishing notions of human experience. But this idea is not isolated, it is not entirely unique. In my essay "The Madness of the Ego" I present a Buddhist parallel to the
Gnostic Demiurge. Read this scenario and see if it is not an exact equivalent to the Gnostic myth of the Demiurge. In both stories the pseudo-god is mistaken for the creator of the whole universe.
This is exactly what Jehovah does. The followers of the major religions who accept this delusional entity as their Supreme Being are themselves delusional. Blinded by their beliefs, hundreds of millions of people are trapped in the madness of an imposter god and implicated in the violence and aggression of the Archons.
The Demiurge is an impostor god working against humanity. Yaldabaoth stands between humanity and the Aeons of the Galactic Core, claiming to be one of them. The Archon Horde, acting with a hive mentality, is attempting to come between humanity and the Aeon Sophia incarnate on Earth. They are doing this against our innate wisdom, which is intimately connected to Gaia's intelligence, in a vain attempt to turn us away from this connection. This is the "diagnosis" of the Mystery Seers.
Double deception
Finally, I would like to return to the question from the beginning. Is it possible to find ETs/Archonts in other myths around the world? It is clear that the Sumerian Annunaki and the Archons described by the Gnostics are identical to modern ETs, but it is not at all easy to sift through the immense diversity of indigenous traditions and myths to find references to pseudo-gods. divinities. I have not done this completely or exhaustively, but I have made some forays. I would like to share my research in a future essay.
Meanwhile, there is another crucial element in the "dia-gnostic". It concerns the double deception of the ET phenomenon: the phenomenon itself prevents us from seeing how it works. The introduction of my theory of ETs/Archaete on the Metahistory site has sparked even more heated debate about whether the gods described in ancient myths were in fact aliens or "ancient astronauts". I am sure that the inclusion of the Archontic factor in this discussion can be extremely informative. But at the same time, the introduction of the Gnostic counter-espionage of extraterrestrial intrusion takes the debate to another level. So we need to be more sophisticated in our understanding of the extraterrestrial phenomenon.
Today, when we look at the gods described in ancient times as archontic ETs, we are inclined to think that we have finally understood who the gods are. But this is not correct: in fact we have managed to perceive what the gods are not! For example, by establishing the identification of ET=Annunaki, we are exposing the entities that claim to be gods. In the Sumerian cuneiform records, which are transcripts of information channeled through mediumistic trance, the Annunaki claim to be our creators. But is the fact that something was written on tablets 2800 years ago proof that it existed? Of course not. The Sumerian cuneiform narratives present the Annunaki's claim to be our creators, but not the proof.
The cuneiform tablets do not testify to real facts, they testify to a story presented as real facts.
Thus we begin to see the nature of the double deception. Having proven that the ancient gods were in fact ETs, we then fail to inquire about the non-ET gods. The nature of the ET deception is such that it first lures us about the gods and then, once we have discovered the deception, it distracts us from looking beyond them to the true gods, the deities of the living cosmos. Having established the ET/God connection, we need to take a step further into a more sophisticated process of knowledge. It would then be logical to ask: if the ETs/Archonts are wrongly considered to be gods, then who are the authentic gods? It would be a great mistake to assume that we have understood the nature of gods simply by associating aliens with ancient mythologies.
Because of the double deception of the ET phenomenon, we are inclined to assume that the "ancient astronauts" who claimed to be gods and were considered as such must be the only gods.
Thanks to the "diagnosis" of the Archons, we are on the threshold of discovering the true gods. It is a major development.
According to the Gnostics, the "true Gods" are the Aeons of the Pleroma. And one of them is Sophia, the goddess of wisdom, who has transformed herself into into the planet Earth. Today we call her Gaia. She is the source of life and intelligence for the human race and all sentient life, including molecular life. This is the ancient pagan teaching preserved by the Keepers of the Mysteries. Today we stand at a threshold: these teachings are re-emerging and coming alive.
The challenge is to see beyond the alien deceivers and discover the true magic of life on Earth.
translated from French, courtesy of Dominique Guillet