6G Neuro-Modulation: Homo Chimericus
Human energy harvesting, Graphene-based nano-systems, 6G Terahertz frequencies... and radiation pathologies (Xochipelli)
Homo chimericus: neuro-modulation, human energy harvesting, Graphene-based nano-systems, 6G Terahertz frequencies... and radiation pathologies
BY XOCHIPELLI - courtsey of Dominique Guillet, founder of Kokopelli, distributor of the seeds for a brighter future // translated from French
Website (french) & Substack (english) - a well of wisdom for these crucial times
Some Vital and Inescapable Questions, to put ourselves in Awakening...
Our Brain is their Target and Battlefield: thanks to Graphene
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»»» All of Mik Andersens Findings in French, English, Spanish (around 50 articles)
This dossier - originally published on 18 January 2024 - follows on from the one I published on 8 January 2024: "A Universal Graphenisation of Humans, and of the Biosphere, to harvest bodily energy and transform it into electricity?". [29]
In 2016, the demented Klaus Schwab announced the fusion of biology and electronics in Humans... by 2030. That's tomorrow. [104]
In 2017, Anne Hidalgo announced - quite unconsciously, no doubt, given her IQ at the level of the air-conditioned temperature in her office - that the facilities during the 2024 Olympic Games would run on solar collectors... and human energy collectors emanating from spectators and players. How will this work? Undoubtedly, by means of necro-nano-technologies that were very well known at the time... but not revealed to Lower France. [50]
At Davos, in January 2024, eugenicist Klaus Schwab declared that brain implants will be in his brain, and in all Davocrat brains, within 10 years! [162] Of course, these brain implants will work on Graphene/6G mode.
At Davos, in January 2024, there were 32 conferences on Artificial Intelligence, "brain augmentation", brain-machine interfaces, the chip war, etc, etc, ad nauseam. [49]
What's more, this dossier follows four years of research - and thousands of pages written - into the relationship between CoYid/19 'vaccines', 5G frequency bands, Graphene in all its forms and presences, the Graphenisation of the entire Biosphere, radiation pathologies, vaccine genocide... and, of course, the neuro-modulation of the human brain.
Today, this dossier paves the way for investigations into virtually the same issues... except that 6G is just around the corner, and will be, in a few years' time, the vector of the 'Spectrum Quest' - because, it is claimed, 5G will not be enough to satisfy the virtual appetite of the masses. Except, also, that the demented technicians in the service of Klaus Schwab are no longer in their infancy when it comes to the neuro-modulation of the human brain... Indeed, thanks to the fusion between Graphene and the Terahertz band, Graphene-based brain implants are, now, part of the Real - at least the Virtual, and Chimerical, Real that the eugenicist Globalists are trying to impose on us.
The fusion between Graphene, and the Terahertz band, constitutes the new vector for the infusion, into the human organism, of the Virtual Reality Archon - thanks to Graphene, and its hydrogels, from which it transfers the human electrical body.
See my essay: "About 666, Carbon, Graphene and the Beast". [60]
The Graphene Archon is the ultimate vector of Digitalisation, Virtualisation, Chemisation and Archontisation of Peoples by the extraterrestrial Yahweh/Yaldabaoth virus. This is the fundamental vector of neuro-modulation which will imprison Humans in a virtual network, of simulation, through the fusion of the biological, the electronic under the sway of frequency bands.
This is the vector of the subject of the subjects: the Predation at the Heart of the Peoples by those whom the Yaqui sorcerer, Don Juan Matus, called the Gliders, the Heavy Shadows - namely, the Archons amply denounced by the Telestai in the Nag Hammadi Codexes in Egypt, discovered in December 1945, as the scholar John Lamb Lash has highlighted.
Today, Graphene constitutes the vector of the subject of subjects: the electro-magnetic predation of the Anthropos. If you cannot perceive it, and protect yourself from it, it is because you are, already, the prey of this electro-magnetic captivity.
Caveat. I am, essentially, and existentially, a botanist, an agronomist, a gardener, a seed grower, a writer, a translator, a poet, a photographer - by way of Warrior to the Pleasure of Co-Evolution with the Mother: I bear no inclination towards certain fields such as electronics, organic chemistry, nano-technologies, genetic chimeras, physics that hides behind mathematics, etc....
Klaus Schwab's Reset is also that: the fusion of the biological and the electronic/metallic. It's the Reign of the Human-Cyborg endowed with artificial DNA and endowed with a Graphenised brain - and connected to the 5G/6G network.
See my essays: "It is the Necro-Crown of "Graphene Oxide Molecular Spikes" that induces SMOG in the human organism.... and not the invisible coronavirus"[53], "The Necro-Molecular Crown of Graphene"[178] and "The Name of Graphene All Irradiating!" [54]
The Muses must, therefore, bestow upon me treasures of ingenuity, and patience, enabling me to plunge to the heart of these sciences - or purported sciences - and technologies... which, sometimes, frankly, are no more than necro-technologies at the service of the military-industrial complex and the international institutions responsible for annihilating Peoples - in other words, at the service of the eugenicist Banksters.
One day, Humans will destroy all the Robots... In the meantime, the eugenicist Globalists are going to speed up the arrival of 6G with the aim - oh so virtuous - of covering rural areas neglected by 5G. Isn't that touching?
In the USA, researchers, from Joseph Jornet's team - in partnership with Professor Ian F. Akyildiz - have been able to establish, already, a 2 kilometre link, the longest Terahertz connection ever established on Earth - far exceeding the theoretical bandwidth of 5G by more than two orders of magnitude.In partnership with NASA, the U.S. Air Force and Amazon, Joseph Jornet has proved for the first time that high-speed, high-bandwidth wireless communication at Terahertz frequencies is possible over long distances. [64]
When it comes to expressing myself, I sometimes allow myself to relax my neurons with a few moods, intuitions, imaginations or wise comments... because the issues addressed in this dossier are aberrant, painful, senseless - not to say terrifying. I dare to hope that my contributions can also soothe the potential metaphysical anguish generated in readers by such abominations... whose designated target is, inescapably, our Human Brain.
And issues made all the more terrifying by the inertia of the popular masses, the betrayal of intellectuals and the mediocrity of individuals who claim to be scientists while they lie in the pathetic swamps of the neo-Darwinist sect - stuck, irretrievably, to the virtual ceiling of blind, random and unintentional Evolution.
Isn't it evocative that the first neuron ball created - an organoid connected, by a network of electrodes, to a printed circuit, where machine learning algorithms decoded its responses - was named "Brainoware"? Because it is, indeed, a "BrainWar"... a war against the Human Brain.
If you're not terrified, reading this dossier, it's already too late. Incidentally, in 2018, Professor James Giordano began his lecture to military personnel on psychotronic warfare - in other words, cognitive warfare against Peoples - like this: "I don't think you're probably going to applaud at the end, but what I will hear is the slapping of your buttocks as they clench with fear". This lecture is translated, into French, by Jeanne Traduction and you are strongly advised to give it a listen. [17]
Are you familiar with the lecture, given at Davos 2023, entitled "Are you ready for brain transparency?" - also entitled "The Battle for your Brain". [13] Indeed, in it, eugenicist Klaus Schwab not only argues for total transparency of our lives - within the virtual dictatorship controlled by the oligarchy - but he demands, even, total transparency of our brains! What are you going to do?
While the theme, of Davos 2024, was "Rebuilding Trust" - as if "trust" in these scoundrels had ever prevailed! - 5,000 Swiss soldiers, including snipers, surrounded the village of Davos in the Alps... against potential non-trusters and other enRagés. It is high time for the Peoples to rise up in order to ban, and ban forever, future Davos and, above all, forever, the existence of Klaus Schwab's Multinational Economic Forum - stateless and amatride.
1. My declared and transparent intention: denouncing the war on our brains and neuro-modulation towards Homo chimericus
The declared, and transparent, intention of this essay is, therefore, to attempt to offer some insights into the relationships between human energy harvesting, Graphene nano and micro-implants and antennae, the Terahertz frequencies of the future 6G, the satellite network... and, above all, neuro-modulation towards Homo chimericus - not forgetting the deleterious impacts, on human health, and Life, of these necro-technologies merging Graphene with Terahertz.
All this in the context of the intimacies, unlimited, between the Internet of Things and the Internet of (Human) Bodies - and, even, more if affinities, thanks to PornoGraphenia... under cover of Graphenophilia networks!
Ecce Homo chimericus! He lies in the depths of PornoGraphenia. He has sold his soul to the Archon of Simulated Reality who, in retribution, has conferred on his organism the ability to copulate, to couple, with electronics - in the radiant, and magnetising, bliss of Graphenisation.
Is it a coincidence, moreover, that the ancient Telestai, in the Codexes of the Nag Hammadi Library, discovered in December 1945, named, in the Coptic artificial language, the "simulation", "HAL"... just as Stanley Kubrick named his mega-computer in "2001: A Space Odyssey"? Did they have a premonition of the all-powerful "IBM" company - with the three letters preceding "HAL" in the alphabet?
In the vision of the ancient Telestai, "HAL" characterises, intrinsically, the Archons, the carriers of the extraterrestrial Virus at the source, poisoned, of the three ecocidal monotheisms - namely the carriers of lies, simulation, pretence, falsification... and, ultimately, of human neuro-modulation.
Is that why, in France, the portal for the open archive of publications from INRIA - the French National Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technologye - is called INRIA-HAL? Because it's all fake science - DEEP FAKE?
By the way, on the subject of Deep Fake, doesn't INRIA stand for, rather, Institut National de Recherches sur l'Intelligence Artificielle? [29] What is the purpose of this manipulation? #WhatTheFakeIsGoingOn?
In 2018, INRIA was indeed endowed with a €1.5 billion grant, by the PharMacron, for five years (2018-2022), with three objectives for its National Artificial Intelligence Research Programme: to achieve the highest scientific level in Artificial Intelligence by training and attracting the world's best talent in this field, to disseminate Artificial Intelligence in the economy and society in particular through startups, public-private partnerships and data sharing and, finally, to provide it with an ethical framework. [27]
There was, even, a "Villani Mission" which was, thus, named for the "Artificial Intelligence Mission", of the PharMacronie: it was led by the mathematician and Macronist MP for Essonne, Cédric Villani. [24] The Villani Report is here: [25]
In September 2023, the PharMacronie launched its new national strategy for Artificial Intelligence [21] and launched its Generative Artificial Intelligence Committee [22] with "experts" from Google, Dassault Systèmes, Méta/Fakebook, Décathlon, etc...By the way, what is the cost in billions of euros? Is it part of the €54 billion budget of the "France 2030" plan - the one "that should make it possible to catch up with France's industrial lag, invest massively in innovative technologies or support the ecological transition." [67]
In January 2024, the European Commission said it was in the process of preparing a "strategic framework" for Generative Artificial Intelligence and start-ups. [23]
The obsession of modern communications - namely between the Internet of Things and the Internet of (Human) Bodies - is the Spectrum Quest. Ever more Spectrum... in a frantic scramble for the ghostly frequencies of the coveted interval... between 100 GHz and 10 THz or 30 THz - depending on the Terahertzian movement. The Spectrum is the new Eldorado of Virtual Reality.
And at the ultimate end of this Spectrum, the Human plunges into existential nothingness when the Internet of (Human) Bodies metamorphoses, entirely, into the Internet of Human Objects - at least, into the Internet of Human Bodies totally connected, to the virtual network, and neuro-modulated by controllers accredited by the abominable Klaus Schwab and his gang of eugenicist criminals.
The Internet of (Human) Bodies constitutes the privileged vector towards Homo chimericus - namely, towards the ultimate Archontisation of Human Biology.
And, in all its many forms, Graphene - namely, the Graphenisation of Humans and the Biosphere - constitutes the essential foundation of all neuro-modulation nano-technologies.
Do you know the, very recent, Pentagon Report, from January 2024, entitled "Plagues, Cyborgs, and Supersoldiers: The Human Domain of War / Fléagues, Cyborgs et Super-Soldats: le Domaine Humain de la Guerre":"As we write this in 2023, technological improvements - including messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccines, the use of CRISPR gene sequences as genetic engineering tools, and advances in brain-computer interfaces - and their accessibility to both friendly forces and adversaries, could change these strategic calculations. " [18].
"Brain-computer interfaces" work with Graphene. Are you going to wake up one day?
2. Some Vital and Inescapable Questions, to bring yourself to Awakening...
Today, thanks to the extra/ordinary capabilities of Graphene, and thanks to the emergence of new sciences known as plasmonics - which lie at the intersection of electronics and photonics - many nano-systems, operating at THz frequencies, are being designed: nano-antennas, nano-nodes, nano-rectennas, nano-routers, nano-sensors, nano-bio-sensors, etc... all based on Graphene.
The sphere of plasmonic physics is of the order of nanometres (nm) - less than a micron - i.e. of the order of millionths of a millimetre. For the record, the thickness, allegedly, of a carbon atom, and therefore of graphene, is, approximately, 1/3 of a nm.
See my article, from January 2022, entitled "Creation, in Quebec, of the first nano-antenna, based on DNA, 5 nm long. With or without graphene quantum dots?". [73] According to these researchers, this is nothing more than a fluorescent biological nano-antenna. Notwithstanding, two of the researchers, from the team involved in this research, have, also, published their research into the field of Graphene quantum dots.
See Mik Andersen's articles entitled: "Graphene oxide and brain stimulation by electromagnetic waves capable of impacting the human mind"[55]; "Interaction of Graphene Oxide with Brain Cells [60]; "Graphene Oxide and 5G electromagnetic absorption"[75];"Graphene Oxide absorbs, also, 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G"[79]..
For the record. Studies on plasmonic antennas date back more than 10 years. "Graphene-Based Plasmonic Platform for Reconfigurable Terahertz Nanodevices". 2014. [99]. "Graphene-based Plasmonic Nano-Antenna for Terahertz Band Communication in Nanonetworks". December 2013. [160]
Question. Are these micro-systems, on the order of a handful of microns - with antennae 100 nm in diameter carrying "reconfigurable intelligent surfaces", made of Graphene - are they a portion of the self-assembling nano-technologies that have been discovered, since the summer of 2021, in all the vaccines against the non-existent Covidian pandemic... and, also, in the blood of those injected?
Today, part of the Earth's satellite imprisonment - orchestrated, in near-monopoly, by Elon Musk - is, already, functional in Terahertz frequencies....
Meanwhile, Archon Elon Musk plays, with the gallery, all rumours, half-tones, jokes, pretensions, arrogations, half-cannabis, post-vaccine confessions, re-population humanism - and, even, scathing criticism of Klaus Schwab's Multinational Economic Forum.... Is Elon Musk, too, one of the System's last Jokers - in total bankruptcy?
Is Musk, under cover, a Trump of human neuromodulation?
In fact, he's not the only one in the race towards the human brain implant: Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos have invested in the Australian-designed brain implant from New York-based Synchron as a response to Elon Musk's Neuralink. The Synchron Switch is a "brain-computer interface" that is implanted into blood vessels on the surface of the brain's motor cortex via the jugular vein.
Question. Will Elon Musk's satellite network have the capacity to remotely modulate - from space - human brains implanted with nano-systems equipped with transceiver antennas and other nano-technologies, all graphene-based, operating in Terahertz mode?
About the Atmosphere pierced by a multitude, multiplying exponentially, of satellites, shuttles, probes, missiles, anti-missile missiles... and, of course, 5G antennas/relay... and the billions of antennas, irradiating, that constitute mobile phones. See my essay "Los Cantos de Xochi. The Atmospheric Muses have plenty in their Musette!". [74]
Strictly the same question can be asked of all the satellite networks cluttering up the skies above our heads - whatever their frequency bands. Is there a goal, a global one, of satellite tele-neuro-modulation of the human brain?
In fact, it would seem that one of the primary objectives of Graphene implants, operating with 6G frequencies, in Terahertz mode, is not to impact regions of the brain but, rather, to modulate individual neurons.
As of August 2023, more than 20,000 patents have, already, been filed relating to 6G technologies - around 40% of which emanate from China. In 2020, with their "Next G Alliance initiative, Google, Microsoft and Apple embarked on a quest for the mythical and ultimate G Point of communication between the Internet of Things and the Internet of (human) Bodies. Today, when we look at the Internet of Things, we see that the Internet of Things and the Internet of (human) Bodies are not the same thing.
Today, when we see the diagrams illustrating the mega/nano-networks, based on Graphene antennae, covering the entire human body, it is easy to imagine that this is a universally orchestrated attack on the Human energy networks as described and modulated, therapeutically, by Traditional Asian Medicine: for example, the meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the nadis of Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine or the subtle channels of Traditional Tibetan Medicine. [36]
See, also, Fritz-Albert Popp's Biology of Light as well as Philip Callahan's research. [35]
Speaking of bio-electric Man at the heart of an Electric Universe, the Thunderbolts Project website has, justly, released two new videos on Light, one of which is entitled "Lightning Bolts and their Fractal Domain". [1]
Next questions. Is 6G a weapon of biological destruction in the same way as 5G?
See, for example, my scientific review, "Potential human brain health effects of various generations of mobile telecommunications: a review of the estimated impact of 5G". [59]
See, also, the update on 5G, with Barrie Trower, former NAVY expert in psychotronic warfare, and Claire Edwards, the UN whistleblower. This interview, in English with French subtitles, took place on Friday 16 September 2022. [76] The transcript is here: [24].
See two other videos, in English, by Barrie Trower: "The Truth About 5G & Wi-Fi".[9] [10]
Beyond neuro-modulation - by fusion between the Graphene family and 5G and 6G frequencies - is this the orchestration of a vast energetic jamming of the Human electrical body?
"Graphene, Seriously, Grafts its Claws": it is, genuinely, about "grafts" - and in this case, neuron grafts.
See my essays: "It is the Necro-Crown of "Molecular Spikes of Graphene Oxide" that induces an SMOG in the human organism... and not the invisible coronavirus"[53]; "The Name of All Irradiating Graphene!" [54] ; "How to cross the blood-brain barrier with nano-structures from the Graphene family". [40]
Did you know that carbon nanotubes, a form of Graphene, have been rife for over 30 years - particularly in medical applications. In fact, they were first reported in 1993 by Sumio Iijima in his study "Single-shell carbon nanotubes of 1-nm diameter". [94]
Neuromodulation, via the vector of carbon nanotubes, has been mentioned since 2011 - for example, in the study "Carbon Nanotubes as Electrical Interfaces to Neurons". This involves carbon nanotubes as electrical interfaces with individual neurons. [95] Terrifying, isn't it, as to the potential for neuromodulation?
Today, in 2024, demented scientists can contact individual graphene nanoribbons using carbon nanotube electrodes. The August 2023 study, "Contacting individual graphene nanoribbons using carbon nanotube electrodes", focuses on the contacting and electrical characterisation of surface-synthesised graphene nanoribbons in a multigate device architecture using single-walled carbon nanotubes as electrodes. The approach is based on the self-aligned nature of the two carbon nano-tubes, which have diameters as small as 1 nm, and on the growth of the nano-rubbons on their respective growth substrates. [97] Terrifying, isn't it, as to the potential for neuro-modulation?
Today, in 2024, mad scientists can concoct transistors, field-effect transistors, with carbon nano-tubes and nodes less than 10nm. [96] [98] Terrifying, isn't it, as far as neuro-modulation potential goes?
Graphene nanotubes, less than 1 nanometre in size, have been developed for energy harvesting. Indeed, The architect of nano-power plants: physicist Mickael Perrin is building nanoscale power plants with ribbons of graphene. With the help of Chinese, British and Swiss colleagues, Mickael Perrin recently showed how carbon nanotubes just one nanometre in diameter could be integrated into these systems in the form of electrodes. [151]
This is not science fiction. And it's even worse, sometimes, than what might be science fiction... For example, there are various studies, or patents, whose aim is to perform acupuncture with Graphene needles... or to inject Graphene nano-particles into acupuncture points - which is even worse, no doubt.
There is, even, research promoting acupuncture directed by what is wrongly called Artificial Intelligence. [33] This is, indeed, the end of civilisation.
Question. For what purpose if not to set up a counter-acupuncture, toxic, in order to scramble the Human's electrical body - namely, his energy body, his etheric body?
See studies: "Miniature molecularly imprinted electrochemical biosensor for the spike protein SARS-CoV-2 based on Au nanoparticles and an acupuncture needle modified with reduced graphene oxide". [165] "Preparation of a Graphene modified acupuncture needle and application to neurotransmitter detection". [51]"Fabrication of an acupuncture needle electrode modified with graphene and gold nanoparticles and application to rutin analysis". [52]
See patent "Particles as neural interfaces". WO2022200297A1. This patent was applied for by Agnès Pottier, with Xphelum: it relates to Graphene nano-particles injected at acupuncture points - for neural interfaces. [102] [103] See my comment. [48]
Agnès Pottier is, also, holder of several patents relating to neuromodulation by the vector of metallic nano-particles and the author of various studies - including "New use of metals as nanosized radioenhancers/Nouvelle utilisation des métaux en tant que radio-amplificateurs nano-métriques".
By the way, speaking of fog, allopathic, attacking the etheric body. May I repeat that the founder of Anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner, announced the irradiating and dehumanising vaccines - as early as 7 October 1917? Indeed, during a series of lectures, he declared that one day, in the future, "vaccines" would be created to remove the "soul" from human beings.
Could it be that Rudolf Steiner perceived, exactly a century before the launch of the Covidian religion's graphenising vaccination campaign, the Homo chimericus intended by those who are wrongly called "Transhumanists" - for these lunatics have always been devoid of Humanism, mutualism and joie de vivre, in the first place. Under the impact of which Virus?
This was very shortly before the launch of Operation Psychological - known as the Spanish Flu - induced by the first worldwide universal vaccination campaign fomented by the Rockefeller Foundation...
... to close, in spectacular fashion, the First Great International Butchery, of 1914/1918, orchestrated by the same people, by a genocide of nearly 60 million people: only the medicated and vaccinated died. See my essay "The Spanish Flu of 1918/1920 was a Bacterial Pneumonia: H1N1 never existed". [78]
"The soul will be eliminated by means of a medicine. Starting from a "healthy view of things", a vaccine will be found thanks to which the organism will be treated from early youth, as far as possible, if possible from birth itself, so that the body does not come to think that there is a soul and a spirit... To materialistic doctors, will be entrusted the task of eliminating the soul from humanity. Just as today people are vaccinated against this disease or that disease, so in the future, children will be vaccinated with a substance that can be produced precisely in such a way that people, thanks to this vaccination, will be immune from being subjected to the "madness" of spiritual life. It would be extremely intelligent, but it would not develop a conscience, and this is the real aim of certain materialistic circles...
With such a vaccine, you can easily make the etheric body detach into the physical body. Once the etheric body is detached, the relationship between the universe and the etheric body would become extremely unstable, and man would become an automaton, for man's physical body must be polished on this Earth by a spiritual will."
According to NATO, the North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation: "The brain will be the battlefield of the 21st century... The aim of cognitive warfare is to turn everyone into a weapon". See RT's article, in English: ""Cognitive warfare": the human being and his brain, NATO's new battlefields." [63]
And still on the subject of fog, nano-technological, attacking the energy body. This is the Necro-Molecular Crown of Graphene Oxide - the Spike Molecular of Ooxide from Graphene - which generates a SMOG in the human brain and at the heart of its energy system.
The Necro-Molecular Crown of Graphene Oxide is induced by the grafting of Graphene onto cells. This graft is also a "claw" due to its etymology "graphos"... which gives its origin, also, to the term Graphene.
The Graphene, seriously, grafts its claws in order to engulf itself, in order to engoinfrer itself, in order to engrave itself in the fluidities of the human animal. And that is a huge grievance. The Graphene infiltrates his blood, his sap and his cerebral ocean. The metallic Graphene merges with his organism, without his knowledge: it captures him, it imprisons him, it zombifies him, it de/humanises him, it Archontises him.
La Spike Molecular d'Ooxide Graphene is a vector for contamination, parasitism and vampirisation, towards the metamorphosis - the Great Reinitialisation - of the organic body into an organometallic body: towards Homo chimericus. What are you going to do about it?
To conclude these few questions and because of the emergence, tomorrow, of Graphene brain nano-implants, human energy collectors, and 6G Terahertz bands - which confirms, moreover, what I have been announcing since the summer of 2021 - I would be inclined to ask the following question... which contains the answer:
Question. Are the Eugenicists in the process of orchestrating a new in vivo "psychological operation": the neuro-modulation of the brains of those who will have survived universal Graphenisation and the Vaccinal Holocaust of CoYid/19?
3. Some fundamental, and inescapable, Conclusions for the use of those who might not be inclined to plunge to the heart of the published studies
First of all, I'm going to reiterate that Graphene derivatives have, in their entirety, invaded, and contaminated, every sector of our daily lives... and I invite you to carry out your own investigations.
Today, in addition to their presence in the CoYid/19 genocidal injections of the Pharma Mafia, graphene derivatives are present in "vaccines", PCR tests, drugs, nano-technological medical applications, physiological serums, bio-sensors, aerosols, cosmetics, food packaging, dressings, condoms, sanitary towels, therapeutic women's panties, anaesthetics, dental implants, eye lenses, concrete, asphalt, window frames, water treatment membranes, ventilation system filters, fertilisers, agricultural pesticides/biocides, bio-testing footwear, bio-testing clothing, clothing insulation, face masks, wall paints, batteries, electronics, wind turbines, pain-relieving patches, radiators, etc;blankets for the night, mattresses, light bulbs, headphones, ski goggles, riot shields, cigarette filters, beer, etc, etc, etc. Not forgetting Chemtrails.
Then, for all those who might not be inclined, for whatever reason, to consult the studies, which I have commented on, in this very technical dossier, I will try to summarise the fundamental points - with, occasionally, a few comments... to relax the neurons!
5G, as a communications technology, is just a fallacious pretext: as of July 2023, only 11% of SIM cards, in France, were active on the 5G network - i.e. a network, then, of nearly 60,000 5G antennas.
So what is the real objective of setting up a 5G network? Cui bono?
The 2 NATO Reports/Works (2016 and 2020), entitled "Fundamental and Applied Nanoelectromagnetics", cover Graphene-based nanotechnologies, antennas and interconnections, the THz frequency range, polymers...
In the first NATO report, of 2016 [142] [152], which runs to nearly 300 pages, 10 of the 15 chapters focus on the Graphene Family. The second NATO report, from 2020, introduces the reader to materials such as nano-composites, graphene nano-platelets, carbon nano-tubes,metal nano-tubes and silicon nano-structures ; devices such as photonic crystals, microcavities,antennas and interconnects; and applications such as sensing and imaging,with particular emphasis on the THz frequency range. [154]
Note, too, that NATO, the North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation, uses the term "cognitive biotechnology" when referring to the various "neuro-modulation" technologies. Is everything all right?
6G - namely the THz frequency bands that have broadband, low-energy, high-permeability and biometrically fingerprinted spectra - cannot develop without Graphene.
In fact, by 2030, nano-technologies, based on Graphene, will be just as revolutionary as silicon chips were in the 1960s. Is that clear?
What will Momotchi, the famous tamer of TchatBots and other doped cats, one of the self-proclaimed Graphene de/fakers within the Complosphere of the Allumé de la Spike? say?
The European 6G development project is called "Hexa-X"!!!! Why? Because Graphene is represented, in logo, with 3 Hexagons.
[70] And why X? In order to meet the false threats of "Disease X" - the new eugenicist Globalist scam? Or just to compete with Elon Musk - in X mode?
6G cannot develop without the network of satellites Musk is in the process of imprisoning the Earth with.
Is that clear? What will the admirers of Archon Elon Musk say?
The next generation of wireless networks will exploit the Terahertz band (0.1-10 THz) to meet the extreme latency and bandwidth density requirements of future applications.
Extreme requirements of future applications which, of course, will have been modulated, orchestrated and imposed on the People... for their own comfort - no doubt about it! By whom?
6G networks can increase data throughput by 10 to 50 times, network efficiency by 10 to 100 times, area traffic capacity by 100 times, while reducing latency by 10 to 100 times compared to 5G networks.
We're getting closer, with great Terahertzian strides, to the Ultimate Virtual Paradise in which Homo chimericus will bathe in all digital and chimerical bliss... while we wait for 7G, of course.
Communications in the THz band will enable current networks to reach unprecedented locations, by linking them to nano-networks inside the human body or to networks in airspace made up of high-altitude platforms or swarms of satellites.
This is the dream of the demented eugenicist, Klaus Schwab, of the stateless and amatride Multinational Economic Forum: the fusion of biology and electronics, in Humans... but, in all transparency, mind you! "There is, then, a direct communication between our brain and the digital world" he said, in 2016. [104]
Graphene is the ideal foundation for the realization of scalable metasurfaces, namely des "smart reconfigurable surfaces", due to its exceptional opto-electronic properties.
Essential and vital question: by whom are they modulated... in Terahertz mode? Who are the "modulators"? Who are they? WHO
These "reconfigurable intelligent surfaces" will form part of the antenna system of a base transceiver station... inside the human body.
Graphene-based antennae are 100 times smaller than traditional metal antennae and can, therefore, be integrated, easily, into devices and, above all, into human bodies.
Essential and vital question: who is going to "transmit" what to the heart of the human body and who is going to "receive emissions" from it? Who is? WHO
These "intelligent surfaces" are reconfigurable, modulable, "magnetically" and "electrically" programmable .
For example, ifunder the effect of Terahertz frequencies, Graphene microdisks are transformed into "surprisingly powerful magnets".
Essential and vital question: by whom will they be modulated "magnetically" and "electrically"? By whom? WHO
Today's micro/nano-processing technology makes it possible to manufacture new integrated micro-devices with terahertz fibres and brain-computer interfaces on a micro/nanometric scale to ensure that terahertz waves are directed to the desired brain tissue.
Vour brains are the target of the eugenicist Globalists: it's a neural war against the Peoples. What are you going to do about it?
The ultimate goal of terahertz neuromodulation is to regulate or stimulate the human brain.
Mind your Step because They are Stepping on your Mind.
Your brain is the prime target for Graphene - and for those who want to inject it into you. And who are they? Who are they? WHO? If you can't perceive it, it's possible that your brain is already being vampirised by Graphene.
The Graphenisation of Humans and the Biosphere constitutes the essential foundation of all neuro-modulation nano-technologies.
These neuro-modulation nano-technologies are funded, to the tune of billions of euros, by the European Commission under the control of the Schwabists. For example, InBrain in Spain and the Graphene Flagship in Europe.
One of the projects, of the Graphene Flagship, was entitled "Human Brain Project". According to the propaganda, it ran, from 2013 to 2023, to pave the way for a new paradigm in brain research, at the interface of computing and technology. [36]
For the record: Between 2013 and 2023, 155 institutions from 19 countries collaborated as principal partners of the Human Brain Project. In total, the Human Brain Project received a budget of €607 million over four funding periods, accompanied by specific grant agreements.
The Human Brain Project has produced more than 3,000 academic publications and over 160 digital tools, medical and technological applications, an open research infrastructure - EBRAINS [20] - and a unique multinational and interdisciplinary community that would not otherwise have come together. [26]
Graphene is, already, used for neuronal growth, neural stem cell regulation, nervous system regeneration...
See some published studies among others: "An Update on Graphene-Based Nanomaterials for Neural Growth and Central Nervous System Regeneration". [84]"Graphene-Based Nanocomposites for Neural Tissue Engineering"[86]; "Nanomedicine and graphene-based materials: advanced technologies for potential treatments of diseases in the developing nervous system"[85]; "Graphene nanomaterials for regulating stem cell fate in neurogenesis and their biocompatibility"[87]; "Regulation of Neural Stem Cell Proliferation and Differentiation by Graphene-Based Biomaterials"[80].
Since January 2024, a new type of flexible, high-resolution and high-precision implantable neuro-technology based on EGNITE Graphene for "Modified Graphene for Neural Interfaces" has been available.
These are graphene microelectrodes - which are implanted in the brain - with a diameter of just 25 µm,which feature low impedance and high charge injection, essential attributes for flexible and efficient neural interfaces. [72] [92] This is a product of INBRAIN Neuroelectronics in Barcelona - a Graphene Flagship start-up.
Open Your Eyes! Neuromodulation, using Graphene, is marketed by Amazon and other retailers: pain-relieving patches, therapeutic women's panties, heated belts for painful periods...
For example, Kailo's pain relief patches... with billions of nano-capacitors - with Graphene, i.e. carbon nano-tubes, by virtue of the related patent. [36] The Kailo company replied to me, from the USA, that the composition was a trade secret and that just because their patent states that the patch is created with Graphene does not mean that it contains Graphene. Kailo only distributes this product! In conclusion, their patent only protects a non-product, while the real product is not protected. Everything's fine?
In France, Amazon refused to post my comment informing customers of the presence of Graphene.[81] It's all about Graphene neuro-modulation.
For example, Therapeutic Feminine Panties, with Graphene, which, according to the propaganda, are multi-tasking therapeutically - and all the more so, as they can stimulate acupuncture points in the pelvic area. They are marketed by Amazon [103] and other retailers.
According to the propaganda, these Therapeutic Feminine Culottes, with Graphene are particularly recommended for young mothers who have just given birth. According to Amazon, they give women an instant sexy hourglass figure!
This involves neuromodulation - with Graphene - of the pelvic area.
All is well with Fertility?
For example, Graphene-based heating belts for painful periods, which are marketed by Amazon.
This is neuromodulation - with Graphene - of the pelvic area.
Open your eyes! Neuromodulation, by Graphene, is widespread among all dentists due to the official graphenisation of all dental anaesthetics
See my recent dossier "Graphene has been present in Dental Anaesthetics and Amalgams for many years". [177]
It would seem that we can draw the conclusion that Graphene is indeed used to prolong dental anaesthesia. It is, therefore, a question of neuro-modulation, by Graphene, to control pain. In dentistry, there are also Graphene-based dental amalgams.[83]
There are, already, serious warnings about the risks run, by 6G frequencies, of being hacked
Neuro-modulation modulators can, therefore, be hacked, modulated, themselves, by modulator hackers. For a brief example, see the Rice University study "Eavesdroppers can hack 6G frequency with DIY metasurface".[44]
Rice University is well placed to investigate the risks associated with nano-technologies running on 6G because it is the stronghold of the avowed anti-neo-darwinist, James Tour, one of the world's most renowned chemists (and nano-chemists) (with more than 600 patents) and discoverer of a method for making graphene, at a few euros a tonne, from any carbonaceous bio-mass.
Lnano-networks, in Terahertz mode, will be made up of energy-collecting nano-devices circulating passively in the blood,taking measurements at certain points and communicating the results to a network that can handle the fine localisation of the energy-collecting body nanonodes, as well as their two-way communication with the outside world.
Two-way communications! Human energy harvesting! Nano devices - with graphene! Energy collectors circulating passively in the bloodstream!...
Are you all right? What are you going to do?
In terms of propaganda, the "Terahertz Wave Revolution" has, already, been announced by the CNRS, since 2020, which asserts "that they are non-ionising, and therefore a priori harmless to living beings"
"A priori"[47] hazardous to living organisms... whereas multiple studies have highlighted the risks of radiation pathologies, for animal organisms, linked to Terahertz frequencies.
Terahertz radiation has biological effects on neurons in vivo and in vitro, on actin filaments in living cells, on cell division, which it inhibits, etc..
The Terahertz radiations are, therefore, the perfect vectors for carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, chimeric manipulation of the human organism.
See, in the same genre, my essay: "Extreme toxicity of all Graphene derivatives for the animal organism: hundreds of published studies". [42]
The THz irradiation energy propagates through the aqueous layers.
Contrary to the assertions of all the propagandists who have interests, commercial or eugenicist, in claiming that it is the opposite.
The 6G antennas will have to be installed in close proximity to Humans - and their objects. One of the Globalists' plans is, in fact, to use LED lamps as "radio antennas", for 6G, since these LED lamps are ubiquitous in the daily lives of the Peoples.
Not only ubiquitous... but imposed by the eugenicist Globalists who are in the process of banning all other forms of previous lamps.
Professor Ian F. Akyildiz, a world expert in 5G, 6G, 7G... and Graphene-based nano-communications in the Terahertz frequency bands said: "These mRNA vaccines are nothing more than small-scale nano-machines that are programmed and injected."
"Over the last 15 years, I've done a lot of research into the internet of bio-nano objects, i.e. bio-nano machines injected into the body to monitor health problems. It works very well. These Covid vaccines, these mRNAs are nothing more than small-scale nano-machines that are programmed and injected." [104] The full video of his talk is here: [112]
His latest conference - given in Ecuador, Estonia and Barcelona, is entitled "Networking 2030: Metaverse, Extended Reality, Holographic Type and Multimedia Communication challenges in 6G and Beyond Wireless Systems" i.e. "Networks 2030: Metaverse, Extended Reality, Holographic Type and Multimedia Communication challenges in 6G and Beyond Wireless Systems". [105]
Notice to those tempted to label this eminent professor a conspiracist! Professor Ian F. Akyildiz was not born yesterday on a diet of graphene chemtrails, because he is the designer, with Joseph Jornet, of the 2 kilometre Terahertz link, the longest connection of its kind, ever established on Earth.
Moreover, do we recall that Moderna, one of the designers of the injections, allegedly mRNA, against CoYid/19, described his technology as an "operating system" that can be updated and reprogrammed at any time.
There are already, and have been for years, body-centred nano-networks powered by nano-rectennas, in the terahertz band, based on carbon, metal and graphene nano-tubes... for harvesting human energy.
See Mik Andersen's essays:"Intra-corporeal nano-communications network : Summary of Mik Andersen's 50 Files" [41] and in particular:
"Plasmonic Nano-Antennas in Pfizer's Vacuum Hull Vaccines?".
"The CORONA routing system for nano-networks".
"Wireless nano-communications networks for nanotechnologies in the human body".
"New Evidence confirming nano-networks injected into the human body: nano-rectenes".
"Presentation of the Nano-Body Implant Network dossier in PDF".
INBRAIN Neuroelectronics in Barcelona has been working for 10 years to develop Graphene-based brain implants. Their self-proclaimed mission is to "decode and modulate not only the brain but also the entire nervous system".
Their aim is, in their words, clearly stated: "to establish the safety of Graphene as the new standard of care for neuro-technological devices". "We are scientists, doctors, technicians and lovers of humanity, whose mission is to build neuroelectronic interfaces to cure brain disorders. We use GRAPHENE, the thinnest material known to man, to build the next generation of neural interfaces for brain restoration to help patients around the world.... "
It is, officially, 50 years since DARPA - the Department of Defence, in the USA - has been involved in neuro-modulation using electro-magnetic frequencies, nano-technologies, etc.
DARPA's first investments in brain-computer interfaces began in 1974 as part of the "Close-Coupled Man/Machine Systems later renamed "Biocybernetics." programme. In the USA, there is a partnership between DARPA, the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US Department of the Army, and the "Brain Initiative" project - created by the White House in 2013. [116]
Organoid Intelligence is the new frontier of bioinformatics and intelligence in a laboratory cup.
Recent advances in the field of brain organoids derived from human stem cells promise to reproduce in vitro essential molecular and cellular aspects of learning and memory, and even aspects of cognition.
Even, aspects of cognition in a laboratory dish... No kidding?
"Injectable Graphene", "Bio-degradable Graphene" and, even, "Implantable Graphene", are on the agenda for future Graphene models
This is Graphene presented as a "bio-nano-material" - in a new study to be published in March 2024. [105] All's well on the necro-technology front?
As of 2018, there is "Edible Graphene" - the foundation of "Edible Electronics.
This process from Rice University, Texas, builds on the lab's claim, by chemist James Tour, that anything with the right carbon content can be turned into graphene. In recent years, the lab has developed and expanded its method of making graphene foam by using a commercial laser to transform the top layer of a cheap polymer film.
It has recently been discovered that the electrodes of Graphene-based materials can generate an electrical response when exposed to light: this enables, for example, transcranial activation, wirelessly, using near-infrared radiation penetrating tissues.
Two up-conversion nanoparticle formulations enabling optimal improvement of electrical conductivity during near-infrared radiation activation at λ = 780 or 980 nm have been identified.
The future of digital health is neuromodulation therapies
See, for example, the study "Digital Health Integration With Neuromodulation Therapies: The Future of Patient-Centric Innovation in Neuromodulation". [75]
Listen to the conference, at Davos 2024, entitled "Fixing Healthcare, Digitally". One of the speakers is none other than Stella Kyriakides - who was recently caught red-handed with a few million euros... surely unwittingly. [74] For the record, she is the President of the European Commission for Health and Food Safety - ie, Ms Vaccines.
The demented Klaus Schwab, and the Multinational Economic Forum, presented, in October 2021, a video about a "Covid Passport" - but also "Carbon" - granted after a blood analysis in an accredited laboratory.
For what purpose other than to verify its Graphenisation as a vector for neuro-modulation - and connection to the Network? Davos 2024.
According to the Transhumanists' Santa Klaus video: "Users will have their blood analysed, by an approved CovidPass laboratory, before receiving a secure health visa QR code via their phone which they can present at airports, borders or public events." [136]
Davos 2024. Ukraine sells its soul to members of Klaus Schwab's Multinational Economic Forum by launching a programme for the complete digitisation of citizens
There is no doubt that this correlates with Digitalised Passports based on Human Graphenisation. See the propaganda of the Multinational Economic Forum. [70]
"The additional" €50 billion package for Ukraine - including €10 billion from France - must be seen in the context of its "GovTech" partnership with Klaus Schwab's Multinational Economic Forum. Not to mention the 3 billion euros recently released, by little PharMacron, as part of his total destruction of France.
According to Klaus Schwab: "In recent years, Ukraine has become a world power in 'GovTech', becoming the first country to have a digital identification system that can be used throughout the country and the fourth in Europe to launch a digital driving licence."
It's not hard to imagine Zelensky using the digital ID system of male Ukrainians to track them down and send them to the Liberation Butchery...to leave the field clear for Blackrock and other Who? WHO? of right ...
On the subject of Digitalised Passports based on Human Graphenisation.
At Davos 2024, and as part of its "GovTech" programme, the Multinational Economic Forum launched a "global centre for government technology" in Berlin... focused on the Digitalisation of People
What's more. The Multinational Economic Forum, and the Ukrainian Ministry of Digital Transformation, have signed a letter of intent to launch a Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Ukraine. [97]
Did you know that the OECD publishes an annual "Digital Government Index"? [59]
There is an "IEuropean initiative on virtual human twins" under the aegis of the European Commission Mafia
The European Virtual Human Twin Initiative is a European framework that supports the emergence and adoption of the next generation of virtual human twin solutions in health and care. [86]
No kidding? In occult partnership with the WHO's Pandemic Treaty project?
4. Our Brain is their Target and Battlefield... thanks to Graphene
Contrary to what the Spike-wielders of the new Covidian religion claim, Graphene has been ubiquitous in the medical sector for a plethora of years and forms the basis of research into neuro-modulation. What's more, eugenicists have been working for at least half a century on the neuro-modulation of Peoples - in other words, on manipulating their brains.
In January 2024, the journal Nature presented an article entitled "Seven technologies to watch in 2024. Advances in artificial intelligence are at the heart of many of this year's most exciting areas of technological innovation." [107], four of which are, intimately, correlated with the issues outlined in this essay:Brain-computer interfaces. Deep learning for protein design. Insertion of large DNA fragments. Super-resolution... at nanometre level.
For the Record. In October 2018, Professor James Giordano said in his lecture to the military, "The idea is to place minimal-sized electrodes in your brain, for minimal intervention, so that we can read and write into the workings of the brain. In real time. Remotely..... kinetic and non-kinetic influence on attitudes, beliefs, thoughts, emotions, activities; look at the power and tools brain science offers." [17]
In 2013, four new projects were launched: the Graphene Flagship in Europe; Neuralink in the USA with Elon Musk; INBRAIN Neuroelectronics in Spain - a pseudopod of the Graphene Flagship; and the "Brain Initiative" project in partnership with DARPA.
The Spanish company, INBRAIN Neuroelectronics, [118], has been working for 10 years to develop Graphene-based brain implants. Their aim is, in their words, clearly stated: "to establish the safety of Graphene as the new standard of care for neuro-technological devices".
INBRAIN Neuroelectronics, founded in Barcelona, in 2013, is a product of the €1 billion European Graphene Flagship programme - financed by European public funds.
The self-proclaimed mission of INBRAIN Neuroelectronics, is to "decode and modulate not only the brain but also the entire nervous system".
In July 2021, INBRAIN Neuroelectronics entered into a second partnership with multinational pharma company Merck to develop the next generation of Graphene-powered bio-electronic therapies. [123]
In September 2023, INBRAIN Neuroelectronics received Breakthrough Device designation from the FDA in the USA for its Graphene-based intelligent network modulation platform - referred to as the "Intelligent Network Modulation System". [122]
In spring 2021, their site announced, again, that: "We are scientists, doctors, technicians and lovers of humanity, whose mission is to build neuroelectronic interfaces to cure brain disorders. We use GRAPHENE, the thinnest material known to man, to build the next generation of neural interfacesfor brain restoration to help patients around the world....
We are designing a comprehensive neural platform based on Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and data, that empowers patients, enables personalised care and provides accurate information to support practitioners.".
In July 2021, a press article headlined, even: "Neuralink, Elon Musk's company, is outclassed by this Spanish graphene startup". [119] Carolina Aguilar, co-founder of InBrain, claimed in it that the material Elon Musk currently uses at Neuralink, a polymer called Pedot - poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) - degrades too quickly inside the brain to be a viable material for a brain stimulation implant:
"We compared graphene to Pedot. Pedot degrades rapidly after millions of stimulation pulses. That's why we have high hopes for Graphene, because it remains stable for millions of pulses. It certainly won't stay with Pedot if it wants to succeed in the market."
Do we need to repeat that INBRAIN Neuroelectronics is a start-up in the European Graphene Flagship... which has received more than €1 billion in public funding?
INBRAIN Neuroelectronics, in Barcelona, is a private company - which, in 2021, raised private funds to the tune of €17 million - and which will, perhaps, one day sell out to Elon Musk... for a fortune. [124] Everything all right?
So was Musk going to develop his own graphene-based implant? According to Carolina Aguilar:"No, he would have to acquire us. There are many types of graphene and some are toxic"she explains."We have spent eight years developing a manufacturing process, which we have patented,that allows Graphene to be manufactured as we want it in the brain. So yes, it will have to buy us out".
Repeat: make Graphene the way we want it in the brain.
Carolina Aguilar explains, in this article, that Elon Musk has, above all else, favoured the creation of nano-robots capable of inserting cerebral implants into the brain, when creating his company Neuralink - also in 2013.
"For there to be real innovation, different industries need to come together. So we can create very small interfaces, but there is no nano-robotics to implement these interfaces at this size.... That's why Elon Musk started by developing the robot and invested $150 million in developing the nano-robot."
Repeat: Elon Musk has been working, since 2013, with NeuraLink, to develop nano-robots to implant, in the human brain, these brain-computer interfaces. Question: are NeuraLink's nano-robots also Graphene-based?
Carolina Aguilar clarified, too, that Inbrain wanted, strictly, to focus on "therapeutics": "I understand Elon Musk, and maybe people want to drive a Tesla with their brains. What Elon Musk is doing from an awareness point of view is in some ways a good thing, but in other ways it's not a good thing, because he's kind of spoiling the good science behind it and making a spectacle of it."
Carolina Aguilar is sorely mistaken: there is no good science underpinning human neuromodulation by Graphene. It's all part of a huge show of deception aimed radically at controlling the Peoples of the World.
In January 2024, INBRAIN Neuroelectronics issued a press release covering their new project entitled "GphT-BCI: Graphene transistors for high-density brain-computer interfaces", launched in December 2023. [121]
This project is in partnership with the Catalan Institute of Nano-sciences and Nano-technologies, ICN2, in Barcelona.
ICN2 and INBRAIN Neuroelectronics, thanks to new funding from European funds, will develop the next generation of brain-computer interfaces using cutting-edge Graphene technology. The GphT-BCI project paves the way for the clinical translation of Graphene transistors for brain-computer interfaces.
We are using Graphene to build high-resolution brain interfaces. We have developed a new type of Graphene-based transistors combining all the features required to build high-resolution brain-computer interfaces with multiplexing capabilities and sensitivity over a wide frequency range. We have bypassed the bottlenecks encountered by other approaches thanks to the unique properties of graphene.
Developed as part of Graphene Flagship, GphT-BCI introduces a new type of graphene-based transistors. These transistors, which have already been tested in pre-clinical trials, offer unprecedented spatial resolution for monitoring brain activity over a wide range of frequencies. Exploiting the unique properties of graphene, these transistors make it possible to develop brain-computer interfaces that are easier to integrate and less invasive than existing approaches, while allowing integration into ultra-soft flexible substrates for optimal contact with brain tissue. Building on this technology initially developed by researchers at ICN2 and IMB-CNM-CSIC, this project aims to pave the way for clinical translation of transistor technology, which involves scaling up the cleanroom microfabrication process of this technology and developing human-compatible readout electronics.
Repeat: of high-resolution brain-computer interfaces with sensitivity over a wide range of frequencies. In other words, Gigahertz, Terahertz....
In the USA, there is a partnership between DARPA, i.e. the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US Department of the Army, and the Brain Initiative project - created by the White House in 2013. [116] DARPA supports the BRAIN Initiative through a number of programmes, continuing a tradition of DARPA investment in neurotechnology that dates back to the 1970s. [115]
It is, officially, 50 years since the Department of Defence, in the USA, has been involved in neuro-modulation using electro-magnetic frequencies, nano-technologies, etc. What is the origin, unofficial and real, of this research into human neuromodulation? And in France, what is the situation?
Moreover, some would be inclined to claim that the neuro-modulation of certain Peoples goes back, even, a few millennia - following the invasion by the Extra-Terrestrial Virus of the monotheisms!
See the study "DARPA-funded efforts in the development of novel brain-computer interface technologies" [117] dating from April 2015.
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has funded innovative scientific research and technological developments in the field of brain-computer interfaces since the 1970s. This study highlights some of DARPA's major advances in the field of brain-computer interfaces, particularly those made in recent years. Two broad categories of DARPA programmes are presented with respect to the ultimate goals of supporting the nation's warfighters: (1) brain-computer interface efforts aimed at restoring neural and/or behavioural function, and (2) brain-computer interface efforts aimed at improving human training and performance.
DARPA's first investments in brain-computer interfaces began in 1974 as part of the "Close-Coupled Man/Machine Systems later renamed "Biocybernetics." program. This programme investigated the application of human physiological signals, including brain signals measured non-invasively using EEG or magnetoencephalography (MEG), to enable direct communication between man and machine and to monitor neural states associated with alertness, fatigue, emotion, decision-making, perception and general cognitive abilities.
While working to confuse the human brain, demented scientists have even set about creating... fake brains.
In 2022, demented scientists implanted Graphene electrodes in insects to control their flight. [145]
Demented scientists in 2023 have equipped a robot dog, from Boston Dynamics, with OpenAI's ChatGPT voice modulation and Google's Text-to-Speech. This enables it to literally talk to its fellow dogs and answer their questions. [42] Is everything all right?
So, for example, in 2023, a new transistor, based on Graphene and boron nitride, was designed to mimic human intelligence. It is a memory resistor, or memristor, combining processing and memory functions. This synaptic transistor is capable of high-level thinking: data categorisation and associative learning. [56]
Also in 2023, researchers created a ball of neurons, called an organoid - and named "Brainoware" - that measures less than a nanometre wide - in other words, less than a millionth of a millimetre. It was connected, via a network of electrodes, to a printed circuit, where machine learning algorithms decoded the organoid's responses. In this way, these groups of brain cells raised in the laboratory and connected to a computer, were able to recognise, vocally, elementary words and solve mathematical problems. [176]
A typical brain is made up of 86 billion neurons that are linked together by 150 trillion connections.
Also in 2023, researchers highlighted the latest advances in Graphene-based sensors to mimic human senses, such as artificial retina for image sensors, artificial eardrums, gas sensors, chemical sensors and tactile sensors. [58]
Processors, similar to brains, are approached on the basis of conventional transistors as well as neuro-morphic computing linked to memristors.
Also worth mentioning is the MINIGRAPH project, which aims to pave the way fora new generation of adaptive neuro-electronic therapies based on Graphene... namely with a Graphene implant in the brain. This is a new generation of brain implants with closed-loop capabilities, thanks to a flexible electronic unit, implanted in the skull, and high-density Graphene microelectrode arrays. [58]
These implants are characterized by high miniaturization, high spatial resolution... and, contrary to propaganda, by a complete necro-compatibility with brain tissue.
See my appendix presenting 43 studies on brain pathologies induced by Graphene-filled CoqueVide/19 vaccination. [13]
There is, also, a 2019 report "Cyborg Soldier 2050: Human/Machine Fusion and the Implications for the Future of the DOD", which looks at the cyborg soldier in 2050. [59]
Namely, on human/machine fusion and its implications for the future of warfare: ocular enhancement of imaging, sight and situational awareness; programmed muscle restoration and control via an optogenetic sensor network for body suiting; hearing enhancement for communication and protection; and direct neural enhancement of the human brain for two-way data transfer.
The video, "Optogenetics - the planned route to seamless control of our brains?" [62] highlights all the efforts being made around the world to install wireless interfaces - i.e. communication tools, between the brain and the computer - in the human brain. Optogenetics is one of the most ambitious methods in this respect. Today, more than 1,000 laboratories around the world, some of them belonging to government organisations, are working on different optogenetic methods.
Optogenetics is a combination of genetic and optical methods for inducing events in target cells, tissues or complex living beings using LED light.
Optogenetics is already being used around the world today for a wide variety of purposes, including bio-medical applications and the alleged treatment of neurological diseases.
To guarantee flawless irradiation and control of people, 6G antennas will, in future, have to be installed in the immediate vicinity of where people are - in other words, everywhere. What could be more ideal than to use LED lamps as "radio antennas", since these lamps can be found wherever people live? [120]
A study, from December 2023, "Single crystal Gallium Nitride microdisk arrays grown on Graphene for flexible micro-LED applications", [60] focuses on microdisk arrays with excellent crystallinity, uniform orientation in the plane and high blue light emission.
For the record. Blue light induces DNA damage in normal human skin keratinocytes.
See the study, on this subject: "Exposure to far ultraviolet frequencies of 222 nanometres leads to DNA damage and transcriptional changes in mammalian cells". The study was published in August 2022 in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences. [67]
Ultraviolet (UV) germicidal tools have recently gained attention as a disinfection strategy against the COVID-19 pandemic, but the safety profile from their exposure has been controversial and has prevented wider implementation. We compare the emerging 222-nanometer far-UVC and 277-nanometer UVC LED disinfection modules with the traditional mercury UVC lamp emitting at 254 nm to understand their effects on the human retinal cell line ARPE-19 and HEK-A keratinocytes. Cells illuminated with 222 nanometre far-UVC survived, while those treated with 254 nanometre and 277 nanometre wavelengths underwent apoptosis via the JNK/ATF2 pathway. However, cells exposed to 222 nanometre UVC exhibited the highest degree of DNA damage, as indicated by yH2AX staining. Overall, these cells showed transcriptional changes in the cell cycle and senescence pathways. Thus, the introduction of 222-nanometer far-UVC lamps for disinfection purposes must be carefully considered and designed with the inherent dangers in mind.
An article, from January 2023, from the University of Massachusetts discusses "Next-generation wireless technology, 6G, that could take advantage of the human body to generate energy": [27]
This article comments on the study entitled "Bracelet+: Harvesting the Leaked RF Energy in VLC with Wearable Bracelet Antenna": Bracelet+: Harvesting the Leaked RF Energy in VLC with Wearable Bracelet Antenna". [71]
This is indeed a bracelet worn by the Human... in order to produce energy extracted from the Human body! Isn't it?
While you're just starting to enjoy the benefits of 5G wireless technology, researchers around the world are already hard at work on the future: 6G. One of the most promising breakthroughs in 6G telecommunications is the possibility of visible light communication, which is like a wireless version of fibre optics, using flashes of light to transmit information. A team of researchers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have announced that they have invented an innovative and inexpensive way of harvesting the waste energy from visible light communication by using the human body as an antenna. This waste energy can be recycled to power a range of portable devices or even, perhaps, larger electronic devices.
" Visible light communication is quite simple and interesting," explains Jie Xiong, professor of information science and computer science at UMass Amherst and lead author of the paper. "Instead of using radio signals to send information wirelessly, visible light communication uses light from LEDs that can turn on and off, up to a million times per second." Part of the appeal of visible light communication is that the infrastructure is already everywhere - our homes, vehicles, streetlights and offices are all lit by LED bulbs, which could also transmit data. "Anything with a camera, like our smartphones, tablets or laptops, incould be the receiver", explains Xiong.
The video, from March 2022, "Brain computer interfaces using dry graphene EEG sensors", presents a new brain-computer interface that uses human brainwaves to control machines. [67]
The fruit of a collaboration between Professor Francesca Iacopi and Emeritus Professor Chin-Teng Lin of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, this work has led to a new brain-computer interface that uses human brain waves to control machines.
There is a report, from 2023, ""Human Brain Project - A closer look at scientific advances". [2]
This is an 87-page document, in English, explaining how the Globalists will orchestrate their War on the Brains of the People.
There is a report of electrodes being "grown" in the brain, using the body's own molecules as triggers, paving the way for fully integrated electronics, and manufactured in vivo in the nervous system, by forming long-range conductive polymer gels. [57]
This involves the formation of electrodes in vivo, in zebrafish and leech models, using endogenous metabolites to trigger the enzymatic polymerisation of organic precursors in an injectable gel, thereby forming long-range conducting polymer gels.A cocktail of chemicals is injected into the brain, heart and tail fin of zebrafish and into the nervous system of leeches, inducing the animals to form a gel capable of conducting electricity...
A 2022 report, "The coming decade of digital brain research - A vision for neuroscience at the intersection of technology and computing", was initiated by a group of scientists from the Human Brain Project and put up for discussion on the Zenodo platform. [7].
700 researchers, from 27 countries, gathered in Marseille, in March 2023, for the final summit of the "Human Brain Project" on a vision of the future of digital brain research.
There is a lecture given by a hysteric, at the Multinational Economic Forum in Davos, in January 2023, whose aim is the control of the brains of the People. [18]
Using "wearable technology", the Multinational Economic Forum wants employers and governments to monitor brainwave activity to "increase productivity" and "fight crime".
I presented my translations, in a post [65], of the article that appeared in Frontiers in Science on 28 January 2023. [8] "Organoid Intelligence: the new frontier of bioinformatics and intelligence in a laboratory cup".
"The aim is to establish Organoid Intelligence as a form of authentic biological computing that harnesses the brain's organoids using advances in science and bioengineering in an ethically responsible way...
We envision complex networked interfaces in which brain organoids are connected to real-world sensors and output devices."
In a post, I presented my scientific review of the study, "Graphene active sensor amplitudes for long-term, wireless mapping of broad frequency bands of epicortical brain activity". [56]
This study was carried out by scientists from the Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), the Barcelona Institute of Microelectronics (CSIC), CIBER-BBN and ICREA (Spain), Ludwig-Maximilians University (Germany) and the University of Manchester (UK), in collaboration with Multi Channel Systems GmbH (Germany), which is a partner in the Graphene Flagship organisation.
In order to fully understand the dangers posed by all forms of Graphene, I recommend reading the article, "Can graphene sensors read low-frequency neural waves associated with distinct brain states?".[27]
"Using technology developed by ICN2 and the Barcelona Institute of Microelectronics, as part of the European projects Graphene Flagship and BrainCom, Graphene Flagship scientists have built an array of transistors that record and transmit information about activity when implanted in the brain. The sensor has small channels on its surface: when they come into contact with brain tissue, the electrical signals present in the brain cause small changes in conductivity. These changes produce a signal and are recorded to create a 'fingerprint' of brain activity.
"To test the device, they implanted it in the brain of a free-behaving rat, monitoring it continuously. The signals were transmitted wirelessly using a miniaturised electronic head developed by industrial partner Multichannel Systems. The scientists found that the characteristics of the signals measured during different types of brain activity, such as periods of intense activity or sleep - the "brain states" - corresponded very well to the infralent signals decoded by the graphene-based implant. "
It is obvious that if such research is successful in the case of a rat brain - "in free circulation" - modulated remotely... the same is, strictly, true in the case of a human brain "in free circulation". Except that its 'free circulation' from one day to the next may be nothing more than a decoy...
In a post, I presented my scientific review of the study, "Brain-inspired devices based on graphene oxide". An international research team, including researchers from CNRS (France), Cambridge University (UK) and the Technion (Israel) - in collaboration with Professor Mario Lanza's group at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST, Saudi Arabia) - has built ultra-compact graphene oxide-based devices that mimic the connection between two neurons. These devices are known as memristors, a word-valise made up of memory and resistance. [61]
See Graphene Flagship's Short Video on Graphene in the Brain. [135]
The article "Inner Cosmos raises $10 million to treat mental depression with digital pill, brain-computer interface implant" reveals that, according to its founder and CEO Meron Gribetz, the neurotechnology company, Inner Cosmos, has created what it calls "a digital pill for the mind", a tiny implant similar to a cochlear implant.
"We built the cochlear implant for the much larger market of depression, which later will also treat other cognitive disorders".
It is a psychiatrist who programmes the deviceand adjusts it according to each patient's needs.Sensors constantly monitor the implant and a doctor can consult a remotely connected dashboard to see how the patient's brain is doing in real time. [66] Is everything all right?
What other cognitive disorders do they evoke: Arrogation, Complotism, Dissent, Insubordination, Heresy...?
5. Studies focusing on human neuromodulation towards Homo Chimericus.
Graphene and Terahertz Frequencies for Neural Interfaces
Implantable brain-computer interfaces... and printable with Graphene inks
This is the study "Implantable Brain-Computer Interface Based On Printing Technology. 2023. [2]
The study is not available on the Web. It was presented, in 2023, at the 11th International Meeting on Brain-Computer Interfaces. [3] It is not specified in the abstract that the ink, intended for these Brain-Computer Interfaces, is Graphene-based but the very many authors of this study are part of the Shanghai Engineering Research Center of AI & Robotics/Centre de recherche en ingénierie de l'Intelligence Artificielle et de la robotique de Shanghai.
The Shanghai Engineering Research Center is, of course, specialised in Graphene. This centre holds a large number of patents on Graphene. [38]
Brain-computer interfaces, neurotechnology and neuroscience research are all areas of focus for the "China Brain Project" - announced in 2016 as part of the 13 th Five Year Plan. The ambition of this project is to become the world leader in neuroscience, particularly neuroscience applied to brain diseases, over the next few decades.
In China, for the 14 th five-year plan (2021/2025), many institutions have focused on the development of Brain-Computer Interfaces.
In fact, Shanghai is the mecca for brain/computer/interface/graphene research... For example, the Institute of Neuroscience, Shanghai, is part of a neuroscience research science park being built in Shanghai and funded by the Shanghai municipal government.
One of the highlights of the Shanghai Neuroscience Institute, is the International Primate Research Centre, which will house up to 6,000 non-human primates.
In May 2019, Tianjin University introduced the first BC3 brain-computer codec chip, named "Brain Talker". [32] This BC3 chip has been specially designed to enhance brain-computer interface technology, which aims to decode a user's mental intention solely through neural electrical signals, without using the human body's natural neuromuscular pathways.
According to researcher Dong Ming: "The signals transmitted and processed by the brain are drowned out by background noise. This BC3 chip is able to distinguish minor neuronal electrical signals and efficiently decode their information, which can significantly improve the speed and accuracy of brain-computer interfaces."
In January 2020, the University of Zhejiang developed the first brain-computer interface implanted in China, on a paralysed human being, which enabled him to manipulate robotic arms by thought. [35]
Microelectrode arrays were inserted directly into the motor cortex to detect the discharge frequency of individual neurons, with the acquired signals duly stabilised.
In December 2020, Shanghai Ruijin Hospital launched its first brain implant project to treat depressed patients. The programme is called "Clinical research on brain-computer interface neuromodulation for the treatment of refractory depression." [30]
In April 2021, China's first wireless brain-computer interface chip, which enables the transfer of information between chips and nerve cells and is expected to cost half the price of foreign versions, was unveiled at the 8th China International Technology Fair in Shanghai. According to the report, this interface can continuously record full-bandwidth neural signals over 64 channels within a 4-metre radius for 24 hours. It also boasts improved signal purity, data transmission availability and energy acquisition. [37]
The chip, developed by a team at Shanghai's Fudan University, is the country's first wireless device, allowing it to be used on freely moving laboratory animals.
In September 2022, the Brain Science Theme Forum of the World Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2022 was held at the Shanghai World Exhibition and Convention Center. NeuroXess, a Chinese high-tech life sciences company specialising in flexible electrode brain-computer interface technologies, made its debut at the event with a new product range [33]:
NeuroInterface, the first semi-implantable cranio-parietal integrated medical brain-computer interface - with 256 channels; CereCube, a high-frequency electroencephalography signal processor with 2048 channels; and MindExplorer, a cloud-based software and algorithm platform.
Graphene electrodes to design a neural implant capable of reading brain activity with microelectrodes at 20 microns
The study is entitled "High-density transparent graphene arrays for predicting cellular calcium activity at depth from surface potential recordings". January 2024. [37]
Optically transparent neural microelectrodes have facilitated simultaneous electrophysiological recordings of the brain surface with optical imaging and stimulation of neuronal activity. The remaining challenge is to reduce the dimensions of the electrodes to the size of a single cell and increase the density to record neuronal activity with high spatial resolution over large areas in order to capture non-linear neuronal dynamics. We developed transparent graphene microelectrodes with ultra-thin apertures and a large transparent recording area with no gold extension into the field of view with high-density microelectrode arrays of up to 256 channels. We used platinum nanoparticles to overcome the quantum capacitance limit of graphene and reduce the diameter of the microelectrodes to 20 µm.
Self-assembled, and reconfigurable, Graphene sensors for modular wearable electronics
Self-assembled in Graphene... like for vaccines?
Reconfigurable in the sense of neuro-modulation?
"Hard Magnetic Graphene Nanocomposite for Multimodal, Reconfigurable Soft Electronics"
Soft electronics provide an effective means of continuously monitoring a diverse set of biophysical and biochemical signals from the human body. However, the sensitivities, functions, spatial distributions and many other characteristics of these sensors remain fixed after deployment and cannot be adjusted on demand. Here, porous laser-induced graphene is exploited as a sensing material and doped with permanent magnetic particles to create a hard magnetic graphene nanocomposite that can self-assemble on a flexible carrier substrate through magnetic force in a reversible and reconfigurable manner.
An array of soft electronics in the hard magnetic graphene nanocomposite exhibits enhanced performance in measuring electrophysiological signals, temperature and metabolite concentrations. All these flexible sensors in hard magnetic graphene nanocomposite can adhere to a carrier substrate in any position and spatial arrangement to enable portable sensing with customizable sensitivity, modality and spatial coverage. Hard magnetic graphene nanocomposite represents a promising material for building flexible electronics that can be reconfigured for various applications. [34]
NGraphene and water-based artificial neuron
Aqueous chemometer based on proton-permeable Graphene membranes
Memristive devices, electrical elements whose resistance depends on the history of applied electrical signals, are leading candidates for tomorrow's data storage and neuromorphic computing. Memristive devices are generally based on solid-state technology, while aqueous memristive devices are essential for biology-related applications such as next-generation brain-machine interfaces. Here, we present a simple graphene-based aqueous memory device with long-term, tunable memory regulated by reversible electrical voltage-induced interfacial acid-base equilibria enabled by selective proton permeation through graphene. [35]
Surface-specific vibrational spectroscopy verifies that the resistivity memory of graphene comes from the hysteretic permeation of protons through graphene, akin to the reorganisation of interfacial water at the graphene/water interface. Proton permeation modifies the surface charge density on the graphene CaF2 substrate, which affects the mobility of graphene electrons and gives rise to synapse-type resistivity dynamics. These results pave the way for the development of experimentally and conceptually simple aqueous electrolyte-based neuromorphic iontronics using two-dimensional (2D) materials.
Graphene to develop new metasurface architectures for ultrafast information processing and versatile Terahertz sources
According to Los Alamos National Laboratory. As described in an article just published in Nature, the research team designed and fabricated asymmetric gold structures of nanometric size on a layer of graphene of atomic thickness. The gold structures are called "nanoantennas" because of the way they capture and concentrate light waves, forming optical "hot spots" that excite electrons in the graphene. Only the electrons in the graphene near the hot spots are excited, with the rest of the graphene being much less excited.
The research team adopted a teardrop shape for the gold nanoantennas, where the breaking of the inversion symmetry defines a directionality along the structure. The hotspots are located only at the ends of the nanoantennas, creating a pathway along which excited hot electrons flow with clear directionality - a charge current, controllable and tunable on the nanometre scale by exciting different combinations of hotspots.
"These metasurfaces make it easy to control the amplitude, location and direction of nanoscale hot spots and charge current with a response speed of more than a picosecond," said Hou-Tong Chen, a CINT scientist who oversaw the research. "Then we can think about more detailed functionalities." [3]
The study is entitled "Light-driven nanoscale vector currents". [2]
A novel neuromodulation strategy: terahertz exposure enhances neuronal synaptic transmission and oligodendrocyte differentiation in vitro
"Terahertz exposure enhances neuronal synaptic transmission and oligodendrocyte differentiation in vitro". December 2021. [30]
Terahertz (THz) frequency occupies a large part of the electromagnetic spectrum that lies between the infrared and microwave regions. Recent advances in THz applications have stimulated interest in biological effects in this frequency range.
In the present study, we report that irradiation with a single-frequency THz laser on mouse cortical neuron cultures increases excitatory synaptic transmission and neuronal firing activities. Microarray analysis reveals gene expression dynamics after THz exposure, consistent with morphological and electrophysiological findings. In addition, some THz irradiation schedules inhibit oligodendrocyte precursor cell proliferation and promote oligodendrocyte differentiation. It should be noted that the myelination process is enhanced after THz exposure. In summary, our observations suggest that THz irradiation can modulate the functions of different nerve cells, with different sensitivity to THz.
These results provide a better understanding of the mechanisms governing interactions between THz and nervous systems and suggest that THz waves constitute a new neuromodulation strategy.
Recent advances in Graphene-based implantable electrodes for neuronal recording and stimulation.
"Recent Advancements in Graphene-Based Implantable Electrodes for Neural Recording/Stimulation". October 2023. [111]
Implantable electrodes made from Graphene represent a revolutionary advance in the field of neural engineering...The development of implantable electrodes requires key attributes: flexibility, stability and high resolution. Graphene appears to be a very promising material for the manufacture of such electrodes because of its exceptional properties;
It is remarkably flexible, enabling it to integrate perfectly with the complex, contoured surfaces of neuronal tissue. Graphene also has a low electrical resistance, enabling neuronal signals to be transmitted efficiently. Its transparency makes it even more useful, facilitating its compatibility with various imaging and optogenetic techniques;
This article presents remarkable efforts in the use of graphene in its pure form and as composites to create and deploy implantable devices designed for neural recording and stimulation. It highlights the potential for significant advances in this field. In addition, this paper explores the possibilities for refining existing Graphene-based electrodes, improving their suitability for neural recording applications in in vitro and in vivo environments. These future steps promise to revolutionise our ability to understand and interact with the neural research landscape.
The potential of Graphene coatings as neural interfaces.
"The potential of graphene coatings as neural interfaces". January 2024. [93]
This review explores the current state of knowledge on graphene coatings produced by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) and applied as neuronal interfaces, detailing the key properties required to design an interface capable of physiologically interacting with neuronal cells. Interfaces are classified into substrates and scaffolds to differentiate between planar and three-dimensional environments where cells can adhere and proliferate. The role of specific characteristics such as mechanical properties, porosity and wettability is investigated;
We also present specific applications at the brain interface where CVD graphene has paved the way for revolutionary advances in biomedicine. Future studies on the long-term effects of graphene-based materials in vivo will uncover other potentially disruptive neurological applications.
Implantable brain-computer interfaces... and printable
3D Functional Neural Networks in Autonomous Bioprinted Hydrogel Constructs
"3D Functional Neuronal Networks in Free-Standing Bioprinted Hydrogel Constructs". June 2023. [34]
Engineering researchers at Monash University have successfully used "bioinks" containing living nerve cells (neurons) to 3D print nerve networks that can grow in the laboratory and transmit and respond to nerve signals.
Using a tissue engineering approach and bioprinting with two bioinks containing living cells and non-cellular materials respectively, the researchers were able to mimic the arrangement of grey and white matter seen in the brain.
"The networks developed as part of this research faithfully reproduce the 3D nature of circuits in a living brain, where nerve cells deploy processes called neurites to form connections between different layers of the cortex," said Professor Forsythe.
The composition, elasticity and organisation of the extracellular matrix in the central nervous system contribute to the architecture and function of the brain. From an in vitro modelling perspective, flexible biomaterials are required to mimic 3D neuronal microenvironments. Although many studies have focused on 3D culture and formation of neuronal networks in bulk hydrogel systems, these approaches are limited in their ability to position cells to mimic sophisticated brain architectures. In this study, acutely isolated cortical neurons and astrocytes from rat brains are bioprinted in hydrogel to form 3D neuronal constructs. Successful bioprinting of cellular and acellular strands in a multi-bioink approach allows subsequent formation of grey and white matter tracts reminiscent of cortical structures. Immunohistochemistry shows the formation of dense 3D axon networks. Calcium signalling and extracellular electrophysiology in these 3D neuronal networks confirm spontaneous activity as well as evoked activity under pharmacological and electrical stimulation. The bioprinting system and approaches are capable of fabricating flexible, self-contained neuronal structures of different bioink and cell types with high resolution and throughput, providing a promising platform for understanding fundamental issues in neural networks, neuromorphic circuit engineering and in vitro drug screening.
Nanoporous graphene-based thin-film microelectrodes for high-resolution in vivo neuronal recording and stimulation
Development of EGNITE: "Modified graphene for neural interfaces"
These are graphene microelectrodes - which are implanted in the brain or nerves - with a diameter of just 25 µm,which exhibit low impedance and high charge injection, essential attributes for flexible and efficient neural interfaces.
This is an achievement of INBRAIN Neuroelectronics in Barcelona - a Graphene Flagship start-up.
"Nanoporous graphene-based thin-film microelectrodes for in vivo high-resolution neural recording and stimulation". [72]
This work presents a nanoporous graphene-based thin-film technology and its engineering to form flexible neural interfaces. The developed technology allows the fabrication of small microelectrodes (25 µm diameter) while achieving low impedance (∼25 kΩ) and high charge injection (3-5 mC cm-2).
According to the University of Barcelona. [92] New graphene-based implantable technology paves the way for high-precision therapeutic applications
After years of research as part of the European Graphene Flagship project, ICN2, in collaboration with the University of Manchester (UK), has led the development of EGNITE (Engineered Graphene for Neural Interfaces), a new type of flexible, high-resolution, high-precision implantable neuro-technology based on graphene. The results published today in Nature Neurotechnology aim to bring innovative technologies to the fruitful field of neuroelectronics and brain-computer interfaces.
EGNITE builds on the inventors' extensive experience in the fabrication and medical application of carbon nanomaterials. This innovative technology based on nanoporous Graphene integrates standard semiconductor industry manufacturing processes to create graphene microelectrodes with a diameter of only 25 µm, which exhibit low impedance and high charge injection, essential attributes for flexible and efficient neural interfaces.
Organoid intelligence: the new frontier of bioinformatics and intelligence in a laboratory cup.
"Organoid intelligence (OI): the new frontier in biocomputing and intelligence-in-a-dish". February 2023. [114]
Lthe very many researchers, who took part in this study, are, for the most part, part of John Hopkins University, a great ally of eugenicist Bill Gates - who funds it generously.
Recent advances in brain organoids derived from human stem cells promise to reproduce in vitro key molecular and cellular aspects of learning and memory, and even aspects of cognition.
Even aspects of cognition in a laboratory dish... No kidding?
Some Xenosh are, definitively, cut off from the Real world... in their pathetic hubris. They're mad as hell! And very much allied with the Globalists who fund them
Coining the term "Organoid Intelligence" to encompass these developments, we present a collaborative programme to implement the vision of a multidisciplinary field of Organoid Intelligence.
The aim is to establish Organoid Intelligence as a form of authentic biological computing that exploits brain organoids using advances in science and bioengineering in an ethically responsible manner...
We envision complex, networked interfaces in which brain organoids are connected to sensors and Real World output devices, and ultimately to each other and to sensory organoids (e.g. retinal organoids), and are trained using biofeedback, big data warehousing and machine learning methods.
Researchers from this team present a very long video entitled "The future of organoid intelligence". [157]
Moiré synaptic transistor with neuromorphic functionality at room temperature
A new transistor, based on Graphene and boron nitride, to mimic human intelligence
"Moiré synaptic transistor with room-temperature neuromorphic functionality". December 2023. [56]
A new synaptic transistor, mimicking human intelligence, capable of performing associative learning and high-level thinking.
According to Northwestern University. [126] Taking inspiration from the human brain, researchers have developed a new synaptic transistor capable of high-level thinking.
Designed by researchers at Northwestern University, Boston College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the device simultaneously processes and stores information, much like the human brain. In new experiments, the researchers demonstrated that the transistor goes beyond simple machine learning tasks to categorise data and is capable of performing associative learning.
....To create this new device, the researchers combined two types of atomically thin materials: bilayer graphene and hexagonal boron nitride. When stacked and deliberately twisted, the materials form a moiré pattern. By rotating one layer relative to the other, the researchers were able to obtain different electronic properties in each layer of graphene, even though they are separated by only atomic-scale dimensions. By choosing the right twist, the researchers exploited moiré physics to achieve neuromorphic functionality at room temperature.
"If AI is supposed to mimic human thinking, one of the simplest tasks would be to classify data, which is simply putting it into categories", said Hersam, one of the researchers. "Our goal is to advance AI technology in the direction of higher-level thinking. Real-world conditions are often more complicated than current AI algorithms can handle, which is why we have tested our new devices in more complicated conditions to verify their advanced capabilities."
Controlling the mind through nanotechnology
Implanting nano-capsules for mind control
"Control of Mind using Nanotechnology". April 2020. [73]
In this study, neuromodulation, i.e. deep brain stimulation, aims to "educate brain augmentation"! No more, no less!
Following an in-depth understanding of the blood-brain barrier, we focus on the design of mind-control drugs. As neurons have an electrochemical nature, the electrical and magnetic pulse have a dedicated space for drug induction. The electrical and magnetic pulse in the brain is called neuromodulation - also known as deep brain stimulation.
Neuromodulation is a method of implanting nano-particles with a size of 22 nm. They are coated with polymer to increase compatibility while dispersing through the blood-brain barrier. Many experiments have been carried out on mice, and these implants have reached the sites targeted for mind modulation. Other studies have also shown that the nanoparticles can remain for up to a month in the brain and ensure lasting success in neuromodulation. They are also proving to be a factor in economic change.
... By understanding the pattern of nanoparticles in the brain, tissue culture has made it possible to load the nanogel and inject it into brain cells. These nanogels target the specific part of the brain and transform underdeveloped brain regions into mature cells through stem cell regeneration. By growing the tissue outside the body, neurons can be made to grow according to the environment of the brain tissue. This method generally tends to adapt to the brain cells, giving it total control over the nerve region.
The brain cells then surround the gel, which closes thread-like structures. These wire-like structures are called nanowires. These nanowires can help send electrical signals for the development of neurons and muscle cells. They can also control pH levels in cells. This development model improves our knowledge of how an individual's brain grows. They also contribute to artificial intelligence by fusing organic elements and understanding neurons and their neural networks. Nanowires reveal the complete functioning of the mammalian brain.
Neurodiagnostic and neurotherapeutic potential of Graphene-based nanomaterials
About future Graphene models... such as injectable, biodegradable and implantable Graphene
"Neurodiagnostic and neurotherapeutic potential of graphene nanomaterials". To be published in March 2024. [105]
Should we repeat?
"Injectable graphene", "Biodegradable graphene" and "Implantable graphene"!!!
Everything okay?
Our study highlights the potential of graphene-based nano-materials as powerful tools to better understand the brain and develop new therapeutic strategies.
Graphene is a promising bio-nano-material due to its superior solubility, conductivity, scalability and biocompatibility.
The distinctive features of graphene nano-materials can be applied directly to the brain, whether healthy or diseased.
Future Graphene models, such as injectable, biodegradable and implantable Graphene, are suggested for clinical use.
Note that Graphene is presented as a bio-nano-material.
Engineering Graphene-based electrodes for optical neuronal stimulation.
"Engineering graphene-based electrodes for optical". December 2022. [109]
Graphene-based materials have been investigated in recent years with the aim of developing flexible interfaces to treat a range of neurological disorders, where electrical stimulation can improve brain function and tissue regeneration. The recent discovery that electrodes in Graphene-based materials can generate an electrical response upon exposure to light has inspired the development of non-genetic approaches capable of selectively modulating brain cells without genetic manipulation (i.e. opto-genetics). Here we propose the conjugation of Graphene with up-converting nano-particles, which enable transcranial, wireless activation using tissue-penetrating near-infrared radiation.
Following a design-of-experiments approach, we first investigated the influence of the different host matrices and dopants commonly used to synthesise upconverting nano-particles on the electrical response of graphene. Two formulations of upconversion nano-particles providing optimal enhancement of electrical conductivity upon activation near-infrared radiation at λ = 780 or 980 nm were identified. These formulations were then covalently attached to graphene nanoplatelets after selective hydroxyl derivatisation. The resulting nanocomposites were evaluated in vitro on SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells.
Activation near-infrared radiation at λ = 980 nm promoted cell proliferation and down-regulated neuronal and glial differentiation markers, suggesting the potential application of graphene-based materials in minimally invasive stimulation of cells for tissue regeneration.
Graphene-based electrodes for neuronal activity detection
"Graphene-Based Electrode Materials for Neural Activity Detection. September 2021. [130]
It is clearly stated that implantable graphene electrodes can effectively reduce the immune response of brain tissue and increase the durability of neural electrodes.
Graphene has many unique characteristics that enable its potential use as a neural electrode material. These include its high biocompatibility, chemical stability, flexibility, optical transparency and electrical conductivity, which facilitate the construction of a bidirectional neural interface for simultaneous sensing and control. This literature review systematically discusses the different types of graphene electrodes, the interactions between graphene and neural cells, and the possible applications of graphene microelectrode arrays and transistors in sensing and stimulating neurophysiological signals from neural cells, brain tissue sections and living brains;
Recent studies have shown that graphene is highly compatible with neural cells and promotes the differentiation of neural stem cells into neurons. In addition, it also improves the electrical signals of the neural network. The flexible neural electrode prepared by transferring a graphene layer onto a flexible substrate was better attached to brain tissue than traditional rigid metal electrodes and achieved high temporal and spatial resolutions and signal-to-noise ratio of the neural electrical signal.
In addition, the flexible and transparent graphene-based neural electrode demonstrated high mechanical flexibility and transparency, indicating that it could simultaneously perform optical imaging and electrophysiological signal recording as well as optogenetic regulation of neuronal cell activity under the electrode. Finally, implantable graphene electrodes can effectively reduce the immune response of brain tissue and increase the durability of neural electrodes.
Transparent neural implantable devices: a comprehensive review of challenges and progress... with Graphene, carbon nanotubes, conductive hydrogels, etc....
"Transparent neural implantable devices: a comprehensive review of challenges and progress". June 2022. [108]
In this study, the term "transparent" is mentioned 225 times! The aim is, in fact, to design electrodes, based mainly on Graphene Family materials, that are totally transparent because non-transparent ones reflect light.
The key to designing an implantable device is to condense the synergistic effects of diagnostic and therapeutic methods into a single tool. In conjunction with the integration of electrophysiology and optical modalities, a transparent neuronal interface mitigates the challenges of conventional metal-based microelectrodes.
Regarding the material approach to the fabrication of transparent neural electrodes, an overview of candidate intrinsically transparent materials, such as graphene, carbon nanotubes, conductive hydrogel, oxides and conductive polymers, as well as the most recent research are discussed. Finally, an introduction to research applied to biomedical engineering for a transparent electrode via a special structure is reviewed. This study therefore suggests the importance of transparent implantable devices for biomedical engineering and medical applications as a next-generation multimodal system for future research.
In the same vein, see the study "Transparent neural interfaces: challenges and solutions of microengineered multimodal implants designed to measure intact neuronal populations using high-resolution electrophysiology and microscopy simultaneously". May 2023. [120]
A Brain Implant, consisting of a thin, transparent and flexible polymer strip - containing a dense array of Graphene electrodes - provides information on activity inside the brain
"High-density transparent graphene arrays for predicting cellular calcium activity at depth from surface potential recordings / Matrices de graphène transparentes à haute densité pour prédire l'activité calcique cellulaire en profondeur à partir d'enregistrements du potentiel de surface". January 2024. [104] [106]
According to one of the researchers, Duygu Kuzum: "The neural network model is trained to learn the relationship between surface electrical recordings and calcium ion activity of neurons deep down."
The neural network model is educated! No kidding? By WHO, in the Future?
Optically transparent neural microelectrodes have facilitated simultaneous electrophysiological recordings of the brain surface with optical imaging and stimulation of neuronal activity.
The remaining challenge is to reduce electrode dimensions to single-cell size and increase density to record neuronal activity with high spatial resolution over large areas to capture non-linear neuronal dynamics. We developed transparent graphene microelectrodes with ultra-thin apertures and a large transparent recording area with no gold extension into the field of view with high-density microelectrode arrays of up to 256 channels. We used platinum nano-particles to overcome the quantum capacitance limit of graphene and reduce the diameter of the microelectrodes to 20 µm. Doped double-layer graphene between the layers was introduced to prevent open-circuit failures.
Interfacing Graphene-Based Materials With Neural Cells.
"Interfacing Graphene-Based Materials With Neural Cells". April 2018;
On the other hand, graphene can be exploited as a substrate for tissue engineering. In this case, conductivity is probably the most relevant among the various properties of different graphene-based materials, as it may allow to instruct and interrogate neural networks, as well as to stimulate neuronal growth and differentiation, which has great potential in regenerative medicine.
In this review, we try to give an overview of the achievements and new challenges in this field, as well as the most exciting directions to take in the immediate future. These challenges includethe need to design multifunctional nanoparticles capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier to reach neuronal cells, and delivering specific drugs on demand.
We describe the state of the art in the use of graphene-based materials to design three-dimensional scaffolds to stimulate neuronal growth and regeneration in vivo, as well as the possibility of using graphene as a component of hybrid composites and multilayer organic electronic devices. Finally, we address the need for accurate theoretical modelling of the interface between graphene and biological materials, by modelling the interaction of graphene with proteins and cell membranes at the nanoscale, and describing the physical mechanism(s) of charge transfer by which different graphene materials can influence the excitability and physiology of neuronal cells.
The interaction of graphene with proteins and cell membranes at the nanoscale...
This is the topic of topics: that of the necro-molecular crown of Graphene Oxide or SMOG - for Spike Moléculaire d'Oxyde de Graphène.
How to power brain implants, with Graphene, without frying the cells. New discovery safely conducts heat from Graphene to biological tissue
"How to power up graphene implants without frying cells. New analysis finds way to safely conduct heat from graphene to biological tissues." 2017. [101] This MIT Article comments on a study, from September 2017, entitled "Intercalated water layers promote thermal dissipation at bio-nano interfaces". [100]
Now, engineers from MIT and Tsinghua University in Beijing have accurately simulated how electrical energy can generate heat between a single layer of graphene and a single cell membrane. While direct contact between the two layers inevitably leads to overheating and cell death, the researchers discovered that they could avoid this effect thanks to a very thin intermediate layer of water.
By adjusting the thickness of this intermediate layer of water, the researchers were able to carefully control the amount of heat transferred between the graphene and the biological tissue. They also identified the critical power to be applied to the graphene layer without frying the cell membrane.
The researchers sought to characterise precisely how heat moves, at the level of individual atoms, between graphene and biological tissue. To do this, they considered the simplest interface, consisting of a small sheet of graphene measuring 500 square nanometres and a simple cell membrane, separated by a thin layer of water.
"In the body, water is ubiquitous and the outer surface of membranes always interacts with water, so it is impossible to eliminate it completely," explains Qin. "So we developed a sandwich model between graphene, water and membrane, which provides a very clear system for observing the thermal conductivity between these two materials."
By taking a closer look at the interactions within this interface, the researchers made a surprising discovery: in the sandwich model, the water, pressed against the Graphene lattice, turned into a crystal-like structure.
"The graphene lattice acts as a template that guides water to form lattice structures ", explains Qin."Water acts more like a solid material and makes the stiffness transition between graphene and membrane less abrupt. We think this makes it easier for heat to pass from the graphene to the membrane ".
The group varied the thickness of the intermediate water layer in the simulations and found that a nanometre-wide water layer helped dissipate heat very effectively. In terms of the power applied to the system, they calculated that a power of around one megawatt per square metre, applied in tiny bursts of microseconds, was the maximum power that could be applied to the interface without overheating the cell membrane.
About Graphene antennas resonating over the Bluetooth frequency band.
High-performance printable Graphene-based antenna at 2.4 GHz using water transfer technology
"High-performance printable 2.4 GHz graphene based antenna using water-transferring technology". August 2019. [183]
Liquid-phase exfoliated graphene sheets are promising candidates for electronic printing. Here we present a high-performance 2.4 GHz graphene-based printed antenna. Conductive graphene ink prepared using the liquid-phase exfoliation process is printed onto water-transferable paper using the blade printing technique, which is then patterned as a dipole antenna and transferred onto a target substrate. The fabricated dipole antenna (43 × 3 mm), which exhibits the typical radiation patterns of an ideal dipole antenna, achieves a -10 dB bandwidth of 8.9% and a maximum gain of 0.7 dBi. Graphene-printed antennas meet the requirements of the Internet of Things and suggest that it is possible to replace conventional metal antennas in these applications.
About Graphene antennas resonating on the Bluetooth frequency band.
Graphene based circular shaped microstrip patch antenna array for application in the 2.45 GHz ISM band
"Graphene Based Circular Shaped Micro Strip Patch Antenna Array for 2.45 GHz ISM Band Application". September 2020. [187]
This paper presents a graphene-based circular microstrip patch antenna array. First, a single circular patch resonant at 2.45 GHz is designed in HFSS, and then a 1 × 2 array and a 1 × 4 array are developed to improve the gain. The designed patch and arrays are fabricated using copper and graphene, and the antenna parameters are measured and compared. This research work focuses mainly on two things: one is to improve the gain by developing an array and the other is to develop a graphene antenna array using a simple and inexpensive printing method. Both objectives were achieved, with the gain improved by around 5 dB for a 1 × 4 array compared with a single patch. The graphene antenna is manufactured and tested for performance and is shown to work perfectly as an antenna in the ISM band.
About Graphene antennas resonating in the Microwave to Terahertz frequency band
Gradient-reduced Graphene oxide aerogel with ultra-wideband absorption from microwave to terahertz bands
"Gradient-Reduced Graphene Oxide Aerogel with Ultrabroadband Absorption from Microwave to Terahertz Bands". February 2023. [188]
Ultra-wideband electromagnetic (EM) absorbers, particularly those covering the microwave to terahertz (THz) bands, are urgently sought in multispectral applications such as 6G communication, radar stealth, atmospheric remote sensing and radio astronomy. Here we demonstrate that chemically reduced Graphene oxide aerogels can be designed as an excellent absorber with the following characteristics: ultra-wideband, light weight, compressibility and high temperature resistance.
This non-magnetic pyramidal absorber exhibits a remarkably wide qualified absorption bandwidth from 4.7 GHz to 4 THz, with a reflection loss ≤ -20 dB in microwaves and ≤ -40 dB in the THz band. In particular, an unprecedented average absorption intensity of -53.9 dB (absorptivity greater than 99.999%) is achieved in the frequency range from 0.5 to 4 THz. We demonstrate experimentally that the gradient macrostructure and the porous microstructure are the basis for continuous impedance matching over such a wide frequency range, spanning about 3 orders of magnitude, and lead to strong subsequent electromagnetic absorption, from microwaves to terahertz. We believe that this absorber will offer multifunctional and multispectral applications in many scientific and technological fields.
About Graphene antennas resonating in the Microwave to Terahertz frequency band.
Graphene for the generation, manipulation and detection of electromagnetic fields: from Micro-Waves to Terahertz
"Review of graphene for the generation, manipulation, and detection of electromagnetic fields from microwave to terahertz".March 2022. [190]
Graphene has attracted considerable attention since the discovery of its unprecedented properties, particularly its extraordinary and tunable electronic and optical properties. In particular, applications in the microwave to terahertz frequency spectrum can benefit from graphene's high electrical conductivity, mechanical flexibility and robustness, transparency, ability to support surface-plasmon polaritons, and the possibility of dynamic tuning with direct current to light sources.
About Origami's antennas, made of synthetic DNA, resonating on the Micro-Wave to Terahertz frequency band
Review on recent origami inspired antennas, from microwave to terahertz regime
"Review on recent origami inspired antennas from microwave to terahertz regime". [177]
Origami technology holds promise for the development of antennas operating in the microwave and terahertz regimes. This review summarises recent advances in origami antennas and their construction with respect to frequency, patterning and polarisation switching capabilities for the microwave frequency band.
However, origami antennas present some challenges related to stability, robustness and self-deployment, which need to be addressed to design more practical deployable origami antennas in the microwave frequency band. In this study, we explained the design principle of various reconfigurable origami antennas. The dielectric and conductive materials of previous origami antennas are examined and provide the promising materials to satisfy both the ease of transformation and the high robustness of origami antennas. In addition, various actuators are examined to pave the way for practical application;
Origami technology has also been employed for nanoscale antennas operating in the terahertz and optical regime for several applications, including single molecule detection and artificial light harvesting. While DNA molecules provide a scaffold for nanoscale origami antennas, several problems need to be solved to develop more advanced nanoscale origami antennas in the terahertz regime. The most pressing problems are the high cost of DNA and the likelihood of high error rates in the fabrication of the self-assembly.
About Graphene antennas resonating over the Terahertz frequency band
Design of a Graphene-Based Tunable Plasmonic Antenna for Multiband Terahertz Application Systems
"Design of Graphene-Based Tunable Plasmonic Antenna for Multiband Terahertz Application Systems". December 2023. [182]
This paper presents a systematic technique to design a novel Graphene-based multiband plasmonic antenna with a silicon nitride (SiO3N4) dielectric substrate in the Terahertz band frequencies. Higher conductivity values are found in the 1-5 THz ranges when graphene conductivity values are measured at these band frequencies.
Stretchable graphene-hydrogel interfaces for wearable and implantable bio-electronics
"Stretchable graphene-hydrogel interfaces for wearable and implantable bioelectronics". [133]
Portable... and implantable
Flexible, stretchable and biocompatible conductors are needed for electronics on the skin and implantable electronics. Laser-induced graphene can offer tunable physical and chemical properties and is particularly useful for the development of monolithically integrated multifunctional stretchable bioelectronics. However, the fabrication of laser-induced graphene-based nanocomposites with fine features and scalable performance remains a challenge. Here, we present a thin elastic conductive nanocomposite formed by cryogenic transfer of laser-induced graphene onto a hydrogel film.
The low-temperature atmosphere enhances the interfacial bonding between the defective porous graphene and the crystallised water in the hydrogel. By using the hydrogel as an energy dissipation interface and out-of-plane electrical pathway, continuously deflected cracks can be induced in the laser-induced graphene, resulting in a more than five-fold increase in intrinsic stretchability. We are using this approach to create multifunctional wearable sensors for skin monitoring and cardiac patches for in vivo sensing.
Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Nanoribbons for Terahertz Applications
"Carbon Nanotubes and Graphene Nanoribbons for Terahertz Applications". 2016. [129]
We discuss the use of nano-sized carbon materials for electromagnetics and electronics in the terahertz range. The fascinating behaviour of carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoribbons suggests using these innovative materials for applications in the THz range, for example to fabricate transmitters, detectors, antennas and interconnects. In this chapter, we study the main phenomena to be controlled with a view to the aforementioned THz applications: plasmon resonances, tunneling and interband transitions.
UCLA engineers develop Terahertz imaging system capable of capturing real-time 3D multispectral images for the first time... 1000 times faster than current systems
Thanks to 283,500 nano-antennas, in Graphene, in a space smaller than the size of a sesame seed
"UCLA Engineers Develop Terahertz Imaging System Capable of Capturing Real-Time, 3D Multi-Spectral Images for the First Time". [57]
The study, published in January 2024, is entitled "Plasmonic photoconductive terahertz focal-plane array with pixel super-resolution". [50]
A research team led by Mona Jarrahi and Aydogan Ozcan, both professors of electrical and computer engineering at UCLA's Samueli School of Engineering, has invented a new terahertz focal plane array to solve this problem. By eliminating the need for raster scanning, which captures and displays an image point by point, the research team is able to accelerate imaging more than 1,000 times faster than current systems.
The new array is the first known terahertz imaging system fast enough to capture video and deliver 3D multispectral images in real time while maintaining a high signal-to-noise ratio.
The UCLA study describes the new focal plane array, which involves integrating 283,500 nanoantennas into a space smaller than the size of a typical sesame seed. The array is able to provide spatial amplitude and phase distributions, as well as temporal and spectral data of an imaged object directly, avoiding the need for raster scanning. The team also used a neural network trained by machine learning to improve the resolution of images captured in real time.
Recording spikes in activity in cultured hippocampal neurons using transistors, Graphene, flexible or transparent
"Recording Spikes Activity in Cultured Hippocampal Neurons Using Flexible or Transparent Graphene Transistors". August 2017. [184]
We demonstrate the in vitro detection of spontaneous activity of hippocampal neurons cultivated in-situ on graphene sensors for several weeks in a millimetre-sized (8 mm wide) fluidic chamber (made of polydimethylsiloxane). These results represent a step forward towards the realisation of biocompatible devices for reliable and high spatial-temporal detection of neuronal activity for in vitro and in vivo.... applications;
In order to detect the small transient extracellular potential changes associated with neural spikes (~10 μV), S electrode areas typically need to be about 2-50 μm in diameter and are therefore much larger than single neurons (namely, about 1 μm for neurites (axons and dendrites) and 10 μm and the soma or perikaryon).
On the attached sketch, these are neurons, dyed red, that have been growing, for 3 weeks, on a Graphene transistor.
Graphene transistors for interfacing with cells: towards a better understanding of liquid gating and sensitivity
"Graphene transistors for interfacing with cells: towards a deeper understanding of liquid gating and sensitivity". July 2017. [178]
Each wafer (10 cm long) consists of 52 chips with different layouts. The chips are designed and manufactured to measure and track the propagation of extracellular electrical signals through the cell layer. Each chip is 200 microns in size.
Is Graphene Shortening the Path toward Spinal Cord Regeneration?.
"Is Graphene Shortening the Path toward Spinal Cord Regeneration?". August 2022. [102]
The limited number of studies focusing on the interface between stem cells and graphene nanosheets, or reduced graphene oxide, may be associated with the higher risk of generating unstable cell-nanomaterial interactions due to the hydrophobic profiles of these graphene-based materials and their tendency to aggregate in aqueous solutions. Nevertheless, Akhavan and colleagues tested the effects of reduced graphene oxide nanosheets on the viability of human mesenchymal stem cells, comparing their performance with that of graphene oxide and other graphene-based structures such as single-layer reduced graphene oxide nanoribbons and reduced graphene oxide nanoplatelets.
The results revealed that for a 24-hour exposure period, unlike nanoribbons and nanoplatelets of reduced graphene oxide, neither nanoplatelets of reduced graphene oxide nor those of graphene oxide induced genotoxicity in mesenchymal stem cells, independently of the size and concentration of the nanoplatelets. On the contrary, although graphene oxide was ∼30% less cytotoxic than reduced graphene oxide, both graphene-based materials triggered oxidative stress mechanisms in a size- and concentration-dependent manner, with cell membrane integrity slightly affected by reduced graphene oxide at high concentrations (100 μg/mL). Interestingly, graphene oxide nanosheets larger than 20 nm exhibit high levels of cytocompatibility with stem cells.
On the attached sketch, in a, these are hippocampal neurons grown on 2D graphene-based substrates. Representative SEM micrographs showing the morphology of neurons after 10 days in vitro on control (glass), gold (Au), single-layer graphene (SLG) and multilayer graphene (MLG) substrates (left). Scale bars = 10 μm.
On the second sketch, in c, the very small red triangles represent electrodes: on the left, they are Graphene electrodes and on the right Platinum.
Three-dimensional Graphene foam as a biocompatible and conductive scaffold for neural stem cells
"Three-dimensional graphene foam as a biocompatible and conductive scaffold for neural stem cells". 2013. [103]
The porosity of the three-dimensional Graphene foams was determined to be 99.5 ± 0.2% and had a pore size of 100-300 μm, while the width of the graphene backbone was approximately 100-200 μm. The surface of the three-dimensional Graphene foams was covered with numerous ripples and wrinkles at the micro- and nano-scale.
For the record. The first Graphene foams used to "grow" neurons date back, at least, to 2013.
Flexible Neural Electrode Array Based-on Porous Graphene for Cortical Microstimulation and Sensing
"Flexible Neural Electrode Array Based-on Porous Graphene for Cortical Microstimulation and Sensing". September 2016. [110]
In summary, the flexible porous graphene electrode arrays presented in this paper could be a powerful tool for neuroscience research, particularly for electrical microstimulation and high-density spatio-temporal cortical mapping applications. The high charge injection capacity and lack of delamination and degradation of porous graphene electrodes may open new avenues for brain-computer interfaces based on minimally invasive cortical stimulation. Eliminating deep electrodes could improve the efficacy of clinical treatments, such as deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease and reactive neurostimulation for epilepsy.
Advances in photobiomodulation for cognitive enhancement using multiple near-infrared-derived strategies.
"Advances in photobiomodulation for cognitive improvement by near-infrared derived multiple strategies". [113]
This study focuses on near-infrared-based photobiomodulation, including direct photobiomodulation and indirect photobiomodulation mediated by photosensitive nanoparticles, in improving cognitive function affected by various neurological diseases at the preclinical and clinical levels. This review examines the mechanisms underlying the modulation of neurons and neural networks by photobiomodulation and discusses the advantages, disadvantages and potential applications of photobiomodulation alone or in combination with photosensitive nanomaterials.
According to this study, photosensitive nanoparticles include Graphene oxide, carbon nanotubes, Graphene quantum dots... in addition to gold-based nanoparticles (gold nanoparticles, gold nanorod and nanostar, gold-based liposomes and mesoporous silica nanoparticles with gold cores) and polymer semiconductor materials.
6. About the development of 6G by 2030, i.e. tomorrow
Industry companies and the International Telecommunication Union, a pseudopod of the UN's Universal Levelling Organisation, are expected to begin initial discussions on standardising 6G this year - in 2024.
On 15 January 2024, the "Definitive Guide to 6G Communications: Materials and Equipment Markets, Technology 2024-2044" was published in English - with much emphasis on Graphene. [11]
It's worth noting, by the way, that one of the players at the UN in this universal levelling by communication nano-technologies is none other than the abominable Maoist terrorist, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu, the head of the Organisation for Sanitary Massacre - and the front man for Bill Gates and the Chinese Bolshevik Party.
Pourquoi? Because there is such an obvious correlation - for those who have, still, eyes to perceive - between, on the one hand, genocidal vaccines stuffed with nano-particles, including, above all, graphene, and, on the other hand, all the so-called, supposedly, Telecommunication technologies, in 5G and 6G, based on Graphene... when they are, in fact, weapons of neural control, energy jamming and biological destruction of Humans - by irradiation.
The attached photo, of this eugenicist criminal, was taken at the international conference called "AI for Good Global Summit 2018" - i.e. a forum on Artificial Intelligence for Global Good. [111]& isn't that touching? And who is Houlin Zhao, a Chinese national? He was, between 2015 and 2022, the Secretary General of the International Telecommunication Union... and, surely, a great friend and supporter of the Huawei Empire...
In fact, it was China that launched the first 6G satellite... back in November 2020. [125]
On the European front, the European Commission has launched the "Hexa-X Project"[70] - for research and development of 6G. In this project, 22 companies, led by Nokia, are working with the aim of making 6G an indispensable part of our society.
Why the name "Hexa-X"? Quite simply because Graphene is represented, in logo, with 3 Hexagons. And why X? To respond to the false threats of "Disease X"?
Hexa-X presents itself as: "A flagship for the 6G vision and an intelligent web of technological tools linking the human, physical and digital worlds".
The Hexa-X homepage explains, among other things, the aims of 6G. It reads:" In 2030 and beyond, Europe and the world will face massive growth and sustainability opportunities and challenges; proactively tackling the issues of green deal efficiency, digital inclusion and ensuring health and safety in a post-pandemic world will be essential. A powerful vision is needed to connect the physical, digital and human worlds, firmly rooted in wireless technology and architectural research of the future. The Hexa-X vision calls for an x-enabler fabric of connected intelligence, networks of networks, sustainability, global service coverage, extreme experience and trust....
Climate change, pandemics, [...] as well as mistrust and threats to democracy are some of the unprecedented societal challenges of our time. Wireless networks, the backbone of a digitised society, must reflect these complex needs [...] and proactively deliver sustainable digital solutions [...]. "
Why is Nokia responsible? At the Davos Forum in January 2023, Nokia CEO Pekka Lundmark [69] started from the premise that by around 2030, telecommunications devices such as smartphones will be integrated directly into our bodies. Integrated sensors will also monitor our bodies and transmit the results directly.
During the address, a hysterical woman pointed out that "one of the great advantages of augmented reality is that it solves problems here on earth." All is well?
As for the Chinese group Huawei, it defines 6G as a neural network. Neural networks stimulate structures on the computer that resemble the brain, in order to link humans to the computer world and usher in an era in which everything is captured and connected.
See the rest of Télé Kla-TV's comments about this project. [120]
As I have repeated many times in this dossier, 6G cannot develop without Graphene. I invite, therefore, readers to consult the following various - very enlightening - information:
In December 2023, the Graphene Flagship published a press release: "Will Graphene revolutionise data processing?" at the launch of the European GATEPOST project: Eight partners from across Europe have joined forces to make the Internet of Things (IoT) more secure and enable future 5G / 6G applications. [68]
Realising the potential of the Internet of Things and 5G/6G applications will require high-performance, low-power computing. Reliable security solutions will also be essential to combat the growing number of cyber attacks. Existing solutions cannot meet these new demands, as they tend to lag behind in terms of performance, latency and operational costs. This is where the EU-funded GATEPOST project comes in, revolutionising computing and security with a breakthrough approach based on Graphene. Graphene is a thin, two-dimensional layer of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. It is a very thin material that can be used, for example, as a flexible conductor in electronics.
On 17 December 2021, Orange headlined "Graphene, an innovation accelerator for tomorrow's optoelectronics". "The properties of this "miracle material" should make it possible to optimise very high-speed networks and support the deployment of new generations of mobile telephony networks, by promoting the development of high-performance optical communication systems."
"The biomedical industry is interested, for example, in graphene for targeted drug delivery or the manufacture of ultrasensitive biosensors and deep brain implants. In the aerospace industry, graphene is already being used to produce thinner, lighter aircraft parts, and will soon be used to build safer aircraft thanks to novel technologies such as ice and lightning protection systems. In telecommunications, graphene-based optoelectronic technologies should make it possible to develop high-performance optical communication systems that are more energy-efficient. This should lead to the optimisation of fibre-optic networks and the deployment of new generations of mobile telephony networks, such as 6G.
In 2020, the CNRS published an article stipulating: "Second avenue : develop new materials. This is the path being followed by Juliette Mangeney and her team. In 2014, the researcher succeeded in generating radiation from a well-known innovative material, graphene, excited by ultrashort optical pulses. "This is an important first step towards the development of a THz laser that is both very compact and powerful, the source we still need today", emphasises Juliette Mangeney. The physicist recently had her project selected by the European Research Council. The aim is to produce a graphene-based laser within the next five years and demonstrate its potential for telecoms and security. You haven't heard the last of T rays!". [548]
In May 2021, Peter Harrop, the director of IDTechEx, published an article entitled "Graphene for 6 G communications" [549]:
"6G communications need graphene. 6G will initially launch at a few hundred GHz where several diode and transistor technologies are available in the lab, but things get tougher when second-generation 6G operates at around 1THz to get the best response time, data capacity, data transfer and other promised advances. This will coincide with 6G adding the promised benefits to users, which can only come from managing higher power. Future 6G RIS smart reflective surfaces around the world will do more than enhance and redirect beams, they will amplify them by charging your phone and running devices without power. The manufacture, handling and use of beams all potentially benefit from graphene, with the full graphene opportunity being in the IDTechEx report, "Graphene Market & 2D Materials Assessment 2021-2031".
The THz electronics desired are necessarily becoming smaller and thinner. Graphene's surface density, thermal conduction, thinness and electrical conductivity are some of the reasons for its interest in the planned 6G communications. Indeed, graphene is a candidate both for the active devices of 6G and for the metamaterials essential to the manufacture of the intelligent surfaces that enable weak beams to pass through. 6G cannot succeed without the large-scale deployment of RIS reprogrammable smart surfaces and these can only succeed if they are manufactured as metasurfaces that can collimate, polarise and redirect beams affordably and without electricity. Sub-wavelength graphics and integrated active devices are both candidates for graphene. See the IDTechEx report ""6G Communications Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Roadmap, Materials, Market 2021-2045".
The new wide-bandwidth plasmonic antennas are inherently small and operate efficiently at THz. Unlike electronic and optical technologies that rely on upconversion of microwave and millimetre-wave signals or downconversion of optical signals, direct THz signal generation is possible in hybrid graphene/3-5 semiconductor devices. Efficiency is increased thanks to the absence of energy loss through harmonics. 100 times smaller than traditional metal antennas, they are easy to install. Their frequency response can be reprogrammed electronically."
In 2023, various European countries have begun 6G development operations.
Spain has launched the ENABLE-6G project, which is a collaboration between the Spanish government's IMDEA Networks institute, Telefónica, NEC and BluSpecs, a local IT consultancy. It is supported by the European Union's NextGenerationEU pandemic recovery fund and the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation. It should be noted that it is subsidised by European "post-pandemic!" funds. [127]
7. Studies published in relation to all the above issues and other nano-and necro-technological abominations
For those who might be inclined to delve into the heart of all these nano-and necro-technological abominations, I'm going to present a number of studies published in relation to all the above-mentioned issues.
Firstly, I will present information on the nature of 6G, namely the Terahertz frequency bands... and their relationship with Graphene as the foundation of new technologies operating on the Terahertz system. Then, with ad hoc studies, I will address the magnetism of the Graphene/Terahertz pair and the deleterious impacts of the Terahertz bands on the human organism.
Graphene plasmonic nano-antenna for Terahertz communication
"Graphene plasmonic nano-antenna for terahertz communication". March 2022. [161]
Studies by Professor Ian F. Akyildiz. The designed graphene nano patch antenna offers a gain of 3.52 dB at the frequency of 30 THz, which is suitable for terahertz communication. The graphene nano patch antenna is shown to resonate at multiple frequencies by varying the chemical potential and three resonant frequencies 30, 115, 176 THz with good characteristics are observed at a chemical potential of 1.3 eV. The gain of the graphene patch antenna is increased approximately threefold by changing the shape of the patch from square to L-shaped.
For the record. Professor Ian F. Akyildiz has already published similar studies since, at least, 2013: "Graphene-based Plasmonic Nano-Antenna for Terahertz Band Communication in Nanonetworks". December 2013. [160]
Nano-Sensor Modelling for Intra-Body Nano-Network with frequencies between 0.01 and 1.5 THz
"Nano-Sensor Modelling for Intra-Body Nano-Networks". [77]
According to Mik Andersen, this study, from February 2021, confirms, once again, the use of micro/nano-technology for the propagation of electromagnetic waves "in human tissues such as blood, skin and fat. The frequency range of the model is chosen between 0.01 and 1.5 THz, which is ideal for the design of nano-sensor antennas and the use of the THz range for communication".
According to the authors: "This paper will also guide other researchers working on the electromagnetic radiation performance of in-body nano-arrays and nanosensors designed in the THz range."
Toward location-aware in-body terahertz nano-networks with energy harvesting... in two-way communication with the outside world
"Toward Location-aware In-body Terahertz". August 2022. [49]
It is, of course, all about harvesting human energy... pending, eventually, the use of pets to metamorphose them into free energy power plants... to power the kitchen food processor... or the virtual reality headset for felines.
Nanoscale wireless networks are set to revolutionise a whole range of fields, and significant advances are conceivable in healthcare inside the body. These nano-networks will be made up of energy-collecting nano-devices passively circulating in the blood, taking measurements at certain points and communicating the results to a more powerful body network.
Assuming such a configuration and electromagnetic nanocommunication in Terahertz (THz) frequencies, we propose a network architecture that can support the fine localisation of energy-collecting body nanonodes, as well as their two-way communication with the outside world.
The main novelties of our proposal lie in the use of wireless nanocommunication paradigms based on localisation and wake-up radio (WuR), as well as software-defined metamaterials (SDMs), to support the functionalities envisaged in energy-harvesting body nano-networks operating in THz. We argue that at a high level, the proposed architecture can handle a large number of nanonodes, while simultaneously managing a short THz propagation range in the body and highly constrained nanonodes.
WBANs based on Energy Harvesting
Energy Harvesting optimization methods
"Energy harvesting based WBANs: EH optimization methods". 2019. [81]
Wireless body sensor networks (WBANs) are a special case of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), developed to operate at the scale of the human body.
Energy efficiency is therefore one of the main aspects to consider before designing a WBAN solution, as battery replacement can be very difficult, especially when the sensors are implanted inside the human body. For this reason, several research projects have been carried out into the adoption of energy harvesting schemes, which aim to collect energy from several sources surrounding the human body (sunlight, body heat, movement, heartbeat, RF radiation, etc.) and transform it into electrical energy to power the nodes of a WBAN. However, this harvested energy also needs to be better exploited, given the nature of the temporal variation of these alternative sources. The objective of this paper is to present an overview of energy harvesting schemes, as well as methods in the literature focusing on optimising the exploitation of harvested energy in a WBAN, through Mac, routing or physical layer protocols.
About Human Energy Harvesting
Macroscopic weavable fibers of carbon nanotubes with giant thermoelectric power factor
"Macroscopic weavable fibers of carbon nanotubes with giant thermoelectric power factor". August 2021. [15]
We are fabricating a textile thermoelectric generator based on these carbon nanotube fibres, which demonstrates high thermoelectric performance, the ability to be woven and stretchability. The giant power factor we observe makes these fibres prime candidates for the emerging field of active thermoelectric cooling, which requires a high thermoelectric power factor and high thermal conductivity at the same time.
About Human Energy Harvesting
Sustainable production of highly conductive multilayer graphene ink for wireless connectivity, IoT applications... and Human Energy Harvesting
"Sustainable production of highly conductive multilayer graphene ink for wireless connectivity and IoT applications". December 2018. [132]
Printed electronics represent a breakthrough in the penetration of information technologies into everyday life. The ability to print electronic circuits will encourage the spread of Internet of Things applications. Graphene-based inks have a chance to dominate this technology, as they can potentially be inexpensive and applied directly to materials such as textiles and paper.
Printing with our ink results in devices with very high conductivity (7.13 × 104 S m-1), which allows us to produce operational wireless connectivity antennas from MHz to tens of GHz, which can be used for wireless data communication and energy harvesting, bringing us one step closer to the ubiquitous use of printed graphene technology for this type of application.
About Human Energy Harvesting
New Graphene coating that converts "waste heat" from vehicles, appliances, homes... and even people, into electrical energy!
"Emergent high conductivity in size-selected graphene networks". January 2024. [131]
We potentially have a simple and very effective way of optimising thermoelectric capture in vehicles, appliances, homes... and even people!
Note the expression "waste heat"... when referring to the human body!
According to a press review. [128] Researchers from the University of Sussex and the University of Brighton have presented their recent work on thermoelectric capture, using highly conductive graphene sheets, which aims to improve technologies for capturing and converting heat into electricity and to remove barriers to such methods.
This study led the group to conclude that, where dense layers of graphene sheets might have been expected to correspond to better electrical transport, fewer layers worked better despite the greater number of junctions between graphene sheets.
The group has developed a printable Graphene-based coating to exploit thermoelectric capture, enabling the recycling of waste heat into electrical energy. The coating is printed in the form of a patch or pad that can then be applied to the heated surface. When the surrounding environment is colder, the electrons move away from the heat source and towards the cold, generating electrical activity that is conducted through the nanosheets. This thermoelectric transport system could be connected to an external energy bank to charge a battery or power another device directly.
Thermoelectric materials capable of converting heat into electrical energy already exist, but they are generally made from expensive synthetic crystals that are difficult to integrate into a variety of structures.
Sean Ogilvie, research fellow in materials physics and corresponding author of the paper, said: "We potentially have a simple and very effective way of optimising thermoelectric capture in vehicles, appliances, homes and even people! It's not unreasonable to imagine how a person's body heat could be captured and converted into electricity to power a phone, for example. To our knowledge, there are no other commercially viable and scalable heat capture coatings that can be printed for direct coating or as a flexible layer. We believe our approach is a viable route to printable, practical and scalable thermoelectrics for versatile applications."
Nano-porous graphene-based thin-film microelectrodes for high-resolution in vivo neuronal recording and stimulation
Development of EGNITE: "Modified graphene for neural interfaces"
These are graphene microelectrodes - which are implanted in the brain or nerves - with a diameter of just 25 µm,which exhibit low impedance and high charge injection, essential attributes for flexible and efficient neural interfaces.
"Nanoporous graphene-based thin-film microelectrodes for in vivo high-resolution neural recording and stimulation". [72]
This work presents a nanoporous graphene-based thin-film technology and its engineering to form flexible neural interfaces. The developed technology allows the fabrication of small microelectrodes (25 µm diameter) while achieving low impedance (∼25 kΩ) and high charge injection (3-5 mC cm-2).
According to the University of Barcelona. [92] New graphene-based implantable technology paves the way for high-precision therapeutic applications
After years of research as part of the European Graphene Flagship project, ICN2, in collaboration with the University of Manchester (UK), has led the development of EGNITE (Engineered Graphene for Neural Interfaces), a new type of flexible, high-resolution, high-precision implantable neuro-technology based on graphene. The results published today in Nature Neurotechnology aim to bring innovative technologies to the fruitful field of neuroelectronics and brain-computer interfaces.
EGNITE builds on the inventors' extensive experience in the fabrication and medical application of carbon nanomaterials. This innovative technology based on nanoporous Graphene integrates standard semiconductor industry manufacturing processes to create graphene microelectrodes with a diameter of only 25 µm, which exhibit low impedance and high charge injection, essential attributes for flexible and efficient neural interfaces.
The potential of Graphene coatings as neural interfaces.
"The potential of graphene coatings as neural interfaces". January 2024. [93]
This study explores the current state of knowledge on graphene coatings produced by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) and applied as neural interfaces, detailing the key properties required to design an interface capab
to interact physiologically with neuronal cells. Interfaces are classified into substrates and scaffolds to differentiate between planar and three-dimensional environments where cells can adhere and proliferate. The role of specific characteristics such as mechanical properties, porosity and wettability is investigated;
We also present specific applications at the brain interface where CVD graphene has paved the way for revolutionary advances in biomedicine. Future studies on the long-term effects of graphene-based materials in vivo will uncover other potentially disruptive neurological applications.
About human energy harvesting
Characterization of the Coupling between Out-of-Plane Graphene and Electrogenic Cells
"Characterization of the Coupling between Out-of-Plane Graphene and Electrogenic Cells". August 2020. [27
Here, the unprecedented physical properties of a carbon-based material, i.e. graphene, are exploited to create out-of-plane morphologies: 1) 3D single- or few-layer fuzzy graphene morphology. 2) 3D fuzzy graphene with one or a few layers on a collapsed Si nanowire template. 3) 3D fuzzy graphene with one or more layers on a non-collapsed Si nanowire template. These materials are synthesised and interfaced with cardiomyocyte-like cells, focusing on characterising the cytoskeletal arrangement as well as the membrane-wrapping processes regulated by endocytic proteins. Finally, major conditions are found to promote tight coupling with the device and ultimately spontaneous intracellular penetration.
Multiwideband terahertz communications via tunable graphene-based metasurfaces in 6G networks: graphene enables ultimate control of the multiband THz wavefront in 6G networks
"Multiwideband Terahertz Communications Via Tunable Graphene-Based Metasurfaces in 6G Networks: Graphene Enables Ultimate Multiwideband THz Wavefront Control". June 2022. [27]
The term Graphene is mentioned 63 times. The entire study concerns Graphene-based nanotechnologies - namely Graphene-based "reconfigurable smart surfaces".
According to the abstract. The next generation of wireless networks is expected to exploit the terahertz (THz) band (0.1-10 THz) to meet the extreme latency and bandwidth density requirements of future applications. However, the development of systems in this band is challenging because THz waves face severe spreading and penetration losses, as well as molecular absorption, leading to high line-of-sight requirements through highly directive antennas....
In this paper, the relevance of the "reconfigurable smart surfaces" paradigm in indoor THz scenarios for 6G is assessed based on the analysis of tunable graphene-based "reconfigurable smart surfaces" that can operate in multiple broadband transparency windows. A possible implementation of such "reconfigurable smart surfaces" is provided and numerically evaluated at 0.65/0.85/1.05 THz separately, demonstrating that beam steering and other relevant functionalities are achievable with excellent performance.
Finally, the challenges associated with the design and fabrication of multiband graphene-based "reconfigurable smart surfaces" are discussed, paving the way for simultaneous control of multiple THz bands in the context of 6G networks.
Recent years have seen the arrival of the fifth generation (5G) of mobile and wireless communications systems, with a plethora of technologies promising to address today's data rate, latency or density challenges. However, while 5G networks are being rolled out, sixth generation (6G) is already under intensive development to continue to meet the ever-increasing communication demands of society and industry.
In this context, it has been stated that 6G networks can increase data throughput by 10 to 50 times, network efficiency by 10 to 100 times, area traffic capacity by 100 times, while reducing latency by 10 to 100 times compared to 5G networks. [19].
While 5G has exploited the mmWave band (10-100 GHz) to combat spectrum scarcity, it is expected that 6G networks will need to enter the Terahertz band (0.1-1 THz) to continue to increase capacity and reduce latency by exploiting its ultra-wide bandwidth and small antenna form factor.
In this direction, communications in the THz band will enable current networks to reach unprecedented locations, linking them to nano-networks inside the human body or networks in airspace made up of high-altitude platforms or swarms of satellites.
As a result, 6G is expected to play a key role in transport (fully automated driving), immersive experiences (virtual and augmented reality, tactile internet, UHD streaming) or medicine (robotic surgery, e-health), to name just a few examples.
... The vision presented in this article is that of a multiband reconfigurable smart surface based on the metasurface, i.e. a single device capable of controlling the amplitude, direction and shape of reflected beams in several non-contiguous THz bands simultaneously. To realise such a reconfigurable smart surface, the constituent unit cells must be broadly tunable to provide the required amplitude/phase response in the different THz bands, for which the tuning mechanisms used at low frequencies are slow, cumbersome or inefficient[5].
Graphene is an excellent candidate for this purpose thanks to its exceptional optoelectronic properties, which pave the way for the development of ultrafast, highly integrated devices that operate naturally in the THz band and whose resonance can be tuned over a wide range by simply adjusting a bias voltage.
"Reconfigurable smart surfaces" based on Graphene
As an appendix to this fascinatingly transparent study. There are other studies on Graphene-based "reconfigurable intelligent surfaces".
"Digital metasurface based on graphene: An application to beam steering in terahertz plasmonic antennas". Digital metasurface based on graphene: An application to beam steering in terahertz plasmonic antennas. June 2019. [28]
This paper combines reconfigurable and digital approaches and presents a metasurface that takes advantage of the modulability of graphene to steer beams at terahertz frequencies.
"Electrically tuneable terahertz metasurface enabled by a graphene/gold bilayer structure". Electrically tuneable terahertz metasurface enabled by a graphene/gold bilayer structure. August 2022. [20]
Here, we incorporate graphene into a layered graphene/gold bilayer metamaterial structure, which enables efficient electrical tuning of terahertz waves. A frequency-selective absorber at 0.2 THz is designed and experimentally developed using this graphene/gold bilayer metamaterial approach. The device demonstrates 16 dB amplitude tuning at the 0.2 THz resonance and broadband modulation of more than 95% at a bias voltage of only 6 V, while maintaining reference-quality factor resonance performance.
"Highly tunable hybrid metamaterials employing split-ring resonators strongly coupled to graphene surface plasmons". Highly tunable hybrid metamaterials employing split-ring resonators strongly coupled to graphene surface plasmons. 2015. [22]
"Ultra-compact integrated terahertz modulator based on a graphene metasurface". Ultra-compact integrated terahertz modulator based on a graphene metasurface. 2021. [23]
"Highly efficient graphene terahertz modulator with tunable electromagnetically induced transparency-like transmission". [21] Highly efficient graphene terahertz modulator with tunable electromagnetically induced transparency-like transmission.
"A Review of THz Modulators with Dynamic Tunable Metasurfaces". A review of THz modulators with dynamic tunable metasurfaces. 2019. These are, above all, Graphene-based modulators. [24]
"Terahertz binary coder based on graphene metasurface". Terahertz binary coder based on graphene metasurface. October 2021. [25]
"Reconfigurable Terahertz Microstrip Antenna for 6G Communication". July 2023. [19]
LiFi via intelligent reconfigurable surfaces: A new frontier for 6G?
This study, from 2021, is entitled "LiFi Through Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces: A New Frontier for 6G?". [44]
By harnessing the power of billions of connected devices, the future Internet of Things is expected to enable innovative and progressive services such as tele-medicine, extended reality and high-precision automated manufacturing. These applications require unprecedented wireless connectivity, with specific key performance indicators, including terabit-per-second speed, extremely high reliability, extremely low latency and high energy efficiency, which cannot be effectively supported by 5G networks;
To meet these requirements, 6G should be based on a new physical layer architecture that integrates visible light and sub-terahertz bands to support and complement radio frequency communications. Light Fidelity (LiFi), which offers a fully networked two-way wireless solution based on visible light communications, has been identified as an important element of the 6G blueprint, with forecasts that the LiFi market will reach €8 billion by 2030. The directionality and short travel distances of light signals enable extreme cell densification in indoor, vehicular and underwater communications, providing secure, high-speed connectivity. It is also considered an energy and cost efficient technology, as it uses the lighting infrastructure to provide connectivity in addition to lighting functionality. However, the achievable capacity in LiFi systems is limited by: 1) the modulation bandwidth of the transmitting LEDs, and 2) the high line-of-sight dependency, which means that signal quality is influenced by link blocking and random receiver orientation. The use of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) configurations is a promising solution to overcome these limitations and increase the capacity and diversity gains of LiFi, although performance may be hampered by the high correlation between spatial subchannels.
Ultrafast tunable conversion of terahertz light to visible light by thermal radiation from Graphene metamaterials
"Ultrafast Tunable Terahertz-to-Visible Light Conversion through Thermal Radiation from Graphene Metamaterials". April 2023. [91]
Several technologies, including photodetection, imaging and data communication, could greatly benefit from the availability of fast and controllable conversion of terahertz (THz) light to visible light. Here we demonstrate that the exceptional properties and dynamics of electronic heat in graphene enable switchable THz-to-visible conversion on a sub-nanosecond timescale. We show a tunable on/off ratio of more than 30 for emitted visible light, achieved by electrical switching using a gate voltage of the order of 1 V. We also demonstrate that a grid-graphene metamaterial leads to an increase in THz-induced emitted power in the visible range of 2 orders of magnitude. The experimental results are in agreement with a thermodynamic model that describes blackbody radiation from the electronic system heated by the in-band Drude absorption of THz light. These results open a promising path towards new functionalities of optoelectronic technologies in the THz regime.
Scottish and German researchers are working on ways to use point-to-point, free-space terahertz communications with LiFi LED systems for 6G communications.
Professor Harald Haas, Director of Strathclyde's LiFi Research and Development Centre, has been awarded a Humboldt Research Fellowship to collaborate with Professor Robert Schober of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) in Germany. [49]
The project will also explore terahertz communications at frequencies between 300 GHz and 10 THz, as well as optical wireless communications, between 10 THz and 1 PHz.
Researchers will examine the use of reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for all potential 6G frequency bands. RIS are electromagnetic devices with electronically controllable characteristics that can manipulate the impact of an incoming signal.
Professor Ian Akyildiz. 6G and beyond: The future of wireless communication systems. Internet of nano-things and Internet of bio-nano-things
"6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems". July 2020. [173]
Professor Ian F. Akyildiz is a professor of telecommunications and an expert on 5G, 6G, 7G, etc. [103] He is also an expert in Graphene-based nano-communications in the Terahertz frequency bands.
6G technology and beyond will meet the demands of a fully connected world and provide ubiquitous wireless connectivity for all. Transformative solutions are expected to accommodate a growing number of smart devices and services. The main technological advances enabling 6G connectivity goals are: (i) a network operating in the THz band with much wider spectrum resources, (ii) intelligent communication environments that enable a wireless propagation environment with active signal transmission and reception, (iii) ubiquitous artificial intelligence, (iv) large-scale network automation, (v) full-spectrum reconfigurable front-end for dynamic spectrum access, (vi) ambient backscatter communications for energy savings, (vii) space-based Internet of Things enabled by CubeSats and UAVs, and (viii) massive cell-free MIMO communication networks. In this paper, use cases for these enabling techniques as well as recent advances on related topics are highlighted, outstanding issues and possible solutions are discussed, followed by a development timeline outlining global efforts to achieve 6G. Beyond 6G, promising early-stage technologies such as the internet of nano-things, the internet of bio-nano-things and quantum communications, which are expected to have a significant impact on wireless communications, have also been examined in detail in this paper.
As a reminder. Turkish Professor, Ian F. Akyildiz, has let loose on vaccines CoqueVide/19: He, recently, said, "Over the past 15 years, I have done a lot of research on the internet of bio-nano-things, that is, bio-nano-machines injected into the body to monitor health problems. It works very well. These Covid vaccines, these mRNAs are nothing more than small-scale nano-machines that are programmed and injected." [104]
Security Requirements and Challenges of 6G Technologies and Applications.
"Security Requirements and Challenges of 6G Technologies and Applications". March 2022. [43]
This is how a study recently highlighted the nature of 6G and the associated dangers of piracy:
It will offer a meaningful experience for everyone by enabling hyperconnectivity between people and things.
In addition, it should extend the possibilities of mobile communication to places where previous generations would not have been able to develop. A number of potential technologies are expected to form the basis of 6G networks. These include current and future technologies such as post-quantum cryptography, artificial intelligence, machine learning, enhanced edge computing, molecular communication, THz, visible light communication and distributed ledger technologies such as blockchain.
Sixth-generation (6G) wireless network technology is expected to offer greater coverage, lower power consumption, full spectrum and greater cost-effectiveness, while improving security. 6G networks will meet these needs by deploying new technologies such as multiple access, waveform design, channel coding schemes, network slicing, multiple antenna technologies and cloud edge computing;
6G brings four important changes for the future. First, it offers an integrated air-ground-space-sea communications network by deploying terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks. Second, new radio bands will improve network traffic capacity and data speeds, including millimetre wave (mm), sub-6GHz, terahertz (THz) and optical communications. Third, 6G will enable a new generation of intelligent applications and services using artificial intelligence (AI) and big data technologies in response to massive datasets generated by heterogeneous networks with different communication scenarios, large bandwidths, more antennas, and the new requirements of 6G applications. Fourth, network security and privacy must be strengthened and improved for 6G technologies and applications
Magnetically Tunable Graphene-Based Terahertz Metasurface.
"Magnetically Tunable Graphene-Based Terahertz Metasurface". January 2021. [26]
Graphene is a promising platform for configurable terahertz (THz) devices due to its reconfigurability, but most research focuses on its electrical tunability. Here, we propose a graphene-based THz metasurface composed of graphene-cut wire arrays for magnetic manipulation of the THz wave. When an external magnetostatic field is applied, the resonance currents of the graphene cut wires can be effectively affected by the Lorentz force, leading to obvious tuning of the metasurface response.
Simulated results fully demonstrate that the resonant frequencies of the graphene THz metasurface can be effectively modulated under the effect of a vertical magnetostatic field, allowing the transmittance and phase of the THz wave to be manipulated. As a novel tunable THz metasurface method, our structure has promising applications in the THz regime, including ultracompact THz modulators and magnetic field sensors.
Carbon-based ultrabroadband tunable terahertz metasurface absorber (graphene and graphite)
"Carbon-based ultrabroadband tunable terahertz metasurface absorber". January 2024. [90]
In this work, a metal-free tunable terahertz (THz) metasurface is proposed, composed of alternating graphite and graphene, where the Fermi level of graphene is adjusted by varying the applied voltage to obtain the broadband tunable absorption characteristics. In particular, when the Fermi level of the graphene is 1 eV, the absorption coefficient exceeds 90% between 7.24 and 16.23 THz and, more importantly, the absorption bandwidth reaches 8.99 THz.
Strong transient magnetic fields induced by THz-driven plasmons in Graphene disks
"Strong transient magnetic fields induced by THz-driven plasmons in graphene disks". November 2023. [31]
According to the abstract. Here we use graphene disks to demonstrate the existence of transient magnetic fields induced by light from a plasmonic circular current with extremely high efficiency. The effective magnetic field at the plasmonic resonance frequency of graphene disks (3.5 THz) is evidenced by a strong ( ~ 1°) ultrafast Faraday rotation ( ~ 20 ps). In line with reference measurements and simulations, we estimated the induced magnetic field strength to be of the order of 0.7 T for a moderate pump fluence of around 440 nJ cm-2.
According to comments in Science Daily under the headline "Tiny electromagnets made of ultra-thin carbon. When terahertz pulses strike graphene disks". [37]
Graphene, i.e. extremely fine carbon, is considered to be a real miracle material. An international research team has just added a new facet to its diverse properties thanks to new experiments:
The experts sent brief terahertz pulses onto micrometre-sized graphene discs, which briefly transformed these tiny objects into surprisingly powerful magnets. This discovery could prove useful for the development of future magnetic switches and storage devices.
In the long term, these tiny magnets could even be useful for certain future technologies: Graphene discs could perform extremely fast and precise magnetic switching operations thanks to the ultra-short flashes of radiation that generate them.
This would be of interest for magnetic storage technologies, for example, but also for what is known as spintronics, a form of magnetic electronics.
According to researcher Stephan Winner: "We were able to generate magnetic fields of the order of 0.5 Tesla, or around ten thousand times the Earth's magnetic field." For 10 picoseconds, only.
Question of the day. How do you measure a magnetic field of 0.5 Tesla, produced by a graphene disc, for ten hundredths of a billionth of a second? Frankly, I don't know? What about you?
Do we need to repeat: under the effect of Terahertz frequencies, Graphene microdisks transform into "surprisingly powerful magnets"
Terahertz routing with Graphene magnetic metamaterials
"Terahertz routing with graphene magnetic metamaterials". June 2020. [32]
Graphene, which is a two-dimensional lattice of carbon atoms, is a promising candidate for active terahertz metamaterials . The conductivity of graphene can be described by the well-known Kubo formula. According to this formula, the real part of the conductivity of graphene is negative at terahertz frequencies. This means that terahertz surface plasmons can be excited in graphene. When the surface plasmons are excited, the incident wave is absorbed by the graphene. This property means that graphene can be used to design terahertz absorbers. Graphene can also find applications in ultrafast fibre lasers due to the ultrafast dynamics of its carriers and the high absorption of incident light per layer. These properties allow it to be used as a fast saturable absorber for mode-locking over a wide spectral range. With graphene mode-locked fibre lasers, dissipative vector solitons and other phenomena can be confirmed.
Magneto-tunable terahertz absorption in single-layer Graphene: a general approach
"Magneto-tunable terahertz absorption in single-layer graphene: A general approach". July 2023. [39]
The anisotropic terahertz (THz) absorption in graphene could be significantly modified by the application of a static magnetic field on its ultrafast 2D Dirac electrons. In general, by deriving the generalized Fresnel coefficients for monolayer graphene under applied magnetic field, relatively high anisotropic absorption is obtained for linearly polarized incoming light with specific scattering angles. We also demonstrate that the light absorption of monolayer graphene corresponds well to its surface optical conductivity in the presence of a static magnetic field. Furthermore, the temperature-dependent conductivity of graphene allows us to show that a step-by-step absorption characteristic would appear at very low temperatures. We believe that these properties can be used in new graphene-based THz applications.
Observation of Terahertz-induced magnetooscillations in Graphene.
"Observation of Terahertz-Induced Magnetooscillations in Graphene". July 2020. [38]
Our observations extend the family of radiation-induced phenomena in graphene, paving the way for future studies of non-equilibrium electron transport.
Tunable localized surface plasmon graphene metasurface for multiband superabsorption and Terahertz detection
"Tunable localized surface plasmon graphene metasurface for multiband superabsorption and terahertz sensing". March 2020. [34]
We propose a plasmon-induced tunable metasurface for multiband superabsorption and terahertz detection. It consists of a graphene sheet qwhich facilitates perfect absorption, with the graphene pattern in the top layer creating an enhanced evanescent wave that allows the metasurface to function as a sensor.
... By exploiting the tunable properties of graphene, we demonstrate a multiband superabsorption spectrum with a maximum absorption of 99.7% over a frequency range of 0.1 to 2.0 THz that also maintains unique optical performance over a wide angle of incidence. Other results show how the superabsorbent can be used as a sensor, where the resonant frequency shifts as a function of the refractive index of the environment.
Next, I'm going to present a very recent study, from November 2023, which sums up, very coherently, everything that's going on around neuromodulation using Terahertz frequencies. I'm going to present the introduction and the conclusions, because this study does a great job of setting the Terahertz record straight.
The researchers of this study state, at the end of the conclusion, that: "Current micro/nanoprocessing technology enables the fabrication of new integrated microdeviceswith terahertz fibres and brain-computer interfaces at micro/nanoscale. This ensures that terahertz waves are directed to the desired brain tissue,which can solve the problem of poor penetration of terahertz waves into biological tissue."
This is all properly frightening!
Recent advances and progress in research into microsystems and the bio-effects of terahertz neuromodulation
Note that the "bio-effects" are, essentially, "necro-effects"!
"Recent advances and research progress on microsystems and bioeffects of terahertz neuromodulation". [17]
Terahertz waves can interact with the nervous system of organisms under certain conditions. Compared with common optical modulation methods, terahertz waves have the advantage of low photon energy and low risk; therefore, using terahertz waves to regulate the nervous system is a promising new method for neuromodulation. However, most research has focused on the use of terahertz technology for biosensing, while relatively little research has been conducted on the biological effects of terahertz radiation on the nervous system, and there are virtually no review articles on this topic.
In this article, we begin by reviewing the principles and objects of research into the biological effects of terahertz radiation and summarise the current state of research in this field from various aspects, including the biological effects of terahertz radiation on neurons in vivo and in vitro, new methods of regulation and detection using terahertz radiation devices and neuronal microelectrode arrays, and theoretical simulations of the encoding and decoding of neuronal information. In addition, we discuss the main problems and their possible causes, and make some recommendations on possible future breakthroughs. This paper will provide insight and assistance to researchers in the fields of neuroscience, terahertz technology and biomedicine.
Conclusions. Firstly, terahertz neuromodulation is an interdisciplinary subject, and experts from different fields, such as information science, electronics technology and neuroscience, need to be brought together to detect and analyse the biological effects. Currently, most of the researchers conducting research in this field are in the neurosciences and life sciences; this area needs additional attention from experts in the information sciences. In addition, only a few teams are conducting research into the effects of terahertz neuromodulation, each with their own research interests, and the few results that have been published are not systematic, making it difficult to replicate research results.
Secondly, the ultimate goal of terahertz neuromodulation is to regulate or stimulate the human brain. It is essential to conduct in-depth research into the biological safety of terahertz radiation and to carry out repeated exposure experiments on live animals in order to establish appropriate biosafety standards for terahertz radiation. Numerous existing studies have shown that terahertz radiation poses no safety risks when used for neuromodulation and has a good potential for clinical trials. However, some studies have also shown that terahertz radiation can have cytotoxic effects on certain cell types. To minimise the harmful effects of terahertz waves, further detailed studies are needed to clarify the parameters of terahertz waves that can be used for neuromodulation and the types of neurons for which they are effective. Experiments on the effects of terahertz radiation on large animals, such as primates or humans, should be carried out.
Thirdly, terahertz waves have a wide variety of sources and a broad electromagnetic band.Different radiation parameters produce different biological effects, and some studies have even shown that for the same substance, different terahertz waves produce opposite effects. Therefore, the experimental conditions for research into the biological effects of terahertz waves need to be clarified. Also, different biological tissues react differently to the same terahertz radiation.
Finally, in addition to electro-physiology, neuronal signals in the brain also include chemical signals in the form of neurotransmitters. Research into terahertz neuromodulation at the cellular level requires new micro- and nanoscale detection devices. After many years of development, brain-computer interfaces have been used for sensing in rodents and primates in vivo, solving the technical problem of detecting bimodal nerve signals at the level of living cells. Current micro/nanoprocessing technology enables the fabrication of novel microdevices integrated with terahertz fibres and micro/nano brain-computer interfaces. However, to achieve real-time detection of microscale neural signals in conscious animals, targeted innovative research is needed on brain-computer interface design, processing technology and electronic interfaces to further improve long-term implant stability, comfort and applicability of brain-computer interface devices..
Advances in Terahertz metasurface Graphene for biosensing and its applications
"Advances in terahertz metasurface graphene for biosensing and application". [18]
Terahertz waves are electromagnetic waves with a wavelength of 0.03 to 3 mm and a frequency of between 0.1 and 10 THz.... Thanks to the extraordinary electromagnetic properties of terahertz waves, such as broadband, low-energy, high-permeability and biometric fingerprinting spectra, terahertz sensors offer great prospects for applications in the biochemical field. However, the sensitivity of terahertz sensing technology is increasingly demanded by modern sensing needs. With the development of terahertz technology and functional materials, graphene-based terahertz metasurface sensors, which have the advantages of high sensitivity, fingerprint identification, non-destruction and anti-interference, are gradually gaining attention.
Graphene rectenna for efficient energy harvesting at terahertz frequencies
"Graphene rectenna for efficient energy harvesting at terahertz frequencies". 2016. [6]
A Rectenna is a rectifying antenna that converts electro-magnetic energy into DC electricity.
In this paper, we propose a graphene rectenna that encompasses two distinct functions in a single device, namely the antenna and the rectifier, which until now have been two separate components. In this way, the rectenna achieves an efficient energy harvesting technique due to the absence of impedance imbalance between the antenna and the diode. In particular, we obtained a maximum conversion efficiency of 58.43% at 897 GHz for the graphene rectenna on n-doped GaAs, which is a very good value, close to the performance of an RF harvesting system. A comparison with a conventional metal antenna with an HfO2-based metal-insulator-metal diode is also provided.
Terahertz harmonic generation up to seventh order in monolayer Graphene at room temperature
"Extremely efficient terahertz high-harmonic generation in graphene by hot Dirac fermions". September 2018. [5]
Here we report terahertz harmonic generation up to the seventh order in single-layer graphene at room temperature, driven by terahertz fields of only a few tens of kilovolts per centimetre, and with field conversion efficiencies greater than 10-3, 10-4 and 10-5 for the third, fifth and seventh terahertz harmonics, respectively. These conversion efficiencies are remarkably high, given that the electromagnetic interaction occurs in a single atomic layer.
The key to this extremely efficient generation of high terahertz harmonics in graphene is the collective thermal response of its background Dirac electrons to the driving terahertz fields. The terahertz harmonics, generated by the dynamics of the hot Dirac fermions, were observed directly in the time domain as electromagnetic field oscillations at these newly synthesised higher frequencies. The effective non-linear optical coefficients of graphene for the third, fifth and seventh harmonics exceed the respective non-linear coefficients of typical solids by 7 to 18 orders of magnitude7,8,9.
Our results open a direct path to the synthesis of highly efficient terahertz frequencies using the current generation of graphene electronics, which operate at much lower fundamental frequencies of only a few hundred gigahertz.
Body-centred nano-networks powered by nano-rectennas, in the terahertz band, based on carbon, metal and Graphene nano-tubes... for energy harvesting
"Nano-rectenna powered body-centric nano-networks in the terahertz band". July 2018. [4]
Some nano-rectennas, cited in this study, are around 5-6 μm in length with an antenna thickness of 100 nm.
Recently, new rectifying antennas (rectennas) based on carbon nanotubes, metal and graphene have been proposed. At the same time, research into systems for the simultaneous transfer of information and wireless power has progressed rapidly. Body-centric nano-networks can overcome their energy bottleneck using these mechanisms. In this study, a nano-rectenna energy harvesting model is developed. Energy harvesting is achieved by a nano-antenna and an ultra-high-speed rectifier diode combined into a nano-rectenna. This device can be used to power nanosensors using part of the terahertz (THz) information signal without any other external power source system.
The broadband properties of nano-rectennas allow them to generate a direct electric current from THz to optical frequency inputs. The authors calculate the output power generated by the nano-rectenna and compare it to the power required by nanosensors to communicate in the THz band. The calculations and analysis suggest that the nano-rectenna may be a viable approach to delivering power to nanosensors in body-centric nano-arrays.
... There are two main approaches to nanoscale wireless communications, molecular and electromagnetic. The latter typically operates in the terahertz (THz) band (0.1-10 THz) and is a promising technique to support data exchange in nanosensor networks for healthcare applications or body-centric nano-networks. Given the expected size of nanosensors, the frequency radiated by their antennas is normally in the optical range, resulting in very high channel attenuation that can make nanoscale wireless communication impossible. To overcome this limitation, graphene-based antennas have been developed, capable of resonating in the THz band with sizes of just a few micrometres, at a frequency two orders of magnitude lower than that of a metal antenna of the same dimensions.
Terahertz rectangles on flexible substrates based on one-dimensional metal-insulator-graphene diodes.
"Terahertz Rectennas on Flexible Substrates Based on One-Dimensional Metal-Insulator-Graphene Diodes". August 2021. [288] Flexible energy harvesting devices fabricated in scalable thin-film processes are crucial for wearable electronics and the Internet of Things. We present a flexible rectenna based on a metal-insulator-graphene diode with a one-dimensional junction, offering low-noise power sensing at terahertz (THz) frequencies. Rectennas are fabricated on a flexible polyimide film in an evolutionary process by photolithography using graphene obtained by chemical vapour deposition. A one-dimensional junction reduces junction capacitance and enables operation up to 170 GHz. The rectenna exhibits a maximum reactivity of 80 V/W at 167 GHz in free-space measurements and a minimum noise equivalent power of 80 pW/√Hz.
As a reminder: The Graphene Flagship Project is under the aegis of Chalmers University of Technology, in Sweden, in close partnership with Multinational Pharmacracy, AstraZeneca/Syngenta/ChemChina. The researchers studied the bio-compatibility of hexagonal boron nitride nano-particles for medical applications: drug and vaccine transport, bio-sensors and cell stimulation.
Boston-based MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) is proposing another technique for free energy production/harvesting from Graphene... and from boron nitride
According to an article featuring this research in Electronic Design: [282]
The MIT study is entitled "High-frequency rectification via chiral Bloch electrons". March 2021. [9]
"A team at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has devised a way of harvesting radio-frequency energy ranging from microwaves to the terahertz band. The analysis focuses on the physics and presumed limitations of graphene's quantum-mechanical behaviour, as well as ways of overcoming them. Ithey found that by combining graphene with another material - in this case, boron nitride - the graphene electrons should deflect their motion in a common direction, allowing current to flow.
While previous experimental technologies have been able to convert terahertz waves into direct current, they could only do so at ultra-cold temperatures, which obviously limits their practical applications. Instead, lead researcher Hiroki Isobe began to investigate the possibility of using quantum mechanics to induce the electrons in a material to flow in one direction, in order to direct the incoming electromagnetic waves into a direct current. The material used had to be free of impurities for the electrons to flow without being scattered by the material's irregularities, and graphene was an attractive material.
But that was just the starting point. To direct graphene's electrons in a single direction, the material's inherent symmetry had to be 'broken'. In this way, the electrons would feel an equal force in all directions, meaning that any incoming energy would disperse randomly. Others experimented with graphene by placing it on top of a layer of boron nitride, so that the forces between the graphene's electrons were unbalanced: electrons closer to boron felt a force, while electrons closer to nitrogen felt a different pull.
This "skewed diffusion" can result in a useful current flow. The research team has come up with a terahertz rectifier consisting of a small square of graphene placed on a layer of boron nitride. It would be sandwiched in an antenna that collects and concentrates ambient terahertz radiation, amplifying its signal sufficiently to convert it into direct current.
The team has filed a patent for its new "high-frequency rectification" concept,which is described in their Science Advances paper "High-frequency rectification via chiral Bloch electrons" as well as in Supplementary Material. You need to read a little to realise that this is just an extremely thorough theoretical analysis (and I do mean thorough, because the number of models, equations, partial derivatives and integrals is staggering). No device has yet been built. But don't worry, the researchers are working with experimental physicists at MIT to develop a physical device based on their vision and analysis."
Propagation of THz irradiation energy through aqueous layers: Demolition of actin filaments in living cells
"Propagation of THz irradiation energy through aqueous layers: Demolition of actin filaments in living cells". June 2020. [8]
The effect of terahertz (THz) radiation on the deep tissues of the human body was considered negligible due to the strong absorption by water molecules. However, we observed that the energy of THz pulses is transmitted over a thickness of one millimetre in the aqueous solution, probably in the form of a shock wave, and demolishes actin filaments. The collapse of actin filaments induced by THz irradiation was also observed in living cells in an aqueous medium. We also confirmed that cell viability was not affected by exposure to THz pulses. The potential of THz waves as an invasive method to modify protein structure in living cells is demonstrated.
THz irradiation inhibits cell division by affecting actin dynamics
"THz irradiation inhibits cell division by affecting actin dynamics". June 2021. [16]
Biological phenomena induced by terahertz (THz) irradiation have been described in recent reports, but the underlying mechanisms, structural and dynamic changes of specific molecules are still unclear. In this paper, we performed a time-lapse morphological analysis of human cells and found that THz irradiation stops cell division at the time of cytokinesis.
At the end of cytokinesis, the contractile ring, composed of filamentous actin (F-actin), should disappear; however, it remained for one hour under THz irradiation. Induction of functional F-actin structures was also observed in interphase cells. Similar phenomena were also observed under chemical treatment (jasplakinolide), indicating that THz irradiation promotes actin polymerisation. We have previously reported that THz irradiation increases the polymerisation of purified actin in vitro; our current work shows that it increases cytoplasmic F-actin in vivo. We have thus identified one of the key biomechanisms affected by THz waves.
Continuous wave irradiation at 0.1 terahertz facilitates transmembrane transport of small molecules: it significantly affects nerve cell plasma membrane functions
"Continuous wave irradiation at 0.1 terahertz facilitates transmembrane transport of small molecules". March 2022. [10]
In summary, our results reveal that 0.1 THz radiation significantly affects plasma membrane functions, facilitating transmembrane transport of exogenous cargoes.
0.1 THz exposure affects gene expression in primary hippocampal neurons via alternating transcription factor binding
"0.1 THz exposure affects primary hippocampus neuron gene expression via alternating transcription factor binding". June 2021. [3]
These results suggest that THz irradiation affects the interaction of various biomolecules.
In vivo analysis of THz wave irradiation induced acute inflammatory response in skin by laser-scanning confocal microscopy
"In vivo analysis of THz wave irradiation induced acute inflammatory response in skin by laser-scanning confocal microscopy". 2014. [11]
Whereas the unirradiated control skin area showed no change in the number of resident neutrophils, a massive recruitment of newly infiltrated neutrophils was observed in the THz-wave-irradiated skin area after 6 h, suggesting the induction of an acute inflammatory response by pulsed THz-wave irradiation of the skin via a non-thermal process.
Study of the effects of 0.15 terahertz radiation on the genome integrity of adult fibroblasts.
"Study of the effects of 0.15 terahertz radiation on genome integrity of adult fibroblasts". July 2018. [12]
Therefore, our results indicate thatTHz radiation exposure can affect genome integrity through aneugenic effects, not DNA disruption.
A novel neuromodulation strategy: terahertz exposure enhances neuronal synaptic transmission and oligodendrocyte differentiation in vitro
"Terahertz exposure enhances neuronal synaptic transmission and oligodendrocyte differentiation in vitro". December 2021. [30]
Terahertz (THz) frequency occupies a large part of the electromagnetic spectrum that lies between the infrared and microwave regions. Recent advances in THz applications have stimulated interest in biological effects in this frequency range.
In the present study, we report that irradiation with a single-frequency THz laser on mouse cortical neuron cultures increases excitatory synaptic transmission and neuronal firing activities. Microarray analysis reveals gene expression dynamics after THz exposure, consistent with morphological and electrophysiological findings. In addition, some THz irradiation schedules inhibit oligodendrocyte precursor cell proliferation and promote oligodendrocyte differentiation. It should be noted that the myelination process is enhanced after THz exposure. In summary, our observations suggest that THz irradiation can modulate the functions of different nerve cells, with different sensitivity to THz.
These results provide a better understanding of the mechanisms governing interactions between THz and nervous systems and suggest that THz waves constitute a new neuromodulation strategy.
The biological effects of terahertz wave-induced injury on neural stem cells: proliferation and apoptosis are strongly impacted
"The biological effects of terahertz wave radiation-induced injury on neural stem cells". October 2023. [14]
Terahertz (THz) is an electromagnetic wave with a radiation wavelength between 30 and 3000 μm and a frequency between 0.1 and 10 THz. With the development of new THz sources and devices, THz has been widely applied in various fields. However, there are few studies on the biological effects of THz irradiation on human neural stem cells and mouse neural stem cells, which need further investigation. We studied the biological effects of THz radiation on human and mouse neural stem cells. The effects of THz irradiation time and average output power on neural stem cell proliferation, apoptosis and DNA damage were analysed by flow cytometry and immunofluorescence.
The results showed that neural stem cell proliferation and apoptosis were affected in a dose-dependent manner by THz irradiation time and average output power. Human neural stem cell proliferation was more vulnerable to damage and apoptosis was more severe under the same terahertz irradiation conditions than mouse neural stem cells.
Studying the influence of 3.1 THz radiation on nerve cell endocytosis
"Studying the influence of 3,1 THz radiation on the endocytosis of neuronal cells". November 2021. [2]
These results demonstrated that THz irradiation can modify the endocytosis process of nerve cells in a positive or negative way, suggesting that it has the potential to affect substance exchange and signal transmission.
Original by Dominique Guillet - Xochipelli, translated from French
Another Read:
Outstandingly comprehensive article.
Perhaps a breakdown into sub posts, would make it more digestible to the public.
Brilliant work.
Thank you.