Transhumanism is a Dead End
The Future is Offline
And Scarcity is a Lie!
The “Internet of Bio-Nano Things”, or: A Remote to Reality
Somebody could remotely "reprogram you and kill you!”
Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz
(35 years of cutting edge experience in telecommunications, worldwide leader of THZ networking research and application for the interfacing of biology with pattern recognition A.I. … speaking at a conference regarding the threat of hacking the IobnT1)
It is time to put an end to the gaslighting and this unhinged Spikopathy!
Yuval Harari considers our human rights “merely an idea” -
It is time that we make our voices heard, before those demented technocrats wreck even more of this beautifully created and living fabric of reality, which is energy - our life energy - that is being invaded, graphenized and therewith interfaced….
Dr. Akyildiz regards our cells as nothing more than “nano machines”2, a fabulous justification for universal Frankensteinization3 of our biology with metamaterials (like graphene). He says that artificial “nano machines” would make our mind “open to order”.
Orders by WHO ? Ian Carroll has documented the real perpetrators through official source material and has just truth bombed Elon Musk regarding the Zionist rule : See his comment with more than 16,8 million views - the tides are turning.
“When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.” “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."
“Augmentation” - Without Informed Consent
Humanity is still vastly unaware of the capabilities of the “Internet of Everything”, the “ubiquitous computing” reality of our age, since every advance is being packaged with a cover up use case and we are being gaslit regarding the covert activities of signals intelligence. The wet dream of the control of virtually everything would become a reality with ease, wasn’t it for the uncomfortable fact that biology will never fully fuse with necro technology, without causing mayhem to our finest of tuned systems of intra-body cell collaboration, that emerge to such a wonderful creature as the human being itself.
“A more direct way of putting this would be: robotization and remote mobilization of the rewired post-human entity. The post-human being no longer utilizes external devices. The post-human being IS the device. Such devices are designed to run on 6G.”
(James Giordano)
We have been deprived of the support structures to explore the real questions of this existence together, like we used to- before the abrahamic master race ideologues raged through the old world and tore down tribes and cultures connected to nature and severed our thread to the soul of everything - the mysteries beyond the superficial sell out perversions of their true depth and intentions.
The fundamental deceit under the dark cybernetic heavens of transhumanism, is the inherent incompatibility of biology with xenobiotics (the metamaterials like graphene or PEG). The cascades of inflammation, now normalised under the guise of viral pandemics, are truly caused by countless nanoparticles from virtually every industrial product, sold with alleged false “health benefits” or other ways to weave them into everything. The viral narrative got curated for centuries, under the gradual and brutal expropriation of humanities integrity within nature. When nanoparticles meet biological fluids, a toxic protein corona is formed. This “corona / crown” looks like a spike protein and countless viruses… and therewith they found a way to covertly deploy them without informed consent.
Transhumanism & The New Age
The entire new age movement has been enchanted by the patriarchic mirages of “evolutionary progress” through merging with this radiation-cancer tech4, sold as liberation and furthering of the neo-darwinistic delusion department! The EMF overkill is now called “ascension” and the damage is just a symptom for this. And the reasons for our fried brains are not the thousands upon thousands of starlink satellites but simply solar flares. All meant to be. Prophecy. Perfect (for our overlords).
This article (and the second part) shows in great depth, how Transhumanism is sold as spiritual enlightenment, shedding light on the deep ties of the “conscious evolution” narrative, funded by the Rockefeller foundation and respective eugenics programs. (Regardless of his misdirected rants against the “christocentric gnostics” - since the authentic gnostics warned us about the archontic intrusion, were critical towards transhumanism disguised as christianity).
It shows the clear ties of the enemies of life to our most precious movements that aim at the liberation of our inner potential. The author mistakes the twisted lies around alleged “christocentric gnosticism”, because everything that constitutes their authentic movement was actually critical towards the abrahamic master race ideologies like christianity. The movement of the tzaddik, the self proclaimed supreme authority, was conducted by the richest of the richest of visionless ideologues and they left a travesty of what we had - leading to the current intrusion of abiotic technology, the frankensteinisation of gaia.5

What is scorching our homes and brains alike?
Directed Energy, not Climate Change
(or Terrorists- as Judy Wood points out regarding 9/11).
Ashton Forbes Debunked Every Debunker - hard evidence for plasma propulsion, the technology for the hovering “UFOs”, totally in the hands of our self proclaimed tech era gods.
The powers that shall not be impose evermore control, since the fruits of our human curiosity breached through the limitations of space and time, with zero point energy. This subdued and heavily controlled knowledge of anti- gravity propulsion and over unity energy generation- has to be decentralised and humanity has to collaborate on this both outrageously dangerous and incredibly promising technology, to basically prevent annihilation. We have to take it from the hands of the enemies of life into the decentralised control through commons, reaping the benefits together, while collectively minimising the harms- this is how a society should function!
This technology will collapse the entirety of anti-human scarcity narratives. It bears a potentially terminal danger to the entire solar system though, quite literally.
Might hot fusion have been a scam entirely- like our allopathic system? Could it be that the cold war was always about cold fusion, plasma technology, the power structures with the capabilities to create heaven on earth or annihilate creation? Ashton Forbes found undeniable evidence for this technology to be in use and this clears up the UFO question in the best possible way too.
Gravity is a side effect of Zero Point Energy!
“I firmly believe the ideas discussed by Dr. Jack Kruse regarding magnetic monopoles and their potential impact on energy systems resonate strongly with emerging discussions around advanced technologies. These concepts, when paired with insights from @JustXAshton (Ashton Forbes), regarding the mysterious disappearance of Flight MH370, suggest a broader narrative — one involving technologies that challenge conventional physics.”
Could magnetic monopoles be part of classified innovations enabling teleportation, cloaking, propulsion, & communication systems?
The parallels are compelling. Understanding this technology might illuminate more than just historical physics oversights; it could explain unexplained aerospace phenomena.
This situation is straight out of the movies. Person finds out impossible to believe fact and tries to convince mainstream people, who refuse to accept it. The same physicists who say energy can't come from nothing also say that all energy came from nothing in the Big Bang. Energy can come from nothing, but just that one time... How does this make sense to people? Einstein's math shows repulsive gravity exists but we don't understand it so we just say gravity only has one direction. We say we're sure General Relativity is correct, but GR can't even explain our Solar System or any system with 3 or more bodies, which should become unstable. GR can't explain the expansion of the universe or rotations of galaxies so we invented fake things called dark matter and dark energy. The people that believe all this want to tell you we can't manipulate gravity and negative energy is an exotic substance. What basis do they have to claim intellectual superiority over anyone? Ashton Forbes
Question to Ashton Forbes : "Violating gauge invariance basically means that the theory doesn't link to the standard model of particle physics"
Ashton Forbes : The standard model was never going to last. We can't even explain our own solar system without something holding it together. We just decided to call it 'dark matter,' and 'dark energy.' An upgrade is long overdue. The zero point energy density of 'empty' space is so important because it explains the duality in the math in GR. There is 'negative' energy, it's just not an exotic substance. It's at the Planck scale below our perceptible limit unified by Kaluza Klein. Gravity is an induced pressure effect of relative energy densities. The Casimir effect is negative energy density. Dirac sea and hole theory is correct, we can pull negative energy out of the vacuum leaving behind a hole.
"Violating Lorentz-invariance basically means you introduce an aether"
Ashton Forbes: Yes, this is how we manipulate gravity, longitudinal, scalar ripples through the Aether. Free energy is now possible and there's an explanation for where all energy comes from. Explanation for quantum entanglement and FTL communications a possibility. Alcubierre was right. You can expand and contract space by manipulating energy densities and riding a gravity pressure wave.
The Aether is an elegant solution that requires minimal revision to current models while answering all the significant physics questions. This is our future and there's no avoiding it.
"Science advanced one funeral at at time." - Max Planck
The tides might be turning - thanks to everyone out there with a spine in these times, weathering this heavy attack against our core values in this life, I see you- thank you!
More Sources
For a remedy to nasty climate lies, through false CO2 stories: click here
Here you can find the best falsification of darwinism through the genius work of Lynn Margulis (and Lovelock), an article that frankly changed my life forever: click here
Link to Source Presentation - Position 1:12:20 // Website:
Ian F. Akyildiz received his BS, MS, and PhD degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, in 1978, 1981 and 1984, respectively. Currently, he is the President and CTO of the Truva Inc. since March 1989.
He also serves on the Advisory Board of the Technology Innovation Institute (TII) in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates since June 1, 2020. He is also an Adjunct Professor with the University of Helsinki since 2021, University of Iceland since 2020, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) since 2019. Dr. Akyildiz is also a Visiting Distinguished Professor with the Shiv Nadar University, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, India since October 2019.
Dr. Akyildiz was the Megagrant Research Leader and Advisor to the Director of the Institute for Information Transmission Problems at the Russian Academy of Sciences, in Moscow, Russia, (2018-2020). He was an Adjunct Professor with the University of Cyprus (2017-2020). He is the Ken Byers Chair Professor Emeritus in Telecommunications, Past Chair of the Telecom group at the ECE and the Director of the Broadband Wireless Networking Laboratory between (1985-2020) at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Akyildiz had many international affiliations during his career. He established many research centers in Spain, South Africa, Finland, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Russia, India, Cyprus, etc.
He is the Founder and Editor in Chief of the newly established of the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies (ITU-J FET) since August 2020. Dr. Akyildiz is the Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of Computer Networks Journal (Elsevier) (1999-2019), the founding Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of the Ad Hoc Networks Journal (Elsevier) (2003-2019), Physical Communication (PHYCOM) Journal (Elsevier) (2008-2017), and Nano Communication Networks (NANOCOMNET) Journal (Elsevier) (2010-2017). He is an IEEE Fellow (1996) and ACM Fellow (1997) and received numerous awards from IEEE and ACM and other professional organizations, including Humboldt Award from Germany.
He is a former editor for IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (1996-2001), Kluwer Journal of Cluster Computing (1997-2001), ACM-Springer Journal for Multimedia Systems (1995-2002), for IEEE Transactions on Computers (1992-1996) as well as for ACM-Springer Journal of Wireless Networks (WINET) (1995-2005). He served as a guest-editor for several special issues of various journals between 1988-2001 including “Networks in Metropolitan Areas” in October 1992 and “Mobility and Resource Management in Next Generation Wireless Systems” in October 2001 for IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications.
He was the technical program chair of the 9th IEEE Computer Communications Workshop in 1994. In 1995, he co-launched the ACM MobiCom (International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking), which is now the premier conference in the broad field of wireless networking, and he was the Technical Program Chair for MobiCom’96 and MobiCom’02. He was also Technical Program Chair for IEEE INFOCOM’98 (Computer Networking Conference) and IEEE ICC’2003 (International Conference on Communications). He is the Co-Founder of the ACM SenSys (Sensor Systems) Conference and General Co-Chair of the ACM SenSys’03, which took place in Los Angeles in November 2003. He was the General Chair for Third Med Hoc (Mediterranean Conference on Ad Hoc Networks), in Bodrum, Turkey, June 2004, and the General Chair of the IFIP Networking’07 Conference in Atlanta, May 2007.
“Among all forms of self-assembly, the most likely and most morphologically matched is self- assembly guided by biological DNA templates. Among its advantages, Kumar highlights "nanowire fabrication as it solves integration problems (eliminating the need to manipulate individual nanowires). Problems related to contacts for electrical and magnetic transport are also solved." This fits with the type of nanodevices observed, e.g. micro/nano rectennas and graphene- derived materials, graphene quantum dots GQDs. In fact, Kumar states that "the use of physical DNA templates, results in the growth of nanomaterials in a predefined position, eliminating the need for post-growth manipulation and providing the facility of electrical connections for further characterizations," which helps to understand how the quadrangular shapes observed in the vaccine samples are constructed and defined, bearing a strong resemblance to PCBs, microchips, sensors and integrated circuits. He also adds that "such templates give rise to the growth of nanopoints (quantum dots), vertical nanowires, which can be used in a controllable way to fabricate FET (Field Effect Transistor) devices, magnetic tunnel junction devices and devices for optical applications" which confirms that with directed self-assembly it is possible to create miniaturized nanotechnology of any known electronic device. In other words, self-assembly guided by biological DNA templates can be used to make all the devices required for an intracorporal nano-network, being feasible that this is the technique used in vaccines, according to the images observed and the statements in the scientific literature” (Catania, V. Mineo, A.; Monteleone, S.; Patti, D. 2014 | Keren, K.; Berman, R.S.; Buchstab, E.; Sivan, U.; Braun, E. 2003).
Programmed assembly of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) DNA nanostructures, representing a major breakthrough in DNA nanotechnology" (Hong, F.; Zhang, F.; Liu, Y.; Yan, H. 2017 | Rothemund, P. W. 2006 | Endo, M.; Sugiyama, H. 2014),
DNA Origami by Mik Andersen (What the “DNA” Contamination is all about)
“We know for a fact that DARPA's N3 program exists, and that six top laboratories are working on it, and Battelle and Rice University have produced working prototypes for BrainSTORMS and MOANA. Klaus Schwab actually mentions the BRAIN Initiative by name in his books. We know that Davos are fantasizing about mind control, biometric implants, and "brain transparency", if Nita Farahany and Yuval Harari's statements are taken at face value. We know that the WEF and the RAND Corporation have both made statements about employing synthetic biology and bionanotechnology to reengineer people and monitor their vital signs 24/7, and they even call it the Internet of Bodies, as though human bodies should become an extension of existing IoT platforms.
We also know for a fact, by reading their published material in authoritative journal sources, that Ian Akyildiz, Josep Jornet, Charles Lieber, Sakhrat Khizroev, Gaurav Sharma, Jacob Robinson, and others like them have been actively developing wireless BCIs and Internet of Bodies technology. When these facts are coupled with statements made by James Giordano and Charles Morgan on neurowarfare at West Point, Armin Krishnan's book on neurowarfare (which openly suggests that neuroweapons may be used to pacify the population during a forthcoming period of poverty and resource depletion), and the statements made by Klaus Schwab and his associates regarding 4IR, biotech, biodigital convergence, and so on, and when you consider the implications of the WHO's pandemic treaty and how it acts as a foot in the door for modifying human beings without our consent, I believe there is a credible threat to human autonomy and neurorights that must be challenged.
I don't think the Elites ever gave up on their dream of manipulating people the same way Delgado shocked those poor bulls. They wanted to do it fifty years ago, but the technology wasn't good enough, so they elected to bide their time until the opportunity to seize control over mankind presented itself. Now, they're going all-out, establishing the frameworks to legitimize this means of control. Most people don't realize this technology even exists, or what it could be used for. If there was widespread awareness of it, it would undoubtedly be rejected as an affront to human dignity.” (netfind)
There is no CHIP or WIRE needed, this was a red herring type of narrative to distract us from how stunningly advanced and integral their possibility to get to our brains really is already. Every sensor, every LED used for interfacing as a wifi- lightbulb, every bluetooth and zigbee device that we so comfortably use, every streetlight acts basically as a data router - interacts with one of our own body parts, our bioenergetic field. This makes bidirectional communication between our most intimate thoughts and A.I. not only feasible- but made them openly declare such covert interfacing of our BODY the "next step in evolution. The bioenergetic field has been deliberately extracted from popular scientific discourse, whilst the described method of interfacing HUMAN-biology have been perfected and applied- again: WITHOUT informed consent.
Good introduction into the perspective of John Lamb Lash, who has been called a Nagual by Dominique Guillet, humanities most important whistleblower regarding Transhumanism. About the Archontic Intrusion, which is not an “Alien Invasion” as we are being deceived with
Such a pleasure reading this wisdom! I highly recommend listening to the audio link at the end by John Lamb Lash.
Thank You!
So eloquently put. Thank you.
Whilst mainstream christianity has been made into a cult by the enemy, it appears there was a man known as jesus who was aware of the archontic presence here on earth. its hidden in the gnostic apocryphal texts