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Nov 14, 2023
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Protocols of the Elders of Zion are a forgery. Fake. Garbage. Written by a Russian Jew hater. If you believe that it is real, it says more about you than the piece of garbage book.

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Look up the definition of 'forgery.' It is an UNAUTHORIZED COPY. The U.S. military investigated the Protocols back in 1917 and stated that they were *genuine.* So, you can continue parroting bs as much as you want, but the facts speak for themselves. They said they would re-write history and they have. Now, having said this, most aren't aware that this is a Jesuit conspiracy. Yes, conspiracy, not 'theory!' It was written in such a manner to detract from who* is behind them. Uninformed people such as yourself, going on a tangent isn't helping anyone. They've managed to get gullible people such as yourself to police comment sections for them. People were murdered to conceal these writings you're so quick to call 'fake' but, you can't even determine the difference between fake and forgery. Is your hair still on fire? Learn to make the proper distinction.


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Fake, forgery call it whatever you want. They are not real. They have no basis in reality.

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Your basis isn't in 'reality' and conjecture doesn't refute the (substantial) evidence. Burden of proof is on the one calling, "Fake," which you clearly cannot provide.

You're entitled to your opinion, but it's just that. And since you refuse evidence to the contrary the only means you have remaining is assertion over fact -or- ad hominem attack.

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Of course you blocked me. You cannot refute the TRUTH!

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BS. It’s a known forgery. Made up to libel the Jews. I don’t care what the military says. Are you telling me that they never lie? Heard of Covid? Gulf of Tonkin? How many billions of dollars were missing according to Rumsfeld the day before 9/11?

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Everyone's owned by way of Birth Certificate Fraud, property of the Crown/Vatican. Crown isn't the British Royal family but the banking dynasty of Rothschild, Warburg, Oppenheimer & Schiff. Just like the U.S. is a Corporation, courtesy of the Act of 1871. Washington, D.C. was originally named: Rome, Maryland. And was owned originally by (drumroll) ...a Jesuit.



Just because you cry foul (or in this instance: fake) doesn't change anything. Of course there have been false flag ops such as Golf of Tonkin, 9-11, etc. & they lie to get wars started. The reason the info is suppressed is because they control the official narrative. Doesn't mean it's fake, it means that conspiracies do exist. And we're lied to about most everything.

Zionist Jesuits created a false conflation with the introduction of the word 'Jew' in place of Yahudi by purposefully mistranslating Scriptural text and later by falsely conflating Hebrew with Jew. But, the letter 'j' doesn't exist in Hebrew or Proto-Hebrew (Abryt) and is less than 500 yrs in existence! Making the false counterfeit 'JC' an impossible name of the Hebrew Messiah as well. This information isn't popular, but it's true, nonetheless. You may find accurately translated Scripture free to download here:


Not going to argue w/you. You can continue to reject truth, but you cannot prove it false by mere conjecture. 'Yahudym' from Yahudah were a black lineage, not a 'religion.' The good amongst them simply followed the message as given by Abraham, Yakob & Yahusha. Religion is a Babylonian concept. Scripture speaks of 'Yahudym' and Yashar'alites, not "Jews" (other than fraudulent translations). Roman Empire orchestrated Khazari-Ashkenazi adoption of Torah mixed with Babylonian Talmud for political expediency through the Kagan circa 730 AD. This is the earliest point possible the religion known as "Yahudah-ism" (Judaism) could have been created.


"Judeo-Christianity" is gentilian corruption for means of usurping the Promise of the favored nation(!)

It's no coincidence that Christianity promotes 'Replacement Theology' which is contrary to what's written. This* is where "Judeo-Christianity" originates. It claims its source is biblical, yet the omission of many books was deliberate (as well as corrupted translations). And I'm not sharing any of this to cause offense, but because people need to know the truth. These conspiracies are very real and have brought much pain and suffering, not the least of which, whose penalty is eternal.

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Zionist Jesuits corrupted Scriptural transliterated text and with the introduction of the letter 'j' created the word 'Jew' in place of Yahudi. No 'j' exists in Hebrew or Abryt and is less than 500 in existence, making the word 'Jew' a relatively new invention.

I included a link to HalleluYah Scriptures but for whatever reason it's not displaying, so, I'm posting it again here: https://halleluyahscripturesfree.com/

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BS. Khazarian’Jews’ is a myth. This is one persons interpretation of our history. What your people would call the OLD TESTAMENT is being found to be more consistent with archaeological evidence dug up in the land now known as Israel every day. And more will be found in years to come.

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Nov 17, 2023
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Former Jesuit Alberto Rivera gave credible testimony on Islam being a creation of the Vatican

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We all know, on an instinctual level that these frequencies are not human friendly. Our intellectual curiosity will be our downfall, if we don't check it.

Thank you for your efforts.

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Where do we start, I mean here we all are using the internet, using this technology. It seems the technology we are addicted to, is what we always had the ability to do without it. How do we get back to that? I suggest we go into Nature as far from the cities and find a river, sit under a tree and connect with Mother Earth. While resting in the peace of Nature, read the book by Peter Wohlleben THE HIDDEN NATURE OF TREES, WHAT THEY FEEL, HOW THEY COMMUNICATE, DISCOVERIES FROM A SECRET WORLD, THE MYSTERIES OF NATURE PART 1

Mother Natures, Wood Wide Web.

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this sounds like a great book for my remarkable ink display reader ;) thank you for that recommendation. The truth will set us free, as in the truth of what causes our cancers and heart attacks - the omnipresence of harmful radiation and not some vilified non existent virus- so if we create an institution that brings oversight and reduce the abusive leeching of the electricity of our own biophotonic energy, for human husbandry- then we can rejoice in a much more connected and humane world, where we feel each other again, when our sensitivity comes back.

Our biofield is a part of our body and can be greatly enlarged by all activities that heat our souls from the frozen state we are in, whilst the blizzards of Transhumanism wreak havoc over our lives ... John Lamb Lash calls this the archontic curse on humanity - it is, in fact, not our own fault, since we are born into slavery and deprived of our true history. We have to understand that we are much better than we think and find networks of trust to resist this global takeover right now. Feeling nature is a great solution too :)

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Yes exactly!

I hope that the Truth can set us free.

So much has been hidden/stolen from us, and when I say us, I mean all LIFE.

like you said we are born here into a life of slavery. All Lies and our memory has been tampered with. It is within us though, and we must re member it.

I never wanted to believe in demons, in beings who would do this to Life...

I am familiar with JLL... but I stopped listening to him because of is arrogance... I guess I need to just get over that.

I do today, think that there are definitely 'Beings' who are running the show, I don't think they are just sick psychotic HUMANS... although these type humans do exist...The archons are parasitic entities, are they just thoughtforms/eggregores or are they very real?

If they are thought forms, then it is possible that in our own minds we can heal our own thoughts, we can create a better scenario, we can envision our freedom, we can take back our power.

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We can access the realm of the archons temporarily, through entheogens or meditation methods and then we perceive the frequencies where they reside as "physical", while it is rather "ethereal" - since other people would not perceive them, even though you can be right there with them, when under the influence of high doses of DMT, for example. They are parasitical, ant like, acting like insects, without intention or limits, completely overriding our humanity with their psychopathy, epigenetically transforming humanity and driving us away from the simple realization of the irreducible complexity of intelligent and intentional beauty, created and thought out by sophia, the wisdom of earth, that we can feel in our best moments :)- this is my humble opinion!

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It is imperative that we put an end to the atrocities committed by these monsters. We must take action to counter their actions. Throughout human history, dating back to 200,000 to 300,000 years ago, we have faced similar challenges and managed to overcome them with our innovative thinking. We can draw inspiration from Solzhenitsyn's incredible writing, which played a crucial role in bringing down the Soviet Union. - Luc

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CBC . . . 14 July 2018 . . . Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband and students escorted out of Canadian Level 4 lab . . . removal of unauthorized material from Winnipeg to China . . . group involved in setting up the Level 4 lab in Wuhan . . .


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There’s so much here ... love the Terrence McKenna quote! Chem trails have always pissed me off. I still think the earth is flat! I’ll dig into this all when I can.

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Yes James I too know the earth is flat. Some stackers call this a PsyOp and likely don’t believe that God’s creation is a fact. To believe in a ball earth harkens to big bang and all the other Man’s Scientism beliefs. God’s word is clear in multitude of descriptions throughout the Bible that we live on-a flat non rotating plane.

We can agree on most of Frances and Telestai’s emf, GO, 5G work, buti it is hard for them to truly give credit and Glory to God for being the All in everything.

I’d like Frances in her articles about the Black Nobility to go more into the fact that most of the Royals and worldly controllers are inverted male to females and females to male because it derives from their hatred of God our Father. This is obvious when you truly look arpttheir pictures. It is their Satanic religion.

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God will not be mocked. Prophecy does prove God. Until someone shows me the curve of the Earth, proves its spinning, explains gravity holding trillions of gallons of water, all the awhile a mosquito, bird fly gently over the big waters.....one conspiracy you can prove. BIG bang like we evolved from apes and life just happened while we are just a spec in the uiverse when nasa cant even get to the moon....or escape the Celestial Dome. Right on Neal. id go on but i got things to do.

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Nov 14, 2023
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we got to watch our tone :)

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No reason to BE rude IN fact you just solidify your inability to accept another observations

We are then spinning at 1000 mph and Neil de grasse says the earth is pear shape? You might want to tell the cgi pictures that. Or the navigational charts or fighter pilot but it’s ok

Einstein could not prove the earth was spinning either… but maybe you can.

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You're a fruit loop . . .

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I don’t know whether the earth is flat or not but I do know that you are a filthy bigot.

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Like captain crunch better

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The collapse of germ theory 12/20 (one of many) - https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/is-germ-theory-about-to-collapse

Transhumanism 7/21 (one of many) - https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/graphene-oxide-epidemic-2-the-transhumanist

Archon revelations 6/22 - https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/archon-revelations

Mind control 4/23 - https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/the-brain-is-the-current-battlespace

The role of directed energy weapons (numerous) with transhumanism and mind control 10/23 - https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/neuro-strike-the-invisible-assault

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I know nothing of Archons. Shall read. Thank u.

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Thank You So Much !

{And DD For The Share} !

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I read The Electric Rainbow recently and, although I’ve known about the dangers of EMF/EMR for a long time, the details of the history of the impact of electricity on humans are astounding. As a result I detached from my phone as much as possible: I got off Instagram, stopped carrying it with me when in the garden; missed call after call and used it mainly for work emails and to read the odd Substack. I slowly began to feel less anxious, more grounded (20 minutes barefoot walking on the grass assisted) and developed a sensitivity to artificial electrical ‘noise’. Then we started getting slammed with HAARP in south eastern rural Victoria, Australia, where I live. It made me feel sick - I had many of the symptoms of radiation poisoning outlined in The Electric Rainbow. Eventually I couldn’t stand it anymore and had a detox bath, in Epsom salts and Borax. I lay there until the water cooled to body temperature, which draws the radiation out of the body. Following that, all my symptoms disappeared - no more body aches and pains, headaches, earaches, anxiety. It was quite incredible. It’s made me realise, alongside my research into ‘pandemics’ and ‘viruses’ since 2020, that, as you say, nearly every dis/ease is caused by radiation.

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Appreciate this extraordinary collection of information.

The psycho-spiritual parasitic nature of archons that take over humans via thought-forms or mind-virus' is to me one of the key things to really get. Self sovereignty includes our personal fields.

And the importance of keeping our frequency at those levels where these archonic forces simply can't play - they are limited to a frequency bandwidth - also essential to know.

All of this is changing as the cosmic energies increase. We have to survive the next... I don't know how long. But this manufactured world is definitely coming apart and better days coming. Thank you for the info/resources.

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Great post however God’s earth is flat. I posted the following below to a fellow believer:

Yes James I too know the earth is flat. Some stackers call this a PsyOp and likely don’t believe that God’s creation is a fact. To believe in a ball earth harkens to big bang and all the other Man’s Scientism beliefs. God’s word is clear in multitude of descriptions throughout the Bible that we live on-a flat non rotating plane.

We can agree on most of Frances and Telestai’s emf, GO, 5G work, buti it is hard for them to truly give credit and Glory to God for being the All in everything.

I’d like Frances in her articles about the Black Nobility to go more into the fact that most of the Royals and worldly controllers are inverted male to females and females to male because it derives from their hatred of God our Father. This is obvious when you truly look arpttheir pictures. It is their Satanic religion.

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I had to stand up from my desk and clap my hands in a standing ovation after reading the detailed coverage of your post. THANK YOU AND BLESSINGS whoever you are.

FYI there is information available that EDTA chelation is genotoxic and should be avoided, so I do not understand why Dr Mihalcea pushes it so hard.

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Yes, I have been reading about this and only recently became familiar with Sabrina's Odysee Channel. She rocks! Thanks for explaining this so well. Sharing your Substack widely! Bless you!

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Hello, dear Telestrai! Took me some time to go through the information you have presented in such terrific detail! Thank you so much! It is incredible! Truly, work of your life!

Have you come across this substack? This lady also has some experience with nano and the detox protocol as well.



What about Paul P?



The most important I think we need to stop spraying of our Skies. Whatever it takes -local action, fund raisers, talking to people everywhere, just screaming this information. our..maybe it should be our goal for 2024!

Happy Holidays!

Again - thank you your great contributions to humanity!

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How do we find the detox section in the Directory of Whistle-blowers? I don't even know where to access the Directory, lol. Thankyou for your great article and your help :)

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clicking on it should open the section - or you scroll down for a year or two :-)

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Bless your heart

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Thank you for your work.

One thing, you forgot to mention Tony Pantalleresco's work, anti-nano devices, disengaging the nano program

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I had one link to a video from Tony as a detox hint in there already - I added him to the detox section. Thank you a lot !

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Thank you a lot! This is a good idea, I will add that later today ....

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A few videos you can share on that topics:

- The original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAOfZ5PddKc

- Talking about shedding: https://www.bitchute.com/video/oKrbHpOTI9C1/

- A presentation I did which may be useful for encapsulating different concepts: https://rumble.com/v3lmkx7-protect-from-vaccine-shedding-and-nanotechnology-how-we-do-it.html

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