DMT & Nanoterminator Sludge
A synthetic BDSM-Barbie World, the microbic Imagination of our autistic Tech-Age Dr. Frankensteins and their Deranged Spy-Goblins... and the Sober Certainty of Waking Bliss!
“Nature is alive and talking to us- this is not a metaphor”
Terence McKenna
Greetings beloved biped!
Simulation theory is becoming a justification for general inertia and nihilism, for spineless servitude to the false god of technological progress- as long as its comfortable and the sickening flickering shows likes for whatever soul prostitution grosses the most, bring on the fragmentation of meaning, the cascades of irrelevances and overstimulation.
All the blood spilled is justified through neo-darwinistic lies about some sort of sick fusion with technology (which is failing in every regard). The solar flares are apparently to blame for all the intentional microwave brain-barbecue and the 5D will deliver everyone in line with free virgins or even better, SEX ROBOTS! for everyone who blames those actually daring to look at the truth- for spreading dangerously low-vibrations- marking the “fear based” schizophrenic corner in the heads of the bamboozled. Just don’t look! Just buy in to our neat and clean plastic empire of Synthetica, where souls are locked in an actual and entirely meaningless A.I. simulation. Now you might think that we are already living in one- well, let me tell you that the conundrum of the witness has not been solved and if you actually take the time to really look at nature and feel into the glimmering of fresh dew during a mystical morning, overlooking meadows filled with glowing mist, then you would know- in your heart of hearts, that there is more to this reality than any computer could come up with. It is too meaningful and irreducible in its awe inspiring beauty- we know this in our best moments, we know this through plant medicine and near death experiences, or simply our most profound experiences in this life. Don’t let the machine eat your dreams. This is love and it bears the answer in the way it feels : We are not living in a simulation. There might be a holographic element to reality, but there is intention behind life on this wonderful planet, don’t let anyone convince you otherwise!
Meanwhile, the perpetrators that compose the Malthusian Eugenics in the Spiritual Mode, are hypnotising the ascension troopers unhinged, laughing at those party line parroting preachers of positivity, protecting their spaces from “conspiracy theorists”, waiting for deliverance with people from sirius, or jesus, mohammed and co- while our bodies slowly radiate to ethereal-death, with daily flakes of uranium and caesium 137 (found in the urin and rain samples) with a splash of hydrogel to that and some nanorectennas - Ejice omnia recta !
Just put in your airpods (bidirectional EEG brainwave interfacing1) and make a new post about ascension, how far advanced you have come ignoring reality- through compliance with the virtualisation and travesty of everything worth living for. All paid for and done- by the orchestrators of the artificial empire of soulless duplicity, for the cheap price of your fragile dreams and the terminal repercussions of poking your way too weak spots … easy pray to the vultures of Transhumanism and other Trans- butcherings, moulding their sick prophecy in a way that condemns those who embrace beauty the fiercest. The scapegoats are always those, whose hearts are outraged the most- by the dictate of cardinal ignorance. Trump and his friend Thiel, who developed the most vile A.I. driven surveillance tool the world has ever seen, will surely save us, with more brain interfacing starlink satellites and electric cars that can be remotely controlled through unit 8200 in Israel.
High flown scientific terminology and ghostwritten peer reviewed illusions from the ivory tower, intellectual masturbation and head ache inducing irrelevances, totally written by A.I. - fabulating virus invaders where nanoparticles are spread for conductivity of their sick networking through our bodies, through every molecule of biology.
They are STILL not addressing ANYTHING real for us and our wish for a life without fast growth cancers due to all these signals and the finest of generally inflammatory Nanoterminator-Technology all over our blood supply- the rotten outcum of the augmentation fetish of grey and withered shells of humanoid semblances with huge bank accounts and their despicable perversions.
Reality check: OUR BLOOD SUPPLY IS CONTAMINATED, people are dropping with heart attacks after transfusions.
The soulless transhumanists are cranking up to 11 though - overdrive in a synthetic mode, ignoring all the mayhem and lives ruined. They are literally going for a plastic based world, where consciousness is glued to artificial life, interfaced with soulless computer thoughts. This is all they have in mind. This is literally everything their microbic imagination can come up with. Everything has been here already, precognition, unification through plant medicinal ceremonies, telepathy, friendship, games and hikes, astral journeys to other realms, birth and its opposite, death - while life has always been eternal. Screw your Nanoterminator Sludge, it is wrecking all of Life!
Thank you.
"For their delight is bitter, and their beauty is depraved. Their pleasure is in deception." (The Apocryphon of John BG 56, 3-7) THE GNOSTIC PERSPECTIVE - John Lamb Lash (about the Archons and those who have fallen for their spell)
When the nectar of truth is called a poison of delusion and parroting machine-men are nourishing confusion- then benumbed, the wings of our wild hearts lie- tamed by mockery, they won‘t fly.
“It's absolutely irrational to not be filled with the fire of consuming hope. You just have to overcome the leveling that we inherit from these empty existential scientific ideas. And when we do that, and lift our eyes to the real, living, spiritually empowered reality that exists in nature, in society, in our lover, in ourselves, then you see that the peacock's tail, the cauda pavonis, is a transcendental object at the end of time.
An enormous, unspeakable something that beckons across the historical landscape, that casts an enormous shadow, that reaches clear back to the earliest moments of the universe, that we have always been in the grip of that iridescent, strange attractor.
It has propelled our poetry, our art, our best moments, have always been when a tiny scintilla (another good alchemical word)- a tiny spark of that alchemical completion burned for a moment in our mind, in our life, in our perception. And we occupy a special position in regard to this. Thousands of generations of human beings have come and gone, and could only glimpse this in the ecstasy of eroticism and psychedelic empowerment and ritual magic. But we are the last people. Beyond us lies the mystery. If we have but the courage to move forward into that abyss, to believe that nature will reward the dreamer, then we can complete that wonderful Irish toast which says, May you be alive at the end of the world. Because it's that close. It cannot wander much longer. All of the preconditions have been met, and the peacock's tail grows daily, wider and more radiant and more brilliant- as we sense now, breaking into our dreams, breaking into our waking lives, the presence of this attractor.
It has always given people meaning. But we are the privileged inheritors of that meaning, and we have then the privilege of putting it all together in one piece, and standing ready at the end of history to go into the mystery and be completed. So that's the end of my song.
Terence McKenna in Unfolding the Stone
The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge
Jeremy Narby found evidence for knowledge about microbiology that shamans gained from the plants, that were communicating directly with them, during their visionary quests. To this day, pharmacologists and probability experts alike are absolutely baffled as to how they could have come up with the recipe for Ayahuasca, since the separate ingredients are useless and taste like battery acid. You have to cook them together for along time and then get over the taste, you purge and then finally- awe comes to you at last. This is statistically almost impossible, given the tens of thousands of different species of plants- so maybe we have merely lost this important communication pathway to our planet?
Furthermore, Jeremy points out that our DNA emits a photonic signal, which is the communication pathway of everything in nature and DMT seems to be the messenger molecule. Now we begin to understand how vile and sick the transhumanists plan truly is, to interface all of biology by coating our DNA, to reinforce its function as an antenna, and thereby gaining access to modulate our biology through machine learning and exponential growth of all the breakthroughs in that sector… as … we … speak.
DMT is “the spirit molecule” and primal, you add an OH group and you have Tryptophan, the growth molecule of nature- one of the first molecules that emerged. DMT is the only endogenous psychedelic measurable in our brain, that could possibly facilitate something like “consciousness”. 90% of all cultures used ritual substances to connect to our nature, the rest used breathing techniques for the same effect, to reach non ordinary states of consciousness.
This is why the message of Sabrina Wallace has so much impact, when you understand that our bioenergetic field is literally our interface with nature, our living and breathing mother planet, interfered with, for the most nefarious reasons.
This is a beautiful report of a genuine, induced DMT experience:
“The empty space in the room began sparkling. Large crystalline prisms
appeared, a wild display of lights shooting off into all directions. More
complicated and beautiful geometric patterns overlaid my visual field. My
body felt cool and light. Was I about to faint? I closed my eyes, sighing,
and thought, "My God!"
I heard absolutely nothing, but my mind was completely full of some
sort of sound, like the aftereffects of a large ringing bell. I didn't know if I
was breathing. I trusted things would be fine and let go of that thought
before panic could set in.
The ecstasy was so great that my body could not contain it. Almost
out of necessity, I felt my awareness rush out, leaving its physical con-
tainer behind.
Out of the raging colossal waterfall of flaming color expanding into
my visual field, the roaring silence, and an unspeakable joy, they stepped,
or rather, emerged. Welcoming, curious, they almost sang, "Now do you
see?" I felt their question pour into and fill every possible corner of my
awareness: "Now do you see? Now do you see?" Trilling, sing-song voices,
exerting enormous pressure on my mind.
There was no need to answer. It was as if someone had asked me, on a
blazing cloudless midsummer afternoon in the New Mexico desert, "Is it
bright? Is it bright?" The question and the answer are identical. Added to
my "Yes!" was a deeper "Of course!" And finally, an intensely poignant
"At last!"
I "stared" with my inner eyes, and we appraised each other. As they
disappeared back into the torrent of color, now beginning to fade, I could
hear some sounds in the room. I knew I was coming down. I felt my breath-
ing, my face, my fingers, and I was dimly aware of an encroaching darkness.
Were there flames, smoke, dust, battling troops, enormous suffering?
See the work of Dr. Rick Strassman on the Biology of Near Death Experiences - DMT : The Spirit Molecule and Dominique Guillets article “Decoding the Double Taboo”
I’m so grateful for your writings. I find solace in them and a bandage to my faith in humans!
Fantastic Information! May we all dig in :-) Thank You!