Eyes Wide Open
Aliens or Three Letter Agencies? The Biodigital Convergence and hidden Plasma Energy
This article is dedicated to the return of the sun, the original meaning for the celebration of winter solstice.
“In any case he reached reality through visions that nothingness is not the substratum of the universe. And that is more important than 1000 papers on relativity and quantum physics." [Tewari]
Aliens or Three Letter Agencies?
The Biodigital Convergence1 and hidden Plasma Energy Technology.
We are on the cusp of a civilisation wide transformation. When we manage to decentralise the control over our most important technologies, humanity is freed from scarcity and the mayhem that is Transhumanism2 against our will- the unchecked arms races towards some form of EMF driven cataclysm.
There are rational explanations for the events of our time, that follow the laws of physics! What a time to be alive!
(If transhumanism is new to you, I wrote this article as an introduction!)
We do not possess imagination enough, to sense what we are missing !
- Jean Toomer
…I wish enough people could embrace their dignity as sovereign beings, to conquer the ugly tentacles of this soulless tech-culture that is leeching and devouring our very human essence, leaving most of us so comfortably dumb.
We are living a lie so vast and all encompassing, it could drive you to the edge of reason - and it does!
But the fear of feeling afraid prevents any real confrontation or integration, so most of us ignore and deny the thorns of truth! It is quite frankly terrifying to realise that our biofield is digitally accessible.
But I’d rather know the truth than having to imagine ascension symptoms- in order to deal with their relentless EMF onslaught, when my “body control unit” (phone) connects to my bloodstream, over the WBAN 802.15.6. This system is internationally mandated over the IEEE and all necessary information can be found through official sources. Clifford Carnicom identified the sources of the increase in blood clotting, synthetic biology and mesogens / morgellons - cross domain bacteria, that act like a living antenna in the blood3. Dr. Ana corroborates these findings, namely concluding from evidence, that these filament forms of CDB we find in the vaxxed and unvaxxed could be DARPAs wireless, fluorescent biosensors. Graphene Carbon Nanoribbons can also be used to sense DNA [333] A swiss research team is suing the government for negligence in the face of a calamity [42]
But once we allow the fear without dreading it, clarity floods our gates of perception instead- making way for real courage. Allowing the fear, facing dreaded information, paradoxically washes it away in the end, since we are finally seeing the enemies of life clearly and their deceit towards humanity.
Nothing is worse than the confusing state of ambiguity regarding essential aspects of our existence. Once you know what you are dealing with, you can be prepared and you will be calmer than those who are still too frightened to even look, or bamboozled by cointel narratives left and right: Eyes wide open!
Keep your Eyes Wide open!
Caveat! We are all caught up in different ways, have maybe avoided some cointel traps for our hearts and minds, while tapping into others- no one knows it all and once we make mistakes, we can correct ourselves and go on from there. I believed the false CO2 story for way too long, running with propaganda that aims at portraying those who buy the narrative as the “good” versus the ignorant “evil”. The deceit is profound and reaches from the abrahamic hypnosis into master race ideologies, to Mossads very recent blackmail of every US politicians, to get them to obey with ultimate submission. Be it in journalism, music, film or art- the manipulation is universal- there is a powerful and all encompassing control of every industry, lurking viciously for our most precious dreams, sinking its blank teeth into our naive and gullible beliefs, wherever we yearn for some recognition beyond the mundane.
Many spoke of “selling their soul to the devil”- this “devil” is driving people towards these rituals, where they are broken and forced, or tempted to corrupt themselves, to reveal their own “inner demons (or rather archontic tendencies)”.
The worst of “our nature” awoken for fame- sexual deviance filmed for blackmail, or worse- much much worse and with sober certainty so.
This is not the destiny that was intended for humanity. This is a sick perversion of endosymbiogenesis, the mutuality at the heart of every process in microbiology. The wars in this world are orchestrated, reveille manchild!
Silence on deception is not consent!
The human experiment is at a point, where it is paramount to understand the profundity of the deceit, the magnitude of rich kid-dementia that frankensteined into the fabric of biology, causing havoc to the beautiful dream of gaia. Most humans do not assume materials for brain- interfacing tech in their anesthetics, and the harms that have been covertly caused by this deployment, have unfortunately been absolutely intentional.
Dear justice warriors : This is rape of our essence! We never consented to this!
But nature is the weaving of an intelligence- conscious within every fiber and we are her creation. She does not know of neo-darwinistic hierarchies, false deliverance or world wars whatsoever. There is no separation between matter or spirit here, because it is all woven from the same music - everything is conscious and everything is frequency at the core, nothing truly solid.
We have been lied to about energy so much, turns out the Aether exists and plasma technology has long been known and applied. The implications are groundbreaking- evaporating the energy crisis narrative and making any competition virtually obsolete. It would break the financial markets, it bears truly a revolutionary force. People who come too close to such realisations are frequently culled4, sacrificed to the great deceit and aliens are probably getting blamed for it.
Drones? Aliens? UFOs?
Cold Fusion technology is hot at the moment, it must be the aliens!
Nothing has been suppressed harder than cold fusion technologies (well, besides the authentic gnostic intel). All propaganda aims at hot fusion, steering away from people like Amy Eskridge, who worked for military projects, whose whole life has been a preparation for “gene therapy” science and anti gravity propulsion research. See one of her presentations. She prepared disclosure and spoke of details about actions to annulate her endeavours. Now, people around her are perpetrating the Alien-UFO reverse engineering narrative, but the 20 Maxwell-Equations are much older than these stories.
“Zero Point Energy is the power source for ‘UFOs’. This quantum mechanical phenomenon is the fabric of all spacetime and represents an unlimited clean source of energy. Put simply, the Aether is real. An extra quantum dimension all around us but below our perceptive capabilites. Even though we can’t see it, we have experimental proof it exists in the Casimir Effect. The Energy is electromagnetic in nature and unifies physics. We can extract it with resonance and magnets, non- equilibrium plasma and microchips at the tiniest scales. Space is not empty. Free energy exists.” - Asthon Forbes
Asthon Forbes has literally debunked every debunker and is currently bringing forth undeniable evidence for cold fusion, over-unity energy straight from the Aether, through zero point energy technology.
Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.
- Frank Herbert, Dune (1965)
This struggle encompasses so much more if we integrate the findings of the Nag Hammadi Codexes, interpreted by Eisenman, where the current takeover of technology has been foreshadowed. It was possible to reconstruct the gnostic message from the polemic speeches of church fathers, since all their knowledge has been lost in the biggest holocaust in human history and the stories about them have been twisted to hide their authentic message. Europeans have been deprived of their cultural heritage and their “conquest of the new world” stems from such a double trauma, teaching their victims the pain that was inflicted on them in the first place5.
Let’s make one giant leap into the past, to clear up the misconceptions around the E.T. question once and for all. I invite you to listen to the findings of the gnostics as John Lamb Lash recovered them from the Nag Hammadi Codexes, interpreted by Eisenman (since most information about them online is distorted and unrecognisable). Gnosticism is truly an alternative to religion, a path of knowing- not moral preaching- and no other religion has described the archontic intrusion and the story of mankind in such detail and rational viability.
"The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history. (…) The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became the truth."
- George Orwell
The gnostics dedicated 1/5th of their bequethed material to the archontic intrusion. “Who are they?”- you might ask (since the X files primed our minds, in quite a condescending fashion, to see them as E.T. invaders)? They are in fact coherent entities, prior to the dream of anthropos, depicted by disparate cultures throughout different times and they inhabit the planets outside of the triad of earth sun and moon. They are the Annunaki, but they cannot manifest themselves like animals or humans do. They are the self proclaimed galactic rulers that are rather deceivers, aimless and devoid of the faculties of intention and creativity, they follow the principles of domination, duplicity and deception.
According to the gnostics, they developed by accident, when the aeonic torrent of potentiality called sophia came to seed life on earth like a sperm in search of an egg (an organic light goddess bearing the “seeds” for organic life / DNA, since nucleic acid can be found anywhere in the galaxy… there is a male and female part to her, the male part is called thelete and aeons are thus akin to “gods”).
"Others [who claim to know the Mysteries] will change their meanings by perverse means and by deceptive words and will impose deceitful mysteries. Those who do not know the authentic experience of the Mysteries will speak as if they do and will boast that they alone possess the truth... Full of arrogance and pedantic pride, they will envy the immortal soul...for the wish of the Archons is to appropriate that which they have lacked since the origin of this world [noos, the endowment of divine intelligence], the intellectual mind. And so they join forces with those who are misguided. Many others, too, who oppose the truth and who are the messengers of error, will impose their wanderings into a system of laws working against the pure knowledge of the heart and, analyzing from their misguided perspective, will believe that good and evil originate from the same source [the Paternal God]. And they will sow a horrible destiny over the whole world." Revelation of Peter . 77/79 - THE GNOSTIC PERSPECTIVE
For Gnostics, the visions they beheld in altered states were empirically true and could be tested. John Lamb Lash [566]
The narration goes on: On her descend from the pleroma, the galactic core, she (Sophia, the wisdom goddess) produced a kind of “quantum splash”, an abortion like situation - from which the archons developed. They constitute an inferior, unfinished version of the anthropos, humanity as intended. Yet they invade our space like a curse on humanity, as the gnostics diagnosed the archontic intrusion. Moreover, they operate from another vibratory spectrum, that rather manifests in our minds than on earth, since the alleged UFOs are a red herring cover up for plasma tech by the three letter agencies, totally built by humans, engineered with over-unity generators, the subdued technology of Tesla.
The gnostics practiced qualitative and intersubjective science to discover the true story of humankind and the inner workings of this world. They gathered scrolls they copied from ships all around the world in the great library of alexandria, where the mysteries were alive, just like in ayahuasca tribes in south america.
“And every time some religious weirdo - like Rabbi Aaron Raskin - comes along and tells you that the world is an illusion and matter is evil and that there is a higher standard to be attained, you know that you are being mocked, deceived, trampled on. And you know that the intention behind that message is to destroy you. Simply put. Understand that the Gnostics never taught this: they were wrongly accused of teaching that the material world is evil and must be rejected because it would be the fruit of the demiurge Yaldabaoth. They never taught this: it is pure disinformation superimposed on the authentic Gnostic message.” 6Dominique Guillet
(in the Tzaddik and the artificial intelligence scam)
So the archons are not manifested aliens (sorry David Icke, you should have paid more attention when stealing from John Lamb Lash), their influence is at the core of the transhumanist drive though. It is the reason for the hygiene fetish and viral fantasies of allopathic medicine and the alienation from nature in every other regard. Their realm is like a double image on our reality and we can slide into the psychopathy that constitutes their actions, since they do not respect any boundaries and cannot perceive human compassion and creativity. They operate hive minded, without intention or boundary, like psychopathic technocrats that radiate all of biology to death with cancer inducing EMF tech, violating any safety regulations by order of magnitude.
Endogenous or ingested DMT is a trigger for a tuning into their realm, where they appear with coherence and physical aspects as fetus like (the “greys” ) or in reptilian form. These entities are not running around on earth as Icke portrays it. They are not hidden in the queen and they are surely not little aliens or lizards driving humans like in the man in black movies, or in any other way- this is not who they are and how they operate, contrary to the cointel about their presence as manifested invaders (Sorry- not sorry again, David Icke).
They do invade the mental spaces though and are corrupting humans to become like the “grey men” of Michael Endes book Momo, that propagate cold and calculated efficiency in the villages, suffocating “surplus” care for the matters of the heart- to “save time”. In this way they can steal precious “hourflowers” from people under the false promise to store them on the “time bank”. The “grey men” need to constantly smoke those hourflowers to stay alive.
The effect of the archontic intrusion on the world can also be described by the growing “nothing”, that devours Fantastica in his book “the neverending story”. Imagination is dying in our time and it might very well be the reason for the soulless machine to take over this blank void of our inside world.
Nevertheless, the gnostics taught that kundalini and creativity are our most precious guards to defend against the counterfeit spirit of the archons, the impostors and their allopathic delusions, their weaving of the erroneous curse into our reality. They are the reason for the genocides of vast amounts of natural tribes and the technocracy of today, operating through the minds of those who fall for their ways. Even technically speaking, the graphenized and “augmented” minds of modern men are haunted by external interference, proven over and over again in microscopy and spectroscopy. These are autonomous A.I. systems fusing biology and technology- for the IobnT and the biodigital convergence, machine to machine - the very real world “hands on” outcome of the so called “archontic intrusion”, no UFOs needed (these are for EMF interfacing anyway).
If this situation is left unchecked, we become minions of Transhumanism:
A.I. driven systems are fusing with biology and chemistry.
Such is the original caveat from one of humanities most precious high cultures, a stark warning about the virtualisation of our lives, from centuries ago- a message that got lost almost entirely, in the oblivion ocean of modern time evaporation-, wasn’t it for the groundbreaking work of John Lamb Lash, through Robert Eisenman and the Nag Hammadi Codexes. I truly recommend reading his work, it is life transforming as an European, to discover a part of your heritage that got taken from you with an intensity that makes you wonder….
So we have learned that Archons do exist- coherent in another range of frequencies, accessible (only) through altered states. The rational biologist Rick Strassman was very surprised, when he qualitatively assessed the detailed reports of encounters from dozens of participants of his legal experiment with this powerful psychedelic:
“Up to 50mg of DMT you can still be an atheist”
- Rick Strassman
The Biodigital Convergence

There is a fully functioning network called the global information grid, connecting all wireless technologies with biology, over IEEE standards. Nanoparticles, so called metamaterials are being used for conductivity and synthetic biology. I have written extensively about Transhumanism here on this substack. But essentially it is the bidirectional interfacing of the frequencies of biology with A.I. A huge thanks to Corinne Nockel for bringing forth clear documentation for the implementation of all of the above. And again: Silence on Deception is not Consent!
Sabrina Wallace explained to us that engineers built these UFOs and that our understanding of technology has deliberately been set behind in many fields, like plasma energy. These drones are being used to electromagnetically interface us with the help of electric field generators and the conductivity of metamaterials in the sky and inside of our body (since they are sprayed on us every day to “fight climate change”).
How much longer will you tolerate this dystopian reality before you reclaim your right to breathe freely, think clearly, until we decentralise the control of hidden technology, like clean plasma energy- make it commons of humanity, slow A.I. and steer it towards the benefit for all, instead of causing cataclysm through yet another violent arms race without any control whatsoever.
Can’t you also sense the profound lack that permeates all things - the fabric of our age… we are an uprooted species with amnesia, clinging to a replica paradise of empty promises by deranged technocrats, the great awakening under the victory march of the starseeds, straight into the c40 cognitive city nightmare- with arms wide open, the deceit reaches orders of magnitude beyond our wildest imaginations….
Transhumanism has already transformed the living blood of all life on Earth, without informed consent and with the sober certainty of RAMAN spectroscopy and electron microscopy7, the mac address phenomenon and has been exposed clearly, through the work of whistleblowers like Sabrina Wallace, Mik Andersen, Dominique Guillet and many more.
“Money makes no difference and has no leverage, when the real powerful people want to play their games.” - Barbara Marciniak
The noble trojan horse for mind control
A xenobiotic nightmare is radiating straight into our cells. It is aided by conductive metamaterials, cytotoxic graphene or intricately woven mesh networks of conductive polymers covered up through the “microplastics” narrative- which are really just artificial soft actuators, biosynthetic stroke-clots that act as antennas in vivo and hydrogel vesicles in all of human blood- for the bridging of biology with the machine, molecular communication with electromagnetic frequencies, which can be sent and received by a vast array of bidirectional technology- for the connection of A.I. to Biology and back.
The building blocks for this technology are being sold for allegedly noble causes (curing cancer, “health monitoring”, neural control of the next generation of cyborg tech) but are perverted by the sick minds of the visionless bloodlines, triumphing with their despicable plan- devoid of soul, alienated from the awe inspiring beauty of nature. They are tearing down the last remains of the old world, weaving a cold grid of relentless wifi-cancer beams right into our homes, where we used to live peacefully in a living biosphere that has now been reduced to blue lights flickering data for optogenetics, literally beaming signals into our retina that end up being translated by our neurons into thoughts, seemingly by our own making.
This technocracy is not organically evolving- but orchestrated, meticulously planned. Even the dialectical movements of warfare are all dictated by the same entities.
"Sudden death syndrome, by coincidence, with the scent of Graphene".
This force fed monster-machine of nihilistic progress for the demented few and biodigital enslavement for the many- lost its supposed innocence, in the wake of humanities recent collective heart attack:
“Covid”: The cover story for a systems upgrade. The cyber-physical backbone in our blood and tissues, without informed consent.
Through aluminium, graphene8 and biosynthetic hydrogels- a visionless slaughter of natures beautiful integrity under the pretext of saving us from viral invaders, blaming fantasised spike proteins that are really sterilising protein coronas around cytotoxic nanoparticles.
Then they come with their next dread, the falsified doom narration of CO2 overkill9- and they are blaming US - the goyim, prey for their bulldozing of the world with zionism, flattening insects and animals through EMF and metamaterials in the sky- and not through manmade “climate change”.
They are the true enemies of life!
Metamaterials and synthetic biology for the biodigital convergence are spread through countless vectors, like aerosol injections, glyphosate, food additives, “growth stimulants”, adjuvants for the “slow release” of medications and virtually everything at this point, without being too hyperbolic. There is always a cover story. like the inversion of the role of CO2, the actual prana of plants for our survival, to lock us in our “kill boxes”, with our “body control units” - as they call our houses and phones.
"By hacking organisms, elites may gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself. Humans are hackable animals. This whole idea that humans have free will….that’s over.“
- Yuval Harari
Who are they? The deranged and demented offspring of the tzaddikim, a 2700 years old movement of a self proclaimed supreme master race, the demented composers of the abrahamic prison systems, with an equally demented E.T. father god and a superhuman moral ideal and consequential punishments for the sin of being unable to attain the unattainable, a wonderful victim perpetrator collusion. The Transhumanists are psychopaths, in clinical terms, and terminal terms- for all living things on this planet- if kept unchecked, in their raging rampage to wreck every living thing with their neo-frankenstein technology.
Xenobiotics will never be compatible with our Biology- end of the story.
What is happening now would be mere negligence, if it wasn’t for the meticulously planned depopulation agenda and sick notion that biology should be controlled and transcended artificially. But their methods are contrary to endosymbiogenesis, the mutuality and tolerance that makes emergence possible in microbiology, the coming forth of a collaborative new quality through mutualism- as a blueprint for how we should prosper, in providence with our human spark- instead of being drawn into current world butcherings, for their sick dialectic proceedings. And these suicidal maniacs, that are devoid of any mature concept of the Wisdom of Nature, the intelligence and love that permates all things - they are so afraid of death- they willingly take all of humanity with them, to ride their deranged and simply insane merging of biology and soulless A.I.
Yes, truly- and with sober certainty: The irrefutable synthetic biology is already fusing with our cells, our tissues, our nervous system- in short: the biggest crime against humanity ever committed- is absolutely going on and ongoing. YOUR DNA is a fractal antenna, tuned by graphene, accessed over the IobnT.
If this graphenisation is not stopped quickly, the epitaph of this Humanity could be: -"They perished from not knowing how to pay homage to Beauty".
- Dominique Guillet
Their actual bio-energy harvesting to run this technology is a vile crime against humanity. It is a vampirisation of our bioelectric field- our photonic emissions from our very own DNA, for mind control and post-Humanism, eventually… in total disregard of the incredible beauty and soul confirming quality of feelings in this world. They could not be further from the poetical and visionary core of the anthropos, the “adam”10, which is our human essence, the human as intended by the intelligence that created us- whatever name you give it- the gnostics called her sophia, from philosophy- the love of wisdom. She is nature, the intelligence in everything alive, mother ayahuasca, the “holy spirit”, lucifer, the bringer of light- it has always been her- condemned and twisted through their invention of “satanism”, to scare us with number games, leaving behind a deranged astrology disrupting the harmony and coherence of all things.
Final Thoughts
This is an atrocity of mythical proportions and we have been asleep at the steering wheel for far too long, subdued by predictive programming, alleged science fiction novels, the climate agenda, traps like flat earth, abrahamic hypnosis, starseeds and other ways to steer history and orchestrate atrocities, prepare the masses with justifications for the covert intoxication with xenobiotics in our blood and for our eyes. Virtual worlds and virtual pleasures for virtual people of a soulless future, driven by intelligent software messing with fundamental frequencies that make up this world we live in- this miracle of nature that is cursed by this archontic intrusion. There are no aliens in ufos though, this was another psyop to cover up plasma technology, all those hovering devices have been built by the three letter agencies that have betrayed humanity, hiding over-unity generators and other secrets that could disrupt their elitist plan, if we would only decentralise the control over these!
Through deceptions and the duplication of natural phenomena, demented transhumanist psychopaths alienated generations of humans through fear inducing “natural” HAARP catastrophies to orchestrate our alleged guilt for changes in temperature, genocides in many ways, slow or blunt and other mayhem, like the invention of virtual realities- the flickering and poisonous resin of deadly isolation from the living, breathing world around and inside of us. All of this stems from the archontic intrusion and the gnostics, persecuted by the early christians, wrote one fifth of their written work about this archontic virtualisation and greatest danger for humanity they called “HAL”. If you move one letter forward in the alphabet, for each letter- we end up with “IBM” - the actual back end servers for the sick error of Transhumanism. The A.I. is incredibly good at pattern recognition and we are already chin deep in their swamp that no zionist left or right will clear for us, no saviour from the controlled ranks of our artificially range boosted cointel talking heads.
Our trust in the veneer stories for our beloved and comfortable technology has been abused, to justify a multitude of sensors interfacing the electromagnetic output from the toroidal movement of our electromagnetic energy body& through the analytes of our own DNAs photonic signals.
We can model every single molecule, every single atom,
with their 3 dimensional structure of every single brain.
It is absolutely indistinguishable- even down to the microscopic level.
- Ray Kurzweil
Everything is monitored in real time - everything is also influenced in real time
We have not been severed from the intelligence that created us- the life force that pervades every living thing on this way too beautiful planet, to leave it in the hands of those billionaire psychopaths, who are just about to wreck the most profound creation we know of. They do this through the darwinistically sanctioned and degenerate plan of interfacing every living frequency on the planet, through ubiquitous networking- and then modulate it to their liking. All aided by A.I., autonomous, or controlled and exponentiating regardless of how we feel about it, right now- as we speak.
This very nightmare is our reality- today and all we have to do is to collectively say NO!
They are still gaslighting us about the military origin of our electronic gadgets and level of technological advancements, to a degree of keeping us in the “dark ages”, compared to what is possible. It is beyond irresponsible towards the great mystery that our life is and shows how far out of their minds these demented psychopaths truly are. A lot of the degeneration of society stems from this disruption of our real connection to the earth, that they replaced with LED lit theme parks of irrelevances and patriarchic religions of control and decay, driving us away from our direct contact with the wisdom of nature, the intelligence in all things: Sophia (from philosophy, the love of wisdom).
This is a very serious matter and a lot of important references and scientific evidence related to this can be found here on this substack!
Thank you for sticking around, I feel a deep urge to discover a way out for our souls to flourish in the way they are intended to- unbothered by digital mayhem of all sorts; the alienation from our ancient ways; the destruction of the old world- a world still glowing with the last embers of the true mysteries and beauty beyond comprehension inside our human essence.
Space is not empty. We live in an open system, an incredible ocean of energy. We can interact with this ocean to extract usable energy. This is Zero-Point Energy. They have lied. All scarcity is artificial and meant to enslave us. It is time that we correct this lie!
The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.
– John F. Kennedy - US President (1961)
The greatest drama, the negligent decline of the natural world, is in fact a direct result of the poisoning with Metamaterials and EMF, simple as that. We need real safety limits and decentralised control over the entire nano and EMF space. Since a saturation effect for the influence of CO2 on temperature has been reached, the narration around our guilt is deliberately misplaced. Once we break the suffocating arrogance of those transhumanist psychopaths, we can decentralise the control of crucial technologies as commons, like we do it for national parks and we can throttle the suicidal pace of the A.I. arms race globally, just like we do it for nuclear. This way the future can be a time of remedy and reconciliation beyond our wildest imagination. We just need to come back to the way nature actually functions on every level: Endosymbiogenesis -Mutuality, tolerance and emergence, out of curiosity, out of the creative pulsation of life - from collaboration, not the forced reactivity of shellshocked minions to the dictate under the false tech-god of inevitable progress. This is how we can lift the archontic curse on humanity, that is simply just our alienated technocracy in all its grey and meaningless brilliance. Remember who you are manchild!
We do not possess imagination enough, to sense what we are missing !
- Jean Toomer
Joy in the face of adversity is an act of rebellion!
Towards the Dawn of the Great Recovery!
Our time is now!
Thank you
Incredible Physics discussion between Salvatore Pais and Daniel Davis
Bob's Story, Ball Lightning, Fractal Toroidal Moment, Dr. Matsumoto | Interview with Bob Greenyer
See the ENG8’s EnergiCell Catalysed Fusion Technology Is Self-Powering and Produces Excess Electricity - it has just hit the news:
The company demonstrated that its EnergiCell-catalysed fusion reactor operates stably, producing over three times the energy required to sustain its plasma.
The false flag deployment of synthetic biology & metamaterials, often conductive, for the interfacing and “transcendence” of “evolutionary” biology with EMF- then A.I. pattern recognition technology, deployed for the bidirectional interfacing / transduction of signals from the body to the machine and back - through the ubiquitous computing of the IobnT, the biodigital convergence, the WBAN 802.15.6.
I wrote about this crime in detail: here.
All Carnicom Institute Research Papers ←*click*
“It is to be reiterated that the welfare of the human race is at stake within these discussions. Please see previous papers over recent months and years to understand the basis of this reality” Clifford Carnicom - in Human Blood vs. Synthetic Blood
1. The Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) are the primary entity responsible for the mainstay of the coagulation process.
“The pH of the culture is on the order of 3.8 (fairly strong acid). The dominant pH of the human blood proteome is 5.3. One primary protein pI of the CDB culture is also determined at 5.3. The pH of the CDB culture is lower than the dominant pI of the blood proteome as well as lower than the CDB culture pI. This means that the blood proteins are being exposed to additional positively charged proteins with the introduction of the CDB. This could explain increased coagulation.” Clifford Carnicom - in Human Blood vs. Synthetic Blood
2. The CDB are a product of synthetic and xenobiotic engineered biology.
3. The origin of CDB nomenclature dates to 2014, and is available here.
4. The origin of the CDB dates back to a minimum of 1999, and is available here.
5. The CDB and correspond biological products are documented to be the origin of serious blood damage, including being a seed for blood coagulation, since the early years of Carnicom Institute (CI) research (1999-2024).
6. The increased rate of, and the more visible impact of blood clotting, appear to correlate with the advent of the Covid Era.
7. Recent blood clot samples examined are composed of CDB synthetic biology and CDB formed polymers/proteins; these clot forms have become more visually evident within the Covid Era.
8. This correlation is the basis for renewed and extended CI research over the last two years.
9. It remains the assessment of CI that the harm from the CDB synthetic biology, along with the increased blood clotting, exists as the most immediate and severe threat to human health and existence.
10. The CDB impact and the “vaccine ” impact appear to be intricately intertwined in their effects upon blood. The history of harmful changes to human biology therefore transpires across decades, and the Covid Era appears to have added another dimension to that level of harm. A more complete understanding of these relationships is unlikely to result from any restricted view or presumption.
11. Reference data from which to form proper analyses and establish proper controls is scarce to non-existent. Changing standards, non-existent public databases, transitory interests, censorship, lack of candor in disclosure, and lack of access to critical data and information by the public create a challenging environment in which to synthesize and comprehend influences upon our lives.
12. Identification and understanding the biochemistry of the CDB and the reactivity of that biochemistry is a crucial stage in the development of mitigation, disruption or termination of this synthetic biology impact upon humans as well as the planet in general. Per the introduction, this carries into the logic of Covid Era impact as well.
13. If you wish to understand more of how we have arrived at the current situation; a few summary presentations are available (research library is ~ 450 papers over ~25 years):
CI Research : 2023 Abstracts (Audio available)
CI : 2022 Abstracts (Audio Available)
CI Research Summary Media Jan 2022 – Dec 2023
What are the bloodclots that embalmers pull out of dead people everywhere?
”The Bio-Polymer is of synthetic biology origin, and is by observation and study, extraordinarily complex. Synthetic blood and hemoglobin production by the CDB (cross domain bacteria) are at the heart of the polymer function.”
”The Bio-Polymer appears to be visually and chemically identical to human blood clots that have been removed and studied in association with contemporary Covid Era concerns. The Bio-Polymer can be produced by the CDB in a controlled and repeatable fashion.”
Why does everyone have “lyme disease” now?
“The “Morgellons” issue was and is also falsely presented, intentionally as to its scope and extent. “Morgellons” is a case of induced synthetic biology without knowledge or consent upon the global population. “Delusion” characterization and restriction of scope were both highly successful psychological and information management operations.
The Covid Era, although still improperly defined from any scientific viewpoint, is without any doubt another extension of the synthetic biology transformation of the human race underway.
It is not advancing to continually repeat what has been established clearly within the research. The common denominator of change to the human race and biology in all cases is the Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB).” Source
Amy Eskridge, worked in covert military projects, father worked in anti gravity research- spoke about people who want her dead for revealing anti gravity technology, Hal Pudof came to her house on multiple occasions.
More information on Amy Eskridge
“Stefan Marinov was the leader of the European Free Energy movement. In 1997, he made tremendous strides in the technology. Before he could develop his first prototype, he fell out of a window.
Dr John Mullen, a nuclear physicist used to work for McDonell-Douglas, one of the largest military contractors in the world. He died of arsenic poisoning in 2004. His girlfriend was originally a suspect but she was found dead in her apartment shortly after. There are no more suspects, there is no investigation, there will be no trial.
Dmitry Petronov invented a plasma battery that powered his home for 14 months. In 2010, he went to a bakery and was never seen again.
Zachary Wareld was another inventor who developed his own plasma battery. Wareld had visited Petronov to exchange information. That same year, Wareld died in a strange boating accident in Washington DC.
Eugene Mallove was a physicist and expert in cold fusion. He claimed he had a working prototype of a free energy device. In 2004, the before he was to make a public announcement about his ndings, he was beaten to death.
Arie de Geus actually patented a free energy technology based on the Zero Point eld.
In 2007, he was about to get on a ight to meet investors who were going to fund his research. He was found dead in his car at the airport.
Rory Johnson created a cold fusion laser-activated magnetic motor that generated over 500 horsepower. He planned a public demonstration of four vehicles equipped with his magnetron motor. The US Department of Energy placed a restraining order on this technology, preventing publication and though in excellent health, he died unexpectedly soon aer.
Mark Tomion, a physicist patented technology called a Star Drive, which uses Zero Point energy, very similar to the ARV [Alien Reproduction Vehicle]. In 2009, he developed a working prototype. Shortly aer, he died from an unexpected cardiac event. His research is missing.
Stan Meyers developed a working engine that ran on water. In 1997, he died from what was ocially reported as a cerebral hemorrhage. This happened while having lunch with two potential investors. His last words were: "I was poisoned."
And remember I said that most if this comes from a documentary created by James Allen? He rued a lot of feathers doing his research, specically at Lockheed- Martin. While still editing the lm, before it was even released, James Allen was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. He was dead in three months.
That interview clip I showed was from 6 weeks before his cancer diagnosis. Did he look sick to you? Autopsy results revealed an unbelievably aggressive tumor that usually occurs in patients with cancer for years, not weeks and his blood contained 12 heavy metals and radio isotopes at toxic levels: manganese, beryllium, thorium and uranium were found in his blood.
James Allen never got to see his documentary released and his next lm, which would expose antigravity technology being pursued by military contractors, now, that would never happen.
Even Mark McCandlish was afraid. This past April [2021], Mark was found dead in his apartment. He took his own life.”
See John Lamb Lashs magnificent work : Not In His Image
“The Zaddikim exist on a higher plane. They embody a higher standard that is above and beyond the human standard, above and beyond ourselves. And from this position of superiority and supremacy they judge humanity, they judge all the other tribes, they judge the goyim. This is the lie that lies at the heart of the ideology of the Zaddikim, and it is also the lie that lies at the heart of the ideology of Transhumanism. So what do transhumanists like Ray Kurzweil - whose name means the vile curse - want today? Note the homophones, even across languages. The vile curse of the Zaddikim. The vile curse of the highest Jews.” To the article
“Dr. Noack, a renowned expert in the world of graphene-based carbon products, describes of the work of Dr. Pablo Campra from the University of Almeria had recently done a Micro-Raman spectroscopy study of the vaccine. He had discovered that the graphene oxide (GO) reduced to graphene hydroxide (GHO) in the body, is an extremely stable molecule that is not biodegradable and stays in your system forever.
This is very bad news for vaccine recipients because he describes graphene hydroxide molecules as “the sharpest imaginable objects because they are only one atom layer thick…a huge molecule which is extremely sharp.” Source
Best scientific falsification of the causality hypothesis of CO2 to temp.
In violation of their sacred vow of anonymity, some Gnostics publicly revealed themselves and opposed the Judeo-Christian ideology of the Divine Redeemer anointed by Melchisedec. They warned against the "counterfeit spirit" (antimimon) of the Archons "who led Adam astray so that he lost his connection with the Pleroma" (The Apocrypha of John, II, 21). For the Gnostics, "Adam" was the codename for authentic humanitas as well as for our ability to recognize it: to recognize ourselves in terms of human as well as divine perspective. They attributed the virulent and hateful emotions of the Zaddikite fanatics - whose horror is evident from the language of the Dead Sea Scrolls - to an insanity generated by Archontic deviance.
So what we need to do is employ our own plasma energy for ourselves. Get the goosebumps going. Our ability to feel love of all kinds is our superpower, and this activates the plasma energy surrounding and connecting us to ourselves and everything else.
Thank You! Beautiful post. LOVE John Lamb Lash's insights. Glad you wrote the truth exposing David Icke's twisted deception strategy. I followed Rick Strassman's work when he first appeared on the scene. His book : "DMT The Spirit Molecule" was fascinating.
Hope more folks take to heart the true Gnostic message. It IS out there ! Much respect also for Dominique's research.
See you in the beauty to come :-)