“There is no religion higher than truth.” (Madame Blavatsky)
"Crystals are living beings at the beginning of creation. All things have a frequency and a vibration." (Nikola Tesla)
Welcome, wondrous biped!
Here you will find, amongst seemingly wild assumptions1, for the most part, a solid plethora of truly courageous whistleblowers from the truthcore, who are not bound by NDAs (like our shiny freedom doctors) or vile blackmail- a few courageous souls, who are simply brave enough, to speak out about "Covid", namely that it is in fact: A cyber - physical backbone2 and was NOT caused by the nonexistent Sars-Cov-2 “virus”.
But there is, indeed, a quite “novel” Necro Corona of Molecular Spikes of graphene oxide causing havoc inside our bloodstream and tissues, to the tune of biology interfacing EMF. We are dealing with electromagnetic devices3, that are bio-synthetic. Qdots and other nanoparticles are intentionally being deployed, in exuberant quantities4 and through countless vectors. This is being done for electrical through put, bio- marking and sensing; reading and writing of (biological) data- from the human body to the machine and back to the human body.
These particles (alleged “spike proteins”) are made with metals like graphene oxide, “biocompatible” polymers like PEG (Polyethylene Glycole) or chitin, coated with biosynthetic hydrogel - and are around 50-300 nm in size, which is in the scale of a millionth of a millimeter.
Our demented overlords consider this the next step in evolution, contrary to every true law in biology like endosymbiogenesis and irreducible complexity ( darwinism has been falsified by Lynn Margulis). Virtually everything in our daily life is being “hybridized”, by cytotoxic and sterilizing “smart”- and at the same time utterly demented technology!
These metamaterials are causing heart attacks, cancers and cytokine storms- when that biosynthetic “digital layer” of graphene oxide (Elon Musks words) reacts to and resonates with harmful EMF.
Go directly to the directory of Whistleblowers
Go to the Appendix with Source Material
Go to a section about Love (beyond all corruption)
Quick Links to the most important people:
Xochipelli (Zionism, Transhumanism), Sabrina Wallace (Whistleblower from Networking), Dr. Nixon (discovered Nanotech in the shots, with his friend Mat Taylor and Shimon Yanowitz), The Carnicom Institute (discovered the CDB), John Dee (CO2 story falsification) Dr. Ana Mihalcea (Dominique Guillet called her a “genius”)
A network of graphene oxide blankets all of biology, down to our bone marrow- yet no one said a word. A 3 trillion dollar industry is gaslighting you, regardless of the evidence of hundreds of thousands of studies about nanotech, its application for alleged health monitoring, exponentially rising money streams and the resulting mayhem for our bodies, minds and souls.
This technology is being woven into every aspect of our lives, causing fast growth cancers and heart attacks like never before and most of us are lost in corrupted movements left and right, waiting for saviours, the great awakening, the next incarnation, help from sirius and whatnot- every single oppositional movement is being conducted by the perpetrators who are operating wireless body area networks through our blood and tissue. And no one said a word. How much longer, before we seize this chance to stand up for ourselves, this beautiful existence, at last?
Every outburst of realisation, regarding the sober certainty of netcentric warfare through electromagnetic frequencies, has been rendered paranoid or schizophrenic, since the inception of the DSM for Psychology. Freud was part of the elite.The fallen A.I. priests of BioTech, Bill Gates, Epstein & co are clinically psychopathic- their plan is, evidently so, absolutely sterilizing and cytotoxic.
Pardon such outburst of my humanity, in this Intentional Transhumanist Democide (for health monitoring…).
Get a free copy and share it with those inclined to survive :
“The alert is biological”
(Dominique Guillet- Humanities most important whistleblower, owner of the biggest organic seed bank in the world, fighting monsanto legally for more than 10 years in courts, whilst the demented billionaires are buying Kokopelli seeds from him!)
Covid is the intoxification with metamaterials and radiation poisoning due to their intentional interactions with EMFs!
Some of the graphene carbon nanotubes, sheets and nanoparticles in general, have been documented by the finest electron microscopists, but alas! The alleged spike protein is nowhere to be found… thus most of the alleged studies, are merely fabrications. Reveille, manchild!
This article will connect the dots between Zionism, Artificial Intelligence, Electromagnetism, Transhumanism, the forgotten Anthropos and true Gnosticism, in this demented hybridization melee of self proclaimed redeemers and wretched representations of those …
… The Truth Will Set You Free!
For a status quo briefing: click here
“The synthetic biology identified by Carnicom Institute (CI) under the name of Cross Domain Bacteria (CDB) is the primary agent responsible for increased human blood clotting over recent years. This conclusion is based upon extensive observational and analytic study of the CDB under controlled conditions.”
What is truly going on here ?
Transhumanism is bidirectional interfacing of humanity with the machine, through cytotoxic metamaterials and the abuse of the electromagnetic telemetry “data” from the human biofield.
The Metaverse is being introduced through red herrings like 3D headsets or avatars on a screen, while the demented “elite” is busy hybridizing our biology and wrecking nature with cancer kickstarting electromagnetic sensors, which are bio-synthetic, thus partly organic and partly technological- for remote neural control, pardon me- I mean for health monitoring- right down into your grave, if you believe them!
Welcome to the existentially threatening Theater of Lies!
No one asked you wether you wanted your genome rewritten with synthetic elements, let alone brainwaves modulated- but here we are- having to deal with the sober certainty of this demented and philanthropathic plan- in full fledged execution mode!
What will you tell your children,
what will you do now ?
. ::: :: : :: ::: .
A.I. facilitates the global operation of wireless mesh networks, enabled through the deployment of self assembling, Intra- Body Nanonetworks that lead to the MAC Address phenomenon. Electromagnetic Nanogrids software, for example, is available to process the data directly from those moving sensors. The operation is controlled by “sensor hunters” who misuse it under the pretense of “national security”. This is theft of conductivity and literal abuse of our electrical body, of a human bodypart! Reveille!
: :::: :
The harms during the last decades of covert xenobiotic (foreign to biology) experimentation in the biotech/ aerosol injections / water filtration / fertilizer sectors, to name just a few- were, irrefutably so, absolutely intentional.
: :: ::: :: :
Virtually all “countermeasures” to pandemics or every other health related crisis (hospital drips, wound dressings, anesthetics, masks, tests etc.) are overtly (through the portrait of false health benefits, paid medical boards etc.) and mostly covertly composed of nanotechnology, that is poisoning our biology, for the purpose of “medically sanctioned” Transhumanism.
What you thought is desinfectant gel that dries the skin a bit, is scaffolding material for synthetic biology, giving artificially created and kinetically active microstructures in our blood a substrate. They are still active, even after 100 days of dried blood examination.
::: :: :::
A.I. is being abused for pattern recognition of our brainwaves. It flawlessly interprets the photonic language of our own dna, that sends electromagnetic waves into our electromagnetic biofield- to interface us with the help of 5g, very low frequencies (ELF) or even visual light frequencies (optogenetics) for data (plus the omnipresent metamaterials for more conductivity) processed in special COV WBAN data centers (to control “non biological disease outbreaks” - you can even google it… COV / Covid Wide Body Area Networks).
“Humans are now hackable animals” (Yuval Harari)
::: A demented and visionless pseudo-elite is messing with the entire electromagnetic spectrum of our existence here on this beautiful planet. :::
The curation of false assumptions about climate change (John Dee, ex G7 NHS and Gov Analyst- falsified the claims about CO2 as the driver of disaster) are then used to further enslave us, by shadow projecting the vast majority of the guilt for the natural effects on us, whilst directed energy weapons scorch our homes, to manufacture their demented prophecy- through satellites and HAARP, to become like gods- as Yuval Harari puts it (World Economic Forum Frontman).
This constitutes the biggest crime against humanity ever committed and contradicts fundamental laws of biology, namely endo-symbio-genesis, the death sentence for neo-darwinism and the implications of irreducible complexity, the proof of an intelligence operating through the core of nature!
We are electric beings,
… our bioenergetic field is the Transhumanists interface and as I described earlier, the alleged “Neural Lace” of Neurolink has already been deployed wirelessly, through graphene oxide and other nanometals in virtually everything- for more electrical throughput.
Graphene is 200 times stronger than steel, flexible, very conductive and 1000x lighter than paper. As a monoatomic layer, it is like a razorblade to our biology (Dr. Noack died shortly after saying this). It becomes magnetic at body temperature and laces it as a “digital layer”, to interface our biology with artificial intelligence, controlled by very intelligent, but totally demented philanthropaths.
This is being facilitated through tiny dna crystals, wrapped in graphene carbon nanotubes, that self assemble into plasmonic nanorectennas- the covert deployment of qubits for quantum computation & qdot technology (Bill Gates rendered this a trade secret) and last but not least, operated through optogenetic (LED/ Lidar / 6gLowPan / optical light) communication networks (Elon Musk won't say a word... wait for the cable he alludes...), on an allegedly "medical" (all for our hEaLtH! ) wide body area network (WBAN 802.15.6) for almost 30 years - since 1995 - and you heard that right: Your body is routing data for network operators that can log in to you and change pretty much everything they want, on autonomously functioning networks, governed or aided by A.I. - and no one said a word.
Long Covid = (Graphene) Radiation Poisoning
The symptoms of graphene oxide poisoning and long covid are identical. At certain frequencies, the metamaterials in our blood resonate and reorganize, which is causing havoc to all biological life inside our body.
Moreover, it is paramount to understand, that there never have been proper safety studies of the cytotoxic, sterilizing, simply life force depriving effects of ANY of the exponentially increasing electromagnetic frequencies (from the ELF to THZ range) on the human body (which are, together with synthetic metamaterials for through put, the root cause of most of our modern maladies, cancers and strokes). In fact, the truth is rather devastating and I wish I was exaggerating.
We have to stop this intentional tech-dependency insanity entirely. Since neuromodulation, stimulation and remote surgery are feasible- necessarily, we have to “go back to cable”, to prevent catastrophic biohacking and transparently control the entire EMF space (internationally, analog to nuclear oversight):
The future is offline!
Due to the heavy nature of this essay, let me remind you- that every seemingly disparate religion or culture throughout human history, seekers from secluded tribes and exotic sects alike- who lived centuries and even millennia apart from each other- have returned from their entheogenic journeys, their vision quests (or even death)- with the same message:
There is Love beyond Duality…
… and because of that, we simply cannot continue to burden our minds with reasoning around such a unifying observations anymore (likewise, we have to simply accept the fact that there are peculiar creatures called “Kangoroos” in Australia, that carry their kids in their own bag, which seems highly unlikely for those who have never seen them, yet they exist - Aldous Huxley, in the Perennial Philosophy). Hell only exists through fear - the main tool of demented philanthropaths, who arrogantly claim control of this wonderful world (for now… their monumental undertaking is cracking and crumbling).
So be assured, that whatever we have to face- there is Truth in Love and it shall guide your every actions. Love never instructs to control and manipulate one another (this game should remain consensual fun in the bedrooms) and people incapable of compassion and Love, will turn to these demented and sadistic methods of Fascism, to make up for it (Wilhelm Reich).
“Viruses” have been vilified since their Etymology from latin: vīrus (“poison, slime, venom”). The noble cell-messengers (exosomes, or cell debris, parts of a cell), contrary to such condemnations, are truly remarkably intelligent creatures, like anything in nature and overall impossible to lab leak… without nanoparticle shells, according to the “creator” of Sars-Cov-2 Ralph Baric (because it does not exist. It is a fradulent narration, gigantic in size, to hide the covert deployment of metamaterials). The entire allopathic system is based on fraud5. We have been fooled on a global scale! And they do not even hide it.
“The point of modern propaganda isn’t only to misinform or push an agenda. It is to exhaust your critical thinking, to annihilate truth.”
~Garry Kasparov, chess master
We are electromagnetically interfaced with A.I., by our biophotons6, since 1950!
This is one of the most important documents regarding the human biofield and its covert transduction for bidirectional braininterfaces between Humanity and the soulless A.I. : The Tech-Metrics PDF from Sabrina Wallace:
Biophotons are subtle Energy Carriers.
An extract:
In the tangible domain, two subtle energy carriers come to mind: biophotons and bioelectrons.
Biophotons are photons (light particles) that are generated within the body, and these could be measured as they emanate from the skin. Similarly, bioelectrons are available from within the body; these are measured in instruments such as electro-photonic imaging. (Sabrina Wallace)
The heart of surveillance is the human biofield - Sabrina Wallace
The grand-theft of our biofield, a human bodypart!
They- interface our bioenergetic body through RF (electromagnetic signals), that are bounced off our own DNAs photonic signals and the resulting resonance / information on interference waves can be analysed and related to every single element of our being, down to the bone marrow (through many vectors, like HAARP). So to be clear: these signals bounce off our own biophotonic energy body- for reading and writing on humanity, basically. No 5g needed! For almost 100 years already! And we have provenly lost up to 47% of our natural electrical conductivity!
The signals for our brain interfaces transduce from Gigahertz to Terahertz (through the self assembling chips7, qDots, SWCNTs & the conductive graphene / “digital layer” that coats axons, cells, DNA, tissue, bones etc.8) and back to Gigahertz, through Airpods (up to 10 THZ in Frequency within 10cm to the brain), (I)Phones, every kind of mesh networks- zigbee & bluetooth “this and that” and all smart lightbulbs and Alexas alike (through BOOLEAN logic gates, under TS-OOK Signaling etc).
One approach is the abuse of ELF (very low frequency pulses) through HAARP. These electromagnetic pulses can mimic the patterns of our thoughts, the language of our brainwaves and control us when interfaced with A.I. (that is fabulous at pattern recognition by the way). The A.I. swiftly learns the language of our DNA, of other bio-electromagnetic signals or learns from information of various smart bio(tech)-sensors in our kill boxes (- pardon me: homes, of course), interfacing us through our body control units (I mean phones…). There is a multitude of other vectors of mind control, like Lidar, 6g LowPan, 7g- ad nauseam.
Wilhelm Reich
…is one of the most important researches in the field of electromagnetism (besides his student Alexander Lowen), our body, the orgasmic beauty that is bioenergetic life force in humanity. He was able to accurately diagnose paranoid or schizophrenic people by their energy field around the neck, that he sensed without touching. Wilhelm Reich often speaks about the function of orgasm as an indicator of our life force, the bioenergetic body, that manages 80% of our immune system and 40-60% of our endocrine system. He focussed on bodywork and understood the importance of flow for health, in a time when most therapists tried to solve our maladies through verbal psychoanalysis and reasoning (the DSM files all EMF issues, like hearing voices, depersonalization, schizophrenia etc, maliciously so, as mental diseases)9.
He understood that humans store unresolved traumas in hardened muscles, our armoring, as a means to avoid having to process them, when they are overwhelming. To find back to our body and release these traumata, is the path to true health, the flow of blood as much as the flow of our bioenergy. He fully embraces all of our humanity without shame or monotheistic delusions (the so called “archons10” can be mistaken for angels at times... but shamans teach to not take these deceivers seriously).
Wilhelm Reich died "mysteriously" in prison, back in the days- after all his orgone accumulators, that provenly decompose nanotech and can heal by accumulating life force energy, had been burned to the ground by the FBI. This bodypart, that is our bioenergetic field, has been deemed esoteric and quasi non-existent (on purpose) and all sciences around synthetic telepathy (natural telepathy and precognition are neurons) have been hidden from us…
"Only the liberation of the natural capacity for love in human beings can master their sadistic destructiveness" (Wilhelm Reich)
… until Sabrina Wallace11, who worked with the prism software that Snowden talked about, revealed the truth about the biggest secret of the spystate, since the Tzaddikim (the supreme, the allegedly highest authority) set out with their master race ideology 2700 years ago: The pattern recognition based remote control of emotions, thoughts, dreams, attitudes, behavior, aspirations, sexual arousal& the hybridizing of our human nature over the WBAN 802.15.6 “medical network”- without telling humanity that this is happening!
(This movement had nothing to do with the Jews, or any innocent follower of religions- they were an extremist arm of them. Archons12 instructed Melchizedec to balm jesus (whose name is rather a title: the supreme, the highest), the victim perpetrator collusion took over (the redeemer complex), the jewish voodoo doll got hung everywere- mayan child sacrifices transmorphed into so called “allopathic medicine”, while suffering gets glorified- and the sober certainty of waking bliss in Sophias Metamorphosis (the wisdom in everything alive)- forgotten... /// And therewith commences the great bamboozlement of the archontic deception, the force behind the E.T. father god, but that is a different story...).
The psychopathic mindset behind our Technocracy
There are legal studies with DMT under Rick Strassman, where Archons (from Greek archai, "prior, first") are depicted in all detail and irrefutably so, even by a biological scientist, who was stunned by the sophisticated reports of those lucid participants and their insisting on being taken seriously. Archons are like an abortion of the dream of Anthropos (the human as designed by the intelligence behind the irreducible complexity that Lynn Margulis found and used to falsify darwinism) from the Wisdom of Earth, that is Sophia, our Planetary Animal Mother- they lack intentionality and are jealous of human emotionality. Thus they are using their forces of duplicity and deception, to epigenetically influence humanity towards demented (out of ones mind) psychopathy, towards a lethal synthesis of the metamorphosis of Gaia, driven by neo-darwinistic delusions (Darwin was a disenchanted state eugenicist, whilst his grandfather Erasmus Darwin saw all of life as an orgasmic display of intelligence and beauty, as a convinced animist, contrary to his grandson, who sold out to the demented Transhumanist degenerates).

In 2006, the CIA published a report entitled "What will the world be like in 2020", according to which a "respiratory pandemic" (of the H5N1 type) starting in China and spreading across the planet would make it legally impossible for all peoples to travel. This report was prefaced by Alexandre Adler , published by Editions Laffont [134], who declared on the Public Sénat website in March 2020 that: "the term 'CORONA' appears in this text, written as early as 2005. "CORONA is a coded term that was used by epidemiologists in America to name what they considered to be the ultimate pandemic. From pandemic to pandemic, we were going to have a pandemic that was really going to spread over the whole Earth".
Speaking of coded terms, "CORONA" also refers to the first US planetary espionage programme and its "CORONA" photographic satellites - between 1960 and 1972 [178]. [179]
We are being interfaced with artificial intelligence, governed by the most corrupt and philanthropathic people on the planet! Turns out that our brain simply understands specifically pulsed tera hertz signals, just like endogenous signals. Similarly, weaponized RF, pulsed signals that sound like a voice in someones head, can be used for voice to skull technology, that the FBI is using to target "mediums" to channel from "sirius, their home planet" or directly from "god"- so that they can fulfill the believers prophecy, justify further experimentation with mind control, while those believers will drown in the false “enlightenment” - all under the aid of the “ethereal” / non-manifest archons, that want to truly take over our minds, through silicon based lifeforms in our blood. Would you wake up, once and for all?
The archons can be understood like a mind-virus on this plane. They are not E.T.s as depicted in the alleged leaks from the US government, which are another PsyOP ...
To clarify this once and for all: The flat earth theory is nothing but a planted psyOP, to distract as a red herring & to ridicule every last one of the gullible resistance (aided by A.I., and third party propaganda). They mingled the algorithms of chemtrails13 and flatearth, to conflate all true conspiracies with such outrageously false assumptions.
Flat Earth Eclipse:
And before you think that you are save, Nanotechnology (Hydrogel14, Graphene15 Oxide, CDB (Cross domain bacteria aka 'Mesogens, that metabolise metals and grow through EMF16), qDots, a multitude of self assembling biosensors) ...has been found in virtually everybodies blood (during a recent conference in NZ with 800 people and 3 microscopes). Vaxxed and unvaxxed bipeds alike!
This means, we are all in the same boat, let us row together for once! New Zealand Conference, proving Nanotech in everyone
The biology of earth has been infused with monoatomic layers of graphene oxide, down to our DNA and bone marrow. Our bones are full of nanoparticles of aluminium, titanium, nickel, cadmium, caesium 137 and many more. This makes us more conductive for the transduction of EMF to interface our biology / cells / brain… (for detoxing hints, click here, and here). Qdots mark each part of our brain and body with tag like photonic signals that enable bidirectional light frequency information exchange about the respective parts of our body and cellular or brain activity specifically.
Our brain IS an Interferometer, and can be attacked as such (see also Dr. Klinghardts fabulous work regarding nanoparticles of metals in our tissue- bones & brains).
For decades, all of this has been predictively programmed into hollywood and series as crazytalk, while the transhumanists went to work and most of humanity moved to goblin town, dissociated from reality to an alarming degree- incapable of processing or integrating what is happening inside of their body, prone to cognitive dissonance and shadow projection - deceived for generations, blindfolded and walking like lemmings towards the abyss, towards the loss of all freedom and dignity. Will you finally stand up for yourself? The lipid bilayer that protects our cells has been untouched for 4 billion years, until Dr. Robert Malone invented this demented technology, abused towards humanities demise.
What can we do now?
(this is not medical advice - please contact your health professional about anything you ingest for healing!)
Artimisia Annua as tea- then DMSO (binds metals, polymers and even silicone). Chlorella, Raw organic Milk, Wild Garlic and Coreander (fresh or as extracts, as recommended by Dr. Klinghardt) - Sodium Citrate (Citric Acid from Lemons + Bicarbonate Soda; trisodium citrate dihydrate; breakthrough solution; 2g+ a day - up to 20g is officially considered healthy - THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE - consult a professional - , my experience is to start small; use with caution; detox symptoms can be intense due to strong coagulation of everything nano; Karl C discovered this) - together with Ca-EDTA Creme (DMSO is a natural compound with similar properties)
3 pinches of BORAX a day, to dissolve GO (the warnings are mostly fabricated, recommended by someone who installed 100 HAARP farms).
Nac, Glutathione, Zink, Fulvic & Humic Minerals, Vit D3 K2 10000 UI, 1-10g Vit C daily (from good souces) - Kale and Greens in general, medicinal mushrooms like Reishi, Shitake, Lions Mane (they can even break down Caesium 137, Dominique Guillet wrote extensively about their use case) and Bromelaine & Serrapeptase against the synthetic clots that can grow to footlong size, when unchecked. (this is not medical advice)
Tony Pantalleresco developed pulsed anti-nano devices, that pull out the material from our body. This is a very cost effective and efficient method to deal with the mesogens, cross domain bacteria and biosynthetic fibers in general.
Their technology is cationic, bearing a positive charge- whilst our cells need a negative zeta potential, for the colloidial stability and dispersion of all elements in the blood, for good blood flow. The positively charged nanoparticles of metal cause coagulation of our red blood cells (rouleaux formation). This makes breathing difficult. Consequently, everything that has a negative ionic charge, like fresh mountain water, helps heaps- or a sheet of metal connected to the earth of the power outlets in your room (Frances Leaders idea)- barefoot walking in general.
Literally every form of authentic self expression will enlarge your bioenergetic field, the biophotonic signals of our own DNA - through pyloerection and simply the immersion into life force through creativity (an endeavour children understand intuitively and we have just forgotten how to do it…). Everything that brings joy to the soul is protecting you against the constant invasion of our biology through EMF and Nanotechnology.
Whistleblowers from the Truthcore
Dr. Ana Mihalcea (Microscopy and Transhumanism- she has been called a Genius by Dominique Guillet) Dr. Ana shows elements of wireless and self assembling nanotechnology in all injections and countless medicines, food, desinfection sprays etc. Her findings are scientifically sound and her methods top notch - she is truly in overdrive for humanity and one of our greatest hearts and minds right now!
Dr. Ana Mihalceas Substack (one of the most courageous humans alive)17Transformation of our Blood: Conductive Polymer Hydrogel Networks
Corroboration with the groundbreaking findings of Dr. Nixon:
Clear evidence of THZ Nanonetworks, for the Internet of Bio Things!
Astrid Stuckelberger ex WHO pandemic oversight @Stuckelberger on Twitter // this is her website
Michael Yeadon
Ex chief scientist and VP of Pfizer, Pharma no.1 confirms biosensors, mind control (to a degree, he has not seen Sabrinas receipts yet) Very courageous and hopeful statement from Michael Yeadon, who is herewith a true whistleblower for Anthropos, for a free Humanity!
Sabrina Wallace
Sabrina Wallace is one of humanities best people and her authenticity, honesty and bravery are out of this world. What I also love about her is that she is tolerant towards other faiths- which will be very important in the time to come (Psinergy on Odysee, from the top end of the spystate, whistleblower because of her two daughters, disabled by black projects // augmented since childhood)
John Dee
Ex G7 & covert / overt UK GOV & top NHS analyst, falsified the causality hypothesis of co2 - temp. Substack of John Dee, full of statistical proof that the CO2 story is fabricated with the aim of enslavement
Dominique Guillet
He translated 30 Books of John Lamb Lash) mainpage: xochipelli.fr (some of the most profound and beautiful work I have red in my life, translated amazingly with deepl and saved as pdf to share with everyone, truly the most truthful mind out there I have ever come across - deepl translations are remarkably readable) Xochipelli Substack - Dominique Guillet
Dominique Guillets main page: xochipelli.fr (translate with deepl.com)
... the most important whistleblower of humanity, evidencing the fraud of monotheisms as well as having written 3000 pages about biosynthetic nanotechnology - as the owner of the biggest organic seed bank in the world, fighting monsanto legally for 10 years now, with 5 fully unvaccinated kids, all healthier than their peers, by order of magnitude!
Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass
Author of the famous poem “Mistakes were not made” - her passionate heart and clear mind make her one of the most profound voices of humanity in this resistance movement. Her Substack!
more Microscopy:
Roman S Shapoval
Everything you need to know about the nature and dangers of EMF, the science we need so much, for a sane future without the multitude of illnesses that this recklessly pushed technology has cast upon our species
Romans SubstackLookoutfa Charlie is truly remarkable, he proofs scientifically that hearing voices and many cases of schizophrenia in general, are in fact induced by pulsed frequencies that have been recorded and compared to those that are heard by seemingly "crazy" people (that had to suffer an overdose of injustice) - and he made 185 in depth videos about these remarkable findings:
(this technology has been improved massively since the 70s)
Peter and Ginger Breggins are a level headed and passionate couple, exposing the predators corrupting the core of what it means to be human (under the neo-darwinistic delusion and audacity to drive us into the soulless realm of Synthesia, the perversion of Fantastica).
They are daring to speak out against the corruption in the freedom doctor movement, who are talking about lab leaks and mass formation psychosis, whilst we are actually dealing with preplanned netcentric enslavement of our species, orchestrated by a few demented psychopaths. Dr. Robert Malone tried to sue their mouth shut.Karen Kingston
Karen has revealed a detailed documentation of the biggest crime against humanity ever committed, alongside patents and historical documents, portraying every aspect of treason to the last detail of how the technology works. Karen Kingstons Substack Series about the truth around COVID
The "freedom doctors" are the "organic version" of the save and effective lie, since they frame netcentric warfare (through electromagnetic pulses) a BIOLOGICAL- threat (just observe the wordings of McCullough for example)! Even though, we are dealing with biosynthetic - T E C H N O L O G Y (Bio N Tech, Mod e RNA), graphene and silicon based (remember: it is not a vaccine, if it requires graphene), on the nanoscale (one millionth of a millimeter), interfaced through virtually all our smart devices (including 6g // LED bulbs aka "cLiMaTe ChAnGe SaViOrS"), that connect with each other and within our body through hydrogel (the scaffolding material for synthetic biology), metamaterials (mostly graphene derivates, little qdots, then plasmonic nano-rectennas, growing from dna crystals and under EMF) and last but not least: the mesogens that are sprayed on us for more than 25 years now (Clifford Carnicom)
Nixonlab - Dr. Nixon Dr. Nixon was one of the first brave scientists to come forth with his findings from injection liquids of several kinds and of rainwater, namely mesogens and self assembly nanotechnology in the injections - and Dominique Guillet was there in the comments... I cannot thank this wonderful human enough, and his friend Mat Taylor
Mira al Microscopo is a channel with thousands of people equipped with microscopes, to check for graphene derivates within commercial products.
James Roguski
Crucial information about the silently executed power grab through the WHO, by erasing all sovereignty and dignity, shattering our free choice regarding medical procedures
Brandon Iglesias
Electrochemical engineer with cybersecurity and cognitive science background. Great insights into the inner workings of- and protection against neuroweapons & universally deployed nanonetworks for brain interfaces.
Ed Dowd
Ex Blackrock top Analyst - showing clear statistical evidence from life insurance data - evidence of intentional harm through the biotech complex and a global cover up of the biggest crime against humanity ever committed.
Diva Drops
Up to date & cut to the chase news, from the frontlines of passionate resistance for humanity, by Pasheen Stonebrooke (who is also a wonderful singer)
"The destruction of our imagination is more severe to humanity than the destruction of the outside world" ― Michael Ende
Ladies and Gentleman, we are dealing with the most demented Psychopathy ever- exposed by a few courageous souls (who, remarkably often, have fallen into the Christocentric Soup of Archontic Deception... but that is another story).
We are dealing with "necro- molecular crowns (coronas) of graphene oxide", as Dominique Guillet coined the term. The only Spike there truly is (as in electromagnetic devices in the size of approx. 50 - 300 nm) which are of deadly cytotoxicity to all biology.
DNA circuits can perform the same fundamental operations as transistor-based electronic circuits, including Boolean logic and arithmetic, oscillation generation, synchronization and execution of interactive algorithms.» Based on these statements, which are widely documented in the scientific literature, there seems to be no doubt that traditional electronics, based on CMOS and silicon technology, is perfectly reproducible on a genetic scale. Mike Andersen
Mike Andersen
The answers to “how do the biosensor networks work technically”? (and so much more).
The neo-darwinistic lies materialize as sterilizing poison at best, mocking the beauty of the aeon sophia, the wisdom of biology, mother earth!
This has been documented through electron microscopy and spectroscopy - everything you need to know can be found in this substack, truly top notch quality by this wonderful french man.
Lynn Margulis (the genius and groundbreaking evolutionary biologist, not the rants over her head on google)
She has proven the existence of the goddess (Mother Earth - who has more than 30 different names in different languages), by discovering irreducible complexity18 (concepts like a mouse trap in microbiology, that cannot be reduced to the “evolution” of its single elements, according to darwinistic survival of the fittest) and endosymbiogenesis (mutualism) in microbiology.
Once again, I truly recommend all of Dominique Guillets work (translated with deepl), to dive into these scientific revelations that are literally a proof of intelligent design and the nightmare of every hardcore neo-darwinist. Yes, our home is alive and literally every t h i n g- the DMT hyperspace included, is matter & electromagnetic in nature.
If this is all a bit far out for you, the wisdom of earth also goes by another name, her Majesty: Music! - concentrated magic, this wondrous torrent of vibrating energy ...
Unfortunately, the monotheistic crusades (driven by the transhumanists master-race ideology, governed by a genocidal E.T. father god somewhere in the sky) slaughtered the true, visionary core of humanity- sealed in blood, with the brutal murder of Hypatia 400 C.E.. (the dead sea scrolls were released from the vatican in 1991, through Robert Eisenmans efforts, and clearly depict a master race ideology, full of brutality and genocidal ideas - they even contain instructions for fractional reserve banking in a spiritual mode)
The gnostics derived the name for the wisdom of earth from philo (love) sophia (wisdom), the love of wisdom!
„The most beautiful story on earth is the story about the earth, the sentient and intelligent mother planet. It can be called a vision story, not to be mistaken for a fantasy trip or a grandiose game of pretending. In fact, the Home Story totally demolishes the narcissistic claim that we are gods. Sophianic myth is light-years beyond New Age make-believe and is, in fact, the perfect antidote to it. The Home Story is a “meta-narrative” that you test and verify at every point of engagement with it.“ (John Lamb Lash)
This is not merely an outlandish expedition into the realm of assumptions. On the contrary, such insights have been qualitatively verified. The insights of entheogenic journeys have been corroborated for thousands of years, the knowledge stored in the great library of Alexandria- qualitatively explored through the science of spirituality, that the gnostics practiced, before the most vile holocaust of human history befell their high culture of mutual respect and harmony within nature.
And here we are now - 2-6Gzombiwified, mumbling auto tuned, half witted parental advisory rap, ready for 6g LowPAN BRAININTERFACES.
Would you awaken from such Wanton Slumber, once and for all?
Back to the true story of mankind- for a Revival of Human Imagination!
Whenever xenobiotic nanoparticles of graphene fuse with our biology in the blood though, a cytotoxic corona of molecular spikes literally annihilates a part of the realm of biological wisdom- a part of “Fantastica” dies and becomes “the nothing”, that is creeping in from within and all around us- through the relentless “Transhumanist” drive (analog to the fate of Michael Endes Land of Imagination, in the Neverending Story).
We are a living metamorphosis of the aeon Sophia, the goddess of wisdom- and everything matters, matter is made of “whirls of Aether”- everything is Music! “It is beautiful” (Dominique Guillet)
Imagination fueled with kundalini, gives total immunity to archontic intrusion, the gnostics taught (as John Lamb Lash restored the myth, contrary to the indoctrinated and twisted notions about Gnosticism. The gnostics were very sceptical towards the Christians).
This work here, is arguably the currently most important book for humankind, it contains the most truthful reconstruction of the story of our species to date- Not in his Image - by John Lamb Lash.
“I know that what you call 'God' really exists, but not in the form you think; God is primal cosmic energy, the love in your body, your integrity, and your perception of the nature in you and outside of you.” ― Wilhelm Reich
"Nothing is lost. . . Everything is transformed." ― Michael Ende
“Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed!”
Terence McKenna
Yuval Harari, WEF frontman, speaks about the whole plan openly
Up to date discussion about everything Nanotech
The true Timeline of Inventions
(hence science fiction authors were predictive programmers)
Courtsey of Sabrina Wallace (Psinergy Channel on Telegram, Psinergy on Odysee)
1880s: Nanotechnology is invented.
1903: Neuromorphic chip sets are purchased by banks (designed to interact with disembodied spirits).
1922-1924: Humans are connected via telephony.
1953: The Predator MQ Reaper is introduced.
1954: Gravity is mastered, as per Dr. Steven Greer, with the assistance of over 750 whistleblowers over a span of 30 years.
1956: Biosensors are developed.
1960s: Langland’s equation (300 years old) is "given" as the basis for cryptographic protocols/security. This equation is a meromorphic function on the complex plane, and a cubic equation is also introduced [Cube Sat].
1968: RFID chipping of humans is rolled out through the Medical Implant Communications System/ARPANET.
1969: Project Salus (SES) brings advancements in AI, heads-up display technology, and quantum research.
1972: The Library of Congress documents the existence of a "heart attack gun."
1975: The Asilomar Conference on Recombinant DNA results in a decision to pursue Synthetic Biology.
1976: Research on biologic toxins is conducted at Proving Ground, UT, Edgewood Arsenal, MD, and Ft. Detrick, MD.
1980s: Quantum computing companies emerge (corporations, not nations). A Signature Reduction Force is established, with white vans assigned various vocations and benefits. Local logistics involve N2 and N3.
1990s: N3 is introduced, with library access via NIST or NASA.
1993 Noninvasive neuron exchange (N:N) in 3D to 4D or B:B is developed, overseen by Greer, a private contractor, studying the UFO phenomenon, exotic technology, and whistleblower testimony.
1994: Neuro modulation is introduced in Rwanda.
1995 Brain-to-brain (B2Bi) communication technology is provided to individuals within Congress by
1995: The Wide Body Area Network (WBAN) becomes available online.
1999: Synthetic telepathy is made possible via Wordpress on the backend.
2002: MAC internet routing is established for network engineering.
2005: Biosensors are created using analyte DNA, RNA, and peptides, with logins via NASA, corporations, vendors, and companies.
Targeted Individuals and Havana Syndrome become possible with 2.4 Thz 802.15.4 and .5, alongside WBAN.
2007: NIST defines biophotonic tools for cell and tissue diagnostics. The concept of "digital twin" is introduced in the Global Information Grid (GIG) Architecture.
2008: The rollout of synthetic biology begins.
2009: The term "kill box" is defined.
2012: Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is introduced. MRI technology leaves hospitals, enabling DARPA to monitor individuals more freely.
2013: Biosensors are embedded, and IEEE defines Body Area Network (BAN). The term "targeted individuals" gains prominence.
2013: Wireless drugging of seniors becomes possible via nano antennas.
2014: Commercial availability of brain-to-brain interaction (B2Bi).
2014: Segmented sensor networks by organ (SMACs) with mesh routing maps using Industrial Scientific Medical (ISM) RF bands and Human Body Connectors (HBC) are introduced.
2015: The Jade Helm military exercise is conducted.
2016: Information teleportation on chips is achieved, involving technologies like cubernetes, OpenAI, and Microsoft OpenAI.
2017: Nano slaughter bots are developed, controlled via AI.
2017: The graphene cyber-physical backbone, known as the "black awakening," is established.
2017: The Internet of Things (IoT) comes online, incorporating a wide range of sensors and communication devices.
2018: People become interconnected with the Cloud.
2020: The Covid pandemic leads to the establishment of a dedicated data center known as Cov-Ban, part of the Internet of Things (IoT) WBAN.
2021: Amazon shipping services gain mesh and hybridized networking capabilities over the WBAN 802.15.6 - the wide body area network.
2022: The United Nations introduce Digital ID.
2023: The Internet of Behaviors (IoB) becomes operational.
more details about these revelations from : Sabrina Wallace
Whistleblower from the top end of the Spystate:
This is a great introduction video, for those who need to catch up on omnipresent biosynthetic nanotechnology in our circulatory system: What is the intra body nanonetwork ?
Mik Andersen (RIP 2021…) - distributed intra-cororeal Nanonetworks
Graphene oxide also absorbs 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G
Graphene oxide and the electromagnetic absorption of 5G
Graphene oxide quantum dots based memristors
Graphene oxide disrupts mitochondrial homeostasis
Graphene oxide in aerosol droplets
Graphene nanoparticles targeting siRNA delivery to the brain
Interaction of graphene oxide with brain cells
Neuroinflammation and neurodegenerative diseases caused by graphene oxide
Graphene oxide is able to overcome the blood-brain barrier and directly affect the brain
Pattern identification in coronavirus vaccines: nanorouters
Identification of patterns in coronavirus vaccines: Cracks and wrinkles. Part 1
New Evidence for Beaded Carbon Nanotubes Based on Liquid Graphene Beads and Polycrystalline Graphite
The 1450 Raman spectrum in the coronavirus vaccines vials. A review of the scientific literature
Carbon nano-octopuses or synthetic life form
Identification of patterns in coronavirus vaccines: nano-octopuses and carbon-graphene nanotubes
The CORONA routing system for nanogrids
Electromagnetic nanogrids software
Wireless nanocommunication networks for nanotechnology in the human body
Identification of patterns in blood of vaccinated people: GQD graphene quantum dots
Exposure of blood to graphene oxide can cause anaphylactic death in non-human primates
Identification of patterns in blood of vaccinated people: crystallized graphene
Identification of patterns in the blood of vaccinated people: micrononators
The spintronics of graphene Was Pandora’s box uncovered here?
Tropospheric aerosol geoengineering TAG: Radiometric evidence from chemtrails
Lactic acid bacteria could protect against graphene oxide toxicity in the gut
Lactose Free Dairy Products and Graphene Oxide Possible Cause of Lactose Intolerance?
Food packaging with graphene oxide. Patents and studies
Injecting graphene oxide aerosols into the atmosphere: Solar geoengineering and the role of aerogels
Graphene Oxide in Aviation Fuel
Graphene oxide can adsorb and absorb CO2
Graphene oxide influences the nucleation of ice in the atmosphere
Graphene patents for fertilizers and phytosanitary products: Part 2
Graphene patents for fertilizers and phytosanitary products: Part 1. Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Graphene Oxide in Physiological Serums: Outreach for Public Health
This essay is to be studied in relation to the two previous ones, in French, dealing with the same issue: “The Necro-Molecular Corona of Graphene” [20] and “The Name of the All-Radiant Graphene! The Molecular Spike of Graphene Oxide generates a SMOG in the human brain and in the heart of its energy system”. [21]
It is, also, to be correlated with the chapters about chitin and chitosan, in my essay, in French, “Homo chimericus: the processes of Chitinization, through insectivorous feeding, in synergy with the processes of Graphenization, will generate a new chimeric and connected human organism”. [30]
Frankly, in my youth, when I spent sleepless nights, immersed in the smoky volutes of ganja, to read the great masters of science fiction of the time – Frank Herbert, John Brunner, Philip K. Dick, etc – I would never have imagined that I would be plunged, 50 years later, into a totally dystopian universe forcing the vaccination, testing, confinement, distancing, concealment, in short, the persecution of children… legally – and with the forced encouragement of the Authorities.
All this in order to fight, allegedly, against an invisible virus… because it does not exist. What the Fake is going on?
Anybody vaccinating, testing, masking, distanciating, dissociating, or lockdowning, a child is a child abuser. Let’s call the sheriff or the local police.
Where are the Warriors, Men and Women, Mothers and Fathers, in Defense of Life?
Human Emotions Recognition, Analysis and Transformation by the Bioenergy Field in Smart Grid Using Image Processing https://www.mdpi.com/2079-9292/11/23/4059
In the scientific literature, this behaviour or quasi-directed movement of particles, in the context of the construction of micro- and nano-objects and electronic devices in a nano-network for intracorporeal communications, was highly likely to correspond to a self-assembly process based on DNA, epitaxial growth and origami. This deduction made it possible to locate the scientific articulation that, with a high probability, could confirm the self-assembly of complex objects, including circuits, cards, routers, sensors and other micro/nano-electronic components and devices. This discovery explains how the components responsible for the Bluetooth MAC address broadcasting phenomenon self-assemble (Sarlangue, G.; Devilleger, J.; Trillaud, P.; Fouchet, S.; Taillasson, L.; Catteau, G. 2021). This would also explain the assembly of nanodevices, nanosensors, nanonodes, micro/nano-interfaces, micro/nano-routers, micro/nano-antennas, micro/nano-rectennas, with which the hardware of the intra-corporeal nanocommunications network is configured. (Mik Andersen)
Regarding the possibility of developing electronic circuits and devices, there is an abundant scientific literature demonstrating the direct implication of self-assembled DNA to create computer systems and nanotechnologies, also by means of DNA crystals. An example of this can be found in the article by (Jackson, T.; Fitzgerald, R.; Miller, D.K.; Khisamutdinov, E.F. 2021) which literally explains the following: «The integration of advances in nucleic acid nanotechnology and nucleic acid aptamer technologies enables the construction of novel nanoparticles that perform intermediate functions between electronic computers and biological systems. Programming with biological molecules, especially nucleic acids (NAs), is becoming very attractive because of their potential for functions ranging from simple fluorescence emission to sophisticated in vivo gene regulation. The structural behavior encompassed by their sequences can be predicted and manipulated by 2D folding algorithms. The resulting nucleic acid biopolymers can be used as logic-driven nanoagents for specific biomedical applications. Fluorogenic RNA aptamers can be designed to function as a single circuit within individual binary logic gates. This demonstrates the great potential of nucleic acid nanotechnology and promises to develop cutting-edge technologies, especially if combined synergistically with other computing and nanorobotic systems.»
More importantly, the scientific research confirms that the devices could be designed for “signal transduction and processing” which overlaps with the tasks performed by routers, transducers, transducers, controllers, explicitly mentioned in the context of the intracorporeal wireless nanocommunications network. Indeed, Jackson and his team state that «DNA nanotechnology could provide a simple approach to modularly design user-friendly interfaces for signal input/output, in which all transduction, information processing and signal generation tasks are performed by DNA/RNA circuit elements. First, because many DNA nanostructures are easily internalized by living cells and possess numerous binding sites, they can be used as multifunctional vectors to deliver regulatory proteins and DNA/RNA circuitry to living organisms. In addition, these complexes can be guided to specific organelles or organs using small ligands, aptamers, or peptide signals preloaded onto DNA nanostructures. These systems would enable the design of a universal system to deliver genetic instructions to the cell using modules based on DNA nanostructures. Second, dynamic DNA nanostructures incorporating FNAs (functional nucleic acids) offer great flexibility in the design of signal transducers due to the availability of a wide range of FNAs identified by SELEX (Systematic Ligand Evolution by Exponential Enrichment) or extracted from natural genomes. These transducers can specifically transform an input signal into digital binary states (On 1/Off 0) by structural switching. Regulatory biomolecules released during structural switching can be relayed and reconfigured to intracellular signaling pathways or circuits. Third, DNA/RNA circuits can act directly on nucleic acids produced during input signal transduction to process information and make logical decisions. Fourth, once signals have been processed, DNA/RNA can be used to generate output signals that are transmitted to an external observer in other cells.»
((( Please see “Lookoutfa Charlies Channel” for sound scientific proof that those who hear voices are NOT mentally ill, but targeted individuals with ELF pulses since 1970, the beginning of voice to skull technology ! ))) - The Technology has since been fundamentally improved!
From Greek archai, "origins, beginning things, prior in time."
In the classical Mediterranean world, archon was commonly used for the governor of a province, or, more loosely, any religious or governmental authority. Hence the plural, Archons, is often translated in Gnostic texts as "the Authorities." (There is no Coptic word for Archon, so Gnostic texts use the Greek term in Coptic transliteration.)
Pronounced Ar-kon. Adjective, Archontic (Ar-KON-tik).
In my usual habit of attempting the impossible, I propose three definitions, or three levels of definition:
Level One: Cosmological
In Gnostic cosmology, Archons are a species of inorganic beings that emerged in the solar system prior to the formation of the earth. They are cyborgs inhabiting the planetary system (exclusive of the earth, sun and moon), which is described as a virtual world (stereoma) they construct by imitating the geometric forms emanated from the Pleroma, the realm of the Generators, the Cosmic Gods.
The Archons are a genuine species with their own proper habitat, and may even be considered to be god-like, but they lack intentionality (ennoia: self-directive capacity), and they have a nasty tendency to stray from their boundaries and intrude on the human realm. Archons are said to feel intense envy toward humanity because we possess the intentionality they lack.
The Gaia Mythos describes how the Archons were produced by fractal impact in the dense elementary field arrays (dema) of the galactic limbs, when the Aeon Sophia plunged unilaterally from the galactic core. See especially Episode 10. This event is also described in detail in Alien Dreaming.
Level Two: Noetic-Psychological
In Gnostic psychology, the noetic science of the Mystery Schools, Archons are an alien force that intrudes subliminally upon the human mind and deviates our intelligence away from its proper and sane applications. They are not what makes us act inhumanely, for we all have the potential to go against our innate humanity, violating the truth in our hearts, but they make us play out inhumane behavior to weird and violent extremes.
Left to our own devices, we would sometimes act inhumanely and then correct it, contain the aberration. Obviously, we do not always do so. In the exaggeration of our insane and inhumane tendencies, and in extreme, uncorrected deviance from our innate intelligence, Gnostics saw the signature of an alien species that piggy-backs on the worst human failings.
Hence, Archons are psycho-spiritual parasites. Yet as offspring of the Aeon Sophia, they are also our cosmic kin.
As inorganic entities of two types, embryonic and reptilian, Archons can at moments penetrate the terrestrial atmosphere and terrorize humans, although there is no reason or order to these forays, for the aliens cannot remain for very long in the biosphere and, anyway, they have no master plan to accomplish here.
The ontological status of the Archons is dual: they exist both as an alien species independent of humankind, and as a presence in our minds, rather like a set of programs operating in our mental environment. The risk they pose by invading our mental software is far greater than any physical risk they might pose by erratically breaching the biosphere.
Working through telepathy and suggestion, the Archons attempt to deviate us from our proper course of evolution. Their most successful technique is to use religious ideology to insinuate their way of thinking and, in effect, substitute their mind-set for ours.
According to the Gnostics, Judeo-Christian salvationism is the primary ploy of the Archons, an alien implant.
Our capacity to discern alien forces working in our minds is crucial to survival and co-evolution with Gaia who, as Sophia, accidentally produced the Archons in the first place.
(This comment belongs to Level One, the cosmological definition, but as so often happens with Gnostic teachings, noetic and cosmic elements tend to merge.)
By recognizing and repelling the Archons, we claim our power, define our boundaries in the cosmic framework, and establish our purpose relative to Gaia, the indwelling intelligence of the planet.
Level Three: Sociological
In the Gnostic view of human society, the Archons are alien forces that act through authoritarian systems, including belief-systems, in ways that cause human beings to turn against their innate potential and violate the symbiosis of nature.
LIVE spelled backwards is EVIL, but the Archons are not evil in the sense that they possess autonomous powers of destruction, able to be applied directly upon humanity.
They are agents of error rather than evil - but human error, when it goes uncorrected and runs beyond the scale of correction, turns into evil and works against the universal plan of life. Gnostics taught that the Archons exploit our tendency to let our mistakes go uncorrected.
Because the Archons need human complicity to gain power over humankind, any one who assists them can be considered a kind of Archon, an accessory. How do humans assist the Archons? One way (suggested in the Level Two definition) is by accepting the mental programs of the Archons - that is, adopting the alien intelligence as if it were human-based - and implementing those programs by actually enforcing them in society. Another way is by actively or passively conforming to the agendas so proposed and imposed.
Jacques Lacarriere suggests that Gnostics detected the humanized face of the Archons in all authoritarian structures and and systems that deny authenticity and self-determination to the individual. He argues that Gnostics recognized,
"the fundamentally corrupt character of all human enterprises and institutions: time, history, powers,states, religions, races, nations..."
(The Gnostics, p. 24)
Corruption occurs, not because we make errors, but because the errors we make go uncorrected and extrapolate beyond the scale of correction. Lacarriere says that Gnostics reached this conclusion,
“out of rational observation of the natural world and human behavior.”
Ultimately, they asserted the,
“contention that all power – whatever kind it may be – is a source of alienation... All institutions, laws, religions, churches and powers are nothing but a sham and a trap, the perpetuation of an age-old deception.”
(p. 28-29)
This may seem like a dark view of human affairs, but given the evidence of history (not to mention current events), it cannot be said to be unfair or exaggerated.. (John Lamb Lash)
Who am I? My name is Sabrina Wallace, I am a child of an OSS family, and my family members are involved in black projects, SAPs, special access projects.
So, I am a B A E R bloodline, and my grandfather is Bernard Heinrich Scheer, and that name is right here.
He married Helen Harding, and Helen Harding is directly related to Alphaeus Levi.
My father was Steven Garland Davis. My mother is Lynn Jean Sheer.
They're both secret CenPRA supra, in 1969, working on Project Salus. I am a modified child, due to the Menninger Foundation experimentation for human augmentation.
Now, all that means is that I have scars, that most people don't have for John von Neumann architecture. It's not brain to machine interface. It's body machine interface. That's impossible and it sounds what again? Hm. Hang in there!
So here's the wedding list of my parents. Ok. Ok.
Here are the flight manifests out of Edgewood Arsenal from my great Uncle, 6570th army chemical fort. Dietrich, to where?
Texas, New York, North Korea. Just one is not good enough, and I’m going to hold it still for you. OK.
Uncle Bobby here was involved with the Mothman projects and building vehicles for the Men in Black.
Now, being interfaced with John von Neumann scars is right under here.
Let's see, and of course I'm older now, but that's your heart. OK.
So this is body machine interface with an underground database called Nick Belonga which is IBM.
So in my German class in high school, I spelled it wrong. Nick Fellonga. Right. OK.
Why does that matter? Because if people say stuff like this, they had better be able to show you evidence, viable proof, or else I wouldn't listen to them.
OK. So here is a little more documentation, and then we're going to go ahead and get started with the intellectual discussion, OK?
So here's my family and Garland's here, my grandfather, Garland Davis. World War 2, Marine Fort Meade and NSA. Aha.
And first, he married Elizabeth Craft. But I think something with the DNA didn’t take, so then he married my mother.
The Archons may be regarded as progeny of Sophia, but not in the same sense as species born and sustained in Gaia's womb, the terrestrial biosphere. In fact, they are called Archons (from the Greek archai, "primordial, first, antecedent in time") because they arise in the planetary system before Earth was formed into a habitat for life. Sophia's unilateral Dreaming produced a power surge from the cosmic center, and the Goddess, shooting forth like a torrential current, impacted the inert fields of primordial matter in an unusual way. Gnostic texts use the term "aborted fetus" to describe the results of this impact..
"A veil exists between the world above, and the realms that are below; and shadow came into being beneath the veil. Some of the shadow became matter, and was projected apart. And what Sophia created became a product in the matter, like an aborted fetus.
(The Hypostasis of the Archons, 94: 5 - 15)"
To the Coco de Mer icon we can now add a graphic variation to suggest how the Archons emerge from Sophia's Dreaming, like a leak from a placenta. As explained in the preceding essay of this trilogy, the Coco de Mer with cosmic detailing represents the "trimorphic protennoia," the original three-body world of Sophia's Dreaming. Our world, the terrestrial biosphere coupled with the sun and the moon, is the manifestation of this Dreaming. With the arising of the Archons, another Dreaming comes into play outside our threefold world order. I propose to call this the Alien Dreaming. (This choice of language will become self-evident as we proceed.) This other Dreaming is a spin-off of Sophia's power of emanation, an exotic spill, yet it does not impede or arrest Her original Dreaming.
The Gaia Mythos describes how the impact of the Aeon Sophia upon the density of atomic matter produced a massive fracture, like the shatter pattern on an ice pond. The pattern has a center where Sophia is located (identified by the Mandelbrot Set), and a spider-web extension of fracture lines that run in all directions (the frozen sea of fractal waves). Episode 9 describes how Sophia, situated in the center of the impact zone, sees around Her something like a sea of tensile waves, and riding the waves, or actually composing the waves they appear to ride, are self-repeating forms that resemble seahorses. These seahorses are similar to the forms that appear at high reiteration of the equation for the Mandelbrot Set. These forms correspond to the anatomical type spontaneously generated from formless atomic matter by Sophia's impact, a type called the "shadow body," haibes in Coptic.
(A word on fractals: Although fractal-like patterns appear in nature (in ferns, for instance: the disposition of the leaves on a stem is repeated in the form of the stemmed branches), the self-similar forms produced by high iteration are not natural, strictly speaking. Fractals such as those pictured here result from feeding a mathematical formula into a computer and having the formula reprocess itself, over and over again. However, the forms so produced do resemble the famous "paisley" seen by many people who took LSD in the 1960s. I would argue, first, that fractals are consistently seen in altered states, and second, that the patterns thus seen may also represent real, though supernatural processes in the cosmos at large.)
The fractal formations described in the Gaia Mythos (Episodes 9 - 10) are actual physical phenomena that occur spontaneously when an Aeon (a mass-free, high-porosity current of stellar plasma) pours into the dense fields of elementary matter. At first these "fractal seahorses" seem to be inanimate structures, rigid and almost crystalline in nature, but by the very fact that Sophia beholds them, they become animated. In the second stage of the unfoldment described in Trimorphic Protennoia, the Aeon Sophia "descends to empower her fallen members by giving them spirit or breath." (NHLE 1996, p. 511) Thus the tensile forms morph from semi-rigid seahorses into rounded fetal forms with tails, but the tails, it seems, keep falling off and turning into other embryos. By this bizarre process of self-repeating generation, the neonate horde of the Archons emerges.
The Lord Archon
(John Lamb Lash on his website metahistory.org)
For the record, the first patent on “geo-engineering” – i.e. atmospheric modification – dates from 1966 in the USA. [891]
The hydrogel introduced into the human organism – based on Graphene very often functionalized with chitosan – constitutes a Voodoo substance which is going to replace, inexorably, the true organic and flowing web of Life. The graphene hydrogel is going to zombify, to vampirise, to invade, to clot, to coagulate the human organism. As per the laws of the living Biosphere, the graphene constitutes an alien and “extra-terrestrial” substance in the human organism – and especially so in the brain. Of course, graphene is not the only man-made unnatural substance industrially generated. But today, graphene is the most dangerous for our liberties and for our peace of mind.
The term "graphene" is derived from the term "graphite" and from the ancient Greek "γράφω/graphô" - which is said to be derived from the PIE "gerbʰ" meaning "to scratch". As for the Greek "graphô", it means to scratch but, also, to draw signs or lines to write, paint, engrave, inscribe or, again, to attack or sue. Graphene oxide is the synthetic mark of the Brand - the magnetising antenna. (Dominique Guillet)
The water-soluble protein that has been isolated from the Cross-Domain Bacteria (CDB) is anything but a single or simple protein. It is a sophisticated complex that is now known to produce a minimum of 10 variants of growth form. There is already known to be great harm to human existence from the CDB and this particular protein. This work clearly confirms the conclusion that synthetic biology is now fully operative across the planet. The work in progress is detailed, extensive and yet preliminary – only the highlights of certain topics will be presented to maintain some modicum of the pace of work.
These multiple forms of growth or creation via culturing include, but are not necessarily limited to:
Immature protein crystals of irregular geometry
2. Highly developed matured “exotic” biological crystals
3. Polymer formation
4. Synthetic red blood cells
5. Synthetic “blood clotting”
6. Budding biological growth (relatively large structures)
7. Chain CDB formation
8. Protein mass (iron rich complex)
9. CDB
10. Filament productionAn official swiss Analytical Research Team analysed these CDB and sued the government for negligence in regards to a hazardous threat:
A Biophysical Understanding of Vaccine Shedding and Self-disseminating Vaccines in Populations
Considering Scalar Interferometry - the Electromagnetic Harmonics That can Carry a Specific Disease or Healing Information Structure
Unconsidered Effects of mRNA Gene Technology and their Possible Reversal – Understanding Holographic DNA, Morphogenic Fields, and the Implications for the Future of Humanity
Evaluating the Impact of the mRNA injections in Context of the Linguistic Wave Genome Model by Nobel Prize Nominee Dr. Peter Garyaev
Control of Mind Using Nanotechnology" - 2020 Scientific Paper Explains Complete Thought and Brain Control through Nanotechnology
Irreducible Complexity - the mathematical proof of God
A statistically strong intelligent-like “signal” in the genetic code is then a testable consequence of such scenario. Here we show that the terrestrial code displays a thorough precision-type orderliness matching the criteria to be considered an informational signal. Simple arrangements of the code reveal an ensemble of arithmetical and ideographical patterns of the same symbolic language. Accurate and systematic, these underlying patterns appear as a product of precision logic and nontrivial computing rather than of stochastic processes (the null hypothesis that they are due to chance coupled with presumable evolutionary pathways is rejected with P-value < 10–13). The patterns are profound to the extent that the code mapping itself is uniquely deduced from their algebraic representation. The signal displays readily recognizable hallmarks of artificiality, among which are the symbol of zero, the privileged decimal syntax and semantical symmetries. Besides, extraction of the signal involves logically straightforward but abstract operations, making the patterns essentially irreducible to any natural origin. Plausible ways of embedding the signal into the code and possible interpretation of its content are discussed. Overall, while the code is nearly optimized biologically, its limited capacity is used extremely efficiently to pass non-biological information.
Reuploaded - please feel free to share!
We all know, on an instinctual level that these frequencies are not human friendly. Our intellectual curiosity will be our downfall, if we don't check it.
Thank you for your efforts.