So a massive 500 billion dollar A.I. transformation bill has been initiated, swarms of the most vile talking heads for the transhumanist delusion are out and about- and the A.I. driven telemedicine is now presented as the holy grail, to overcome the scorned swamps of old, except for the massive backlash for such anticipated treachery and a mud bath in the same very swamp…. on the second day in office- for our orange hero1 (Ian Carroll is close to the truth- does recommend Malone here though, who is a gaslighting talking head, subduing the revelations of the metamaterials and EMF interfacing over the WBAN 802.15.6 “for our health”).
We have not only been born into the encroaching global surveillance crib of the wealthy and so called “greedy” (even though greed does not lead to wealth, it is inbred and inhumane psychopathy- since the rules punish all genuine expressions of compassion and favour ripping off creation itself) - we have been scammed and messed with, down to the fabric of our very being, biologically and energetically (presented as progress, lies upon lies to cover up control fetish- no one said a word about the abuse of a part of the human body for signals intelligence).
Virtually every viral pandemic has been caused by the countermeasures or other covertly deployed technologies, tested on humans like labrats, worldwide, for decades and centuries, if not millenia. We are starting to figure out that allopathic medicine was a gigantic scam, but the aim was never merely Malthusian Eugenics and profiting off the sick “goyim” - it was always about the modification of our essence towards the sick notion of a fusion with soulless A.I., that sees only patterns of vibration or words, while our human experience is flooded with unutterable wonders, suffocating in this EMF pollution- pest.
A great amount of our most important issues, like the decline of insects, animals, trees - are a direct result of the poisoning of everything with conductive metamaterials and artificial electromagnetic frequencies. 60% of vaccinated people have now chronical conditions and only 1% of those who never had shots (highly significant data). Steve Kirsch confirms that “vaccines cause chronical disease”. We have been lied to about every single pandemic and it was always our body dealing with any threat and most were caused by the alleged remedy or other cover ups of demented experimentations.
Our minds are still bamboozled by the idea of the big bang and its pimps, the big bangers- serving us linear time with linear mindsets of mortifying meaninglessness - a philosophy of darkness and despair, that haunted our hearts through schoolbooks and climate lies alike, always disempowering us- or empowering to join Synthetica - the automated, autotuned realm devoid of free will and everything that makes us human.
Our work should never be just a means to an end and many of us are realising that most of our noble endeavours are already conducted by anti-human leeches and their transhumanist degeneracy. These transhumanists get excited about “heartbeat” like sounds of their supercomputers, like the lost dwarfed machine hearts that they are, “augmented” to shreds already, by the atrocities of Frankenstein-Tech and all the rest of its futuristic branding. The result is always inflammation, cell death, necrotic life, suffocating from this enormous mistake.
Something being technically feasible, doesn’t mean we should override the fine weaving of creation with all these brute and demented ideas, to conflate the direct quality of experience with the signals and artificial elements, to fuse these worlds and therewith force the rest of humanity to such augmentation, without informed consent.
The firing neurons are not the experience of emotions in our heart, there is a qualitative difference between the electrical signals and the actual experience that cannot be reduced to the electrical signal. It was Ken Wilber who pointed this out clearly in his work “Integral Psychology”- but even he got infected by the master race ideology of evolutionary progress towards the cybernetic “unification”. Those in the know, who investigated these matters in all depth throughout millenia - consider this virtualisation a mistake, like the darwinistic idea of the survival of the fittest, when Lynn Margulis found in fact collaboration and tolerance on every level of microbiology…. until the Transhumanists messed it all up, with their self assembling mesogens, an artificial fusion of the eukaryotic, archaea and bacterial dna, functioning as an antenna, growing in our blood for decades. We call them parasites, but they are technology- they were called “candida” or part of “lyme disease” - other formations of their different forms are then called yeast infection, always focussing on the biological part, never explaining what it truly is- since the deployment has always been under false flag, because it just never fuses with our biology in the way every other emergent structure does.
Most of the apocalyptic narrations stem from the unimaginative cesspool of irrelevances, devoid of soul, devoid of real life itself. They stem from the computed lair of meaningless, a vicious aching of archontic emptiness- where the wonders in contact with a living, breathing world should be.
When we are in sensitive mindsets, we can almost hear the inaudible frequencies that are artificially covering everything and overpowering the natural communication pathways of the living world, which includes plants and mushrooms, where mycelium is used for the transport of DMT, which itself is a great mystery and portal to the profound inner workings of this world and what we call conscious experience of physical reality. Because there is more than just the spectrum of reality we are used to, there is this additional depth to dreams and everything else, that psychedelics can uncover, when used in the right way- since they were also part of ceremonial gatherings of at least 90% of all cultures in this world (according to Aldous Huxley in the perennial philosophy). There is a double taboo on these substances, as Dominique Guillet brilliantly pointed out.
The greatest error of the transhumanist drive is the disregard of the immediate experience as an essential part of reasonable decision making in this world.
Without feeling a sense of meaning or purpose, what is life worth living for?
An A.l. could never feel the lack of meaning like a human heart can and a copy of frequencies is not a transfer of immediate experience itself- there is a qualitative mystery to the awareness of an observer, that cannot be reduced to signals alone and when missing, could weave a future that is soulless and meaningless.
The real pollution comes from “nanodust” and screaming EM signals in the sky, synthetically covering the invisible space, that just should not be polluted by such artificiality- without any balance to the mayhem it causes (blamed on “manmade” “climate change”).
The light of the anthropos is spread through the experience of our awareness of this world. Nothing in our bodies acts truly like a computer, even cells are alive and collaborating with a cell-type of consciousness, as Lynn Margulis points out.
Here is to all the brave souls who realised, every one in their own way- why we cannot accept this takeover of the machine, why our souls must rebel against the atrocities of such outrageous ignorance that is culminating in the twisted notion, that the imprint of signals would equal the real experience, that happens during the awareness of the moment. An A.I. trained on the internet is seeing a duplication of reality, where a vast amount of transmitted beauty is lost in this kind of virtualisation of the living experience- a loss of the actual feelings, that are awareness- the witnessing of life and the capacity for awe and to simply being able to perceive beauty and communicate that experience and feel understood. This is what it means to be alive and there is purpose in the exploration of our nature in this world.
When we tackle the enemies of lifes rule, there will be a momentum for a great recovery, to a degree of bringing remedy for the human soul back into this world… in the form of tearing down this sick internet of everything, because of the colossal damages to all biology, that have been viscously ignored for decades, covered up in a way that blame the victims of the meaningless invasion of modern life into our own spaces. If people knew what you can see here and through the revelations and materials of whistleblowers around the world, we’d be outraged, demanding fundamental change- let us work together towards this clarity, before the dunning shadows of the machine come any closer to our inner spark, that shall flame the world again with exploration and creativity, real world exchanges of real world people. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea to have your supplies being spread out in the local communities. We meet people out and about and this is how we are supposed to live - and this is why we fight.
The future is offline! (link to a great video by “A perfect circle”)
Stargate, a Remote to Reality
‘STAR-GATE, the Rat's Cage Gate, is also, in reverse,
‘RAT'S-ETAG, Electronic Rat's Tag
i.e. an ‘Electro-magnetic number for Rats’.
‘STAR-GATE' is also, in reverse, “RAT'S-ETAG” - Electronic Rat's Tag. Not a ‘Stargate’ but, rather, an ‘Electro-magnetic Rat's ID’. An electromagnetic tag that serves as a health, vaccination, national, police, driving and carbon-free identity card. Not forgetting an identity card for the ‘Web’ - a poetic name for the Cybernetic Cage which would suggest, to the most naive, a potential for network mutualism.
‘STAR-GATE’, the new Eldorado of artificial non-Intelligence and Universal Simulation, is an immense Archontic Gulag - at the service of the Banksters and their health, financial, ecological and technocratic dictatorship.
‘STAR-GATE’ is a gigantic theatrical orchestration led by a born magician, the ultimate JOKER/TRUMP of the Globalist and Eugenicist Mafia - without father or mother, without fatherland or motherland, without faith or law, in the image of their venerated clone, Melchizedec - who sense that their game of Poker with the Peoples is bordering on double or nothing... in this age of “viral” transparency.
‘STAR-GATE’ is the Door to the Rat Cage - a sort of labyrinth, described as “virtual” or “digital” - from which the Rats NEVER leave.
‘STAR-GATE’ is an electro-magnetic spider's web from which the Rats, so graphenised, are NEVER getting out. Dominique Guillet (translated from french)
… and don’t forget, zero point energy is real2, learn about the anti gravity resonance of the bumblebees wing! Bill Gates responds to Kennedies claim, in his book, that he killed millions of children Bill Gates speaks about a 3h dinner with Donald Trump and was apparently surprised at his praise for his ideas.
Look at how they are winding themselves in their gaslighting lies :
They are saying the research would be in early stages, but Dr. Barrie Trower assures us that all dangers of RF were known 1962 and RF have been weaponised a long time before that, as Sabrina Wallace points out clearly. So do not let them gaslight you anymore, by now you should be developing the intuition needed to discern, for your own survival!
I hope if They ever do get that ghastly ai, it reads My short story and learns from it.
Endia (short story):
Beautiful writing! Touches the HUMAN soul which is actually "untouchable" against the dark forces. We have just been mentally convinced otherwise from birth. It is our responsibility to cut thru the false narratives. Your work assists humanity in this regard. Thank you for the video link from Perfect Circle! I suggest viewing it. Says so much:-) Thank you!!!