Lucifer (the Bringer of Light) is the oldest name for Gaia-Sophia
Welcome to a world of (doublespeak) inversions! Sophia, from Philo (Love) Sophie (Wisdom)- the Love of Wisdom - The Wisdom of Nature
Welcome to a world of (doublespeak) inversions!
Lucifer (the Bringer of Light) is in fact the oldest name of Gaia-Sophia (Mother Earth — with about 30 names in different languages).
We were intimately connected to her and now this connection has been brutally severed, during the biggest holocaust in human history, against the true gnostics (not the fabricated christocentric lies, that were written into the history books or turned into hollywood movies).
The true gnostics, the lovers of wisdom- were not considering this realm hell or mere illusion.
On the contrary, orgasmic beauty was found in everything alive. Moreover, they were warning of “HAL”, the virtual reality takeover, that later got its backbone from IBM (the following letters of each respective letter in the alphabet).
Satanism was invented by the perpetrators. They “enriched” it with their shadow projection of dominance, duplicity and deception, through “evil” imagery, to make us shun “the material” and they made sure that spiritual adventurers are lured into christocentric master race ideologies, to prepare the biodigital conversion, based on xenobiotic, silicon life and eventually the singularity with artificial intelligence.1.
Matter does not exist. There are no particles, only toroidal fields or energetic resonance. Yet we should condemn “organic life” and reach for the dualistic “spiritual”, while everything is frequency- it allegedly has to be “overcome” (through endless cognitive dissonance and victim perpetrator collusions, the redeemer complex of the abrahamic religions and many new age abbreviation of these) whilst everything is frequency, everything is Music! Everything matters and even the hyperspace realm, accessible through DMT, is composed of measurable frequencies that “they” abuse for Domination.
Authenticity is the highest measurable frequency vibration in humans, according to those who measured it at Ratheon.
Jehova 2("Yaldabaoth") - is the Lord of the Archons.
”Vaccine” is a cover-word for a “cyber physical backbone” with metamaterials, totally cytotoxic and sterilizing (Pasteur the Impostor).
The “forbidden fruits” are the entheogens, that connect us to spirit.
The “World Health Organisation” is acting like a World Holocaust Organisation! “Safe and Effective”
666 originates from hexagonal carbon, it is the base of our life - 6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons.
The whole Story of Evolutionary Darwinism3 has been disproven by Endosymbiosis and Irreducible Complexity through Lynn Margulis
The Theft of a Literal Body Part (the “AURA” // bioenergetic field) has been gaslit towards us, for at least 80 Years. They4 steal it, by bouncing signals off of it, leeching our electrical conductivity further with metamaterials in our blood (…self assembly biosensors- for 30 years already).
They do this to analyse the interference structure of the wave that bounces back and therewith interface us down to the bone marrow, by our biophotons, through electromagnetic pulses from the ELF range to Tera Hertz. Welcome to Transhumanism. So this body part is now a “demon field” (Karen Kingston) or simply “nonexistent” / “look the other way”.
the antisemites are america and the transhumanists behind them, who bombed most semitic countries- namely Syria, Lebanon, Irak, Iran and some african countries … but if you speak up against their master race ideology, you are being labelled antisemitic, due to the intentional conflation of antisemitism with anti-zionism, a genius move to suffocate any movement against truly demented zionism in the public mind
Every noble cause for something true and beautiful has been abused and perverted, because Psychopathy knows no boundaries.
Your cellphone is called a body control unit, your house a “kill box” ! (Sabrina Wallce)
We have been forcefully alienated from Nature. We are being subconsciously conditioned at every corner (like considering the prana of plants, CO2, a “pOlLutAnT”7 - we need MORE CO2, not less, for the coming mini ice age)- in this beautiful existence, so seemingly deprived of deeper meaning…
The gnostic myth has been persecuted heavily, more than any other myth in human history8. The Gnostics have been haunted with utmost and fanatic vigor, so intensely, that one might raise the question as to why such a strenuous Holocaust was inflicted upon such a peaceful high culture?
The Gnostics have been misrepresented as some irrelevant, hedonistic and pagan lot, a degenerated and feasting mob in the forest, talking about Earth as some sort of Hell- but nothing could be further from the truth. The Gnostics were a high culture that cherished the orgasmic beauty that lies in nature, they valued our flesh and spirit as parts of this wonderful journey of being alive, without biophobic rules and depravity. They taught about the mystery of the metamorphosis of our planetary animal mother and our special role in this time of correction, either with or without us, meaning our survival is currently at stake. The gnostics teach about our origin in the Pleroma, the Orion constellation. They practiced scientific introspection into our true nature under the aid of entheogens. They have never commited intra-species predation, which is unique to humanity under the control of demented psychopaths. The Gnostics considered gnosis, the way of knowing, in fact as an alternative to religion. They were very sceptical towards the Christians.
Eventually, Hypathia, the last of the high priestesses of the Gnostics, was brutally murdered by Christians, 400 C.E.. This event marked the end of an Era for them, while the Abrahamic religions and their genocidal master race ideologies swept over Europa like a dark shadow of deceit ever since.
“I wish to express, moreover, that the Social Evil that Dieudonné denounces, with so much brilliance and humor, has its source in the Taboo of Zion that he invokes. The child, in the cradle, crucified three months later, the Bloody One at all the crossroads of France and Europe, the hundreds of millions of crosses in all the cemeteries... constitute a criminal pollution of the natural or domesticated spaces by the Human being - not to mention a lethal contamination of his psyche - but they represent, above all and fundamentally, the permanent crucifixion of the Immortal Child, of Humanity, of the Anthropos. The Cross of the Taboo of Zion symbolizes vaccinations, mutilations, exactions, food and pharmaceutical poisoning, incessant wars, in short, the extermination of a large part of human beings. For whose benefit? What is the history and the intention of the promoters of monotheistic religions, based on the sacrifice of the Immortal Child?”
Dominique Guillet
The Reconstruction of the History of our Species
„The most beautiful story on earth is the story about the earth, the sentient and intelligent mother planet. It can be called a vision story, not to be mistaken for a fantasy trip or a grandiose game of pretending. In fact, the Home Story totally demolishes the narcissistic claim that we are gods. Sophianic myth is light-years beyond New Age make-believe and is, in fact, the perfect antidote to it. The Home Story is a “meta-narrative” that you test and verify at every point of engagement with it.“
“I do not believe that to be religious in the best, authentic sense-
a man has to destroy his love life and mummify his body and soul.”
Wilhelm Reich
Rip wide open, the suffocating and blood drenched blanket of silence…
Hold reciprocal Creativity and Integrity with humans against the disease of isolation-entertainment Entropia, the “Nothing”, the soulless and archontic intrusion!
Syntropy over Entropy!
There is no realisation more beautiful than knowing what you live and would die for- this liberation of our true nature, that has been suppressed for more than two milennia (2700 years)- under the heavy burden of lies so twisted, that our minds rational faculties succumb to their wickedness, before we even realise what is actually happening right in front of our eyes!
“We have to terminate the enemies of life” (John Lamb Lash).
Love grows with Attention - anything blooms, when we put our minds and hearts to it- and we give it all away to the brain interfacing scavenger machines called “phones” in our hands (and appropriate metamaterials in the blood), the shiny metal-Apple™ of duplicity and A.I. on their back, that, in its original deception, is meant to be the forbidden psychedelic fruit - the mushroom and cactus, ayahuasca, the vine of the dead and a multitude of other entheogens …
We traded in such wonders of introspection, the collective ceremonies, for a sterile screen-world of duplicity, the computer games and movies, predictively programming irrelevances into our souls fabric, the world we are living in, Sophias metamorphosis.
They lied about a literal bodypart of ours, the bioenergetic field!
We are a species with amnesia, under the control of demented and clinically psychopathic Transhumanists (who could not be further from humanism in the first place). Metamaterials have been overtly (under alleged usecases as adjuvants, growth stimulants etc.) & covertly distributed, for a cyber physical backbone, to route data through out body, to log in to us and change a multitude of electromagnetical “settings”, like feelings and thoughts.
“This is next level dystopia, to add to the Jumanji level thousand fuckery” (Anonymous)
“You think it’s all science fiction, you are meant to watch movies or play games until you die - such is their design- (…) such is the nightmare we are all living - while you are pretending you are not in it, so you can be in your bubble delusion.” (Sabrina Wallace)
Would you awaken from such Wanton Slumber ?
Our denial protects us from this crucial realisation - so we end up in a huge dilemma, where our fear of Fear prevents us from opening our eyes to the reality of a global crime so vast and all encompassing, that it is way past Paranoia, since we are truly dealing with it in reality and not in some fear induced fantasy of mental-disease ridden humanoids. We are dealing with the biggest crime in human history and at the same time, with the most precious chance to defeat this master race ideology of the Tzaddikim, for the first time in 2700 years, collectively, where we will stand up for mutualism, for tolerance and understanding. The monumental undertaking of Transhumanism is close to a global collapse and this is our chance as humanity to stand up for a different vision, a world where we give our life energy to each other again. We have to globally control the nanotech sector as hard as nuclear and tear down the wireless brain interfacing endeavour with the towers of doom and base our technologies on safe and healthy ways to use A.I. for good in the end. We need a world, where we remember our potential, our imagination and hold it against the seals of grey, the dead and sterile contracts of old and this dead end machine culture. We have to create a parallel and decentralised structure now, trust each other again and invest in the most valuable of all currencies: human relationships!
…Such sober certainty of waking bliss.
John Milton
“We do not possess imagination enough-
to sense what we are missing.”
―Jean Toomer
She brings pleromic radiance, plasmic radiance- the organic light, to the natural world. And she brings enlightenment to the human mind, when human animals encounter her using that elastic method of questioning. (John Lamb Lash)
Alias Jehovah
The leader of the Archons is also called the Lord of the Archons. He is also sometimes given the strange name Yaldabaoth. Scholars cannot agree on the meaning and origin of this name. According to one translation, it means "the child who crosses space". According to another, it means "the leader of the horde" (Jarl Egil Fossum. The Name of God and the Angel of the Lord. Pages 332/336). The name thus seems to suggest allusions to both types of Archon. In the Old Testament, the name yhwh seba'ot, Yahweh Sebaoth, is used 276 times to designate the title of the paternal god. (Dictionnary of Deities and Demons in the Bible, page 155). Gershom Sholem, a preeminent scholar of the Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism, explained the name Ialdabaoth as "a compound between the Aramaic active participle yaled (to beget) and the name Abaoth, which represents an abbreviated form of the name Sabaoth. Thus, 'Ialdabaoth means he who begets Sabaoth'". (Nathaniel Deutsch, The Gnostic Imagination, page 55). And there are half a dozen other interpretations.
It is likely that the name Ialdabaoth is simply a variant of the name Jehovah, the father god of the Hebrews. The Gnostics identified Jehovah with the Lord of the Archons and rejected the Old Testament and the whole Judaic plan of redemption as a subterfuge of the Archons. It therefore makes sense that they used the very term used by the Jews to denounce the true nature of the Jewish deity.
When knowledge was at stake that they considered essential to human survival and to humanity's co-evolution with Sophia, the Gnostics could be very confrontational and care nothing for those they might offend. Their intransigent and sometimes even contemptuous attitude, combined with their inability to foresee the intensity of physical violence unleashed by their questioning of Judeo-Christian beliefs, undoubtedly fuelled the vicious fanaticism that destroyed the Mysteries.
The magnification of the fractal engendering of the Archons presents a graphic image that seems to correspond to the scenario described by the Gnostic seers. The embryonic type, or foetal Archon, is clearly defined, as is another entity, the reptilian Archon with its greedy jaw and long spermic tail. This "arrogant beast" seems to prey on the entrails of the embryonic type. Just where the embryonic Archon would have a nourishing umbilical cord, the reptilians invade. The foetal Archon remains passive, apparently sucking its finger or thumb.
Something strange is happening in the lower part of the foetal body because its hippocampal tail is precariously attached to the trunk. The embryonic type remains absorbed in itself but reacts to the aggression of the archontic type by abandoning its tail, as frightened reptiles do. One wonders whether the dissociated tail will metamorphose into another foetal type or into another reptilian type. The reptilian form does seem to be repeated fractally in the caudal structure of the embryonic type, as if the dissociated tail were becoming an independent entity, rather than another embryo.
The element of fear is very present in the behaviour of the Archons and in their influence on humanity. In the Old Testament, fear of God is seen as one of the most basic manifestations of religious experience. The possibility that human fear is a kind of food for certain invading alien species has been widely raised in the ET/UFO debate. The Second Treatise of the Great Seth states that the Archons' agenda is "fear and slavery". The Archons want to keep humanity "under the pressure of fear and worry". Other passages warn that the Archons use fear as a psychological weapon.
Another striking detail reveals that the reptilian type appears to be holding a sphere in its jaws, reminiscent of the mythical image of a serpent offering the forbidden fruit: thus, the Serpent in the Garden of Hyperborea with a golden apple in its mouth. Does the embryonic Archon eat this round fruit? The Gnostics had their own version of what really happened in the Garden of Eden and of the events in which the Archons were deeply involved, and it is perhaps not surprising to detect hints of the Paradise scenario at this primary stage of cosmic activity.
This whole process of fractal generation of the Archons is imaginary, but it is not imaginary, i.e. it is not a pure and simple creation of our mind. Recreating what the Gnostic initiates observed calls for a sober use of the imagination, not an escape into an illusory world. Non-ordinary reason is needed to describe what is happening here, but the scenario that unfolds is entirely reasonable and coherent according to its own criteria. (Dominique Guillet - The Enigma of the Archons) copyright free
The Yahweist vision of History is, therefore, very far from the one that Erasmus Darwin proposed of the Biosphere in which he perceived a gigantic and permanent Gaian orgasm. Erasmus Darwin was an animist scientific genius and the grandfather of Charles Darwin. The latter failed, miserably, the Gaian genes of his grandfather when he invented his new Religion of Evolution by random, improbable and random selections and mutations - without hurrying, over hundreds of millions and over billions of years. The fabricated universe of the Darwinists, and of the Neo-Darwinists, is populated by an infinite, and infinitesimally improbable, myriad of miraculous biological Big Bangs on which they infinitely stumble - for lack of ancestors, for lack of intermediary fossils and, above all, for infinite lack of linear time.
And these are, literally, Explosions of Life - Cambrian Explosion, Turtle Explosion, Angiosperm Explosion, Trilobite Explosion, Syrinx Explosion, etc. - which are miraculous but in the sense of Emergence and Sophianic Animism.
Neo-Darwinist Evolution, because of its inescapable Necessity, has been sacrificed on the Cross of Random Mutations (spades and spades and colegrams) since the dawn of Time - for which it has an inexhaustible thirst. Neo-Darwinist Evolution has a great appetite for Time: it brews hundreds of millions of years like the Stock Exchange brews hundreds of millions of dollars - in a virtual mode.
Due to the Innate and Ineluctable Necessity of Evolution - Charles Darwin enthroned, thus, his "Ideology of Selection", non participative, by invoking of the Capricious , Rare, Improbable, Selecting and Transforming Chance .
But today, just as the Temple of the Mother of the Son of Yaldabaoth burned down in Paris, the Temple of Neo-Darwinism is in the midst of a de-selection combustion under the impact of an overdose of regenerative oxygen emanating from the scientific sphere in the midst of turbulence and mutations - generated by a very powerful Gaian cyclone of Atmospheric Correction.
The Astor Bloodline
The Bundy Bloodline
The Collins Bloodline
The DuPont Bloodline
The Freeman Bloodline
The Kennedy Bloodline
The Li Bloodline
The Onassis Bloodline
The Reynolds Bloodline
The Rockefeller Bloodline
The Rothschild Bloodline
The Russell Bloodline
The Van Duyn Bloodline
Pineal Calcification, Melatonin Production, Aging, Associated Health Consequences and Rejuvenation of the Pineal Gland
Fluoride-Free Diet Stimulates Pineal Growth in Aged Male Rats
See John Dees statistically sound falsification of the CO2 to TEMP causality hypothesis.John Dee is an ex G7 UK GoV statistician, for covert and overt projects & the NHS.
Well done, and quite "enlightening." The puzzle pieces of a fractured reality gather like leaves in the wind, anxious to take shape, an awakening gathers.
Your writing is Fantastic!
Thank you for posting this information.
I have read JLL Not in His Image and will be reading it many more times.
There is so much more for me to learn.
I also joined Nemata. Thank you for your work! On The Menhir 26th of Sept. JLL posted a video link
Perhaps this should be added.
From Dr. Ana...
Now we have more religious experts and PhD's on the Dead Sea Scrolls and
Nag Hammadi library......follow the $$$$ !!
As JLL quotes
"WEF=World Ectoplastic Fungus of Techno Transhumanism Led by the Archontic Jaba the Hut Klaus Schwab"
I look forward to reading more of your work.
Thank You!