Progressive Reality Music /// VERITAS ::: For all the victims of the biggest crime in human history! Dedicated to Margaret Anna Alice for the title & all those who show fortitude in the face of adversity.
16.Feb 2025 - Voice clarity update // 3 dots for mp3 download // You can go to the transcript, select a section and make audiograms with text visuals and download option!
For all the victims of the biggest crime against humanity in history!
May their souls rest in peace.
Composition, Playing and Recording by Bufus Alvarius from Telestai Nexus
(John O’Looney - main speaker, then Sabrina Wallace)
And may we terminate the enemies of life! (John Lamb Lash)
“There is a monstrous conspiracy. There’s nothing theoretical about it.
You may well go to your grave believing this isn’t true.
There was no new respiratory illness. No public health emergency. No such thing as covid. No useful diagnostic tests. No increase in illness or deaths anywhere before the fraudulent declaration of a “pandemic” by WHO. They’re not fortune tellers.
This event was long planned. There’s clear evidence of 25 years of rehearsals for a non-existent event.
Pandemics don’t happen because they cannot happen. Acute respiratory illnesses are not contagious. This class of illness was selected as the terror weapon because people develop them so frequently that it’s easy to persuade them that the “caught” their disease, when this is not how they work at all.
Every institution was captured, complicit or silenced.
The pulse of deaths was caused by deliberately inappropriate medical procedures in hospitals and care homes.
The fear was carefully calibrated to force compliance with policies destructive of the economic and social wellbeing of the entire West.
Importantly, the fear of contagion, which was a known lie, was used to push through absurd “measures”, restricting the freedoms of billions, the claimed rush to market of intentionally toxic injections masquerading as helpful preventatives & coercion of over five billion people to accept said injections.
Meanwhile, other central lies especially “global warming” were also weaponised & are as we speak being used as the excuse to collapse all the economies of Europe.
Whether you believe any of this, please do not sign up for any novel digital ID. This is to be used in the near future as the ultimate control system, which is the aim of all of this conspiracy.
The people running this operation consider all of us as “useless eaters”, with all the implications you might reasonably anticipate flow from such disregard of others lives”
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